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Just a question that crossed my mind, thinking about it I’m thinking maybe Harrison Ford? He’s got tons of Han Solo toys, some Indy toys, and then other stuff like Blade Runner. Could also be Arnie or Mark Hamill maybe. I’d rather stick to characters they physically acted rather than voicework, but we could include that as well. Although I’m going to say clone characters don’t work, so Temuera Morrison or Dee Bradley Baker don’t automatically get it for playing/voicing all the clones in Star Wars.
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There were more Han Solo toys produced before Tobey’s Spider-Man movie even released than there ever will be Tobey figures.
I don't understand the question. Are you referring to toys that resemble their actors, or are you referring to toys based around their characters? If you're talking about the former, Kenner toys from the 70's shouldn't count. If you're talking about the latter, the count can be inflated by SD designs (pic related) or toys based on cartoon adaptions.
I don’t know about sold, but I know Billy Dee Williams has the record for unsold.
Poor guy, maybe he’ll make up for it in Colt 45 sales
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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

Previous: >>10988164
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Superior is next year, bruticus the year after. Defensor is the odd man out so far
>and how they're raw dogging the shit out of ss86 to get every sunbow guy the most definitive toy possible in general
Some of it is a little ridiculous, like the mini-bots all getting great Legends class toys in the Prime Wars trilogy and then immediately getting redone in Deluxe class. (I do want another Windcharger though.)
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I love Siege Soundwave's alt mode and I'm tired of pretending I don't
Me, Blaster too.
I kinda like it too. if it was a lot less bricky, I'd be downright into it. This is the kind of thing I want 'cybertronian modes' to be. cool spaceships out of a shmup, or a movie about cool spaceships.

I’m curious how much interest there is in a Lara Croft toyline or figure. The recent remastered games have me falling in love with the franchise and character all over again and I’m disappointed with all of the figures I’ve seen so far if her in the toy world. I’m curious if there’s a reason they haven’t made toys for her in years, because Im sure they would sell well. Also is there anyone who’s made a good custom or Etsy seller who sells good Lara figures or at least a headsculpt? And could anyone recommend a good base body for Lara?
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I got the Amazonian Lara
What’s this anon?
guro icon (TuT)
oh that works nicely
nuLara was replaced by CoD Lara

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On one hand, im glad Dune got big enough to get toys at all, but for a movie with such amazing designs I wish we got more than stillsuits and Feyd, and that stupid Emperor Shaddam Walken figure. Blade Runner 2049 deja vu. Anyone else have some of the Dune figures? I got a turban paul recently, pretty good.
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There's a Christopher Walken figure?
He's the emperor, and like Star Wars it's just a figure in black robe.
My Target had these moved to clearance. $10 for Paul and Feyd and $6 for Gurney and Rabban, a steal
Yes, we know Star Wars copied a lot from Dune, you can stop telling us.
Yeah but does he have a good Walken face? Could be fun for putting the head on other figures.

I was in Walmart yesterday and i was seeing how good the $10 figures from other companies look but then hasbro has these stupid 5 poa figures that will sit on the racks for months and don’t even get me started on Jada, practically outdoing every company including some imports
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I got both and the Bossfight one is a far better toy in almost every aspect. The Fwoosh one has a nice wash and some interesting alt heads, but I'd settle for a more....bare bones...paint scheme in exchange for the incredible amount of gear and weapons the BFS ones come with. They're also more solid and move a bit more naturally.

The Fwoosh skeleton isn't "bad" per-se, but rather there are far better options on the market right now so it's very much overshadowed. If it ever gets a deep clearance like the Ninja figures had, it'd be more worth grabbing a few though.
wait what
We're being spammed with lazy new topics

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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

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6 is the way to go, but if it can't hold more than 1 fig it can fuck off.
Why doesn't he just put everything on one channel again? I still watch him review new sets I want but I don't care about his reactions
This shit looks bad, I mean REALLY REALLY bad. I can't believe pay pigs will gobble this shit up. Should be no more than 200 dollars. I don't care how many small pieces they used to rack up the count. It doesn't even have a back to it or close. All the shit on the interior is made up because we never see it in the film. The tower is always in the background from miles away in the films and books. There's no point in making it a play set. The set is an ugly display at that. Just a hunk of black bricks. How do they go from making Rivendell to this piece of shit?
I think you're being a hater but I see your point because it looks unfinished with exposed interiors. I'd like to see terrain plates on hinges to allow access to the back. How would you improve it?
What the fuck is with you people? There are no haters. There are people that like sets and don't like sets.

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My samurai mikey had a warped/squished peg at the left elbow joint that was non functional so I contacted customer service and they actually sent me the replacement piece I asked for.
Haven’t swapped it out just yet, but I’m sure with some boiling water it will be simple enough, because when I first opened the set I dipped them in some hot water to loosen them up and they softened up so much that I accidentally popped Donnie’s bicep off and was able to pop it back on easily. That’s why I only asked for the bicep, elbow, forearm. I figured that would be easier to swap than the elbow. But they actually did ask me exactly which part I needed. And it arrived like 4-5 days after I sent the email, so that was pretty cool.
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This whole thread is obviously bait.
How would theyhave that exact part? I’m assuming they took it off another figure?
They had so many defects that they made extra
No they don't, you're an idiot.
yes they do!

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Previous Thread >>10954476



-Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa

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Zica Toys R.I.O.T Trooper, this guy. If the new o-rings had a Lanard toys of the bunch, this is it, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Any negatives are heavily outweighed by the positives, plan to get another 2-4 of the guy. Really hope Zica does more o-ring

>He's only $15
>Balances very well without a stand
>Nice sculpt for a generic mook and good paint
>Good plastic, no loose joints, balances without a stand very well.
>Handles his gun seamlessly

>No card art/packaging, one accessory, no stand, but fuck you he's $15
>Visual language doesn't 100% mesh with vintage Joe's, but he won't stand out like a sore thumb
>Very slightly out of scale and stands a hair taller than a lot of the other o-ring guys
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Sorry guys I'm a filthy phone poster right now

Heavy Armor Toys In the Navy. Solid figures, also have a bit of that Lanard vibe. Plan to pick up a few more. Overall not too much of interest to say, but that isn't a bad thing.

>The plastic quality feels very nice and everything is tight
>Sculpt is very good if not a tad uninspired
>The minimal paint apps are clean, especially on the face of the green shirt
>You get a helmet and two nicely sculpted guns for $20
>Handles all accessories very well
>Again, can also pose without a stand
>Will look good with vintage Joe's

>Very generic, which I believe is the point but could be off-putting for some people

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Delta-17. Unfortunately I'm not much for modern military, but goddamn do these handle amazing. Holy fuck, they feel great. If you're on the fence go buy one and make up your mind then, I'm hoping they do more sci-fi/space stuff but these two are great. Not 100% my thing visually but I highly recommend these on quality alone.

>Platic quality is amazing
>Sculpts are very damn crisp(a bit overly detailed for me, but that's a me problem)
>Paint applications are super precise and just make the figures pop
>You can fit the entire load out on the figure which is a huge plus, especially given all they come with
>Not only do they handle their accessories without flaw, they can use any other o-rings as well. No wobbly grip whatsoever, only one I can say this about.
>Packaging is nice, card art is good
>Actually includes a stand

>Due to their level of detail and modern design they may stand out among your vintage Joes, but it shouldn't be too severe
>A lot of people have had issues with the legs on theirs, I didn't encounter this issue but something to note
>Left and right motion on the heads are more restricted than any of the other modern o-rings due to their construction, but it's far from unacceptable
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Grindstone Toys Skeletron. He has a few flaws, but fuck this is my favorite of the bunch. This guy is visually perfect far as I'm concerned, and the plastic quality and feel is on par with Delta-17 and feels the closest to a vintage figure. Buy one. Based on the quality of this guy alone, I'm very excited for the Grindstone line Callsign Longbow. Probably my figure of the year so far. I also fucking love the Red Shadows and skeletons. I'm biased as hell.

>Much like Delta-17, can hold the entire load out on the figure save for his alternate head, but the way it's done feels super clever
>From the sculpt to the paint, this guy has it all. Amazing attention to detail, they really nailed the retro sci-fi aesthetic.
>His sword glows in the dark and his head is a skull
>Great joint tolerance and plastic quality, again on par with Delta-17, but if you crave something that FEELS like a vintage, I'd say better than Delta-17
>Will seamlessly pair with vintage
>Handles his accessories really nicely, grip on his main blaster could be better, but it won't fall out of his hand.
>Includes a stand
>Fucking incredible box art and packaging, I'm not a MOC guy but I will be buying another just to keep one MOC.

>Aforementioned slightly loose grip on main blaster
>The eyes on my masked human head were a bit off center

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If anyone has questions let me know, or if you want me to take any comparison pictures. I'll post from my desktop next time I swear to God.
Ultimately all these options are good, even Strike Force Alpha is a good thing. Like goddamn do we have options for o-ring toys right now. Seems like Ninjas of the Hidden Force are on the horizon with the other two God knows how far, but these guys did manage to reinvigorate my passion for collecting. Now I just need some vehicles and to find a good playset for these fucks. Sorry again for the phone posting, I'll do better I swear.

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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread: >>10962500
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WTS Nendos. Standard 8$ shipping (USA only). Free shipping if you buy multiple
642 Albedo- $35
1492-DX Vanellope- $55
150 Denji- $32
1580 Power- $32
1666 Mikey- $20
952 Zero Two- $34
1010-B Mickey- $20
100 Mickey Mouse0 $31
1948 Nezuko- $45
1957 Twin Turbo- 50$
1680 Illyasivel von Einzbern- $40 SOLD
1057 Theresa- $110 SOLD
1246 Chocola- $110
1113 Shield Hero- $35 SOLD

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Local bargain place has a couple of these for $4, anyone interested for the price of shipping from Canada?
Hey /toy, been retired from collecting for a few years now and just looking to sell. All figures are unopened and sealed in their original boxes. Prices are negotiable, taking Paypal and shipping in the US.

Figma Anzu Futaba -$60
Figma Rika Jougasaki -$60
Figma Rin Shibuya -$60
Figma Mika Jougasaki -$60
Figma Ranko Kanzaki -$60
Figma Hitagi Senjougahara -$80
Figma Koyomi Araragi -$80
Figma Phantasmoon -$70
Figma Makise Kurisu Lab Coat ver -$100
Figma Levi Cleaning Ver -$80
Figma Mikasa Ackerman -$80
Figma Eren Jaeger -$80

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Marvel legends onslaught baf
Mafex wolverine (preferably brown suit)
Selling a bunch of random stuff
Willing to take offers on stuff and ship international if you cover shipping

>Some Neca
>Power Rangers stuff like Lightning Collection and Legacy
>Kamen Rider DX, Figuarts and others



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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast/scale model car general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives - Evil Ryu (SDCC), Alt Player 2 Ryu (Paulmartstore)

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post pics, I want to see the results
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is there any hope?
you can buy revo joint packs
People don't even know that exists
Why’s it look like Pokémon characters mixed with mega man?

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>10971143

New reveals! BUSTER DOLL recolors! R1 is now 2! Wilber-Nine prototype! GIANT Gourai and Sophia! Zoid girls return! Rayfalx's torso?

What do you think? Are you excited for anything shown off? Do you expect more this weekend?

Why is the middle child of the imperial sisters such an edge lord? Is it Amaterasu's fault?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:

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Still waiting for Sheryl to pair with Ranka. I mean, there are some people who like an OT3 with Alto.
>how am i supposed to walk with these mecha MC Hammer pants?
Can't wait for this and 30MF kits. I'll finally have an army of robots to gangbang all of my girlpla bitches.
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Previous Thread: >>10962674
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My gigantic Hedorah finally arrived. Anyone else order this during the brief window?
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Why the fuck is it BioGoji and not Rebirth Goji
Its beautiful
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Will absolutely grab this guy when hegoes up online.
Because rebirth got like a half dozen reissues/repaints back in the day. This is the first repaint of BioGoji
Well yeah but I don't have Rebirth :)

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Return of the Stage Killer Edition


https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Beyblade General/


Future 2024:
BX-00 Storm Pegasis
BX-00 Victory Valkyrie

UX-05 Random Booster Select

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The sculpts are cool, the blade choices make sense, but the gear chips are ass. As a Transformers fan, I'm sick of seeing that bog standard evergreen artwork on all merch, and they really should have commissioned new art in the actual gear chip art style.
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Amazon.jp preorders for Beyblade X XONE (zone) are up for 8228 yen.
Game is made by Furyu (the ones that did the Burst games.)
Platforms will be Switch and Steam.
Here's the official site: https://www.cs.furyu.jp/beyblade2024/

Release date: 11/14
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Included Knife Shinobi is... Shinobi Knife. 4-60LF
The colors of that mystery bey remind me of Meteor L-Drago.

>In-universe toy made of rubber-plastic mix
>Give her a plushy
What’s the plush look like?
Does it have bendable wires in the arms and legs at least?
Does this creatura even count as the writer's thinly veiled fetish? Like it's just the writer's fetish.
And what fetish would that be…?

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Previously: >>10982789

-Marvel Legends Carnage (Let There Be Carnage) Announced (Mainline release, pre-order 5/15)

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

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151 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is that symbiotcest?
Why tf are these non removable
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>good at crouching and jumping
lol, lmao
Kinda hard to take this seriously when you didn't upload it properly.
They're removable on the re-release coming out

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