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Kurapika has been on the boat for 10 days and has not showered once

our boyfriend is stinky
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Who will be the next Troupenigger to die?
I'll start:
>and now she wants to stop the troupe
This bitch doing a terrible job then
If that were true, the issue remains that gays are disgusting, sodomite. As a het, however, I've never had such an exaggerated sex drive.
And you go back to xitter, cancerous little faggot

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Will you get revenge on the isekai Goddess after throwing you away to a dungeon to die if she analyzed that you are weak and useless?
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Wasn't popular enough, isekai actually have a strict quota they have to meet to stay alive.
it wasn't popular, which could be related to how dark it was overall
wishfulfillment sells
i actually meant to ask if it lost popularity at the end because of the story's direction, but I think by then the author might already have known already.
The vibrator and syringe can stay, but everything else can go. Also that outfit is ridiculous.
did she learn to just toss them all in then munch on them
name 3 of the third one
do they go around seducing human women and magically turning guys into girls

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New raw chapter out, dumping it now.
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A thought occurred to me.
I feel like there's gotta be some sort of last minute hitch. They've certainly had their ups and downs through the arc, but this would be the easiest time going into the end of an arc if it's just "everybody loves it and they win the battler contest". But at the same time, it would be a let down if secretly another battler that we haven't seen yet wins. I feel like there's going to be some last minute drama that pops up any time now.
>came to give his congrats
What a nice fella
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He invites Beem to work together with him.
I want to pinch those cheeks

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Why did it flop?
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For the shows that didn't show males at all and still flopped, why do you think they flopped then?
I know what sells or what not, not only yuri but most shows never break 2k line, 90% of anime each season are failures.
Anime aren't made to make profit anyway but give the industry jobs for incoming years so it would stay in status quo for year longer and to promote manga or LNs as medium, but then seeing that even manga or LNs which ended years ago get anime nowadays where everyone knows it will be total failure I don't understand the industry anymore.
If in my job every project we did had negative values I would be out of the job next month.
>For the shows that didn't show males at all and still flopped, why do you think they flopped then?
If I knew that I would be new anime guru.
Look at last season, basically only few shows out of 30 broke 1k line.
>even manga or LNs which ended years ago get anime nowadays where everyone knows it will be total failure I don't understand the industry anymore.
I thought that was due to the influx of streaming money
>I thought that was due to the influx of streaming money
So why Sasakoi looks so cheap?

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176 Raws are out. Big W for Walnut bros.


Break next week
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Holy shit, Kurumi so cute!

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The idol fan is also the one into little girls. Who could have seen that coming?
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>you're just bad at reading subtext
Nah, I'm just not a delusional fag who think girls being close to each other = yuri
Oh so the pillow is removable
Not that anon, but the Japanese seems to view many of those things as normal things between friends who are girls, and put them in series with no intention of making it yuri or even in series that will have the girls with guys.

I noticed those things and was shipping on then, but wasn't expecting them to actually do it before that ep.
>I'm not delusional
>I just completely got the wrong idea
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You had Mei’s crush being portrayed in a positive light in the second episode, Yoru clearly embraced blushing by how close Kano was to her, and the comment at the end of episode 4 where she says she’s into someone.

>with no intention of making it yuri or even in series that will have the girls with guys
The guys part is the key difference. I don’t think that it’s any coincidence that series where the girls are super close and not romantically interested in guys are usually made by people who just so happen to also like yuri.

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Gaolang has an absolutely fucking disgusting build
time to throw poggers
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I thought Kuroki used pre-initiative against Rei, who is much faster
Why does pre-initiative care about the speed of your opponent
Shut up

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Why is Christianity and it's symbols so present in anime when Japan is mostly shinto/budist?
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Isn't there even a phrase that's something like, born shinto, married christian, died buddhist, to describe how religiously agnostic the average Japanese is?
Because they find the aesthetics cool, they don't care about the religion itself.
Obviously feels a bit silly to say in this thread with that OP image but it is weird how little jesus comes up in stuff that otherwise has Christian subjects, only real example I can think of is in gabriel dropout where Satania is trying to ruin Christmas because she hates christ.
This kind of question is what shows that you are consuming a media outside of your cultural bubble, OP. There are quite a number of christians in Japan.
What about Jewish symbols?

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Chapter is out
(Yeah I dunno why the pictures are like that either, sorry)
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>very breedable.
I agree.
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She looks better with her bangs down.
I still haven't forgiven that whore for what she did to Lucy in the GMG. Glad her guild master beat her.
Reminder Wendy is actually winning since Sherria is cheating by grabbing the table
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Wendy is doing the same.

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Today is the day. Will the castle raid live up to the hype? Or ruined and added to the list of embarrassing moments?
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Special edition Vanir mask 100% satisfaction guaranteed
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imagine this being the last thing you see before you die
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>forbidden technique: waterboarding
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Suddenly, Darkest Dungeon

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Timeskip arc soon.
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poor tomoki
Now I want a chapter of her big sister spoiling him out
She was the one who snitched herself and Yoshida, so I suppose she got a reduction of her time on jail due to that fact.
You'd think Mako would have gotten a longer sentence than Yoshida, considering the whole selling drugs online thing was her idea in the first place.
I want a girl friend like Ucchi.
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It me
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You're pretty gutsy.
I'll never forgive myself for not being able to find this clown at this ComicCon.
Turned out the fucker set up his booth in the Western comic wing instead of the Asian/manga one. Spent all three days looking for him in the wrong spot.

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>Naruto gets to fuck this every day
He is so lucky
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Sasuke used to have a bigger house than Naruto before Sakura... you know...
If you drew this, this is really well done, anon
And yet you use the exact same of low IQ low effort templates as them. "curious".
What the fuck are you talking about?

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Do we know yet if the cat chapters and thus Akane being scared at night are in?
I don't to wait almost two months to know if the "we adopted the cat" chapters are in or not.
>8 years long LDR
Damn... I lasted 3 and a half years before I broke up with my gf. No matter what they say about the topic, the cold harsh truth is affection runs out without physical contact.
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It's Ami's nipples we need.
What we need is a Fuuka isekai

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Kana is reciprocating AKAne's love more and more.
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There is no way this can go wrong.
Thanks for pointing this out. I already said that Akane's stalkish behavior and savior complex isn't overlooked by Aka. She will be called out for it soon and forced to change.
What's she saying is psychotic
Akane lost
>But it makes no sense why Akane would even entertain the idea Aqua would accept to have a girlfriend.
Because she thinks that was the case when Aqua was with her during that year long period
>Where the fuck does she think the time will even come for him to have Kana as a gf
She just want to plant the seeds for it to happen later
> and grow feelings to a degree where the revenge will stop?
Akane says that because she believes that the feelings between Aqua and Kana are mutual, which we don't actually know because Aka has never clarified what Aqua feels for Kana, but it wasn't friendship (since he was dumbfounded when Kana friendzoned him in 107)
This is literally just Kaguya shit at this point

red haired tsundere avoids confessing (for no reason here) to a blonde tsundere guy while the calm girl who has better chemistry with a blonde guy gonna keep her in check.

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