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Democrats once again prove they have no independent thoughts of their own. They definitely prove they are dog-walked by their corporate news masters.
They are easily led cattle and their lack of self awareness is frightening
DC slammed Trump’s tariffs. Biden’s decision to keep them draws a very different reaction.
The response offers yet another reminder of just how much the U.S. political consensus has shifted against free trade.

Back in 2018, lawmakers of both parties greeted President Donald Trump’s decision to slap tariffs on Chinese imports with widespread derision.

Six years later, most members of Congress are applauding President Joe Biden’s extension — and in some cases, expansion — of those tariffs, if not calling for him to go even further.

The contrasting reactions to similar policy moves just a few years apart is yet another reminder of just how much the U.S. political consensus has shifted against free trade. And it bodes ill for those hoping Washington will be more open to negotiating new trade deals and cutting tariffs after the 2024 election.

“It’s a terrible, unfortunate movement towards protectionism,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), one of the few lawmakers to critique Biden’s move, told POLITICO when asked why Washington’s reaction has been so different this time around.

Besides Grassley, free trade advocates have remained largely silent.

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Fucking hilarious. I can't believe a Politico journo mentioned the hypocrisy.
See this loser for the average Dem's reaction >>1295208
>W-we d-don't like tariffs, right?!
>Fuck it FUCK YEAH BIDEN! Great way to continue your proven history of plagiarism!!!
Ahahahahaha! I'm dead.
How did you get this confused?
Well, first I got outraged at Trump for tariffs.
Then the confusion set in when Biden did it and I wasn't outraged.
It's weird. It's like I was being led around by the dick by retards or something.
You don't seem to have gotten the memo that Republicans are against the tariffs now. See >>1295239
Did you read the article?

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"Make my day, Pal"

Biden proposes June and September debates with Trump, who accepts dates
The president said he will not participate in the traditional televised showdowns organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

By Michael Scherer and Josh Dawsey
Updated May 15, 2024 at 9:52 a.m. EDT|Published May 15, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. EDT


President Biden said Wednesday that he will not participate in the decades-old tradition of three fall meetings organized by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, instead calling on his Republican rival Donald Trump to join him for two televised presidential debates in June and September.

Trump responded minutes later saying he accepted Biden’s offer. “I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September,” he wrote on Truth Social. “I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds.”

“Just tell me when, I’ll be there,” he continued, before referencing a tag line from professional boxing. “'Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!”

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>Can only resort to personal attacks because he got called out correctly.
The debate should be held at 10am just to see if Trump can stay awake since he's always sleeping during his election interference criminal trial.
>N-No U!!!
Okay Botboy
Yes, you.
Concede first. Then we'll talk.
I'm not that poster, but his argument has more merit.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration announced plans to slap new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment — an election year move that’s increasing friction between the world’s two largest economies.

The tariffs come in the middle of a heated campaign between President Joe Biden and his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, in which both candidates are vying to show who’s tougher on China.

The Chinese government was quick to push back, issuing a statement Tuesday that the tariffs “will seriously affect the atmosphere of bilateral cooperation.” The foreign ministry used the word “bullying.”

The tariffs are unlikely to have much of an inflationary impact because of how they’re structured. Administration officials said they think the tariffs won’t escalate tensions with China, yet they expect China will explore ways to respond to the new taxes on its products. It’s uncertain what the long-term impact on prices could be if the tariffs contribute to a wider trade dispute.

The tariffs are to be phased in over the next three years, with those that take effect in 2024 covering EVs, solar cells, syringes, needles, steel and aluminum and more. There are currently very few EVs from China in the U.S., but officials worry low-priced models made possible by Chinese government subsidies could soon start flooding the U.S. market.
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It's not that it doesn't like it. It's that the creature has no psychological mechanism to cope with the fact that it doesn't know what to think.
It was told this was bad when Trump was doing it, not the creature cannot form any opinion of it's own.
It must cope, and possibly dilate.
t. Chuck Grassley
t. Jerrold Nadler.
lmao >>1295239
So, you're informing me that Grassley's opinion on the matter has remained consistent?
Not really interesting information.

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Donald Trump is continuing to see possible warning signs for his White House bid as significant numbers of people are still voting against him in the GOP primary.

On Tuesday, the presumptive 2024 Republican candidate continued his domination in the primaries with resounding victories in Maryland, Nebraska and West Virginia, winning 80 percent, 79.6 percent and 88.4 percent of the votes in the respective states.

However, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the race two months ago, is still receiving a notable number of votes against the former president, winning 20 percent of the vote in Maryland, or more than 47,500 votes, and 17.8 percent in Nebraska, which amounts to nearly 37,000 ballots.

While Trump easily secured the GOP presidential nomination, winning all but two of the primary races, there have been signs that the former president is struggling to fully win over Republicans beyond his MAGA base as waves of voters continue to support Haley.

Haley was seen as a more moderate Republican candidate in the GOP primary, with moderates and independents seen as potentially vital to Trump's hopes of taking back the White House from President Joe Biden in November.

There have been multiple polls which suggest that Haley supporters will not go on to vote for Trump in the 2024 election, with Biden's campaign team also said to be hoping to win over these disillusioned Republicans.

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This is exactly what a republican doing damage control would say.
Quit being a douche on the Internet and kill yourself already.
Are you personally offended on behalf of Trump or all republicans?
No. I'm as disappointed in you as your parents are however.
I don't have parents I'm a test tube baby.

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he world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant. It may have already happened.

Fertility is falling almost everywhere, for women across all levels of income, education and labor-force participation. The falling birthrates come with huge implications for the way people live, how economies grow and the standings of the world’s superpowers.

In high-income nations, fertility fell below replacement in the 1970s, and took a leg down during the pandemic. It’s dropping in developing countries, too. India surpassed China as the most populous country last year, yet its fertility is now below replacement.

Fertility is below replacement in India even though the country is still poor and many women don’t work—factors that usually sustain fertility.
Urbanization and the internet have given even women in traditional male-dominated villages a glimpse of societies where fewer children and a higher quality of life are the norm.

“The demographic winter is coming,” said Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, an economist specializing in demographics at the University of Pennsylvania.

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>So far, all Biden has done is propse tax cuts for middle class Americans and families.
biden raised oil royalties which caused gas prices to go up for everyone
>Trumps tax cuts didn't do shit for me.
because you aren't American
>Under Biden, I make remarkably more on my tax returns than anyone I know for some reason.
that is retarded. that just means you are having them withhold too much because you are a retard. people don't make money on tax returns
>You think because the Mexicans are gone real estate agents are going to start asking less?
lower demand means lower prices, retard
>20/hr is already well above the minimum wage in most states. And 40k/year is still adjacent to poverty. Use your critical thinking on this.
because biden caused hyper inflation. one of the biggest things people pay for is housing, retard
>the solution is simple, go door to door arresting and deporting all illegals

The answer is to station the U.S. military along the border (it's literally their job to defend the country from invaders) and use the immigration dept. to go after _employers and landlords_ who make the uncontrolled 3rd world economic mass migration possible.

If illegals can't get a job and a place to live, they'll go back home on their own.

There are FAR too many illegals in the country for the immigration dept. to chase them down and deport them, (and they'll just come right back) whereas targeting _employers and landlords_ with massive fines and jail time is a much more efficient use of resources.
Biden is going to let the Trump
Tax cuts expire. That means the middle class will pay more and reach people less as Trump actually targeted the wealthy. Look at the SALT deduction. When that goes away, the wealthy will reap millions in mortgage deductions they can’t take now. As for the Trump tax cuts not doing shit for you, then you’re in the wealthy class or just to stupid to realize what they did for you
Well said!
kill them both. the greedy employers and landlords and the invaders

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The large network of Republican Domestic Terrorists being commanded by Trump to interfere in the up coming election are vowed to be met with by the Department of Justice


Top Justice Department leaders promised Monday to respond swiftly to threats against officials overseeing this year’s elections and to combat the increasing use of sophisticated technology to disguise the origins of any disruptions.

With a close-fought presidential campaign looming in November, high-ranking federal officials convened at DOJ headquarters to warn that threats of violence related to the election will be pursued aggressively and prosecutors will seek extra punishment in cases involving artificial intelligence and other digital advances.

“If you threaten to harm or kill an election worker, volunteer or official, the Justice Department will find you and we will hold you accountable,” Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters at the outset of the meeting. “The public servants who administer our elections must be able to do their jobs without fearing for their sanity or their families. We will aggressively investigate and prosecute those who threaten election workers.”

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who is overseeing the Justice Department’s response to AI, said emerging technologies are increasingly involved in efforts to intimidate pollworkers and others who manage elections.

“A particularly disturbing trend across these cases is the way perpetrators use new technologies to mask their identities and communicate their threats,” Monaco said. “Today, criminals use a range of anonymizing technologies, not just burner phones and social media.”

Monaco called “artificial intelligence” the “most disruptive” of the new tools being used to disrupt elections.
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>BLM terrorist
How many hours on facebook?
The protests are peaceful until the fascists and police show up.
>Facebook boomers!
I don't know anyone under 30 that even has a facebook account any more. It's all zoomer bullshit; low IQ/low attention span.
>Fiery but mostly peaceful BLM seething and coping
Is BLM in the room now?

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Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times after a government meeting and is in a life-threatening condition, according to a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

The Slovak leader was transported to hospital in Banska Bystrica, according to the statement.

The town of Handlova, where the shooting took place, is about two hours’ drive from the capital Bratislava. The government was in the town for an off-site meeting.

Several shots were fired at Fico, according to TASR news agency. Slovakia’s emergency medical service said it sent a helicopter ambulance to the scene.

Who cares about a dead slav?
Isn't that how World War I started?

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In addition to biden's anal cancer he had removed in 2021, he apparently has been suffering from aneurysms and blood clots as far back as 1988, passing out from strokes and waking up on the floor.
He even had a priest besides his hospital bed to read him his last rights.
This doesn't bother Biden, he's used to waking up on the ground during his daily activities such as walking up stairs or riding bikes.
Also, picrel is this boards jannie
Biden once nearly died of an aneurysm.

Joe Biden awoke suddenly in his hotel room, curled up on the floor and fully clothed, and felt an electric surge inside his head, “a rip of pain like I never felt before,” as he later recalled. It was 4:10 a.m. on a winter day in 1988

The debilitating headaches had been happening for nearly a year, interrupting his first presidential campaign as the 45-year-old Biden popped up to 10 Tylenols a day. He had been diagnosed with a pinched nerve and for a time wore a cervical collar. Now, as he lay on the floor of his hotel room in Rochester, N.Y., the pain was even worse. His legs felt dead, and he struggled to turn his head.

Instead of heading to an emergency room, Biden flew home with an aide to Wilmington, Del. Awakened hours later by even greater pain, he rushed to St. Francis Hospital. It wasn’t a pinched nerve. Doctors found blood in his spinal fluid, and then a dangerous balloon-shaped bulge — an aneurysm — on an artery wall at the base of the brain. Even worse, Biden’s aneurysm had already burst, leaking blood around the base of his brain.

The danger was immense, it could be fatal.

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How did you get to be this indoctrinated by the far right? Was Hitler involved?
Tens of millions of people don't vote in the primaries.
Canadians supposedly cannot vote in US elections.
So you'll be committing election fraud once again, huh?
Did Canadians elect Biden last time?

Please help find out what happened to snowflake. Save snowflake!

I cut her head off, so she would bleed out and make her meat taste better.
She WAS a fat and tender dinner for me and my refugee family.
Stupid people, where we come from, we eat animals, not keep as pets, even dogs (and i aint chyyyyNese).
the chicken was old, so tough.
I hoped you choked on it, Roma scum.

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An app that marketed itself as 4chan's tinder had a data leak. An analysis document reveals it was basically a honeypot to harvest data of 'incels' and 'femcels' setup by the EU.

Leak: https://duoleak.acid.im/
Document: https://archive.org/details/duolicious_analysis
More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IceZnv9OoYQ
Yeah I already looked through most of this.
It's pretty much all men and trannies... So mostly all men.

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VCU students walk out of commencement during Youngkin address
VCU students who walked out said they were demonstrating support for Palestinians and protesting some of the Republican governor’s crusade against efforts to promote racial equity in education.


By Karina Elwood and Laura Vozzella
Updated May 11, 2024 at 3:58 p.m. EDT|Published May 11, 2024 at 12:05 p.m. EDT

RICHMOND — Dozens of Virginia Commonwealth University students walked out of their graduation ceremony Saturday morning as Gov. Glenn Youngkin delivered the commencement address, demonstrating support for Palestinians and protesting some of the Republican’s crusade against efforts to promote racial equity in education.

The selection of Youngkin as speaker drew criticism from some ahead of the ceremony. The university’s chapter of the NAACP this week urged VCU officials to rescind the invitation, and some students in recent days said they would hold a walkout during the ceremony.

On Saturday, attendees at the commencement were given cards congratulating the graduating class but warning that anyone who disrupted the ceremony was subject to removal.

As Youngkin began his speech, dozens of the graduates in attendance filed out of the Greater Richmond Convention Center, mostly in silence, some holding kaffiyeh scarves and signs aloft. “Teach Black history,” one read. “Book bans [do not equal] respect for learning,” read another.
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>They're not the real Republicans, we are!
I bet they can say the same thing
>Governor who swore to impose a 15 week abortion ban is unpopular among young people
Big surprise
Unironically, I am glad zoomers are finally standing up to Israel
You're right, but if you assume that IQ tests are actually testing a particular mind/skillset that is valued by Western society, rather than acuity or intelligence as a whole, this would be expected. Both Chinese and Japanese societies in the modern era are modeled after Western countries - it would make sense to think that their citizens would have similar benchmarks for success. Black people live in Western society and are somewhat accustomed to it; Africans do and are not.
Consider this also: If I accept scientific achievement as a de facto benchmark of general intelligence in an ethnic group, I'd expect groups with higher average intelligence to consistently make more scientific advancements than other racial groups. This isn't the case - despite outperforming them now, Japan was behind Europeans, and later Americans, technologically for most of history. WW2 was ended by a White technological advancement. In contrast, China was consistently above Europeans for most of the Middle Ages, but fell far behind with the Industrial Revolution. Given these things, I must conclude that even if there are general IQ differences across races, they can't be the sole explanation for apparent success. Culture has to play a part; moreover, there's more evidence to suggest culture plays a larger part.
Please note that I'm arguing out of a genuine interest in the topic, not to make "internet arguments won" marks on my wall. I'm not personally attached.
fascism is a right wing ideology



Dublin Portal changes after 'inappropriate behaviour'

Changes will be made to the way a visual art installation linking Dublin to New York is operated due to some individuals engaging in "inappropriate behaviour", Dublin City Council has said.

It allows people in Dublin in the Republic of Ireland to see what is going on in New York in the United States in real-time.

A similar screen and webcam in the Big Apple also means people there can see what is happening in Dublin, around the clock.

However, on Monday Irish and US media reported inappropriate behaviour over the weekend at the Dublin portal.

In a statement on Monday, the council said the "overwhelming majority of interactions are positive" but said "a very small minority of people" had been engaged in the "inappropriate behaviour" and that this has been "amplified through social media".

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Oh cool a schizo thread.
>schizo thread
I stood in front of this camera in NY.
I dressed as a 19th cent British entrepreneur, and i held up a giant potato carved in the shape of an naked irish lad and i fucked that tater til it withered.
I tossed the tater through the portal and it landed in the face of the constable who was trying to step through to arrest me
Yanks confirmed being unable to take a joke, we knew that already through which is what makes it funnier
too soon
Seinfeld: "Israel's just defending itself from the terrorist attack on October 7th"

Kramer:"yeah I started game of thrones halfway through the series and thought joffrey was the victim too"


Matzo ballers confirmed being unable to take a joke, we knew that already through[sic] which is what makes it funnier.
NYC creatures are not Americans

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>Chinese leader Xi Jinping will welcome Vladimir Putin to China on Thursday for the Russian president’s second visit in less than a year – the latest sign of their growing alignment amid hardening global fault lines as conflict devastates Gaza and Ukraine.

>Putin will arrive in China just over a week since entering a new term in office, extending his autocratic rule until 2030 – the result of an election without any true opposition.

>His visit, set to take place May 16-17, according to Chinese state media, mirrors Xi’s own state visit to Moscow just over a year ago, where he marked the norm-shattering start of a new term as president – like Putin, after rewriting rules around how long leaders can serve.

>Their meeting comes months ahead of the American presidential elections and as Washington faces mounting international backlash over its support for Israel’s war on Gaza. It’s set to provide a platform for the leaders to discuss how all this can advance their shared ambition to degrade and offer an alternative to American power.

>The visit also comes as the two leaders operate within what observers say is a loose but growing coordination of interests between avowedly anti-American countries Iran and North Korea. Pyongyang – which has an economy almost entirely dependent of China – is believed by Western governments to be aiding Russia with war supplies. So too, the US says, is Tehran, which is being bolstered economically by Russia and China and is a powerful player in the conflict in the Middle East.

>Putin will arrive for the two-day state visit emboldened by the survival of his wartime economy and amid a major new offensive along key points of the front line in Ukraine. For Xi, freshly returned from a European tour, the visit is an opportunity to showcase that his allegiance to Putin has not broken his ability to engage with the West.
"Xi please help me!"
T Strongman Putin

May 12, 2024

‘Boardwalk Empire’ star Steve Buscemi punched by maniac in random NYC attack

It seems no one is safe on the streets of the Big Apple these days — not even beloved hometown actor and Brooklyn native Steve Buscemi.

Buscemi, 66, was strolling through Kips Bay last week when a brute walked up and struck the “Boardwalk Empire” star in a broad-daylight attack — one of the latest unprovoked assaults in the five boroughs, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The actor suffered swelling to his face and left eye and was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, his deranged assailant took off and is still on the lam, police sources said.

“Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city,” Buscemi’s publicist said in a statement to The Post.

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you needed two threads?
>get them to start punching random people at work
>Problem solved.
The problem is solved when the high paying job is bum fighting
the "maniac" looks to be in really good shape. wonder how often he does this
but dems say the knockout game isn't real and was made up by fox news? why did they do this to Buscemi and Rick Moranis?

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