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Previous thread >>10938070

The system thinks the post is spam so I'll write some nonsense here to pass the check
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god I wish that were me
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This is what season 3 needs.
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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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Inverted nipples almost

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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>10923206
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Does anyone had an Archive of Nel Nekomata and all of her Personas?
Part of me thought some of these stories where made up, then I watched her gorging herself on clams.
I now fully believe them all.
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>gives Coco a call to let her teach them how she used to deal with this problem
Kanata must have had it rough while they were living together. Every time Coco needed to take an especially massive shit, Kanata would have to be on her knees with her mouth open...
I wonder how many of these other vtubers have heard Bao have explosive diarrhea at this point
i know its an anon head but i cant help but imagine its an egg

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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

No futasub it defeats the point.
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if a futa would say call me mommy I would instantly fall in love...
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Previous: >>10935858
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lol what I do to you?
Don't state the obvious.
Makes you look dumb.
Having spent much of my free time rereading Lovecraft, I’m highly tempted to try writing a Shadow Over Innsmouth parody where a man with the sensibilities of Lovecraft himself, but with a muscle fetish, visits a small coastal New England village on invitation from extended family. His host ends up being a grizzled old fisherman, with a late teenage goth daughter. During his stay there, being a classical neurotic academic protagonist, the MC discovers that it seems like the only girl in town is his host’s daughter. Yet when he questions the random townfolk of their marital status, from near twenty teen boys to hoary mariners, he finds that they’re all married. He attributes this to the town’s strange customs, no doubt born of generations of isolation and inbreeding.

Then he begins to notice just how strangely close his host’s daughter is acting. They’re only distantly related, sharing a common ancestor from the early 18th century, and barely know each other. Yet, despite her appearance and cold demeanor to everyone else, she is warm and loving to him. He also comes to notice the age difference between her and her father, who seems to have been born before the last century or so. He questions their customs, how he is practically confined to his room every weekend night, and so sneaks out one stormy night to investigate. He discovers that his host is missing from his room, and the presence of a dark slime trail leading to the open window. His nerves rapidly begin to fray as he makes for the door, rushing out into the storm only to slam face-first into a slimy, scaled, yet soft substance. His glasses nearly come off, and he adjusts them in time for the lightning to briefly show a hulking fish-like form, standing on two feet like men do. The MC loses it and faints in the middle of the cobbled street.

The MC awakens the next day in bed, dry and cozy. He dismisses his harrowing experience as a nightmare, only to find that his clothes are unfamiliar, and his familiar suit has been left hanging on a chair to dry out. The implications of this shakes him greatly, and as he comes downstairs for breakfast, he notices that the father is missing. The girl looks at him lovingly as always, though he begins to notice an abhorrent shine to her eyes, one that brings the image of light reflecting off of oil to him. In the days up to the coming weekend nights, the girl has begun to aggressively flirt with him, touching him, speaking in suggestive tones, and on Friday evening catches her humping his crumpled jacket.

The father returns on Saturday and without elaboration bars the MC into his room. The MC quickly comes to realize that he has missed his chance to escape, being distracted so by the girl, and begins to undergo his nervous fit. Then on Sunday evening he awakens from a short nap to find the girl sitting on his bed beside him. He starts, only to be pushed down with a surprising amount of force by the girl. With a sly grin the man finds utterly abhorrent for reasons he cannot explain, the girl finally explains what’s going on in the town. How he has felt the call of their blood, the inhuman origins of all those descended from that distant ancestor, and how it only manifests in the womanfolk of their line. She tells him in horrid (at least to him) detail of how once the women turn 20 they ‘shed their human skins’ to don their true appearance, and as her exposition continues the revelations dawn on the MC who realizes why all men in the village are married yet no trace of their wives seem to exist. They live deep in the waters, in the dark coves and devil-haunted reefs. He puts together what it was that he slammed his head into that one fateful night, and is snapped out of his contemplation by the girl saying that she turned twenty this morning.


She straddles his fear-stricken form, grinding and undoing her hair as the sun sets and the moon rises, and between pants and heavy, desperate gasps, she tells him how lucky he is to get to experience the thing in person.

She then hulks out into a slimy, half-fish, half-mollusc meatball with black oily eyes, and the MC gets ‘raped’ until he faints from overexcitement. He wakes up the next day to a slime drenched bed, and decides that his fate has been chained to the town by his blood. Despite the very clear fact that he can leave, he chooses to stay. That night, he is visited by the hypermuscular fish creature that is his new wife, and she complains how she hasn’t gotten any taller like the others. The MC realizes that she’s basically a fishball of muscle, and so the story ends on a slightly comedic note.


The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10984972
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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I'm trying to get into chastity, but I'm finding that I'm capable of slipping out when I go super soft. Like full retraction type soft. What am I supposed to do about this?
You'd probably want a flat cage, like this one. You'd probably have more eluck finding examples with irl pics, but here you go.

Fair warning, I think most of em use a catheter for fluids.

As for brand, I have no idea. Never researched them.
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>>10997305 here
caged myself for the first time in a long time about 30 hours ago, somehow i slept with it on and stayed comfortable, which is a first. i set up a chaster but idk if i want to share it here yet,
I was wondering what i should do as far as belts go. I've seen some pics and videos where people have a strap which goes around their hips and hooks to the ring, where can i get one of those?
also, does anyone have any good edging guides/tips? I end up being asked to when i'm being slutty with friends, but i always bring myself just over the edge and ruin unintentionally. If i play it safe i dont really feel like i'm actually edging. I kind of want that edge-o-matic thing, but its very expensive lol
not that anon but flat cages are super cute to me and i kinda want one, but i was told they aren't for beginners and that i should avoid them until i'm more experienced. is that fax?
If you don't mind the feminization aspect you could try Bambi Sleep. I had my first HFO on Day 6
Make me lose control of link and regret it! Vote only add time and share everywhere.
It makes me extremly horny

Previous: >>10915360
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Here's this one
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You all know the drill. Post Hucow's, discuss Hucow's, don't be a sperg.
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20+ years after the Hucow gene mod trend (permanent DNA alteration) ends.
>Average cowgirl age now in mid 40s save for younger alt fashion girls
>Not uncommon to see your teacher, boss, or neighborhood MILF with huge curves or cow features
>Viewed like an old tattoo or phase like Emo
>Some still live the Hucow lifestyle while others try to put it behind them
>Ice Queen corporate types overfilling their pantsuits with specially tailored pants/skirts for their tails
>Gyms packed with middle age Hucows trying to keep from becoming fat as actual cows
>Not ogling your girlfriend's mom when she checks in on you two or shows off pics from when she was your age
>Growing up with a mom who produced the milk for your cereal
>Instead of hot flashes from menopause Hucows experience periods of going into heat
>Hucow soccer moms spilling out of their tank tops and yoga pants cheering on the side lines
>Watch a Hucow politician giving a press conference with her tits overflowing the speaker's podium
>Next generation of women growing up with more free sex and curvaceous role models

What would you like to see most with women years after becoming a Hucow?
If hucow genetic mod is available for the world, I don't think it will be just a phase, being super thick is too tempting
Wouldn't the permanent DNA alteration mean their daughters are hucows too?
>I love it when cowgirls have hair covering their eyes
So the "Highland" look?

>If hucow genetic mod is available for the world, I don't think it will be just a phase, being super thick is too tempting
Yeah, and if we were able to induce those kinds of physical changes, Hucows would probably be one of the more tame mods.

>Wouldn't the permanent DNA alteration mean their daughters are hucows too?
If you got it to stick, then yeah.
The issue with current gene therapy is that it doesn't really "last," the modded genes replicate for a little while but eventually are overtaken by the old ones.
Combined with the physiological changes, genetically modifying someone into a Hucow would have to be a very time intensive procedure, unless again you started before their very conception.
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Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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I don't feel much peril vibes from public use itself, but the act of leaving her there, bound, helpless, and open for rape definitely is.
I like it a lot more when it's not an institutional kind of thing. Tie her up in some seedy public bathroom or back alley, remind her what's likely to happen if the people who frequent this sort of place find her, rub it in a little and make sure she understands, then wave goodbye and leave as she screams into her gag. That's a great bad end. See >>10998900.
Please pretend this picture actually depicts that.

>Huh? Chiyoko Sonoda!? The real one!?
>That sign means I'm just allowed to fuck her...?
>When I've had my fun for a bit, I'll call the others, us 283 fans gotta share!
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>Having grown tired of Sword Maiden meddling with their affairs, the heads of the Evil Sect unanimously decided that she must be dealt with, sending their best agents to infiltrate the Temple of Law in Water Town to apprehend the Archbishop. Caught off-guard by the bold move, she was quickly subdued and brought to one of their many hideouts, where various members of the Sect gleefully had their way with her for days on end.

>Eventually, they would have their fill of carnal pleasure, but the urge to make her suffer remained and there was no low the Sect were not willing to stoop to. Preying on her crippling fear of goblins, they brought Sword Maiden, fresh from her forced sexual service, to the closest populous goblin nest they could find and set her as bait for the foul creatures within while they observed from a safe distance.

>Alone, helplessly bound, and once more stripped of her dignity, Sword Maiden could only quiver in fear, weeping in despair before the nightmare she thought she had finally escaped from inevitably repeated itself.
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Does anyone have the translated tripleq games?
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I've got this. There's some games in there.

Climb edition

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This is really subtle stealth giantess , you can post this on your phone/pc background and nobody would notice it unless they were really trying to
Plenty of cultures speak of giants, but theyre almost always portrayed as cannibalistic savages or just aloof and inhuman entities.
There's an ethnicity of natives on the west coast of North America that speaks of a family of red haired giants that would come out of the mountains to eat people until one day the clan of natives cleverly lured the giants into a cave, cornered them, and burned them alive with torches.
This legend, as well as most throughout the world, don't necessarily mention *how* big these giants are, only that they're bigger than us. Often they're portrayed around 10 to 12 feet tall.
Wait, how'd she burp up his scarf if he went into her pussy?
I live in the midwest as well, so I guess I must just be blind to the issue. Given I know nothing outside of my home state really, I've only ever visited other states.
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The lack of regular pregnancy threads here in May is crazy lol. Let's get a preg thred going that isn't hyper preg but more full term based.

Big boobs, butts, muscles and short stacks are fine, ai too. Just no loli or underage shit please
if you’re gonna start a regular pregnancy thread maybe don’t use ai as the cover
>ai too
No it's not please.

The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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Based. Permanent BE, inconvenience, and unwanted growth is ideal. The bigger the better.
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>character bios in 2024.jpg
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all this, plus completely unnoticed. from their perspective they’ve always been that way.

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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread:
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Don't throw that bunny in the trash, they deserve love too :""(
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>NovelAI: online, non-free
Tags for Furry V3 model (new, best): https://e621.net/tags
Tags for Anime V3 model (old) : https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags

>Stable Diffusion: local, free
Giantess LORA: https://civitai.com/models/199258
Ochiko LORA (new, made by anon): https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
For more info, check the threads in the "Related boards" section below.

>General NovelAI guides

>NovelAI guides for size

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I'm loving this perspective! Nice job!
Yeah I did although I was surprised not a single bit that all those three names didn't appear in the catalogue: to be honest, even I ignored that the fairies in BOTW went by those names.
I am retardmaxxing with my idiotic meme suggestion. Although I doubt anyone will take it up, let alone achieve my dumbassed vision.
Captcha MAXKG
oh, didn't expect the outfit to come out that well, that's nice! and yeah i can see how the skyscraper near the cameltoe might be difficult to get, and hopefully someone is willing to try inpainting one in, but otherwise great job
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>your cruise ship will never crash between the boobs of a giant mermaid

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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You should definitely get it from Marauder6272, their comms are open rn on FA
They were a good choice but I just looked and they're filled up it seems.
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If anyone's interested I'll do free commissions of Bailey if you don't mind my drawing skills.
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Sure, can you do a picture of her massive bare cake, in this pose/angle?
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I hope you like it. I can redo it if you want.

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