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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

Before posting a thread, please check our catalog to ensure that a thread about the same topic does not already exist.


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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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>17 units of armored vehicles were used by the occupiers at the same time in the Novomykhailivka area, and Tavrian paratroopers immediately destroyed 11 units.

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What westernizing your military does to a mf
I wonder if they use indians because they can't do anything else with the oil rupees they got
Oyakodon is the thinking man's fetish.
solo clothed females for me.
What an absolute trainwreck of a thread.

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>The condition of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is very serious. He was wounded in the stomach and chest - Slovak media
What caliber bends you into a shitting position?
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Still stand by my claim.
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So is he "assassinated" or is he in "a life-threatening condition"? Seems vague.
Scumsucking Russian plants should all meet a similar fate
he has died from eternal bleeding
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Perfect pistol for the gf? Want her to have something small and easy to use that won't be too susceptible to limp writing. Probably a semi automatic rather than a revolver.
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i never really knew anything about shadow system glocks till i watched this video lol. its funny that he says their trigger is worse than a factory glock trigger tho
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>don't have an astigmatism
>doing most of your shooting within 100 yards
>on a budget but want something decent
>you prioritize weight savings over preparedness
>got a stiggy with the 'tizzy
>OCD about groupings and fantasizing about taking shots out to 300yds+
>what even is a "budget" optic?
>weight isn't a factor for your burly biceps
Can we have sex
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thanks, any recs?
romeo5 seems good but is a holosun 403 better?

LPVO anything $500 and under
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Yeah, probably way more than she's used to.

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Tactical gear thread.
Post gear, discuss gear.
Old: >>61590694
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>Cant find the two guys in rg
Its okay, they got you on thermal 2min ago
Superfeet green
>I'm trying...
take the classes I maymay arrowed for you

unless of course I'm right and you're both a liar and just buying shit you dont understand to look cool on the internet
Superfeet green says it’s high arch and I have low arches so I got superfeet blue. They both say general purpose so I assume they’re the same exact thing outside of the arch height?
Why can't there be a decently priced thermal drone that isn't zogged.
If ranger green is so good why does only Israel and Austria use it?

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New Chadley kino
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>he thinks he's threatening real people.
>shillfag worried hes next on the nuNKVDs list if he doesnt achieve something soon
>glowniggers instantly seething
>hasnt called anyone an airman yet
I bet it would cost me $10 for the CCP to tell me where you children go to school since Biden gave them full access to your files.

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How would a /k/ guerrilla or insurgent group run logistics? How would you set up caches for patrols? Safe houses, shit like that?
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Has spookston finally admitted that he’s a furry?
ravaged with my magnum dong
i hope thats a male

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Thoughts about raising tigers for home defense?
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I recently read Jim Corbett's books and the leaopard did seem scarier. They are naturaly much warier and more suspicious zthan tigers (because they arent the top predators in their habitat . any unwary leopard gets killed by tigers), because they are more intelligent and more adaptable and because they hunt at night which makes hunting them far, far harder.
>I even had a shoebill bird show up where I worked and freaked out the africans that were trying to sell some expired horsemeat as steaks to my dad. it walked alongside me to the shop. the africans eyes got big as fuck and wigged out when I talked to it and it would bob its head like it was agreeing with me.

They probably thought it was a spirit in animal form.
Kek. As soon as I saw ears stick up I knew that cat was about to get jumped.
habeeb it!
my dad had a pet duck and he said it did a good job of guarding the house because it would quack extremely loud at people and scare n hurt their ears then peck n bite them if a stranger aproached him suddenly.

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Why weren’t nuclear hand grenades ever fully developed?

It would give the individual infantrymen unparalleled destructive power. With one device they can destroy entire buildings, poison crops and water supplies and clear out trench systems
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The radiation from nukes isn’t that intense. Hiroshima is still safe and inhabitable.
The Israelis develop these
>Handing Pte Mongo a nuke
"Green Light Teams", actually.
go long !

no wonder nobody's CIWS works well
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The russian one seems to have enough drag to make it viable, still a fuckhuge MAR but that's to be expected.
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He's right to a degree. Flight sims teach you very little about actually managing a complex mission. Falcon BMS when flown with a large group of other players gets it the closest, but even it is relatively lax.

The amount of planning the goes into a single real mission, and the actual complexity of getting that mission accomplished, isn't able to be simulated. Flight sims can teach you how to fly aircraft but they can't teach you how to be a pilot.
>no flight sim teaches you the intricacies of managing, loading, and utilizing cryptographic keys for your radios.
>no flight sims teach you how to get a corridor created, most don't teach you how to utilize it.
>no flight sim properly portray how missions are received and created.
>no flight sims give you a realistic experience with radios, they rely on ATC comm menus.

That being said, flight sims can absolutely improve your aircraft control and your understanding of systems. Certainly gave me a leg up when I started flying.

t. pilot
>no flight sim teaches you the intricacies of managing, loading, and utilizing cryptographic keys for your radios.
irellevant for discussing air combat
>no flight sims teach you how to get a corridor created, most don't teach you how to utilize it.
literally had many missions with strike packages mixed with sead and air superiority missions
>no flight sims give you a realistic experience with radios, they rely on ATC comm menus.
try srs mod in dcs its not perfect but its nice
Both of these are flying straigh and level for the last 20 seconds, CWIS isn't going to fire on anything 20 seconds out.
>Both of these are flying straigh and level for the last 20 seconds,

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Air defense for what?
They never reach crimea anyways. Doesn't matter to damage to her
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>we didn't need those fighter planes
The Indians are dumb enough to dox themselves.
Yeah. If I had to speculate on the reason for using overly arcane language it would come back to a desire to be perceived as intelligent too. Some people think that they’ve intellectually one upped whoever they are speaking with when they use words that they don’t know, or that it marks them as smart, when in reality the mark of intelligence is being able to explain complex things simply. I wouldn’t go as far as to tie it to insecurity over cheating though

in this thread, we discuss the fictional and real-world FIREARMS AND WEAPONS depicted in the Fallout franchise, as well as any military related technology, wars, campaigns, or speculation about any of these things.
here's a few tidbits of /k/ related fallout canon to start this off
>Glock, apparently. exists. and a Gaston Glock AI was still coming up with weapon ideas pre-war, including the Plasma Pistol.
>the P94 Plasma Caster is stated as being manufactured by Winchester.
>various weapons which were merely prototypes in our world were at some point pressed into actual service in the FO-verse. such as the H&K G11 and the Pancor Jackhammer, as well as the H&K CAWS
>the Desert Eagle also still apparently exists in the Fallout universe
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Yeah I know but that’s subject to interpretation. I want something like halo wars
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>The weight and feel of the Power armor
>Power armor guys destroying people by simply punching and front kicking them

>BoS starts off with broken airship as HQ that when upgraded to final tier is airworthy again and acts as a mobile base (similar to Necrons in Dawn of War)
>BoS would have some land and air vehicles (slower vertibirds based off of the Fo4 design) but would be primarily centered around customizable squads of heavy infantry knights and paladins, with the player able to choose the armament of each squad member. For instance creating an anti infantry squad with miniguns and flamers, or anti heavy infantry with laser and gauss rifles.

>Enclave has more specialized heavy infantry squads; anti infantry hellfire units, anti armor tesla units, tanky mutated infantry (think mini frank horrigans that are normal super mutant sized), along with basic heavy infantry in APA that have less versatility than their BoS counterparts.
>Enclave lacks any land vehicles but makes up for it with high-speed vertibird gunships and transports (based off of the designs of Fo3 and Fo2 respectively). The playstyle would be around micro-ing specialized and expensive power armor units around, deepstriking them into enemy territory with your transports while supporting them with gunships.
>Hero/Leader unit would be an secret service commando, who starts off as a standard looking enclave soldier who with each researched upgrade would slowly turn into a full on Frank Horrigan abomination

>NCR has tons of mobilized infantry to throw at the enemy, supported by squad weapons like mortars and HMGs, some artillery, and ranger special forces to crack tin cans. They would have land vehicles like trucks and some chunky mad max looking APCs (think Syrian civil war), along with some barely air worthy planes. You would be pushing the frontline forward with massed infantry assaults supported by mortars and scavenged artillery while micro-ing rangers to take out the BoS paladin with a minigun who just cut down 25 troopers. Also having Colonel Reyes as a hero unit.
>hey bro check this out
>pierces through target, berm, and collats 3 children and a dog
I love how this seems like petty revenge for New Vegas besting 3 and 4 despite being a very rushed game. Maybe them also being assblasted about the defeat at Helios One. I will not buy 4, 76 or fallout 5 (whenever it releases), because of how shit thoses games are (will be).

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Paging ris3 furry
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So is a NAA mini revolver, doesnt make it not suck
Should I passive aim with a dot only or eotech/holosun donut?
Is it though?
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Dot only
Less light in the periphery of the image so you can track your target better.
>Sig trousersnake
You are a nogo
you'll find the dot much easier with the larger FOV specially wearing tubes

Why didn't the US military or someone else ever develop Sundial and Gnomon? It's a two stage design where a 1000MT bomb sets off a 10000MT bomb.

Such a device could single-handedly bathe the entire earth in deadly radiation for decades.

Even if the enemy developed a counter to ICBMs, bombers and submarines they couldnt stop you from detonating it in your backyard and bringing them down with you
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What if some other nation builds a bigger doomsday bomb and threatens the original country with vaporization? Lol gottem
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Call us when you can start pumping teratones.
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nukes are fake and gay
That could shatter the planet. 10000GT would already expose earths core
turns out weapons are not useful if they kill your enemies and also the rest of the planet.

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