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>What the heck is this?
The 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup was the fiftieth official 4chan Cup tournament and the thirteenth iteration of the Spring Cup series. Teams that were relegated from the 2024 4chan Winter Cup, those which failed to advance from the 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup, and those which failed to qualify from the 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers, competed at the event.

>What part of the tournament are we in?
/sp/ LOST

>How did /mlp/ play in their group stage matches?
Fri. Apr 26th, 21:40UTC /mlp/ 5 - 0 /o/
Sun. Apr 28th, 19:40UTC /biz/ 4 - 6 /mlp/
Sat. May 4th, 18:20UTC /mlp/ 4 - 4 /v/
7 points, top of the group, and confirmed elite for Summer!

>Where to watch?
https://isthisliv.com/4cc/stream.html (stream)

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>step 1: Numget referee with shirt and hat
>step 2: Numget emote in the chat
>step 3: ?????
>step 4: profit
Numget's overrated
Your mom is overrated and gay
There will come a time where people watch the cup, who weren't even born when the cup first started.
The worst thing is, that time is probably already now. The only question is which board they come from
Tripfag namefag pretending to be an oldfag is cringe!
Yeah, you guys should go into senile homes where you fucking belong instead of having temper tantrums about how nobody gives a shit about some niche thing that happened. And if you really want people to learn “le oldfag 4chin history” then maybe don’t be so fucking aggressive to newfags and whine when they take over and have disdain for you.
Good. I don’t need to hear them whine about everything and how people don’t give a shit about something that happened nearly 20 years ago.
And if you were born after 9/11 you retards? Maybe learn that people born after a certain year aren’t all the same and that your just being retarded faggots for the sake of being retarded faggots because “nooo the world before 9/11 was totally hecking amazing and a utopia!!” ignoring shit you missed like the 1970’s oil crisis, 1980’s IRA raids, and the 1990’s fall of the Berlin Wall. Which I know you’d gladly bitch about and go “hurr how is anyone born after the 1990’s fall of the Berlin Wall an adult!!?!! They’re all underage b8 so we need to ban them!!”

>But who makes weather things in G5 if Pegasi stopped?
We have answers: rainbows are made with completely automatic autonomous rainbow machine. It was never a plot hole.
We can assume there's other machines responsible for other nature/cosmic things.
You don't have jack fucking shit

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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
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She's one of a kind.
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Athletic tomboy nerd rebel princess <3
AUTISTIC athletic tomboy nerd rebel princess
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How is Zipp in bed?

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Previous thread: >>41074461

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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I'm confused.
When became shitposts this good?
thank you ranjesh
Good morning Sar
No, fuck off back to /v/
Bloody bitch lasagna ok

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Notice how they rapped better than actual black people?? kek
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read that as "raped"...
Except Applejack, for some reason. Do the rest have jaundice or is that just actual fur? Disgusting fucking things.
>Notice how they raped better than actual black people??
what did op mean by this?
Sci-Twi clearly took a lot of cock on that cruise.
Not any more than you do.

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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Romanceless youth!

ITT: Disgustingly cute Yellowquiet, Cleaning out your bookshelves, Realizing plot creation is hard, World Book Day, Telepathic fic recommendations, Having a fetish for cucking Spike, Capturing ideologies, Minimalist cover art, Several hundred words of descriptive asshole fingering, Twilight takes over Equestria via mass-organization, Absolutely glacial days, Recognizing story numbers, Polygamy and ceaseless slaughter, Mimicking Garth Ennis' trademark writing style, Hardboiled pony naming, Jealousy becomes authors!, Where Only Books Club, Witnessing anon's wordcount, Robbing Trixie, Prologue skipping, Literal interpretations of art, WDYEWTS?, Seeing what we're all writing, Displaced drug trips, Contractions, /fimfic/ must LIVE, Baking a story for 10 years, Showering in ideas, proving that you have good taste, and new stories becoming massively popular.

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-sixth book is 'The Witless':
If (You) want to participate, read up to (and also) chapter 10, 'The Pony Who Isn't Suspicious Is Suspicious' by the 12th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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>The posters who disagree are either trolling or haven't tried it and don't understand what is involved in making the output of the model match your vision.
Why do you still engage wtih the Lunaflag as if he was a being capable of discourse?
6/10, too many fics by a vasty overrated author.
Yeah, looking at it again, I think you're right. I don't agree with the mods' position here and don't think it's supported by the existing rules, but at least it is consistent.
Please take a good look at the replies to my posts >>41082181 >>41082784 versus the replies to yours >>41083603 >>41083629. I did my best to explain my position in a thoughtful and nuanced way, and got thoughtful replies in response. You made two condescending posts suggesting that everyone who disagrees with you is just ignorant, and unsurprisingly, all you managed to do is piss people off. If your goal is to persuade people (not your direct opponents, which almost never works, but any undecided onlookers), this is not a good way to go about it.

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the desert and to new colonies in the Mysterious South, passing between Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Despite the recent economic downturn and what is typically considered the slower season, you've remained busy this last month
>You’ve fought bandits, Diamond Dogs, uncovered murders, and even encountered a tatzlwurm, discovering strange and unsettling rumors regarding secret wars along the way
>Most recently you and a rival company, Roughshod, have been hired to escort a mixed group of settlers and public officials, fifty ponies in all, from the city of Appleloosa all the way down to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>Now, as you travel through a canyon to the southern colonies, you have found yourself in the middle of the rumored war between Dogs and Equestria

>Taking shelter in an ancient Diamond Dog temple, you currently find yourself in the middle of a bloody battle for survival

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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“How’s she doing?”
>”Hollow? She looks pretty good, all things considered. Definitely a lot better off than Silver. Once I’m done with her and she gets some fresh water and warm food in her belly she’ll be able to move around with assistance. After a few days of rest, maybe five or six, she’ll probably be able to resume light duties. She’s mostly just suffering from serious blood loss and has some serious damage to the muscles in the one shoulder but I think my magic can help those heal quick.”
>You turn your attention to Silver, who sleeps in the open for some unknown reason
“What about Silver?”
>”She’s doing fine, all things considered.”
>Soul washes out Hollow’s wound and begins sewing it shut
>”Don’t think she’ll ever fly again at this rate, but she’ll recover otherwise. But if she doesn’t wake up sometime today then there might be some other kind of problem I’m unfamiliar with.”
>You watch the young mare’s chest rise and fall as she breathes gently
“What do you mean ‘some other kind of problem’? The Medical Analysis spell is supposed to reveal everything going on with a pony physically.”
>”It does, which is why I’m going to be concerned if she doesn’t wake up.”
>Soul cuts the thread and rebandages Hollow before sighing
>”Look, just pretend I didn’t say anything. She’ll wake up any time now. Anyways, I want Hollow to stay with me for now. She’ll be up before noon. Or midnight. I don’t know what time it is, to be honest.”
>Soul steps away from you and lights another cigarette and returns to his rock

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Hey Soul after your done treating Hollow I need you to check my injuries out as well so you can perform the necessary healing advanced healing spell on me too.
>”And after everything that went wrong, I still wasn’t brave enough to do what I needed to do.”
>The unicorn weeps almost silently for a second and you find yourself torn between sympathy and anger
>On one hoof, you understand the pain of responsibility she’s going through
>But on the other hoof, how dare she cry to you of all ponies about this
>She hadn’t nearly died twice today
>She hadn’t have to make the tough calls, she always put that on you
>In fact, she hadn’t done anything but sit around since you found yourself down here
>And now she sits here feeling bad for herself
>”And now everyone…”
>She finally breaks into a chocking sob
[Input Needed]
Give her a hug but follow that up with firm eye contact.
"I know things are difficult, but it's at times like these when leaders don't get the luxury of breaking apart. You may not be able to fight the dogs, but you can be a rock for the ponies who believed in you. Show them your strength, even if you have to fake it. We can't have ponies falling to despair, no matter what. You can't change the past but you can help prevent that."
We will get out of this mess Fleur somehow as long as one of us is still alive the hope of light will emerge from the shadows tell me what's going to happened to the Project since we had all these setbacks with the diamond dogs getting in our way will it be delayed, shutdown, or we'll they just proceed without us!

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Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39834537/#39949369
Quest Notes coming soon.
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Well, what's done is done. Now you just gotta live with your guilt while trying to fine a way to redeem yourself before your guilt consumes you.
That's fucked but I get it. It's not like you were throwing them into the light, just blended in until you could get away. Honestly you were lucky playing dumb worked. The bigger question is why that all happened in the first place though.
>Wake up
>see Westworld CYOA

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Pic from the Mane Event comic, it's mostly hairplay the comic.
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Yeah it sucks. But g5 is like 2 white girls, one white man voicing alphabittle, one gay guy voicing Hitch, two Indian-Canadians, two brown women voicing Opaline and Misty, an Asian lady voicing Posey, and a Hispanic woman voicing Haven
I don't care too much about the ethnicity of the VAs, so long as they don't speak like niggers it's fine with me. What bothers me is when characters are made black just to meet the diversity quota. G5 may have some of that (Misty, possibly Izzy) but nowhere near 50% of the main cast.
Royal things
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At the sight of this soft and weak looking faggot, it makes me (hairy man with a square jaw) want to plop him on the ground, pin him down with all my weight and fuck him mercilessly in his stallion ponut-pussy while he whimpers and begs me to stop with his feminine voice.
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She tried but it's Misty so you're bound to lose your temper
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How did she abuse Misty?
if you can't tell from watching the show I have some bad news for you
Good way of saying you have nothing.

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No Misty thread? Let's fix that
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It’s true. No one points out that dragon fart still clings to her skin to protect her feelings.
Every time i see her smiling fat face i want to cave in her skull with a rock
wrong on all counts
correct on all counts.
No wonder Posey says unicorns stink

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Very fresh fish
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>Pipp has finished her transformation into a piggy bank
>Imagine having such a polluted mind you think anyone unironically enjoys g5
I unironically don't enjoy your posts.
How many quarters can I stuff into her slot?

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Like who would want to be some basic ass pony?
>super strength!!
Still doesn't compare to flying or bending the rules of reality. Also, Pinkie couldn't even kick an apple tree when their cutie marks switched, so that was a lie.
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This would imply all of natural Equestria is parasitic. Earth ponies, zebras, yaks, and other such creatures can grow in Everfree forest conditions, albeit with less predictable weather. It takes one Rainbow Dash, or a few pegasi, to patrol the weather for one village, giving pegasi the spare numbers for agriculture in addition to perfect weather conditions. A society of wizards should do the job of one alicorn easily while excelling in magically endowed crops. There is no reason to rely on earthies, unless they had something the other two don't..
I think two Rainbow Dashi would be more efficient.
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>This would imply all of natural Equestria is parasitic
This is a writers' major plot hole. These sentient creatures are probably unaware that ponies are the only kind on entire planet that controls celestial objects. Some creatures would consider them gods (I find it funny that we never saw their religions). But most likely they just accepted that it's just the nature.
>giving pegasi the spare numbers for agriculture
You know that it's not 100% of race is busy with #1 important job. In a large society it needs more or less 20% of ponies to grow food for the other rest. Flower trio don't have a farm, they grow and sell unimportant flowers. Some random unicorn in Manehattan grows and sells flowers too.
>A society of wizards should do the job of one alicorn easily while excelling in magically endowed crops.
Then they will have the overload of food, prices will drop, no one will buy appuls. Earthies would have no job. And if you think that every earthie can just start do minor jobs then some Appul family with a giant appul orchard will be very upset. All their tradition and pride is gone.
>There is no reason to rely on earthies
Windigos said otherwise. Be the kind whole society or be doomed. So to fit earthies in there, they have to do something that they can do.
Unicornbros, I completely forgor one giant clue. There was an entire functioning unicorn only society, that had green village and grew food without mudponies.

>Only the lazy one has not yet said how bland the antagonists are in the new generation. But I'm not going to figure out right now how bland they are and how bad it is. It is their interaction that interests me, and precisely from the point of view of conflictology. Let's discuss gaslighting, abuse and... let's just say psychological compatibility.
>There were two reasons for writing the article. The first is more personal, which I would not like to talk about in detail, but later I will still touch on it in passing. The second is the attitude towards Opaline and Misty in the community. At one point, I got the feeling that the whole fandom doesn't like Opaline because she "treats Misty badly." And this same fandom justifies Misty in every possible way, making her almost a saint and a martyr. That is, the community treats Opaline quite negatively, not because it is poorly prescribed, and not because it is an antagonist, although this would be quite logical. Namely, because of her attitude towards Misty. What is called "abuse" and "gaslighting".
>In general, I can agree. Opaline Arcana is a gaslighter. I'm not going to give any exact quotes now (anyone who watched the series will probably remember a few examples like "Don't think, you sound stupid"), but when watching, I noted a couple of points - this is the denial of the success of the victim of gaslighting, and belittling her virtues, and attempts to make the victim doubt the perception of reality. This is very unpleasant, and I will not justify such behavior, so I will leave this topic, agreeing with the opinion of the community. It is much more interesting to deal with abuse (abuse means that she is extremely intolerant of Misty's mistakes, screams and snaps at her), especially with an understanding of whether it is abuse at all, and whether everything is so unambiguous.
>I must say right away, I'm not trying to make Opaline look good and Misty look bad. I just want to move away from the usual perception of these characters and look at their interaction from a slightly different angle. The community is used to looking at the situation from the perspective of the character who is more sympathetic to the audience, so I can understand why there was such a tendency to dislike Opaline and feel sorry for Misty.
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The queen has all the best facial expressions.
But enough about Haven
It doesn't count because shitsty deserved it
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You can be a friend, or you can be a princess. Those are your two choices, choose wisely.
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Even though a part of her regrets her choice, she will pick up the pieces and learn to live with the one she made. No matter what others may think.
Have I truly become an Alicorn?
glad to see pilotredsun references on /mlp/

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