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So what's the deal with this stuff? Hemming way kept talking about it so I'm kinda curious but I've never seen it sold in the booze section
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It's just alcohol. Sometimes very strong but ultimately just alcohol. Anyone who tells you it's magic crazy juice is trying to sell you something.
just alcohol, though delicious alcohol

bait or unashamedly retarded, hard to tell
it's super high proof, tastes medicinal (ie nasty) and the bs spoon and fire ritual makes people subconsciously think its like cooking heroin when all it really is is nasty green and high alcohol content.
>Nothing too expensive, I'm poor

How poor is poor? What counts as expensive?
>So what's the deal with this stuff?
its basically just normal alcohol
if you can even get the proper french stuff with wormwood in it, at best it just makes shit a little sparkly when you're drunk, kind of like if you're in the same room as someone smoking a joint and you've had some secondary smoke.

the reason you hear stories about people having mad DMT style trips off of this stuff were all weird shit from the 1800s when this shit was made in non-sanitized bathtubs in Rufus McFrenchfag's basement
plus cocaine. everyone did shitloads of coke back then for some reason.

i went thru an absinthe and legal herbs/drugs stage a few years ago. its the most expensive and tamest of the legal drugs
if you want to get high off of legal herbs just look up ones on smokeableherbs.com, erowid or psychonauts and buy them off of amazon. most of the good ones are $5 an ounce.

personally i recommend mugwort, damiana and marijuanilla. blue lotus flower isnt bad either.
buddy of mine swears by extracting LSA from certain seeds but it tastes like shit and makes you feel sick more than it makes you trip.
if you lurk /gif/ or /wsg/ enough you might find the ancient "how to extract DMT with shit from the hardware store" video that used to get posted a lot.

crazy to think that i could afford mcdonald’s as a middle school compared to being and adult today
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12 dollars for a 1/4 pounder aww hell naww hahahaha
It's gonna be 4 Nuggets, small fries and a small drink, sauce will be extra.
wahhhhhh I don't know how to cook, the thread
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you used to get a cool movie toy or something in the happy meal. now they dont even give you food. may as well have the yoots record themselves robbing people using the drive through And screaming "SAY MCDONALD'S RITE NEOU MUFUKAHS" and the sheeple scan their cards and go back the next day and the next day. pray for a real life Happening.
You're not any less one of the "cattle" just because you don't eat McD's.
Source: neither do I.

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What would a medieval diet had looked like? What were the staples of breakfast, luncheon, and dinner?
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Chicken meat was not all that common; usually people would not eat their chickens until they stopped laying eggs. They did not have the fast growing meat chicken commonly eaten today, those are a relatively recent development. Pork & fish would have been the most common meats for European peasantry.
I basically eat like a peasant. I make bread every day with varying ingredients, typically with wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, rice, etc. Sometimes seeds, sometimes herbs, I switch it up a lot to keep it fresh. I just mix up my dough every night and let it ferment overnight and bake it in the morning while I'm bathing and grooming.
I also make my own crude ales, wines and ciders a couple of times a month that I drink, I almost never buy alcoholic beverages from a store unless I'm out of homebrew for some unfortunate reason.
The rest of my diet is eggs from my ducks and quails, butter & milk from my neighbor now, my sheep died last winter ;(, and I stew beans and vegetables and roast pork nearly every day. I use some simple herbs from my garden, I grow and process my own spices like cumin coriander and garlic, and I use a shit ton of fresh black pepper so I buy like 8oz of peppercorns every month.
Life is good!
Sounds very cozy anon. How do you make your ale?
you sound like a wheat fields chud
>on average you'll get about 500-600 lbs of meat from one cow.
You're being picky. Throw in the organs and boil the bones for soup, and you should have at least 1000lbs of food.

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I just bought all of this for $40
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Nobody can eat 50 eggs.
I ate 7 scrambled with olive oil and manchego cheese today as my second and final meal of the day it was not difficult either— and his comment was about chicken …
This i wanna pick one up too
i mean considering that the
are all ~$6~10 each i'd say he did alright.
>shitty cuisinart under 40 bucks
sounds about right

>tastes like depression
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>removes depression
Going off caffeine while I’m on vacation and ON to alcohol. So excited, depression spell will be over guys.
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tastes like salvation
t. only ever bought dark roast made from cheap nasty beans
>tastes like sleep deprivation

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what are cute drinks that make you poop that arent disgusting prune infested concoctions?
doesnt work anymore and its poison.
>le heckin' "Coffee makes me poop! XD" meme
see a doctor
Olipop sodas, not a natural laxative but supposedly has a decent grip of fiber
>coffee is poison
I don't have to take that from a guy who can't take a shit without help.
Salt water.
mm i dont have those silly sodas here but ill look up sodas with fibre idk why i didnt think to do that :c
i cant poop because i dont let poison into my body you freak

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What went wrong?
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this, unironically
i would love to visit my local red lobster every week
i've got the money
but my waiters are always smelly joggers who stink of smoke
the other customers are always fat loud joggers
there are always bugs in my drink
the food is always gross because it was made by stinking jogger hands
i stopped going to my local red lobster years ago because of all the joggers
>doesn't deny being a filthy houstonian
>simps for faux-cajun slop
lol. lmao, even.
I live in TX, but in the hill country. It's not bad food, much better quality than most other seafood chains. One of the few chain places I'll even eat at, and it's once every few years or so. We don't have any 'cajun' places here that aren't just niggers making fried frozen slop that's no better than Red Lobster (local one wen't out of biz before COVID lol).
meet me at buccees on thursday, we are going to fight
>meet up with fellow anon
>it's a Buc-cees
>both go and get an ice cream

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based or fag?
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being gay doesn't make you a bad person
well your just wrong about that. they lovw the butt mudd.
perfect way to ruin a steak
how is it ruined
>pouring diarrhea over a steak

Industry Plant or just good genetics?

How can you eat this much mcslop and still look good?
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he actually just doesn't eat much. he eats the 1 or 2 big macs a day and thats mostly it. its a diet most people would probably lose weight on
>muh sneed oils
>being mad at people not doing thing
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Jan Skylar looking ass

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Pie or cake?
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Then in my experience, just like the rest of my life, they skimped out on makin good dough for me
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i dont even care if cake is for women and you call me a woman for liking cake. cake is better. if i got brain damage and started wanting pie (due to the brain damage), i could just put some fruit and the crumbs from the bottom of my toaster into the microwave for half a minute and eat that. news flash: all desert is for women, pie and cake included. if im going to eat it, i want it to have frosting on it
pie if it's really good. cake most of the time, because it's easier not to fuck up and finding a really good pie is not so easy
I like both but I only like savoury pie

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Do you into shellfish?
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Why is it always king crab legs, why can is it never the rest of the crab. Do they have to bury the best day because it's king?
It cant actually be that dumb can it?
It cant actually be that
I never dug mussels like I know they are just shellfish in a different form but the shell itself makes it unappetizing to me
Your picky eating habits are robbing your taste buds of an excellent experience.
All of these except shrimp. I don't trust others to de-vein them, and I don't like them enough to do it myself.

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Oh, it did not look like grapes. Seriously, I can't even stand restaurants with waiters, having readied made food is nice but I don't get wanting someone to hang around you and hand feed you, no privacy.
they just don't wash their hands
for me, its zuluman
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I eat in vr

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Shochu is a Japanese distilled liquor. It can be made from many different ingredients, including barley, sweet potato, buckwheat, or brown sugar.

Shochu uses Koji mold to convert startch into glucose, for fermination. Shochu is often passed through a still only a single time, meaning, unlike other clear spirits such as Vodka, the base ingredients used to make Shochu have a strong influence on the overall flavor.

It's really hard to find information about Shochu in the west. Despite being much more popular than Sake in Japan, most westerners haven't even heard of this spirit before.

Does anyone else enjoy this drink? What's your favorite. So far I have only sampled the sweet potato and barley variateis. I can't get enough of the sweet potato Shochu on ice.
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In the Asia shop or online
at least here in the northeast you can usually find like maybe 1 or 2 brands in a liquor store alongside sake/korean soju, maybe even a baijiu brand
What if i prefer rum?
i dont know any japanese rums, i'm sure there's some out there, hell, suntory might even make one given how big they are.
last time I was in Kyoto I recall usually getting a couple of 7/11 store brand shochu's and stumbling around town. good times, would do again

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What is worse, airplane food, hospital food or British food?
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I was in the hospital a few times last year, the food was great actually. everything was cooked to order and the menu was pretty big. you'd just use your bedside phone to order every meal. all free including the treatment because I'm on neetbux
I was in a psychiatric hospital for a while and the food was pretty good for the most part.
British food > airplane food > military food > German food > hospital food > prison food
british food being bad is forced meme
British and German food are in my top 20, you're just a tastelet who got filtered by mustard, pork, beer or some such thing.

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>german jews move to the united states
>invent a non-kosher jewish sandwich
>jews cant eat it
>goys cant stop eating it

What are they hiding?
there' s microchips in the sandwiches
I don't think most Jews even follow that rule
>german jews move to new york
>make reubens a staple of new york culture
>a generation later 9/11 happens
They probably hung up a wire to permit consuming meat and dairy in the same meal. Figures jews would jew their own religion to be jewish

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