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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Remember to do your interdimensional laundry
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monster skills not having roles is another missed opportunity imo, it would have been a good way to supplant traditional monster transformation while also giving traditional monster transformation the qol of being selectable between fights
then again now that i think about it, the inherent problem becomes the relic bearers then effectively being able to access monster transformation via roles, so, i guess it actually makes sense
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Isn't this literally the chalice from Crystal Chronicles
Yeah you're right you can absorb and unleash, and I do. But imagine a scenario where every playthrough is tunnel visioning those at the start of every playthrough. It wore out it's welcome 5 loops ago.

That said, from a purely mechanical point of view, I actually fully understand the decision. If you could stock monster abilities the meta would be to collect one of every one on one of every accessory. Then there's things like stacking, which is likely why every single relic has a different name, and, assuming they had a solution for stacking programmed in and it's not a limitation, there's inventory bloat.

Like I totally get it.

I do wonder why mechs get roles on their innate chassis skills but monster don't when it comes to their own innate stuff, but as you realized, if monsters did get roles for their unique skills it would only make the role disparity bigger in this game since everyone can use relics.
What bugs me more is how they only have one innate skill for some reason, why the fuck do Imakoo or Kina need to summon another werewolf/Kaiser ant for their skills instead of being able to develop them natively since they're the same species? Doesn't really make sense.
Yep, old man is being cheeky.
He did recently say he was saddened by not having enough time to work on CC, so I guess he included this cameo for the CC fans out there.

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>dedicated healer spam aoe heal every turn
>others just use strongest attack available every turn
how do we fix 4 niggas in a row?
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I hate "niggas"
Insert risk and permadeath, insert Variety, insert Dungeon crawling.
The simple solution is just to make mid-combat healing not good enough to out-heal everything that gets thrown at you. From there though you'll need to design systems and skill sets so the player has to put effort into killing enemies and/or not getting hit, or else all you've done is simplify things from "spam strongest attack and heal" to "spam strongest attack".

In general, you would want to make sure the average combat encounter isn't just a matter of attrition, where the player has enough HP and MP to simply weather whatever the enemy does while spamming strong attacks. Combat should be designed in a way where it's mostly about trying to take control of the flow of the battle and keep the momentum up, prevent the enemy from setting the pace, and if they do find a way to recover and regroup while mitigating damage. And skills should be spread among party members in a way that makes it often unclear what the best course of action is a for someone to spend their turn on, leading to the player having to constantly make small risk-reward calculations.
Make it on a chessboard is the first step.

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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Because Level 5 is as Level 5 does
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Sort of. You can take the occasional detours, and you can go to places where you'll get slapped down by the monsters because of their levels, but plenty of places are locked behind progression.
However, those places either open up in batches, so you get two or three new areas to go to. Not a completely linear path except for the ice area, honestly.

It was a good game, I enjoyed it.
Though the end of the story is very shit. But then, I play this genre for the monster collecting, not the story.
>you'll get slapped down by the monsters because of their levels,
Sounds like a good take
>but plenty of places are locked behind progression.
Oh sad
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Some of the progression is sidequest progression, because some places are locked behind having a certain amount of recruits to your little home town, but the only places I can think of that are completely blocked until story progression are the three key dungeons, the ice area, the end of game mountain dungeon, and the island dungeon in the post game.
The only major roadblock is opening the rainlands which I'm not quite sure you can do before you beat the first boss. But once you open the rainlands you've got access to the manor dungeon, the marshes, the city if you go through the sewers beyond the marshes, and the meadow. And you open the deep woods at the same time you open the rainlands.
I think you can go to the cliffs and dino plateu whenever, or that might be a recruit-lock. Can't remember.
And the key dungeons open at the same time.

So yeah, semi open world, semi non linear.
Which mongers have the most unique recruitment and progression mechanics?

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How did this Irish demonspawn steal the heart of an once upstanding british gentleman?
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>femcel romeaboo WiP
H u h ?
shattered eagle
infamous protag taking Ls again

> #"It's going well. We might have a permanent spot at one of the bars we frequent at."
>She stares at you. "A bar?" You can tell from her voice alone the prospect doesn't sit well with her.

>"Yes, a bar," you repeat. "

>"Is that what you're going to do?" She turns away from you. "Sing at dingy bars for the rest of your life?"

I'm one of like 3 people in these threads that actually likes it but come on, lol. Not even having regular gigs after 10 years is just embarrassing
Consider ESET, I have nothing but good things to say about it.
I enjoy it as stupid drama entertainment y'know? just don't put much stock in it and enjoy watching retards bicker about benign shit. and I think its funny that you can try to use the nonbinary person to make seven jealous lmao

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JRPGs haven't changed since the 90s
What's there to be inspired by?
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They only used CTB for one game though (excluding Tactics/its spinoffs).
One game takes years
I think it's more likely that the franchise had morphed into focus on big budget spectacle and storytelling. FF7 started the trend but FF7 didn't change the formula. But by FF9 and FF1O, though, gameplay really began to be overshadowed by the cutscenes.
It's logical evolution. Decades ago we navigated menus to make abstract pictures shake on the screen.

Then we get amazing CGI cutscenes in there, but you can't play them. 3D characters look a bit more lifelike already.

Then the whole game starts to look like those CGI cutscenes, but the gameplay is kinda crippling the battle scenes.

So how do you combine those cinematics and gameplay? FF XVI did a great job, but.. could it be taken further to really bring the gameplay in there? Maybe. Maybe not.
I think instead of trying to come up with better ways to fight, these jrpgs and jrpgs clones should try to create gameplay beyond fighting. Nowadays jrpgs followed a clear cycle: cutscenes, then walk around bland corridors, then combat then cutscenes, and so on. Sometimes the have dating sim systems intertwined as optional things.
Where are the interesting Dungeons to crawl, expansive mazes old school ir maybe Zelda style? No immersive overworld exploration, nothing to search or look for beyond obvious treasures. No opportunities to roleplay with interesting sidequests there are not map marked fetch quests.
Jrpgs should stop trying to innovate combat and rather try to innovate through other things to do in game.

Squeenix and other Japanese studios are reporting historically massive losses while Falcom is posting record sales and profits. Really makes you think, huh?
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Falcom is doing what the Final Fantasy used to do back in the 90s, which is release a new entry every year. There is always a Trails game to play and talk about, and if you've somehow played them all, then fortunately the next one is coming right around the corner to discuss. This keeps the fandom engaged and growing, whereas franchises like Final Fantasy goes almost a decade between releases and people run out of things to talk about and leave, and if a bad FF game releases then there is no game around the corner coming to wash the bad taste out of your mouth, so the fandom sours.

I too was very disappointed by CS4 failing to deliver on the cataclysmic world war that had been hyped up, but the franchise still has several merits to me. I like the aesthetics, the soundtracks, the unique early modern Europe setting with magitek mechas and airships, I like the nobles in trenchcoats and cravats who practice shounen anime swordsmanship. I like the turn based combat and character building. There isn't much out there that appeals to me. World of Warcraft, the occassional one off JRPG release like Monochrome Mobius or Granblue Fantasy Relink, and... that's it.

>>design encounters with incredible tightness
Kuro no Kiseki boss fights are certainly not tight. I played on nightmare and there was no design on any of the boss fights except one, Melchior who throws out the mines, but unlike Comrade C's fight in CS1 there is no threat here that forces you to pop S-crafts to burn them down or move away or bulk up your defenses to survive it, so you can just ignore the mines.
This isn't about quality so much as it is about proving a point.
>I too was very disappointed by CS4 failing to deliver on the cataclysmic world war that had been hyped up, but the franchise still has several merits to me
New player here. Should I be worried?
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Ignore the overarching storyline and play whichever individual games appeal to you for their own merits. Characters, aesthetics, combat, etc. Some of the games have a good standalone stories (namely Trails in the Sky FC, Trails in the Sky the 3rd, and the first two Trails of Cold Steel games). Don't fall for the Trails cultist's hype that you have to play this 1,000+ hour long series in order.
Just play the games and decide for yourself desu
I simply ignore the /fg/ schizo but you can listen to him if you want.

Why is Allie Sin in there?
Well, some people have a thing called integrity. Like Cindy Crawford, y'know?
this sort of rock and roll heavy metal world suited Fallout
Damn the fags that complained to hell

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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>Lead dev is rabid Taiwanese nationalist.
You're saying that like it's a bad thing.
>Nobody boots up the infamous Loli rape game and thinks "I'm here primarily for the dungeon crawling."
I am? I only play sexless and trying to make the best life for her
No thank you mr CIA
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there is no loli, she's just flat because asian

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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
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why does everyone mod their npcs too look like shit
Easy to do.
The combat needs like 20 mods to bring it on par with stalker call of chernobyl from 2007 lel.
I would probably rather reinstall ShoC than NV desu.
10% of the game is spent on combat, so whatevs

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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There’s a little Alice in Wonderland subtext in the Alexandria castle. Brahne is the caterpillar, Garnet is Alice, Zorn and Thorn are tweedle Dee and dum, and the cat was the Cheshire Cat (it shows up in game in at least that big painting. Dr Tot could be the Mad Hatter. There are some playing card motifs and lots of roses.
Possibly intentionally in the game, possibly just what I saw when playing.
Just looking at what’s in the [Eng] original game there’s nothing really saying that Rinoa ISN’T Ultimecia to my knowledge. It’s what I thought on my first play through with no outside info. I’m gonna finish this play through probably this week so I’m going to look out for stuff about it in game.
The Caterpillar? Not the Queen of Hearts?

It's not unlike Episode Ardyn. Where he was under a geass, fated to be the opposite of a good king.
The real Brahne is the Queen of Hearts, the Kuja mind-controlled Brahne the caterpillar. Maybe, or they just modeled her appearance like the caterpillar. I genuinely think they put all that in on purpose, not for any real reason though other than maybe adding a mysterious European vibe.
I don't remember a single thing about 2 but I thought it was kind of cool when I was playing it. Doing the password and getting the correct jingle sound was fun.

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What's your favorite rpg-related music track /vrpg/?
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Also known as "track that starts playing when shit becomes serious".
Is it just me or did these "low quality shitty MIDI tracks" just sound more interesting and have more character than modern slop for some reason?
Yes and no. It's not because they were midi so much but because they were midi the composers needed to make them more memorable with less tools.
I couldn't pick just one. I'm going to post a couple, from both turn based and action RPGs.
You guys should play Revival Xanadu, it's very good.

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Did you "save" your world?
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>I can't filter you
nta but that sounds like a you problem to be honest
Thank you for all the response. Never expected my first roadblock in gamedeving is scouring the web for fonts, but here we are.
Just took a gander, it's about the same except /agdg/ is a lot faster.
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(not the one that asked but...)
I didn't get much out of my psp, since it was end of life cycle basically before I obtained it. (I needed an income and to get enough I also had to be adult so.... yeah)
I never played most of these games.

What, I guess got me interested into game development was, seeing Ocarina of Time, and then Majora's Mask. It started clicking that, using shit they figured out ways to create more interesting gameplay features, develop a story for every character, etc.

I also discovered RPG Maker XP at some point and saw people throwing their own indie attempts, prototyping and creating some incomplete game.

And then I noticed the horror games of course, which is where my rpg story telling interest grew more with. I saw all these different ways to get through a simple task as well; methods rarely explored.
For example: a set of candles, 4 are unlit, 1 is lit. The standard routine would be to lit all 5 candles.
However, one game dev decided to do the opposite and make the door only open if the room was dark without providing any hints to this. This kind of thing caught my interest in game dev basically.

There are two ways to make a game top 10. One where you list the games you enjoyed from a player's perspective, and one where you enjoyed the design decisions and creativity put into it (and practically ignore the story, battles, etc.)

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>graphic design and sound design choices; so I tend to play a game just staring at it and the objects placed within up close
I can relate to this, got me thinking about all the things that made me stop and appreciate them. Day/night cycles in pokemon silver, grass texture in halo, bump mapping in Oblivion, water drops on visor in metroid prime, lighting in stalker.. I like the verisimilitude, doesn't need to be high fidelity graphics.

What RPGs have the best assassin storyline?
What RPGs have storylines for assassins?
Oblivion, Skyrim
Oblivion wins. More quests with better design and fun creativity. I can also appreciate the story in Skyrim with the stepmom vs nightmom thing going on, but pacing really hurt the quests. Traveling long distances to do short, simple tasks isn't very pleasant. The latter half of the questline picks up and gets pretty good.

Favorite quest in Oblivion was Whodunit?, or the one with Motierre. Favorite quest in Skyrim was the final quest, which had optional objectives, choice, and a nice dramatic scene.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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And September 11th sparked a good 150 years of practice wars in preparation to warm us Earthborns up for kick some Turian butt in the First Contact War
I just wanted to save them 10,000 people there. Fuck the council overall tho. If it wasn't for those people I would gladly watch them die lol
I played a practically lawful stupid Paragon the first time round but by the time this choice came it seemed like a mad gamble to save the three wise monkeys and some Asari ship in the face of this barely comprehensible evil coming to wipe us all out. What I didn't know at the time is that your companions give you their views on how much of a Paragon / Renegade they were, so even a more upright character would advocate to let them perish depending on who you brought. Same is true with the big save / destroy the Collector base in ME2

Still, I had Wrex with me at the time and he felt pretty much the same way I did by the end of the game.
not the same squad dialogue situation as ME2. Grunt, Mordin, Garrus, Legion and etc will always advocate to not nuke the Collector HQ. And Miranda, Jack, Kasumi, Samara and etc will always advocate to nuke the Collecter HQ

But yes, in ME1, even Wrex can advocate you save the council if you bring an even more Renegade squadmate with you. In this case a Kaiden dating Renegade Femshep. Also if glitch one squaddie out of the map before the big decision, the remaining squaddie will glitch out playing both dialogue roles, advocating to both kill and save the Council
>advocating to both kill and save the Council
>"let's save them and then execute them!"

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