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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2725600
Spring is in full swing! Stagger your bush bean plantings to get continuous harvests.
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I want to include greens in my diet
I figure I should have a portion of greens with every dinner
What are some vegetables which would enable me to do this from autumn to winter and spring to summer?
Btw in my area I only get a few days of frost in winter
It's some kind of cuban oregano/mexican mint.
Spinach, maybe? Salads and chard in season. I'm planting brussels for cold months too.
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Brussels need around a month more indoors, but the rest is finally ready to planting out tomorrow.
>Mid May
>Already almost a month without a single drop of rain and constant clear skies with scalding sun
It's so fucking over for my non irrigated field

Which one is the ultimate pair of boots for out?

I'm deciding between Alpina's Tundra model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19054/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-tundra-46

Or its Trapper model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19021/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-trapper-boots
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Fuck off hippie.
>gray man
the state of this board
doesnt that just mean halfway between white and black in skin tone?
>verification not required
There's one R too many in your "grayman".
Oh no, the clueless wop faggot again.

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I’ve been bouncing on a bunch of ideas on how I could live my life as I am increasingly growing tired of living in my parents house (I’m currently working minimum wage at autozone delivering car parts to different stores while I am in school for welding.) but the idea of van life seems genuinely interesting to me. I’ve also heard of people working from their vans and I am willing to do just that. I am thinking of driving out west from the mid-Atlantic with a dirt bike/adv bike in the van. How do you even get started? What vans should I look into? What are the legal steps I need to take (if any)?
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Cool it with the racism bro, you're supposed to say African-American now.
No they like being called Black now since they found out real Africans hate them lol
that's why you buy a lightweight travel trailer. vanfags usually sell the shit they build anyways, and it's built with zero real knowledge on how to do it, just youtube retards regurgitating fudd engineering. they've ruined those vehicles with jerry rigging and shit that won't last or not grow mold. car prices in general are fucked, have been since covid.
How about you just do it with whatever vehicle you already have? SUVs are great for it. If you have a truck throw on a camper shell. I did 2 years in a fucking sedan and once I dialed in the system it was quite cozy. You could car camp as well.

You'll get a feel for the lifestyle and see if its a good fit for you before dunping money into it. If you must work look for seasonal outdoor jobs in places close to public lands, preferably USFS and BLM. If you don't have public land to sleep on its pretty miserable and you are basically no different then the rest of the homeless. I got a higher paying, more conventional job and left the life mostly because it drastically reduces your dating options and winters/heat waves are hard. I still go back to my old spots sometimes fircthe nostalgia though.
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I'd start step by step.
the first Gen crv is a sick ride.
I used to have one and camped out of it a ton with a super simple bed platform in the back.

I feel like wether u need a van or not really depends on where you want to be and for how long at a time you want to do it.

I lived & wokred out of my S10 blazer together with my wife and dog for a bit more than a month last year and we didn't have a ton to complain about.

but we were in the woods of Finland with plenty of fresh water and mostly no people around.

if I were you I'd put my shit in the crv and go on a camping trip next weekend, see what bothers you and then improve on it.

maybe that will shed some light on what you need /don't need.

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hunters of /out/, what's the last thing you hunted & ate?
The main thing to hunt where I live is deer, Venison is really good but its illegal to sell anything. I have some pelts but idk what to do with them
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Based. Small game was the working white mans hunting for millennia until (((media))) started pushing big game to sell magazines and videos and now apps and youtube videos. Good on you anon. Howd you cook em?
Last thing was axis deer buck in Texas on the morning of the eclipse. I've yet to eat it. Before that, bull elk from Montana rifle hunt.

I live in NV where it's really hard to draw tags, so I apply for 7 Western states. Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado.

Montana has a 60% chance at 0 points. The big game combo tag is amazing, either sex deer, and elk, archery and/or rifle. My wife and I have been getting this tag every year for the past 3 years.

I've built a spreadsheet tracking all deadlines for all 7 states and staggered them in a way that allows me to apply for each one in the most optimal way possible. This allows me to get at least one tag for elk per year.

If you're new, get cow elk tags. They're very easy to get in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. They're fun hunts because they take place in the same units as the primo bull tags, cheaper, and the 1:5 bull to cow ratio in most units means you have a really high chance to fill your freezer every year.

I haven't had to buy meat in 3 years. Freezer is always packed with elk, deer, rabbit (from my farm).

I use e-scouting, a combination of Google earth, Gaia gps, forums, and all trails, to get a really good plan on where I'm gonna hunt. I can get a tag anywhere and find all the hot spots this way, secret honey holes no longer exist.
Also, you want to hunt elk because it's the same amount of work as deer, but you get double the meat and it's better tasting meat anyway. They're also easier to hunt because of the bugling, cow calling, size and color.
christ you've got some long fingers

Two of my hiking friends are going to the USA for two months leaving me alone for the summer without hiking friends. I don't get it. I am from the Netherlands, which yes is flat and boring but Europe is better than America for landscapes. Want mountains? Go to urals, Carpathians, Alps. Want canyons? Go to Greece, Turkey, and France. Want deserts? Visit Spain. Want grasslands? Visit the European plains. Want forests? Visit England, Germany, Baltics.

I have been told American plains and flatlands and grasslands are more interesting because the heat lightening and powerful storms are awesome. But so? So you're saying Europe cannot do awe inspiring stuff?

To me it's Americentrism. Like we all must go to America for nature. Europe has so much more and yes I know people will say america has areas of super sparse populations. Okay, so does Russia. So what? If you go into nature in germany or france it won't feel any different than Alaska or Montana besides the landscape.

In my view people should stay in europe because then our nature will be more accurately seen as as good as or even better than americas. America has mythologies around their natural areas which sadly causes europeans to think it is worth it to visit.
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>Wigry National Park
So it was a national park this whole time and not a bike? Damn.

As an Euro, the main thing that seems cool about the American nature is the wilderness and remoteness of certain parts. Dude, there are probably plenty of places in Montana/Idaho/Alaska where there practically no people living permanently in a 50km radius. Good luck finding a place like that in anywhere in Europe.

What's cool about hiking in the US is that you have to prepare much more carefully when it comes to supplies and other things, especially in the winter, while in Europe you're an hour away from a fucking grocery store or supermarket, and that's the worst case scenario.
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this out I don't go to cities just town, not meany Niggers in a small town asswipe. Let me guess you never been out of a city?
maybe it's the photo but I live in Poland and they look about as tall as the treesin my backyard. I'll give you this tho - sudden winds a fwew years back took down 3/5 of them.
Spoken like a eurofag who doesn't know any better
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Europe has Red Deer, which is the most Deer of all Deer, they're pretty big but not Elk Big, they have the most Antler of all Antlers and have the coolest roars too.

Granted that Europe doesn't really have much true wild Red Deer population, that kinda takes away from it.

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Are you excited for the warmer weather /out/ :3 ?
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yes, snow is finally starting to melt above the tree line so now I can convince my friends to come on hikes with me
For some reason I haven't had a tick in years and I live pretty much innawoods

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>gives 10 hour lecture about ancestors and being in touch with nature and feeling the spirits and energies
>drops out after 24 hours
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I don't watch these show but how bad can it be to stay out there for at least 4 days? Even the most inexperienced with 5 or 10 C's can manage to shelter and keep hydrated EVEN if they don't eat for days. Seems like mind over matter thing to me.
Right you are. One shitty wannabe survivalist is much like another, kek
he's a Coonhound.
most experts you watch especially on youtube set out specifically to become experts, many simply popped out of nowhere making "expert videos" and "expert reactions" with no background as experts themselves. this is common in every interest since the dawn of social media
what does this mean? superficial knowledge, no depth, no real world experience and probably a lot of followers that fuck themselves up listening to their advice
Is this some TV show

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whats your EDC?
for me its a sheffield 16 in 1
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This knife looks like Dialga
Mikov predator. Made for the Czech army.
I carry the bottom knife around every day, even when I'm just grocery shopping. Light and better than nothing. I mostly use the scissors to cut my plaster strips to size.
It really is toddler sized, fits perfectly into my coin pocket.
Is that a Tamagochi keychain? And what's that tiny thing next to it? I love that stuff.
I hope you didn't lose anything too important when that spring loaded clasp broke.
>gears on the bike got fucked when I was in a hurry
>had shit to fix them with, despite a bit of strugle
>zipper ripped itself from my bag
>got shit to stitch it back to it
>decided to grab a beer with friends
>had shit to poen it with without risking property damage or damage to my already fucked teeth
your opinion does not matter so long as I actually use shit I cary
That being said >>2719184
Power Pint with a set of 10 bits including PH0 because I do electronics + Victorinox Compact and a tiny lighter, aside from my phone, wallet and keys.
+ everything this guy said down to the signature
>let me guess
You need more

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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it’s because of the wolves, wolf rehab has driven deer into more populated places and are spreading ticks where they go. just my conspiracy theory.
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I live in Rhode Island

theres no significant wolf population here. Biggest threat to deer is the faggots clearcutting thousands of acres for solar fields and shitty suburban housing developments
Duct Tape is actually a knockoff of the original "Duck Tape" which was named for the cotton duck fabric it was based on.

And it was never for ducts, so duct tape is just for 3m fanboy retards.
I hate ticks so fucking much, only able to go out November-January, which states are best to avoid these fucks but not sweat/freeze your ass off?
no idea anon, it seems everywhere is corrupted

#504- “Mother’s Day” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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what if they're freshwater fishers
NJ's sewers are not freshwater
so...what do you get from posting bait in this general all the time?
Because smallmouth bass are the niggers of the fish world and are introduced like hyper-aggressive vermin everywhere retards go, destroying every ecosystem they come in contact with.
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yeah I caught a fish, what of it?

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Here is your pocket knife bro
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The only ones worth stabbing anyone with have locking blades.
We have an enormous number of foreigners in our cities that really hate us and each other, but don’t have access to guns, so just have to make do with continuing their millennia old conflicts and expressing their total contempt for the natives, who’s taxes pay for them to kill around on the streets all day doing nothing, before working as Deliveroo drivers in the evening, by stabbing everyone for fun and profit.
turns out that people who want to hurt others will find a way to do it whether they can get a gun or not. people seem to forget that you can cause a lot of damage with pretty much any car and they're everywhere, no need for a weapon
So... a new model? With a new design, newly manufactured?
>due to crime wave
fucking where? they think anything happening 'murica or even UK affects the largest pocket knife manufacturer in the world, located in Switzerland?
they're just looking to expand and being so dominant they only just now found an opportunity - a BRAND NEW, TSA safe product
it's the problem of an english language that it has no word for a multitool of the style
mine does

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saw or hatchet/axe for outdoor?
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Both if weight isn't an issue.

Hatchet is more versatile. A saw may do what you need for firewood in a pinch, and may be better for precision cuts than a hatchet for bushcraft but a hatchet should do the same stuff with more flexibility for other tasks.
I’ve never needed either. and I only ever use my lil knife for cleaning fish, so even that feels like a waste a lot of the time
There was a thread with the same discussion a few weeks ago. The general consensus was that, if you had to choose one, a hatchet is more versatile than a saw.
I need a machete. We're not cutting wood, we're fighting for our lives out here!
tips for choosing a nice hatchet?

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Hi /out/. I humbly seek feedback on new gear acquisition. It has been many years since ive done anything outdoors related. I got stuck in my city after covid and never made a real attempt to change that until now. I have done one overnight backpacking trip years ago along with previous camping. I want to get back into backpacking, camping and thru hiking. My short term goal is to do various day trips and get comfortable with overnight stuff. My ultimate goal is to survive in the wild for up to two weeks. I live in the southwest. Im willing to spend more upfront for gear that will last a long time in nearly every weather condition.

>Durston X Mid 2
Sleeping bag
>Nemo forte
Sleeping pad
>nemo tensor extreme

>Pathfinder M40 cook set
>alcohol stove
>canister stove
>homemade MREs and camping meals

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Sounds like you're more prepared than most people who come here. Good work mate go get it done.
I can only think of a few bits that you might want.
>sponge. for condensation/desert water collection
>tin pot. for charcloth making/storage
>salt. for electrolytes
>wire, line/hooks and paracord. hunting, fishing respectively
>duct tape. for repairs
I'm in a similar boat, gone on plenty of day trips but now planning more overnights. You learn a lot from experience, you will make mistakes no matter how much you plan so it's important to just get out. Couple of things I learned:
>don't bring overly dry food or food that can go stale (like bread), this will make you more thirsty
>bring some fresh fruit, you'd be surprised how amazing it is to have an apple or orange on a long day
>bring extra water for your first few trips, it will be heavier but you will quickly learn how much water you need
>don't underestimate how cold or sunny it can get, i'd recommend bringing less total clothes but more that you can mix/layer together to avoid freezing your ass like i did a couple of times, or getting sun burn because you didn't bring a hat/long sleeves

I just ordered the x-mid as well. One problem I had with my previous pole tent was sliding around so much because of plastic pads on plastic floors on plastic footprints etc. Would recommend either bringing a very thin layer of eva foam to put under your sleeping pad to stop it sliding around or what I did was apply stripes of seam sealer to the underside of my sleeping pad.

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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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I've shot rabbits that turned out to have bot flies. It's really nasty looking, but the larvae leave when the host is dead. If you just wait for them to crawl out, the meat will be fine, but of course the skin will be unusable.
Hey, it's that guy! Haven't seen you post in ages.
Blunt are used because broadheads will fuck up most of the small amount of meat and it's better to crush the ribcage entirely than skewer through it.
In my opinion game blunts, even for rabbits, are not particularly effective. The only good thing about them is that they make it harder to damage or lose an arrow.
Bump, I like this thread

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