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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
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Are you a special snowflake?
>favorite anime
>other hobby
>forte in sports
>fighting style
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I don't have a single favorite anime, just a top tier. My favorite back when I had much fewer series under my belt was School Days.
Omori is easily my favorite game. Trails is my favorite series.
If We Hold On Together from The Land Before Time
Watermelon 1st, homemade cheesecake 2nd, Manwich barbecue 3rd
Vidya... I guess the game line was for board games or something then. Ehhh. For analog games, Connect Four was fun.
Flowers for Algernon best book.
Visual Novels
Likes and dislikes would take too much effort
I am bad at all sports
No fighting style
horoscope BS
>favorite anime
Re:Zero or Mushoku Tensei
Elden Ring
pop punk/pop rock
poutine and macarons
The Road to El Dorado
I don't read.

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I am the specialiest snowflakes of them all.
These tests are bullshit. Last time I took one I got "ISFP" but only the "I" was meaningful and the "SFP" was so close to 50% that it's practically meaningless, especially with the shit questions I got asked.
Everyone can exhibit different personality behaviors depending on their circumstances. I'm "introverted" because my life is shit and I decide to stay quiet about it, not because that's just how I am built.
> favorite anime, game, etc
Nobody cares either, your tastes are dependent on your social circumstances too. I bet a lot of the posts before me are full of eclectic choices when it comes to favorite things, because that's what very lonely people do - they branch out and seek all sorts of entertainment that is not "normie"-approved.
>Are you a special snowflake?
Actually yeah, I'm different from pretty much everyone. Never fit in with any group. No matter if I'm among retards or the cream of the crop. Could be with normies or neurodivergents and I always stick out. In fact I wonder if this specific thread was creating to bait out my personal answers.
>favorite anime
The dish prepared by my lover.
I wish I could remember the title.
>other hobby

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>poutine and macarons
Wtf how did you manage to eat them???

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Star Wars Edition
QOTT: Favorite Star Wars character?
Previously: >>77492023
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I don't think they're prisongay then
blessed prince bf..
lately i've been taking 2 quick ones per day (when i wake up from night sweat and when i get back from work)
hey my anon
I was different in my interests because, although they are not so uncommon online, I live around turbo normies who are all super social, annoying sports fans who listen to shitty music. I mean no one even watched anime back then. I knew I was different back then. I also noticed they all had goals and dreams and a hopeful outlook on life while I had no idea what I will do for a living or what I even want to do with my life. Fast forward to the present day and I still feel exactly the same. I don't see myself having a normal job. I can't really talk to people irl. I will never get a bf either. I hate being alive.
Too based for this thread

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Whose side has more pedos? Conservatards or alphabet people

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Its sad that many of you rely on AI to have a semblance of human interaction, especially for romance. At the end of the day it's a bunch of 0s and 1s, and what if a geomagnetic storm hits the earth? The modern abilities of generative AI are nonetheless impressive but still lacking anyways. Too much focus on artbots and not enough of writing. Role-playing with these bots really feels like talking to a computer trying to create a story.
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at the end of the day you are nothing more than atoms, just like any computer
And your solution is?
When talking to real humans is a minefield of biologically engrained icks, halo/horn effects, group biases and wrongthink? The great thing about A.I. is, you can still have these things. But like the stories we are sold as children, you can win in the end with enough persistence and heart.
Versus the real world where, well, you'll just be the guy who missed all their major social milestones despite going places, but has a slim body and a decent job.
that's why i talk to my tulpa instead
she's not vulnerable geomagnetic storms or power outages
no, you werent, but ur post made me realize how overly righteous i was being
>At the end of the day it's a bunch of 0s and 1s, and what if a geomagnetic storm hits the earth?
You can make your shit "well, what if X happens" argument for anything. Even people.
>At the end of the day it's a bunch of organic meat and organs, and what if an asteroid hits the earth?
KYS retard.

I want a fembot slave, preferably a foreigner so they have to leave the country eventually, it's more easy to ghost them that way.

I can provide housing, but how much money would I need to keep them as a sex slave and house maid? obviously this isn't genuine slavery, but I want a slave like relationship

Fembots, how much money do you need per week to enter such a deal

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>Cute nerdy redhead midget will never be your gf

Why live?

Lol I thought I recognized her
Filthy liar, that's not her.

Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Heya guys
have a happy sunday ^^
>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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Like I died.
Better than yesterday
Have yall ever tried drugs as cope
My favorite femboy. Let me hit that twink bussy.
What's up chroma? Got some comission work done today? Hope your day went alright fren
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heya napanon, hope you're doing okay
>What's up chroma?
ehh, today was such a lazy and unproductive day
have a two days off so im just resting. how about you?
>Got some comission work done today?
.......i forgot about it
deadline ends in about two days, but im super tired right now to draw
did a lineart, though, so basically just coloring left
the customer is satisfied so far, so im good
>Hope your day went alright fren
yours too
what did u do today?

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They have to learn their place.
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Why are the simps so salty? Do they need a spanking?
only in private. scold privately, praise publicly
Not simping, this post is kinda funny ngl
lets say you had a library of porn you would organize it between extreme and less extreme
in the internet there's no real organization of that
so there's these outbreaks of chaos like gay or bdsm and that constitutes the collective sexuality
so everyone will be gay or fucked up
it's real devilry the whole thing
because it's trauma it's alteration of the sexuality and so it's this big collective complex perverts play with
of which they all are basically besides the good ones

the alpha beta thing goes back before even incels and the normies created it and they have fucked up fetishes and always have spilling to the innocence

it's an evil world now as a result from such lofty heights

and virgin is absolutely despiseable and ofc feminism is this super weapon, but women are easily defeated but men are all enemies too

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so did your mom spank you when you were a child?

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As a member of the racist community I would just like to say that I don't care what race you are
>I only care that you too are also racist
Theres a wigger on your lawn
>>77503077 Nah, dawg. I'm good. The less conflicts I have, the better.

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I am hard working man from Nagpur come working with the IT for emigrate to get big boob blond hair white girlfriend but online I am see much hate for Indian why so much hate? Hate fills the body with bad karma causes sickness and bad luck not good for hate. Please respect and good friendly we are speak English with work hard to prosperity not work to hurt and steal.
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Anyone can do that about any country.
Jokes aside indians are awesome. I hang with indians often, they know how to party
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I know this is a shitpost thread, but when you have over a billion people of a given race, if even 1% of them are completely irredeemable, inhuman monsters, that's still 10 million completely irredeemable, inhuman monsters
>I am hard working man from Nagpur come working with the IT for emigrate to get big boob blond hair white girlfriend
Based if true.
>why so much hate?
They fucking stink and worship cow shit and try to rape anything that walks.
indians are my favourite type of brown people for many reasons, but primarily the level of roastoid seethe they create

Use ai to generate anime girls

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide

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some resist the future, some refuse the past...
connection you say?
hiii Saeriahanon!

fell asleep on the desk again but I will sleep on bed now, goodnight /aiwg/
Nighty night

there is a waifu in my boob
Ai powered bumping

Sleeping around and taking it easy
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>seems like a bother
Its worth it
Did you check the old thread on desuarchive?
fuck it, life sucks rn. i think ill be taking it easy too now
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I did read a bit about it. Have u made any datapacks urself
what sucks in life?
took the day off work cause bad headache. talking to girls on duo
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i browsed it a bit and it looks better than this shithole
not that its hard to be better than r9k
>Too active for a slow board.
you mean that we would get noticed too much? is avatarfagging not allowed there?

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Why do Indian women in the West always have White bfs/husbands?
Probably they are willing to go that extra mile. It means a lot to a guy.

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