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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
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Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?
No. Marvelous has a view to layout uvs, just do that, export and texture wherever you normally do. Marvelous will export stitching at geometry iirc. You're better off building that into the textures with something like substance painter (or redo the stich geo procedurally in Houdini or geo nodes if you need autistic levels of detail)
is what you export from it meant to be bake-ready, or do you need to sculpt on top of it in zbrush?
how do i make hot underwear for my hot women models
i tried looking for tutorials specifically for underwear and got some super sussy suggestions on youtube
Do you retopo in MD, or do you export to some other program?

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Anyone has this?
yeah, bought it. it's pretty good.
why has nobody uploaded it yet?
The old paradigm where people would spend money and then share the product with everyone is over
nvm it seems that you gotta pay 16 bucks to access the course

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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And you can see the difference with the default IK solver here >>983442 because there are no pole targets. A limb tries to match the position and orientation of its control bone, you can specify priorities, limits, there's a rudimentary self-collision avoidance thing. You can specify multiple targets within the same chain and the effects can propagate to other chains. All sorts of stuff.
But like with the Softbody simulator, there are bugs and the quality of the documentation ranges from nonsensical to misleading, so the only way to know what a parameter really does is to read the source code.
I don't know why they where abandoned and vandalized over time. I don't know the story behind it, but for myself, when I'll put it all together it should come out quite nice.
Fucking disgusting, get some help
Dude, you are beyond retarded, it's because what you do looks like an amputee a car crash victim.
This looks like someone squeezing meat through a toothpaste tube.
A creature made of chicken thighs and processed meat for cats

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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Moth :D
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You DO use it, right?
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I used to, then I stopped using Windows entirely.

On my work dev computer I dump converted 3D print files there, because the program we use is defaulted to dump the files there, and I can't be bothered to change it. I honestly had no idea that folder existed before that.
> system files in the same drive as work files.
Yeah no.
no, 99% of Windows users don't ever work with 3D objects and those who do have their own directory structure that is often determined by the program. pure idiocy from Microshit's side
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LMAO, my life is hell. everything installs itself on my c drive

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Why the fuck blender doesn't have a 2D rig?
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or in the blender thread.
that shit crashes on blender 4.

last update was 4 years ago.
github says updated 2 weeks ago, you could download an older version of blender to do this crap too.
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Cris, all this shit is just poor man's Opentoonz, just download that, it is free too.

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the eternal debate...

spoiler: only Z-Up is based. Z-Up came first in history, so it must be right. CAD enginners and cartographers used 3D graphics long before any of you animators dicking around in Maya.
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>what unit are the units?
>"nah bro its unitless"
>default gravity is 9.82
OpenGL doesn't have an up convention, you can use whatever you want.
Well clip space is Y-up I guess, with Z as depth. But the convention for cameras is different than for the world. Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
>Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
HOLY ratardation
You are the ratard anon. What happens when the camera is rolled 90 degrees? What happens when the camera is pointing straight down on the scene from above?

There is no relationship between camera space and world space so they don't need to "line up".
I understand both, have intuition for both and I can work with both.

I am superior being.

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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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excuse me? but WHAT THE FUCK? am i looking at?

you know, this does really makes me respect and appreciate Cris even more. yes he's also a degenerate autist but at least he's benign and doesnt harm others.

so if im looking at this PinkPill saga faggotry right, it seems to me that this Proxima girl and her gang are responsible for bullying and suicide of a dude, just because the dude is brown and doesnt fit in with the rest of the cumskin femboys? holy shit thats honestly fuckedup even for 4chan standards. im actually glad this crazy bitch got exposed by kiwifarms.
new 'prox
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you know, prox might be using period accurate hardware and software, but...there is just something uncanny about his "style" or "aesthetic" that makes his shit looks rather unauthentic (or, dare i say it: forced soul).

i really can't put my finger to pinpoint whats making it uncanny though...maybe its the wrong shading/lighthing method? (actual old cg artists used alot of clever tricks to get good looking images, which prox seemingly failed to emulate). or perhaps its simply the subject matter (creepy pasta children mascot shit and animu moe moe shit, but in 80's cg style lmao).

anyways. fuck of nick. stop shitting up boards with your shilling.
>creepy pasta children mascot shit and animu moe moe shit, but in 80's cg style lmao
This, it's so fucking out of place

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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No, that's entirely unrelated.
its kind of like building a plane in 1920 vs a plane in 2024.

back then all you needed was wood, canvas, and knowledge of aerodynamics.
now you need to understand jet engines, combustion, materials science, and a billion other things.
It's not that. The difference is the amount of "regulations" or "industry standards" or "APIs" that are completely useless but that you're expected and in some cases bullied into learning.
cuz I want my cool 3d dino spinning in my cool 3d engine
Similar to the difference between building a piano and playing a piano. They require some shared knowledge, but two completely different skillsets.

There are plenty free open source game engines available. It's easier than ever to avoid sketchy companies.

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.
LayzuhCatz is pretty good animator.
Why are the anime grills trying to kill each other with lollipop sticks?
>get stuck on animation
>it never looks right
so annoying

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.
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I think I can model just fine, but the hardest part is texturing. A lot of them are hand-drawn and I'm not as good at drawing.
its pretty funny to see how mad people get over a few polygons.
im not saying its easy, but it is significantly easier than doing a detailed sculpt with the whole retopo and baking process.

at any stage in the process you can tweak your shape without having to worry about it, its just very forgiving
shit take
prove me wrong,
Show me 10 different artists that make good low poly right now, not baked textures from high poly.
I can show you 10 good 3d sculptors without a problem.
I make both things, you have probably seen a film with one of my sculptures.
But when I worked on a game company making a mobile game we had to go to Asia for good low poly modelers because of the shit artists produced here.
Hand painted low poly takes shit ton of time to make, and a lot less people can do a good job.

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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the hair on the side of her head (or lack of) looks a little weird but the rest looks good. i don't know how to make hair but if you could add a little bit on teh sides like yvonne has it would look great
yeah noticed it too. Not a big issue and easily fixed
Why do you pirate?
To preview assets before purchase.
Please share all your creations at some point. Perhaps a mega folder that you can update from time to time?

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God bless non-photorealistic rendering
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Well that’s it for me
I just remembered my CSI days, here it is, for you and me
Hey now, I didn't say I wasn't. It was just funny seeing him watching anime in general. Usually he's watching Phineas and Pherb or something.
My mom used to unironically watch Bleach too, on her own back, when that was on Adult Swim in like 2009 or 2010, and she said she hated cartoons. She made it all the way to the end of the SS Arc. I miss her.
My grandma LOVES Transformers and I have to take her to every movie.
People have some weird tastes sometimes. Not weird, but just things you wouldn't expect.
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very cool, thank you!
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And on the other spectrum

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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wtf no, thats not what it should mean
even sculpts are generally retopod, does that mean they are then turned "lowpoly" ?
This and a lot of planning.
I think old MGS games are the gold standard, all the models are low with triangles, but the shapes are so well thought of and the texture work is so impecable, that you cant notice how simple they are.
Also, good rigging.
I really need to learn how to draw if I'm going to make good textures for my models, huh
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japs like loli, few polygons needed
>薬を飲め! 日本人専用の3DCGチュートリアルなんかないよ。
TL: Take your medicine! There are no 3DCG tutorials specifically for Japanese people.

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