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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Year of Gohan
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just do one f2p once a day or every other day or something and slowly chip away at completing them. probably super annoying to do it all at once
>wah I have to do content
Will never understand people bitching about needing f2p units to power up f2p units.
>Thinking clicking into a stage every unit from the last three years one-shots is content
Probably that these f2ps are trash for the amount of resources they take.
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Don't even need to go that far now, I'll have 500 gold coins in a bit soon and still haven't hit the 200 white coin pity for my 2nd dupe... also 1500 green coins for my 69% Futurehan or something? Idk, I just reinstalled during the buu saga drop recently.

Got 69% fat buu, but only 55% SS3 Goku.

Won't chase more because 2 dupes is fine when I can get spooked on other banners in the future.

Average BEASThan enjoyer btw.

>last dupe of LR black too

Should be a nice consultation prize then.

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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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I wonder if they aren't even going to make void versions of all of the sins now. should I use all 3186 of my limbo scrolls now? there doesn't seem to be any reason to save them at this point.
>I wonder if they aren't even going to make void versions of all of the sins now.
Given they added a permanent gacha that only has the five dark/light casts that were released, I'm guessing not. Guess we'll see within the year if they ever inject new life into the game. In a way, zombie mode is worse for me than EoS 'cause I still feel compelled to log in every day and do my usual stuff. At least the last kizuna quests I need to do plus trying to S rank Railway to Hell should keep me busy until I can see what next month's monthly maintenance will bring.
It's also pretty fun doing the zombie outbreak vortex with these new OP versions of Lucy and Belial, I'm shredding through it now. Whole thing can be cleared on day 1 if you want to put in the hours.
If you're talking about your normal scrolls for the awaker banner than now has all the OG SVRs added to it, yeah, go for it. I only have 800 saved up and I'm using them for the daily do 10 pulls and 20 pulls missions.
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I've pretty much been a log in only player for the entire lifespan of the game. I would like to get 100% collection before it shuts down, but I am kind of stuck right now. I can get one of the few characters I'm missing from the unfinished utopia store, but I am kind of stuck. first I am too weak to beat the last two levels so I can't farm event materials. second I don't have enough upgrade materials to try to make my characters stronger. third my inventory is full so I can't do any quests to try to get more upgrade materials.

before someone had said I should use ex dissolve on all of my worthless rider and awakener characters, but I only have 2 of the ex evo items and the only way to get more is from the event I can't farm. would it not be better to use regular unsummon for now so I can buy grimoires to at least get +9 on a few characters? this is basically all I have to work with right now.

also is the only way to get more summon selection scrolls by doing the guild quests? I've never been in a guild but that gacha is the only way to get the 2 sins I am still missing.
What are the upgrade materials you're having trouble getting? Are you having trouble because you have too many characters in inventory? I'm not even sure how you get 400+ characters unless you took this screenshot while you had a bunch of 3* trash or transcenders cluttering up the inventory.

Or is it something else? I did run into a problem where I hit the hard cap on soulmirrors. I had to strip off all the SR and lower ones and break them down to get back below the cap. There just doesn't seem to be enough inventory space in the game to keep a full set of soulmirrors and/or starshards for every character
I have 61 svr plus 28 duplicates that I didn't use for skill up just because I was afraid of running out of coins. then I have 150 5* awakeners including duplicates, and 174 4* awakeners including duplicates. I still have 104 million coins so I don't think I will actually run out, but I am out of evolution gems and I'm almost out of trainers and posters. if I want to do anything I will have to get rid of at least 67 characters.

News when
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if it has less RNG gear system and no terrible unskippable 10-hours-of-dialogue main story then it will be better already
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>What's with age rating and romance?
Games need to be 16+ to show marriage and talk about romance.
>look at thread again after a while
>LOTS of new posts
>"oh nice maybe there has been some news finally"
>it's just the a dude spamming pics from another game
>no discussion at all about this game
Yes, the game is getting reported to the ccp since the fans are shitting other games and forums.

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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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To no surprise, Anna won the contest, so now she will get an exclusive single down the road.
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>New Espers: Sakura (Sakuya-hime), Momo (Bakeneko)
>New permanent club mode: Triple Threat (1v1v1 club war to control territory on a map for points)
>Hilda's story event available for rerun
>New Event: Cherry Blossoms (Sakura's story event)
>Returning Event: Championship (complete batches of activities for prizes, including Momo)
>Returning Event: Boomboom Gacha (complete event missions to earn rolls for prizes)
>Returning Event: >Returning Event: Graywater Bootleg Market (spend Nexus Crystals on specialty goods)
>Returning Event: Boomboom's Treasure Kingdom (earn points to throw dice to walk a board and earn prizes)
>Returning Event: Scratch-Off (win Point War matches to earn scratch-off tickets for random prizes)
>Banner Espers: Sakura, Hilda, Liam
>New captain abilities for Jiang Man, Pritzker, Unas, Alice, Taylor, Jiang Jiuli, Aurelius, Elliot, and Everett
>Can now preview other clubs with Club Check
>Additional missions for Shimmer Reverb

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>>New captain abilities for Jiang Man,
They're all related to the new Triple Threat mode
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>Triple Threat uses Rival Runes
I mean, that's fair, but fuck. I have so many espers with runes I haven't built up yet.

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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
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>deciding between starting Genshin or HSR
Probably the best choice between those two. It's just my opinion but HSR feels like it's at least trying a bit with male designs (and actually has male 5*s coming up) whereas Genshin just feels stagnant with nothing to look forward to at this point.
Also if you like men that are for (you), HSR is pretty much devoid of them. Tho genshin doesn’t have much either their are some
my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is that puppy is getting extra focus in the main story in an attempt to gain him fans or there's a Garu dev
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Hey now. If anything, Genshin Impact and hoyo in general help make pretty and cute femboys be heterosexual friendly and loveable with a good personality.

As I've said before take a look at Venti and Scaramouche. Both a slim twink femboys who have so many fangirls who love them and ship 'em with Lumine and female OCs. And more recently, Lyney. Genshin fangirls even consider him a MAN of Fontaine or the "Lumine loves the Men of Fontaine" category.

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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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His taunt+debuff move is quite valuable
I missed on Krauser, I struggled in the elite tower because I don’t have one
I may try pulling him up
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My prayer is answered, got the dude on the first pulls
I will definitely stop here and save up until the next big banner
Congrats bro, that's awesome! I wish I could pull for Rondo, he's the missing MT I want the most, but I gotta keep saving. Only got 800 rubies and worst case scenario I'll need 10,500 for Odio-O plus Sazantos/Cygna.
We only have 3 more of the "elite" 4* characters left to go, right? and then I can finally stop watching these ads for games featuring giant fetish women?

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Why the fuck is it so heavy? 30gbs? I haven't played it for like 3 years and it quadrupled in size! I can't fit it in my iPad anymore. What the hell happened? Im so frustrated because I can't play both GI and HSR on my iPad...
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the weight of mona's ass and ei's tits just amount to THAT MUCH gb.
Quit HSR? Would solve your problems.
this is a chinese game not diablo madden or fifa, the jewish slop is even more predatory than chinese games, they require of you 100k+ to be competitive
>Im so frustrated because I can't play both GI and HSR on my iPad
a 128gb microsd card is like 10 dollar, storage is cheap
blame apple for being too retarded to put sd card slot in their "high end" device
desu, android abandoned SDcards integration as well.
you can only store media on them.

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Come in, Season 3 soon™
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bro, how many ex weapons did you MLB ?
I mean you mystery evolve to 4 stars, the upgrade with gold and scrap for magic metal. I don't outright upgrade 3 star weapons to 5. I'd be beyond broke if I did.

Chasing hammers is a nightmare. I don't have many weapons mlb'd. Only raid leads, and a couple of ones I got lucky on with the 300 magic metal boxes.
50 coffee
100 gems
Thanks anon
I dropped it after the first day to play more coop expedition

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new freya sexo skin is out
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Now time to hit Mythical Glory
>Get Bingo because I have a 3 number pattern
>150k+ people got Kyo before me
Holy fuck I only bother getting a bingo cause I noticed I got 3 pattern bingo but I can’t imagine 150k people being as lucky as me. How much money do they make from this game?
Reminder to take your daily dose of Harithpill before he gets the nerf hammer.
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Use Lunox
>being this much of a simp
look a female chatted me on global and said we should exchange likes on profile. she didnt do it and i already felt like i gave out dias to a scammer.

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Thoughts about the upcoming champs?
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>how's it for new players
It's a significantly simpler version of PC League albeit it still takes skill to play because it's still a MOBA
>how do I choose a champ
You play all of them until one clicks
>is this F2P
Yes technically. The only thing you need to pay for is cosmetics however and that's where it sucks because they go for $11-$16 a piece
>Caitlyn'a range is far enough to freely ok Akali with everything while staying completely out of range
>have to take at least 2 shots just to get close enough to ult
>Oh but she also has that stupid net thing that creates distance so now she hits me with 3 more shots before I can finally get in range of using my ult
>well except now I can't because I'm 2 shots away from death

Listen I get the balancing perspective here. Once Akali gets in then that Caitlyn is 100% dead if the Akali knows what she's doing but it doesn't make it any less retarded that Caitlyn has to use like 3IQ to lane agaisnt Akali mid while Akali has to be quadruple digits if not outright just abandon the lane or get constant gank

I hate that the "lass cannon" ADCs have so many ways to disengage to totally neutralize that while also dishsing out disgusting damage
>Akali player.
>Complaining about other characters being too safe.
It's very hand holdy. Your first 50 games or so are against bots and the game will also give you better teammates.
There's a practice tool option as one of the game modes. It gives you access to all the characters so you can try them out there to see if you like them.
Just like Dota, overwatch, csgo, etc., only payed service is cosmetics.
>defending Caitlyn
>defending Caitlyn Mid
I bet you play Tristana top

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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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>play pvp 20 times
I hate this fucking game so much
Good morning.

>>10% to base strike and blast defence and health regen
>>35% to base strike attack
>>10% to Max health
>Vegeta jobs once again kek.
Not even an ounce of Ki recovery speed, damn.
I heard that's the biggest problem with him and the devs couldn't deliver even on that front.

>Goku didn't fare much better, just a measly base 35% to stats and 20% damage inflicted.
Seems to be more like 40% if you get a maxed out 1st slot?
Still, all it does is making him hit harder, which is pointless when you're put up against UUI or Cryhan.
I wasn't expecting anything, I didn't even intend to use Nameku2 because I don't have the old Nameku zenkai'd which seems to be kind of a mandatory bench for him, and yet I'm still disappointed.
Check if going into a treasure battle with some funny meme unit and losing counts. It might.
I was shocked buy going into a training battle actually counted as well
Throwing a bunch of those matches was a releif

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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
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>log on
>realize im not high enough level to do story
>realize I don't have the elements needed to do hard story
>do my encores get shit loot
>do my instances get shit loot
>do my gates
>log off
Yeah this is great
Also I've got to log on again even though there's nothing to do to open my mines yeah great.
How the fuck does this game run fine during the actual game and somehow stutters in the title screen
I would say barely fine, i've never played a gacha game that throws up the loading spinner every time i press something on the menu
my guess is they have that lobby loaded constantly.
Their recent twitter replies was flooded by people complaining about the spinner so hopefully they'll make fixing that their priority

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Thread to discuss Genshin Impact. Clorinde soon!
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Then again I shouldn't complain, not like I would have done commissions or anything so it's a nice bonus I suppose. Was only off for two or three weeks anyway
I'm waiting for it to have all currency unlocked then just throwing every game.
Wind trace is the second worst mode in the game, behind the absolute garbage theater mechanicus became. I loved the first one, but they got worse and worse and worse...
>cyno is a super cop
>his mentor was a super cop gone bad
>investigate for JUSTICE
>turns out his mentor didn't go bad, just basically doing a super deep dive of JUSTICE
>mentor dies for JUSTICE
Bros, I am in a weird predicament and I need your advice.

I currently have around 80 pulls saved, with 0 pity and a guarantee from losing 50/50 trying to get C1 for Arlecchino.

I would love to pull Wanderer for overworld plus finally get an Anemo DPS for my benched C6 Faruzan, or Baizhu to use in my Dendro comps when my Nahida is busy on the other side of abyss.

My issue is I dont have Furina, and I hear she is rerunning next patch, and I really need her to enable a lot of team comps and for overworld waterwalking.

What do I do? Keep saving my guarantee for C0 (and potentially C1 if I get lucky) Furina, or pull Wanderer or Baizhu?
War between multiple factions :
- Heavenly Principles (aka Celestia) who want their order to persist
- Abyss Order who want to turn the world upside down
- Elemental Dragon Sovereigns (Neuvillette, Apep, etc...) who want the old pre-Celestia order to come back and get back their elemental authorities from the Archons and Heavenly Principles.
- Fatui who want to create a new world without gods so something like the Khaenriah cataclysm doesnt happen again.
It remains to be seen who the Archons side with, but all of them are gonna be protecting their nations.
Tsaritsa is obvious.
Raiden and Zhongli will most likely only observe and protect their nations, and only fight if they are attacked by whatever faction.
Venti is probably with the Heavenly Principles and has no reason to turn against them unless they attack Mondstadt.
Pyro Archon is unknown.
Focalors is dead.
Nahida is neutral.

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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Holy shit the auction house quest is a SLOG
When you're done, be sure not to pick up the quests again, otherwise they'll sit in your quest list forever.
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>dragon spine
>1 chest
Wow, thanks for letting me know there's a singular chest throughout the entire fucking map of dragon's spine that is now accessible. Does anyone know where this is?
Your cat is cool anon
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My Xianhua will be overpowered now.
Thanks, anon.

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