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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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>40 years of research
>they're still oversized fridges full of mysticism mainly used to produce sci-fi fictional stories
nation states are downloading petabytes of encrypted data and it WILL be decrypted in two decades or so, so buckle up buttercup.
I don't think you understand what is going to happen. Stock bros are already using it to make calculations. They can simulate so many things and understand possible outcomes with averages of each certainty. We are fucked.

Why is science dying?
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See >>16177308 and remember this is what society rewards now.
Those are diseased women who should be the first ones thrown out of their jobs.
I don't know
>Why is science dying?
We chose diversity™. It destroys everything. We chose to pretend unequal things are equal. It's a religion. It's a cult.
DEI policies are symptoms of a deeper domestic issues combined with a different world that has moved on from 19th century problems and early 20th century underdevelopment.
Even if the management changes, rest of the world will refuse to deal with the United States the same way as before, and different problems will crop up with same roots in place. Some euroglows stated that United States is a declining power either way, and it's obvious from the results of last several years that this will be the case unless people start seeing things very differently to deal with domestic issues.
1st world nations that are highly developed and educated do not suffer from third world problems.

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Some people are poor retard
please give advice for someone who's about to graduate undergrad with a low gpa
should i do a postbacc? masters?
Do law or dentistry. I wish I had done those.
>When was that ever not the case?
its more than before
number of FM applicants went from 5000 to 6900 in just a 2 year period, ever since step went P/F and signaling started
>I wish I had done those.
What are you doing right now?

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>There is a long history of humans being wrong by assuming they are the center of the world they observe. In reality the opposite is always right. Why do retards keep making the same mistake?
Technically, the center of the universe is wherever you happen to be... So in that sense, they were all right - save for the flat earth thing, but I don't think any scholarly circle was ever stupid enough to actually write that down, until today.
No? It’s just the center of your observable universe.
Anything outside your observable universe effectively doesn't exist to you. Thus it is still technically true, which is the best kind of true.
>It doesn’t exist if I won’t interact with it!
Not true
>expanding collapsing hurr durr
The only actual problem is the excessive amount of shitposting both on this board and on the internet as a whole.

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So according to this Neanderthalis contributes autism, Erectus contributes bug-like behaviour, Sapiens contributes sapience, and the Unknown Ancestor contributes low time preference.
>But on the flip side they have less civilization and academic development than the Africans
You have to remove the civilization Africans have that is just obtained from whites
This is not an argument. It would only be valid if groids were less than 61% similar to us. All you've shown here is that tiny differences in DNA make MASSIVE differences between organisms.
You're too stupid to understand this, of course, but that's why you're a leftist.
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>But on the flip side they have less civilization and academic development than the Africans who are supposed to have more Chimpanzee DNA than any other population on earth. Which actually makes Africans closer to non-Aboriginal Australians and non-Inuit Eskimos development wise.
Australia is a wasteland, but Africa is the most resource rich continent. There, I've come up with a rebuttal.

Did you know that they've found that European populations have a higher frequency of alleles positively associated with intelligence than African populations? Despite that, within the reaches of their power, they attempted to entirely ban such research. But, as always, the truth prevails. Down with your ideologically driven pseudoscience! It's extremely, extremely unlikely that all populations had an equal evolutionary pressure towards intelligence, despite evolving in entirely different ecologies for thousands of years; it's utterly ludicrous. You guys literally banish intellectuals for investigating this sort of thing. You're not the good guys here; history will not paint you in a good light. The commies pushed pseudoscience, so it should be no surprise that you'll try it too.


What are we going to do when America becomes uninhabitable due to the increasing wet-bulb temps?
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>wet bulb above X will kill you
I understand where the claim's coming from, but humans (and many other animals) have successfully inhabited places where these temperatures and conditions are reasonably common, which to me disproves the supposedly lethality of it.
>people do die in Africa nowadays from excess heat, have no doubt
The goalposts set by environmentalists is the world ending and everyone dying. This has not happened, so the environmentalists lose the argument.
>It's never gotten above 94 degrees at 60% humidity before in all of history.
Are you really so stupid you believe this? Truly?
As the climate warms, heat related deaths will rise, but cold related deaths will decrease. In most areas this is a reduction in deaths.
Envrionmentalists neglect to even mention less cold deaths.
Retard takes.

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A culture of maximal aquisition costs and minimal execution overhead.

Simply Economics, like tofu dreg Chinese embezzlement schemes.
Fucking literally...


Modernity is such a farce....these are the ones working at NASA....
I don't care about the spaceship gimme dem choco cream duds in my mouth. I'll blast my rocket right off of her chin.

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Scientifically speaking, which would be better for an eugenics program?
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Mfw getting both
Mfw not the good combo
Not fat or a bitch so eh.
Too bad you can't polish a turd.
It was social sciences, what did you expect? And they had to be fully aware of the inevitable blowback. They wanted headlines and they got it. In more informal fora, far away from the chattering classes, people agreed that people in the west end look better than those in the east end. Not surpringly, people in the west end also tend to wear tighter clothes, plenty of spandex active weasr to be seen.
Breed the top ones, abort all of their female offspring. Lobotomize the bottom ones and keep them around as pleasure-slaves.
It's just two different strategies. One survives through great utility to the herd, the other through maximizing physical fitness to the environment/disease, etc. Think about the deeper reasons behind human differences instead of focusing on the superficial.

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You're not getting tenure edition

Last thread: >>16159901

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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There are over four billion women on the planet, you might want to narrow down your expectations a bit.
>bioweapons research
Bioweapons are retarded, so he's right
Should I get an MBA or an MS?
Be honest.
MBA is an easier path through life but you have to be ok with destroying others.
For anyone wanting to reply

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how smart do you have to be to get a PhD in Math, Physics, or Engineering
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lmao I don't ask opinions from a wannabe mechanic "profession".
Engineers make useful things that improve the lives of the people. Theoretical physicists are grimy neets that sit in the office all day playing with arcane equations and simulations eating up resources for 50 years, all in the hope that 1/10,000 physicists will be the next Einstein or Newton.
Do I know you?
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Apparently not smart at all, just look at how many people on this board say they have PhDs.
>how smart do you have to be to get a PhD in Math, Physics, or Engineering
These days? Well, you only need an IQ of about 70 as long as your skin isn't white.

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I started my public school years being placed into special education classes due to my diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. That was until my mother demanded the school board to place me into mainstream education because I told her that I felt the special education I was receiving was inferior compared to the mainstream education all of the other kids were getting. I didn't even know I was autistic. I felt stupid and my mother was never going to tell me about my diagnosis because she thought I would have given up on life if she told me the truth.

Now looking back on my primary and secondary school years I never belonged in a mainstream school setting. I was mediocre in the majority of my classes which resulted in a mediocre gpa. The teachers and counselors were right.

As an adult I have no social, employment or educational prospects. I never had those things since the beginning. I'm waiting until I get my monthly SSI check and I'm still rotting at home.

I have been taking a remedial basic mathematics course for 2 months but now I'm asking myself what's the point? I never put any effort into math so why take math seriously now in my early 20's when people like Terence Tao and asian students mog me on social media?

There's no job opportunity for me so why even bother studying for a timed test or meet due dates? I don't even belong in college and no one wants to teach adults basic math skills that you were suppose to learn and hold onto as a kid.
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POV: it’s 500 Britain. My ancestors are smart, brave and hard working Welshmen. Your ancestors Germanic tribes. Then your ancestors crash my country and start demanding tribute. wtf?
delete your social media
Why math, what are your interests, are you interested in any profession?
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>I didn't even know I was autistic.
This seems to be rather common, and I know someone who was past 50 when he got tested.

>There's no job opportunity for me
Not true. We are all dealt a hand of cards when we are born, people on the spectrum are dealt cards from a diffent set. You just have to play to your strength.

You don't describe yourself in detail, but one of the cliched features of someone on teh spectru is the ability and even drive to dig deeply into details. Ordinary people cannot, they will pick up their smartphone after 15 minutes of attempting to study something. So, as >>16176978 ask, what are your interests? See if you can build a career on something you can feel an interest for.

Don't beat yourself up over starting late. I'm 22 and just begun my Math bachelor's. It took me 2 years of studying finance and one year of working 14 hours a day with jobs like car washing, UPS and Target to figure what I wanted to do as a career.

You don't have to be distinguished from your pears in order to be happy. If what matters most to you is the imprints you leave behind, your greatest accomplishment will be a tombstone.

She wants to cancel prominent physicists like Feynman and get academics convicted for sexual harassment without evidence all the while never contributing anything remotely significant compared to the giants she criticizes.
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the youtube algorithm likes her for sure.
>the youtube algorithm
pretty sure one of the DEI connoisseur at jewtube can just click a single button and all of her content will be promoted.
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Just ignore them and keep playing bongos
Based take
based bongoist

How is AI going to impact human civilization? This is going too far. The birthrates will never recover now.
It's not AI. If it were intelligent, it would usually ask for clarification before blurting out a stupid answer to questions. It's a glorified fucking search engine.
We've reached the ultimate purpose of the Turing Test: People who think AI is intelligent are TOO STUPID TO BE SENTIENT.
“Ai” chariots are just interactive search engines. Nothing will change just as the previous versions of these chat it’s have changed nothing.

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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sup reddit
>okay, how did we figure that out
>the scientific method was developed by socrates you retarded faggot
Jesus! Please stop believing in wikipedia.
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>atheists AKA satanist
This. There are no atheists. There are only people who hate God because He tells them not to stick penises up their asses.
Source ?

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