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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>gives you heart palpitations
>clogs your arteries
>increases your chance of heart attack and stroke even in your 20s and early 30s.
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I read it, and it's evident you don't know what you're talking about
very confident for someone dumber than my 6th grade child
>which half hmmmm
lol do you think you're debating passages in the torah you little dork? undigested protein goes into your gut when you drink whey shakes. this does not happen with real food.
So the protein in real food is already digested before you consume it?
>no argument
is your wife's son a retard like you?
the problem here is that you don't understand the meaning of "gut."

Which one do you prefer?

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imagine the smell edition
previous: >>74271626
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I personally hope her teeth rot out of her head from binge eating, her joints ache as they also disintegrate, I hope her organs ache and burn, the folds of her flesh hide infections that can’t be soothed and drive her even more insane.
It’s MY body and I get to Shane it all I want. I made it ugly and I made it worthy again.
Prom?… that’s a 16yo girl? Really?
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in minecraft... right?
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They didn’t have to imagine the smell.
If I had any balls at all I’d post this in Facebook and tag all my fat contacts…
Silent hill lookin ahh

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>work brings in pizza
>took the cheese and meat off the bread and threw away the bread
>"dude what the fuck are you doing to your pizza"
>"are you on a diet or something"
Meanwhile everybody else is overweight and I'm the only person with a healthy BMI. Being /fit/ in a world of fatasses is hell
autistic retard
A slice of pizza is not going to suddenly make you fat, retard
Autism? Maybe. Retard? No. I'm clearly smarter than all of them. Why are they eating bread when they are overweight? Seems retarded to me.
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>Meanwhile everybody else is overweight and I'm the only person with a healthy BMI. Being /fit/ in a world of fatasses is hell
I can eat 3 bread less slices for the calories of 1 slice with bread. That's triple the protein. It's not only better calories, but its more efficient.

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>mogs ur healthy breakfast
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This is what an eating disorder looks like. Substituting substance addictions for nutrients is not /fit/. ngmi
>doing drugs instead of engaging in healthy eating habits
you have an eating disorder
woman-tier disorder
I lost 150lbs and ate clean food constantly. Fasting is a total joke.
>Neuralink grandchildren will honor these poasts
Where’s the nutritional value? If you’re training you need at least 30g of protein for breakfast otherwise you’re wasting potential for growth. And carbs and vitamins.

My tfl seems to take over and my glute medius feels like a secondary muscle
Uhhh do the hip abduction machine. That's what the gluteus medius does, it abducts the thigh outwards. So use the machine that directly trains this
That machine targets the tfl

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I have dealt with this issue, I find side lying banded hip abduction against a wall helps a lot. Focus on really driving that heel into the wall to activate the glute med.
you have obviously never used the machine

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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I don't know, most women are weak and slow as hell. Then you have random Staceys like Parker Valby (left in pic obviously) who can run 15 min 5k. Makes no sense.
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paul allen

7:30 rezzz at dorsia

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not evem a stacey


pretends to be one but ya kno

she aint that preddy

sticks camt be staceys either

she tries way too hard wirh the pouting

awkward interviews

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The gap in physical ability between men and women when it comes to running is actually not that large compared to other sports.
The problem, from my observation, is that many of them do not seem to understand what "training" means. They will do the same distance over and over again at the same pace and the idea of increasing their effort level over time simply does not occur in their minds. So if the first time they run it takes them 30 minutes to run 2 miles, in their minds it means running 2 miles will always take 30 minutes and there is nothing they can do about it
Incel cope. Valby has NCAA 5k record, will continue to improve and there is nothing you can do about it.

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You're a failure of a man if you can't squat 3 plate bellow paralle and ifl you don't own atleast ONE Rolex by your mid 20's
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unironically, it's how you attract homosexuals.
I brought a nice watch and whenever I'd wear it, I'd have homosexuals left and right trying to strike up conversations and hit on my wherever I went (grocery store, gym, in the woods hiking, at any public event).
Oh yeah, if you want to have any business dealings with Indians (I hate my job), they will instantly respect you if you have a better watch. Don't actually go for quality here, since Indians aren't smart enough to tell this, it just has to look more expensive, and ideally gold.
Diving in my GMT
>t. retard
looks zesty
it's all fun and games until klaus starts to make us pay taxes on unrealized gains
yeah, I lost my watch in a diving accident haha
A rolex is just overpriced male jewellery you faggot. Why not wear a pretty diamond ring and be upfront about your sensibilities?

Kek. GMT 2 Rootbeer retails for $16,150 but good luck finding one for under $20k.

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Straddle planche? Easy.
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I don't get it. Humiliation of what? Are you implying your "negative" posts actually affect me?

I post here because this is the fitness board. And this is fitness content. I've already made it in my mind if I have made considerable progress or not. Any posts, positive or negative don't change that outcome.
congratulate him on doing it? Until then I'm gonna seethe because he's a nigger. Simple as.
>I post here because this is the fitness board. And this is fitness content

>I've already made it in my mind if I have made considerable progress or not.
So this is why you're so fucking weak. Shit mentality for goal achievement.

>Any posts, positive or negative don't change that outcome.
The idea of the post you're replying to does not oppose anything you said. It reaffirms it. You failed to engage with another anon about a fitness related question undermining your first statement that "this is a fitness board."
>hurr I'm a competitive narcissist

Just accept that you're a narcissistic attention whore nigger, and a fairly stupid one at that. You're acting in bad faith and you don't have the intellectual capacity to concede on that basis
>You're acting in bad faith
I think it would be fun to try, and if I fail I'm still on training to do something I want to do
>and you don't have the intellectual capacity to concede on that basis
you're too defensive to realise you've inspired at least one anon to try something new
why are you so mad?
>being stoic is a shit mentality
Beats being emotional like you

He wants to make it a challenge. He should play by the same rules I did. I didn't have a routine, everything I do is stuff I found online. If he had a different, non challenging question, I may have answered it

>bad faith
So are you

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Duck betrayal edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chubby Chickens who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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You’ll be ok, we’re all going to make it
Your gross spare tire and tits are much smaller than before, you can make them even smaller than that.
You tilt your hips funny, it’s fixable. It’s time to bulk very very slowly big guy
Greeting /fat/frens, I have two questions.
>If I pulled an allnighter but I didn't consume anything not even water is my weight in the morning still "valid"? I went almost 8 hours without consuming anything in that interval, which is equivalent to a nights' sleep.
>From March 1st until today I've lost 9.1 kg / ~20 lbs. Is it too fast or just fine?
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to cut calories I just used oat milk for the first time instead of regular milk for my daily shake (banana, peanut butter, whey, berries, olive oil) and it seems to have made the shake have the viscosity of thick custard. Is this a normal thing for oat milk to do?

I was actually expecting the opposite to happen, for it to be more liquid and easier to drink down

What is it about the oat milk that has caused this?

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Why aren’t you smoothmaxxing /fit/? Girls find body hair icky.
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Where am I supposed to shave my bodyhair? I dont want to clog up my bathtub drain
I work out so my children don't need to support me in my old age
you should do the same
If she’s my gf/wife I definitely will, otherwise yeah it only matters what I think.

Drop your routine here and let other people judge it
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Bench 1x12 (135) 1x3 (205) 1x3 (255) 1x1 (275) 1x1 (285) 1x3 (290) - [add one additional smaller plate on each set (45,35,25etc)]
Curl 3x12
Dip 3x15
Captains Chair 2x20
Wrist Curls 3x15

Mile Run 2x1 - improve time each week
Nothing else, legs are for running.
Hip abductor 3x20
Hip adductor 3x20
Lay in the sun

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Monday squats, calf raises
Tuesday dips, OHP, barbell french press
Wednesday pull-ups, chin-ups, barbell curl, barbell row, lat pulldown
Friday = Tuesday
Saturday = Wednesday

dumbell bench x3
dips to failure x2
lateral raise x3
front raise x1
skullcrusher x2
tricep pushdown x2
push ups/chest fly x1

Lat pulldown x3
seated row/bb row x2
wide pullups x2

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Lol not even into HIT, but if you lift with any intensity at all, you're just gonna be sandbaggin the crap out of half that shit by the time you get to it

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REMOVE IT. I got an IUD put in when I got my first boyfriend at 21. Was 130 my whole life (I’m 5’ 6”). I got Skyla, which has a lifespan of 3 years. In the first year I did exactly what I did my entire life to stay healthy (running, eating well, staying hydrated, etc; grew up in a health and fitness oriented household) but gained almost 30 pounds. Started to put in even more effort to lose the weight I gained out of nowhere. Calorie deficit, fasting, lifting, swimming, the list goes on. Could not lose more than 5-10 pounds when doing my most intense regimen, the second I got more lax (due to grad school) I would gain weight. Ended up at almost 200 at the end of the IUD’s lifespan. Got it removed and now 1 year later I am back at my normal weight, having done nothing more than my pre- weight gain body maintenance, and I feel better than ever. Not worth the damage to your body, just use a condom and don’t be stupid. Not to mention that the hormones gave me mental illnesses I never had my whole life (anxiety and depression). Also wondering if any other women have had a similar experience or know what the fuck caused this lol.
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just use a calendar
^ this
thanks, I assumed it was better because it's non-hormonal, mb
Bro I had a skyla.No weight gain I blame any worse anxiety or depression on my weed addiction and the pandemic. Have been clean from THC for over a year. Now have the Mirena. I have lost weight but I also relapsed into the EDNOS I've had since I was 10 since I have been weening off my antidepressants.
Hormones affect everyone differently but levonorgestrel (the thing the Skyla produces) fucked me up at one point too. I didn't get any weight gain but I did get awful hormonal acne that I battled for 5 years and finally cleared up this year. Other women in this thread will tell you they have no issue but I agree that it's best not to fuck around with that shit. Doctors prescribe hormonal birth control to women way too readily without worrying about the consequences.
Anyway just don't have sex. Men are all kind of gross and ugly anyway, so it's not worth the risk of getting preggo. I just lift to get my dream body for my anime husband and that makes me happy.

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These posts are very common on Instagram from fitness accounts.
Is the sentiment that an attractive physique is just an illusion created by posing and lighting true or are these people just dealing copium to cope addicts?
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>Is the sentiment that an attractive physique is just an illusion
No it's people coping by using lights and angles. Also most normies can't tell what a normal body should look like since 80% of the american population is fat.
Anyone who's fit can look at left and tell that's a fat pouch not a flat lean stomach.
She's not fat she's sturdy
If the elastic is over the lower tummy she is fat end of story.
Angle frauding has been around before instagram ever existed, but you can't fake a six pack and low % bodyfat.
Even in your pic, the left she looks chubby and is standing as straight as possible. In the second she's scrunching her body for a more fatty look, not trying to flex and the lighting has changed.

All fitness media is trying to sell you shit when all you need is to just eat right, train and sleep. Let the slaves have their garbage if they must.
She is overweight in both photos.

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