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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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>this faggot starts posting this again
ehhhyeuhp, im thinking it’s over
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
>t. sneething drsnigger that didn’t profit in any way off of this run
kek faggot
I would never drs the whole boat my shill fren.

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I thank my dad every day that he taught me some basic diy skills. The amount of money I see people throwing at cars, repairs, land scaping, etc, is obscene. I mean, I guess if you're sitting on 8 figs then go wild and buy what you want, but even the high income wages in my town are you to their eye balls in debt because they bought a $80k truck that is no different than my $20k truck except there was driven new off the lot. And then they'll throw it away in 5 years when the brakes need to be done because "there's something wrong with it".
Or they throw $50k at a random contractor for a job that didn't even need to be done, or didn't vet it correctly, and then piss and moan how the contractor left town and they're stuck with another $20k bill because he didn't do the job right
I seriously implore any and all young anons reading this to work construction for a year or two. At the very least, you'll gain the confidence and knowledge to not be swindled by sales people and contractors.
And go buy a shit box civic and spend a repair upgrading and replacing everything.

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foxbros it's getting closer... anon, you boughted the dip right? ....right?

i will hackproof my undies
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making that last post, i realized something
i got in early and swear i remember the only selling point being the arcade, despite the token being on mainnet and the arcade being planned for base
the skybridge wasnt announced until much later, but creating it logically had to of been their plan from the beginning
they said they had been planning everything in aviator out for many months before launching the token as well, which i completely believe
i wont get schizo, but did they start planning ALL of this out the exact nanosecond base was announced or something?
unless im wrong, public knowledge of base even existing wasnt that long ago at all, much less actually being able to use it
Back to 3 to 1 mod/bagholder tg ratio??? Now just need to wait for next enzo
>it seems like a majority of the work is done
I hope so. I could be mistaken but I thought I remember them talking about it being in beta back around Jan/Feb. Hopefully they talk more about that and showcase it more on the next ama.

>the skybridge wasnt announced until much later, but creating it logically had to of been their plan from the beginning
I used to say this very thing in some of the older threads but I think it's all just coincidental, or maybe that's how they want it to appear from the outside. There hasn't been much info to show that there is some type of interest between cbase/avi besides that schizo posting. It could be by design since everyone has to play it cool especially since entities are seemingly trying to play by the rules for regulative purposes.
Another day, another dump. Bros, at the very least, we better do what gala did in the bear market
The schizo posting is all you guys have anymore, but it’s absolutely retarded, let’s be honest. They don’t have industry connections. Stickle is a 25 year old kid that just got out of school. None of them have real work experience.
>muh ex shib team
Ok… so one or two of them maybe might have been cc’d on an email chain once with someone who worked at coinbase at the time. That’s not a meaningful business connection. Coinbase isn’t holding them up like some golden child. They are no different than any other crypto team as far as coinbase is concerned

Aevo is the most shorted crypto in the market. Even binance pays you for holding it. How can we shill it to normies?

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It's dumping again...
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same I fucked up
If you don't reply to this comment, your alts will never recover
The Monero general is up longer

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I've spent months putting together an extremely good pitch deck, but I'm a nobody with no connections.
How do I get in front of VCs to sell them on the idea?
best is to get introduced op, people are inundated with decks.
Drop an email tacfrac@protonmail.com
You need to have a discussion with your local rabbi.

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I just cancelled my duolinguo subscription. Stop wasting your time learning languages.

AI and its consequences thread
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>But I think there's an intangible benefit to being able to speak and think in multiple languages which by adulthood you'll sadly never get the chance to do.
Ok buddy retard
English may be the new lingua franca of the West, but it's a stretch to say that it "runs" the world. It is too sloppy to resist globohomo erosion anyway. Which is why anglophone countries are so prone to nonsensical neologisms like "transgender" or "literally" being the new figuratively.

In fact in just a few decades English has been dilluted faster than Latin or French have in centuries, and I suspect LLMs will only exarcebate this.
> In fact in just a few decades English has been dilluted faster than Latin or French have in centuries, and I suspect LLMs will only exarcebate this.
Latin is a dead language, you head of cabbage. How shocking that its daily speakers wouldn't come up with neologisms.
French gets new words frequently, despite the best efforts of some snubby institution that desperately tries to prevent the language getting further and further corrupted by English words (and fails.)

You're whining about a living language evolving. Many grumpy old men have done this before you. Many will after you. Languages that aren't dead will continue to evolve and grow.
its called WLD coin.
Altman released it.
You think this is not going to be the coin?

The metrics are easy to understand


so you want to be 1/1000 buy 1000 coins I will get 10K which the to 0.01%
looks like it has already begun

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>LINK price 2024-05-08: 13.13$
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dollar sign goes before the number though
I honestly didn't realise it had gone that low and just bought $3k worth. Thanks for the info.
I literally just thought about this earlier today. Are you in my head?
I literally just thought about this earlier today. Are you in my head?
welcome back fuddies

pump it up edition


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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Dare I buy GME at open and become an eternal baggie?
>doesn't say anything about GME
>just reads some Qtard post
>reddit can't push it higher in PM
it's over, if they can't push it higher the only thing to do is to rush for the exit
fugg I accidentally posted on the wrong board, disgusting
They don't understand how to make pm trades. They just push the green button

How do I set myself to not be disappointed?
by not watching it?
Just pretend the founder of the token is a fat russian who will spend your money on HR roasties and big macs.
>if I close my eyes it will go away!

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>im over $7,000 in credit card debt
>owe $30,000 still on my car loan
>owe my mom over $25,000 in rent
>my savings is 0
>my bank account is -$250 and they charge me $70 everyday that i dont bring it to $0
>all my crypto is worth literally nothing i dont even have enough for gas fees

my job pays me $15/hr but with social security, taxes, insurance its like $6/hr

my life is a joke, theres no way out of this anymore, im no longer in my 20s all i did was party and play video games. help
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thanks anon but i dont even have anything to swap anymore, i sold all my altcoins for like $5-10 each to pay my car insurance a few months ago

i have nothing in crypto but literal cents
Could be worse you could be a 40 year old virgin who has never been on a date and spent his youth playing videogames and never had a job
hey man we all die anyway you feel me
BASED debtmaxxer.
>in my 20s all i did was party and play video games
Help with what? You've already won.
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>the most bullish fundamentals and partnerships in crypto
>the most bearish price action

Why the discrepancy?
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It's simple, Chainlink is undervalued. At some point LINK will become popular and all the bullish fundamental news will properly be priced in. Retail doesn't care about LINK and institutional investors any care about btc and ETH right now. Right now only some cultists, a few whales (who want the price to stay suppressed) and some institutional insiders are buying or getting link OTC. Me personally, I am just going to sit tight and wait for my ducks to quack.
Everything about Chainlink has come down to the long shot of institutional moneys using their services…and there is no guarantee even then the price will go up

Actually, all of crypto hangs on this promise right now. It’s not even a clown market anymore. It’s just sad
>Everything about Chainlink has come down to the long shot of institutional moneys using their services
Not true, Chainlink absolutely blew up within the crypto market first, and became dominant in that space years ago.
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This lmao
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You're barking up the wrong tree.

I don't like what I'm seeing in the crypto market. It makes me feel weak and tempted to sell my bags. What should I do?
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>Forget about memecoins
lol, good luck bro
you may say so but how about risk due to depeg. we saw that shit on renzo?

effort counts, but this often doesn't amount to anything.
Their lack of transparency has caused people to doubt the project, which is a critical aspect. They need to prioritize maintaining their credibility. That sucks.
Not gonna make it.

exit your Chainlink shorts NOW
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You've been saying that for 7 years and i'm now a millionaire, but you do you.
I guy am wise dumping LINK for QAN
You should put your entire net worth into it :)
>Nothing happens
>admit the team fucked up

>admit its a shitcoin

>admit chainlink is a piece of shit

>admit it's a shitcoin

41 posts across (at least) three IDs, and all you're doing is trying to settle some kind of score.

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No! My net worth revolves around rank, not price!
funny how every fudcuck is a phoneposter

no more IP hopping for you sissyboy
Humiliation ritual
But the worst is yet to come, Link will be flipped by Pepe for sure
its getting shilled by big youtubers so no shit its getting pumped, its a dead chain otherwise and will take money from zoomers and I like it

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Hello frens, let's discuss APU
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Yeah shit's wild, I just got too seven figures in my countries currency. Still a little under a 2x for 7 figures in burger dollars
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My fucking god i literally saw the rug right infront of my eyes, almost ape in 500 bucks, fuck this shit, every time i open the thread i hurt a little bit
I believe that DOGE and SHIB, PEPE and APU will be consolidated in the top 4 by 2028 with a market cap in the two-digit figures. Maybe there will be 2 cat memes for the 2028 cycle. I think other copies and variations of DOGE might not be as successful anymore; it will only be the two dogs, DOGE and SHIB, and the two frogs, PEPE and APU.
*In the two-digit billion market cap range.
Ashbie is recovering better then i thought it would.

The Fear and Greed index is in the Greed zone, signaling bullish sentiment among investors. Hopefully, you took advantage of the dip. My final call anons.
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Any positive feedback on that?
>My final call anons.
My final calls are, buy the dips of AAST, TRIAS and SEI. They will blow up really fast.
what makes you think they won't do the same on this sectors?

retard spotted. If you are grinding for the tech, you will definitely end up with nothing, and regulation will soon clamp down on crypto, and if it does, that will be the end.
This underscores the importance of DYORing. Don't solely depend on influencers who might not have your best interests at heart. It's up to you to take action and succeed. Your choice.

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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Litecoin, or Algorand if there's sufficient liquidity, or if your originating exchange lets you send stables on a cheap chain use that.
if I buy xmr with fiat directly through kraken then send it through two wallets, that provides the same amount of privacy as >>58472872 does, right?
Sure, you just lose the plausible deniability of not knowing what Monero is.
Bitcoin blockchain still betrays that btc was exchanged for xmr right? (Idk how exchanges work exactly but it's probably traceable and they probably have to keep the receipts) So it really is the same level of privacy.
Also btc to xmr opens you up to false positives via chain analysis so you could end up being accused of crimes you didn't commit (like in the Romanov case supposedly)
I'm not sure about exchanges (obviously the exchange will know you swapped btc for xmr), but for atomic swaps it should look the same as a normal btc transaction. Note again that btc has high fees

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