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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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In ancient times manlets had to resort to lying, cheating, stealing food, and raping in order to procreate and survive. This led to an extreme instinctual hatred for short men that survives to this day. It is in our very DNA to hate manlets.
The lottery system is fake and used by mossad to make front payments. Did you know Jeffrey Epstein "won" an $80 million Powerball jackpot in Oklahoma? Look up "Zorro Trust Epstein Powerball".
Manlets as u call them or

shell shock. Illegal aliens, post traumatic stress
Words can hide the truth.

Only the usa really cares. Go to russia manlets are the chads
Also.mexico is all manlet

Its really just women putting men down.

Most wome would marry a manlet if.he has a house
ok but what does that have to do with height being the most important thing?

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>What about my relatives who took it??
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It was
describe (someone or something) in a particular way.
"the book portrayed him as a self-serving careerist"
That got me confused.
>every commercial for fucking boner pills comes with 10 seconds of side effects may include...
>astrozeneca says hey yeah, the vaccines also may have side effects too like everything else
May God help us all. Good luck anons.
No problem, man, I just want you to succeed. :)
Cheers :)

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Is poland a real country?
Like serious question. I know I get 100s of polaks but hurt and in denial
>Herp derp muh after WW1 Muh strong

However seriously is it even a real country?
It disappeared from the map multiple times and changes places like a lot and it does not even look to be in the same region.

My theory is that poland did not exist before WW1.

There was a old polish Lithuanian commonwealth who got destroyed and then all these people got assimilated.
Sure there where some crazies who assembled together some street trash talk and insisted they are these magic polish people however these where a small minority of people the rest spoke German or Russian.

Then after Germany lost WW1 the League of Nations basically made up poland by taking the crazy minority who where obsessed over being le polish people and made a government who then forced this made up language on the Germans and Russian living in this region.
After 100 years no one really remembers since the people who where forced to speak this language are long dead and unable to tell their story.

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>And Poles are not Orthodox o
Yet there is a Orthodox population in poland....

>and remained cathol
Why exactly? Try to answer this.
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funny how Poland makes people seethe just by existing

white0ids that are swarmed by brown people and yet still for weird reason aim their hatred towards Poles are double funny

go extinct already faggots
You are just a retard. Every nation was engaged in wars back then. Poland certainly did not have a war on the scale as the 30 years war ravage its territory. Stop being delusional.

All important factors as well. I'm just saying that the Polish territories are not well suited for the kind of industry and population density that makes a modern nation a dominant power. The areas east and west of it simply have inherent advantages in that regard.
Indeed there is no Poland. Same goes to Goymany and Dutchkikes.
The most nationalistic country and 99% polacian doesnt exist lol. Dude..

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> Tech giant Google has ended the employment of over 50 employees who were protesting the company’s cloud-services contract with the nation of Israel
> Google CEO Sundar Pichai said Google is “not a place for politics”
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The absurdity of such a claim as 'no politics at work' at a place like google with its track record is to such a degree that killing the executives and anyone involved is justified.

People with hands on such powerful levers cannot be lacking integrity to such an extreme, and be trusted at the same time to make wise or just decisions. They're a threat to everything.
Nope. They have very, very heavy internal political indoctrination. Pic related.
Thank you come again!
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Google: We don't do politics!
Also Google:
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>no place for politics

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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I got it.
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well well, look who it is. Could you imagine if the same shitty people who complained about stellar blade had demanded that 2B have a smaller butt?
They never learn....
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That's heresy.
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They did complain about 2B, my cute android was bullied by those hamplanets upset that the best android ever was attractive.

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I did everything. I was a neet, I out of that. I did everything from getting in shape to getting a gf, about to get married, I became a doctor and nothing changed. Nothing. I am as depressed as I was before. Maybe depression is actually real. Wtf is this shit. Why can't I feel happiness. Life is a lot easier, I give you that, but it's like it doesn't matter. Also its not like I got used to the new life, I wasn't happy even once throughout this whole ordeal. The only time I was happy is when I stopped studying and that was it

It's unreal its like nothing I do has any impact on my wellbeing
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>Picture of Antoninus Pius with Marcus Aurelius's quote
You fucking casual retard.
You're a doctor? lmao fucking normalfag.
That is technically impossible, when a man has High T he is never sad, empty or without a purpose
Testosterone is as important as oxygen for men, yet most people never test their T levels because of their ego or because they're afraid of being "low t" even though you can fix that, at any age.
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Anon stop to care, go outside find a bench and enjoy the sun
Drugs are based. You only hate drugs because jews told you they harm your physical health. They let you realize the scam of a life the jews impose on you. You need clarity and calm to think... Drugs give you both those things in an extreme manner so you reach conclusions they don't want the population at large to reach.

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In Europe, even the homeless dress fine, because second hand clothes belong to Europeans who have good taste.

In US I've spotted many White Americans dressed like morons in the summer. They wore short shorts, white t-shirts that looked like underwear, and Flip-flops. They looked like retards.

Who are these people? I'm guessing they are nerds or libtards.
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What's wrong with that outfit? Looks comfy. Just slip off the flops and take a dip in the lake to cool off.
Here in central Europe not everyone dresses nice but it's still mostly black & white colours. Black is elegant. In the USA it's just random colours, crocs, colorful pants/jeans (urgh) and baggy clothes.
those are women or faggots
There's a reason he hides his flag.
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Folks, the USA is the most stylish and fit country on the planet.

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What are the geopolitical consequences of Ukrainian conscripts being forced to die so that 4.5 million nogs and Arabs can steal their homes, courtesy of King Jew?

>Ukraine will have to attract an additional 4.5 million workers to the labour market over the next ten years to carry out its post-war recovery.
>The Ministry of Economy estimates that over the next ten years, Ukraine will need to attract an additional 4.5 million employees to the labour market.
>Quote: "The recovery of the labour market is not a legacy of victory but a path to victory. >As the country approaches the post-war era of society's recovery, labour needs will only grow to meet economic recovery demands," the Ministry of Economy said.
>Details: Ukraine is holding consultations with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on this issue.
>"IOM and ILO plan to continue to support the Ministry of Economy in paving the way for labour market recovery to achieve key priorities," the Ministry of Economy said.

Ukrainians get arrested on the street and dropped into the front line to die, then their home and women are given to brown colonizers imported by jews for free. This is ACTUALLY happening.
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Ukraine being a shithole is only true in an European context. It's still much better than 2/3 of the world.
They'll just lie to them. You think jeets and noggs know what an Ukraine is?
Compared to India and Africa they are.
I'm not sure whether demon posessed muslims here is worse than niggers to be honest. I know americans think they have it bad with niggers, but have they ever met a tajik? Meeting average chechen would make them love niggers.
Stop with the antisemitic question goyim!
We have at least ten formerly prosperous major metropolitan areas that are now nigger-infested zombie no go zones, Vlad. I don't think you realize how bad they really are. They're like a self-sustaining bioweapon. Baltimore is a hellhole now, and it will still be a hellhole in 200 years.

She's out of control.
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This is literally you.
lol I'm not a politician in Spain lmao
Same lifestyles and choices no?
I do not eat the poopoo, I do not take the poopoo and put it in my mouth.
He never denied being homosexual

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Serbia is going to get ass fucked (again). Fucking kek..
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>Haha le nonwhite tirdies!
>We NATO and EU are vanguards of the Huwhite Race!
Has this Natonigger psyops worked?
>NATO is SO fucking white bro, we're the master race
>meanwhile have governments that are importing millions of shitskins and turn your native population into a minority in a few generations
Tell me 1 reason that makes USA a better ally than China

And dont say freedom u literally export anti free speech laws, trump signed an executive order against free speech in europe because muh poor joos muh antisemitism oy vey so terrible

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>mfw after a long hard day not contributing to your WEF kike puppet show you call a 'society' until i get my virgin waifu
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Hookers aren't going to give men their own biological children and sex itself is nothing special. I mean, yeah, you can fuck a hooker if you need it to move on, but giving men guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy and stable jobs in order to secure esential rights that females are already enjoying is far more important.
No they don’t retard. Women are always preoccupied with either headphones in, looking down at their phones, or in a group with other friends. They make it a mission to be as least approachable as possible.
yep and your normalfag nigger cattle
are you retarded?
No need to insult me fat ass. Probably true i forgot that everything is fucked for a second
>be low IQ
>spend your entire day in front of the computer
>can't come up with a way to make money online
>although you have spent +30k hours in front of a PC
Sad, I will never understand that

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Previous >>466444093

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Yemen: Rapid: Naval forces of the #Yemeni Armed Forces targeted a British oil ship
>BREAKING: China has rejected the US request to suspend the purchase of Iranian oil
>Urgent || Reuters on US Central Command: The Houthis fired 3 anti-ship ballistic missiles at two ships in the Red Sea
>BREAKING: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced a new $6 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine. This comes after $61 + $1 billion from the other day.
>United Nations: The organization’s investigators closed the case file related to #Israeli allegations regarding UNRWA employees due to lack of evidence


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>AnsarAllah have shot down two american Mq-9 reaper drones costing somewhere from 30 to 40 million dollars a piece
Those guys always give me hope in better days. May God bless them.
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good morning fren and yep they are definitely putting in the work fren
A displaced Palestinian girl in Gaza: "I want to go back to school."
https://t.me/QudsNen/103597 4/29/24
https://files.catbox.moe/1l6e38.mp4 4/29/24
>experts say
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good morning to you too fren.
indeed they are and doing so honourably too unlike the kikes who consider babies as terrorists

Show me the food of your people.
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I'd give it a try if theres no pork, sheep bladders, or any weird organs in them. Looks hideous but might do well in taste probably
What meat is on those little crackers, my man? People keep posting food but with no explanation of what it is I'm looking at.
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This is the food of my people.
Do you just eat the garlic like an apple?

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Previous: >>466510612
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years -https://archive.today/uAMXX
>Ukrainian military denies pulling abrams off the front -https://archive.today/DtG7Y

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you dont need to believe anything since facts are just that, facts
they exist independant of your belief and can be seen by all
even by you, hence the cope
Try playing one and you'll quickly find out: they use a smorgasbord of mechanics (artificial scarcity, pay-to-play time limits, currency exchange obfuscation, rotating sales, premium rewards, gacha gambling loot drops, etc.) that all augment each other in order to get you to spend money, and there is always more money to spend since it becomes a race against the other players pissing money away on the game. It's an intricate skinner box. I'm cynical and cheap, though, so I've never spent a dime on those games even though I've played a few.
>Muh slow ass strategize
>goyslop but somehow even more goyslopier
>very think, much smort
Also fear is kind of goyslop tyat is between the run n' gun that you hate and shifting period of milsim genre, except weapons are akso pretty lame.
I like the games that are fun and it's nothing to do with pace even, fps is almost all about run n' gun by definition, unless it's about wait and camp which is by thousand times more faggy, filthy, disgraceful and Jewish. Slow first person games where you explore, doing parkour and solve puzzles is also fun, like slow rpg like Dark Messiah, but when it's comes to combat in same Dark Messiah I prefer run and burn niggers with flamethrower magic spell, subhuman magiclet meleefags and stealthttrannies will seethe, dilate and kill themselves. Horror games are also goyslop for my taste and amnesia is a fucking overrated garbage shit, at least play penumbra by same devs - actual lore is in there, actual exploration, actual atmosphere, actually solving puzzles and lots of different locations; all while in amnesia you run around shitty repetitive mansion as some pathetic slowass man-whale diabetic faggot who have heart attack whenever light turned off so he need his adrenaline shot in order to function.
I wish there been more first person adventures with literal platforming and magic shooters. Also games like this that isn't all about boring ass fire arms. https://youtu.be/MphYJP3NyWQ?si=0lJ4j5IIkZ1x7rqj
Hahahhaha Italian newspapers are just hillarious
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>Ukraine has asked the Council of Europe for a partial suspension of certain provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights "in relation to the state of war".
>According to a document published on the Council of Europe website, the request concerns articles guaranteeing the inviolability of the home, the secrecy of correspondence, non-interference in personal and family life, freedom of movement and rights to freedom of thought and expression.
>The EU, commenting on kyiv's decision to lower the bar on respect for human rights, said it was necessary to take into account the "difficult conditions" in the country, but immediately recalled its pay attention to this issue, linking it to “membership of the EU”. process and provision of macro-financial assistance.

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These people are literally going to kill White Men & rape White girls after they are done with Jews. These people want you dead. I stand with Israel.

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Well, at least they're not White supremacists, eh jews? They're progressive, diverse and highly educated.
whiteoids poke finger for every race and then make pikachu face when people migrate to their countries
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The Great New York City "Antisemitism" Hoax

>Why are people so interested what a bunch of Jew and Muslims do 10000km away?
there's your answer.
really I thought Hindis migrated cause their women worshiped Muslim cock.

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He's right you know
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Putin was pushed to the wall by the ZOG US State Department, by its cabal of Jews seeking ethnic revenge and global hegemony through US Power, in the guise of spreading democracy. Butthurt Belters excepted, I'm still shocked by the number of people on /pol who don't or don't care to understand this. If he hadn't invaded, it's not as if ZOG would have stopped at Ukraine. They would have turned it into globohomo central, loaded it with nukes aimed at Moscow and continued their regime change in Russia operations. How can motherfuckers not understand this? I'm old enough that I grew up with the actual Cold War, so I know something about fearing and hating Russia. Putin fucking did what he had to do. Do the people in charge of it (after decades of lies for manufactured wars), and horseshit cries about "he's going to roll over all of Europe" not let you understand who actually caused this thing?
>let me just blitz this country which is strong enough to be a threat sufficient such that I make my country a pariah on the world stage for the next five decades all over again
I thought we were working on the assumption that the war was rational.
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He became relevant for talking about the dangers of the Israel Lobby. That's lets one know most of what one needs to know about his detractors.
tell us the timeline of Ukraine joining NATO, had Putin not invaded. Was Ukraine going to officially give up on Crimea and "Republics" in this alternate history? Because you cannot join NATO during a territorial dispute

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>Norwegian Company Equinor and Argentinian State-owned YPF will start drilling the highly valuable Argerich I well, in ultra-deep Argentinian waters. It is expected to be one of the biggest oil reserves in the world, even eclipsing Vaca Muerta. South of the Argerich well, other basins will be explored, while the Pelotas basin in Uruguayan deep waters will also be explored.

Argentina and Uruguay will become extremely oil rich, will probably even destabilize OPEC countries under the full protection of NATO.



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That is incredibly fucked up. Not even Black African Guerilla Niggers do this.

Captcha: YSGSR
a country of disarmed bug-eating slaves who don't rebel even when the government bots welds them inside their tiny pod apartments.
Fuck China, TBE
Total Bug Extermination.
>china is useless and should be forgotten
>here is china thread number 257 today
okee dokee

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