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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

Let me guess, you "need" more?
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After having mine for a few months, I actually could imagine having it as my only vehicle (which is crazy considering I have owned 4-6 vehicles at a time for the last 10 years), if not for the range, just can't go far enough for roadtrips and I don't like sitting at superchargers. Other than that though, it does just about everything well enough both on the road and off.
True I need more than one
post a roadtrip photo
wait you own 4-6 cars at a time but you don't fly?

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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nice cat
Bad Decisions maybe? I bought it back in like 2017 I can't remember who made them
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the more my econobox veers into shitbox/rust bucket territory, the more stickers I add. next up I finally cave and put something on the paint
Is Fujiwara sticker shop kill?
Ordered some super eurobeat stickers several weeks ago and they were on backorder and even sent an email asking about when they'd ship out and heard nothing back.
Pic for reference
Seems that way, slaps don't work on the helmet though, which is why it has to be a cricut.
Looks great, do you take leftover bolts for payment?

2 R's isnt enough edition

>Motorcycle posts
>giving out riding advice and then lowsiding
>nothing but hondas in the garage
>take the stickers off your bike
>nobikes trying soo hard
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course


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What kind of tool you're looking for exactly?
A slide hammer works fine for removing, a socket works fine for installing
>Well that's why you make trips to the fun places to ride.
i'm a hasbike so you don't need to talk to me like a retard but i'd rather be splitting lanes and doing dangerous overtakes for the hour it gets to the fun roads and then not be scraping boards once i get there. cruisers are really ideal for bumfuck america though (wherever hotwing lives)
bro you use a hammer and a screwdriver to tap them out then you use the old bearings to tap the new ones in
>you don't need to talk to me like a retard
Sorry didn't realize you meant splitting, thought you just meant general traffic. I misunderstood.
na i was a bit vague
Maybe you guys are right, it's a rare enough job that I can do it with the ole hammer and punch

Are GTIs actually that unreliable
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>Already had to change the steering wheel
Alright I'll bite, what the fuck happened?
>while close to the oil change interval of 10k/1 year.

You're being dumb if you are waiting this long. Also EQT tunes for the win.
i have a 2016 mk7 gti and it's solid so far. got it second hand but very low milage.
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>Deutsche Auto Parts on youtube will be your nigga.
Damn bro didn't know about that youtube channel. Post gti, here's mine.
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posting gti

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>0 accident. 0 ticket
>$300/month to insure in a:
>state with the least crime rate
>a $7 minimum wage
>the fewest accident
>lowest car theft
>one of the safest states
>$300 is the lowest I can find

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Dude your insurance company won't pay you shit for a 2012 Camry. Drop your collision and comprehensive coverage and put the money you save each month into a savings account.
Just turn 25 lmao. Insurance halves instantly.
Americas insurance issue come from fraud and large payouts by lawyers for "injured" joggers and chinks.
your GTA account doesn't matter.

do you have compulsory insurance mandates?

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That one's not funny
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>That one's not funny
Nor are you anon, but that didn't hold you back.
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Will city cars ever make a comeback in the US? All we have left are the Mini Cooper and the Fiat 500e (which I won’t buy since EVs suck more cock than I do). I just want a cute small car to drive to work and run errands :(
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>Driving is easy, avoiding the retards you share the road with is the hard part.
I've found that I tend to time my driving away from other people. I've rarely been stuck in traffic, whether it's working night shifts, narrowly avoiding rush hours, or that I rarely live in cities. That makes for some pretty safe driving.
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Turns out the MG3 is now in runout mode with the new model dropping any day. It will also arrive with an Au$5K price hike, making the Picanto the cheapest soon. I'm thinking the Kia is based at Au$20,690 driveaway (USD13,750)(includes all charges and 1yr registration) +520 for any colour but white
Because there are precisely two (2) cities in America dense enough to warrant purchasing a city car, and that's LA and NYC. You might even be able to make a case that it's only NYC.
Just get a miata
I think you meant picrel, the closes we ever got to ze pod.

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How do get bees out of car?
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Brake cleaner is almost instantly lethal. Add fire and it's instant.
There is a family of spiders living in the headliner of my truck :(
my brake cleaner says is non-flammable
Just let them bee.
Tell them to buzz off

Qrd on the gr86
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it's literally so over
You are too old when you decide so.
Any gramps I see hooning is based and we both know that.
what color is your bugatti?
you might struggle, but there's no better way to know than sitting in one
I have a 2019 Raiu Edition (Canadian market version of the Series.Gray)
I got it as my first manual. It's been fun learning on it.
If your commute is almost entirely highway and intersections with traffic lights, it may become stale. You need corners and fun little roads to enjoy it fully.
The most fun I've had with it was during the winter, when I got to slide it around. It's predictable and easy to manage when the rear is loose (:
I would say it's a good choice for a daily driver if you don't want a Miata. I haven't tried any generation of Miata, but I imagine they're a little more fun to flick around corners because they're even smaller. But, they're not as practical as a BRZ/GR86 - at least you can actually haul a surprising amount of things in a BRZ/GR86, like a set of mounted wheels + tires (without much else in the car)

8k for a 14 year old car that has 240k kilometers?

Wtf is going on?
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the car/truck economy right now is fucking killing me. I need to get out of my shitbox
Accords were c. 35k new. 70-80% deprecitiation seems correct.
Or UK, where cars older than ten years are piss cheap.
It's a mighty Honda, product of the greatest automaker that has ever existed.
>Or UK, where cars older than ten years are piss cheap
Because the wheel is on the wrong side
It's still too expensive

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who was in the wrong here?
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well i wouldn't want to be a lazybones
why do they live in an apartment?
>He thinks apartments are all for poors
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I got back up..

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I’m devastated because I always see others speeding and why she targeted me and pulled me over :( bros how do I cope?
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I have never been pulled over for speeding, even though i often do. It's really a matter of experience, knowing how to drive according to conditions and where the cops are. I routinely drive 75 in rural areas where the limit is 55, and today got it up to 100 for shits and giggles on my favorite stretch, which is level and smooth as runway for 5 miles. (Keep it down around town is the first rule) What you drive also matters. Yes, Virginia, cops profile by car, and pay a lot less notice to blandly colored sedans.
At least you weren't beaten like a nigger
You pay a laweyer $2-300 and it goes away. You're dumb if you just pay tickets. I got a bullshit speed camera one, one of the only cameras within 100 miles since they're illegal here, and I just said it wasn't me driving and it went away. I'm 11/11 on getting speeding tickets dismissed.
Take the speed limit pill
>comfy relaxing pace of driving everywhere
>rarely encounter anyone going slower to move around
>never pulled over
>traffic jams suddenly no longer stressful
>get to laugh at other people rushing to get to their wage slave jobs
It's the best decision I ever made
Don't worry about it, bro. I'm a super straight edge goody-two-shoes that nobody would suspect of doing anything wrong/illegal and even I have gotten a speeding ticket before.

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Let's see what Chad really drives
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>butthurt faggot doesn't know how to look up publicly available voter demographics
Not my problem, rabbi
N was carefully done. I respect that.
Browns ruin everything

The white man, with his compatriot and sensibly distanced Japanese men, are the custodians of forums and online spaces. The internet wasn't designed for low iq people
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The C5 is my gf. The C6 is my wife.

Disregard Females,
Aquire T/o/rque.
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Lucky guy. Wish I could live in a cozy Siberian dacha with QT and Niva (+ ural for me)

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I'm thinking of buying one, is there anything that I need to know before buying? I'm talking about ones that still have push bumpers on them and are like this in the back
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>I'm thinking of buying one, is there anything that I need to know before buying

Look at the number of running hours on it not just the mileage. All the cop cars are configured to record how many hours the engine is running for and some of them spend a lot of time idling on the side of the road waiting to give someone a ticket, that will wear the engine down without registering as miles on the odometer. I'd stay away from one with over 10,000 hours on it, obviously less is better. As with any vehicle always check the frame for rust and plug a OBD2 sensor in to see if its got any error codes.

Crown Vics are great if you want a good daily driver, if you're looking for something kind of sporty look for the Caprice with the LS V8 in it.
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Oh brother, this guy again.
No one cares.
>It's not like the good old days when you could pick up a Tricky Vicky with 150k miles

There are still a lot of them out there actually. It won't last but for now they're still a great bargain.
Some are refurbished to civilian status before sale. Retired service vehicles are maintained and have cruising differentials guaranteed somewhere between 1800-2000RPM at the highway speed. People avoid them because it's like an engine mileage multiplier, but the engine running hours are hours without load. It's still a better value than some facebook sale with no-work done.
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Avoid the Fords with the internal water pump.

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