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i’m a boymoder a little over 4 months into hrt. i used to anamaxx pretty heavily, but have been trying to slowly gain weight since starting hrt. the only issue is that i’m way hungrier than i’ve ever been. is this normal? should i try and maintain till i can start prog or pio, or is it a good idea to give in and start now?
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this is the google opinion:

Trans fats are created by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils to make them appear more like saturated fats, which are solid at room temperature. Some say that trans fats are the most unhealthy type of fat you can eat, and that there is a safe upper intake limit of zero

alexander dumbass oerhere
came here to post this
It depends on how skinny you are
I'd suggest you aim for 20 bmi right now but it's common for MtFs to gain weight after starting HRT and so you might not need to do anything specific
Be gentle with your weight gain
I think gaining a lot of weight in the first and even second year of HRT could lead to a lot of it going to your belly
This 100%, based take.
t. currently making my dream game with custom made AI assets, code, and models
>weight gaining diets?
Lift big, eat your protein, and put peanut butter on everything you can stomach it with. Coconut and olive oil is good to pan fry up any food nut butters don't go with. Just aim to add as many healthy calories through healthy fats as you can once your protein macros are met.

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New UK schools guidance leaked and includes :

>Schools must not teach children about gender identity
>No ‘explicit’ conversations about sex until children are 13 - including contraception, STIs and abortion
>No sex education for children until age of 9 in primary school - must be restricted to basic facts of conception and birth. Children also taught how to stay safe
>Children aged 11 taught that sending naked or sexual images of someone U18 is criminal offence
>Children aged 11 will also be taught about sexual harassment, revenge porn, grooming, stalking and forced marriage
>Schools must provide parents with samples of material their children will be taught
So kids will learn about revenge porn and sexual violence before they learn about what sex is and are not allowed to know trans people exist.
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these is about kids, fucktard. also, a lot of schools are government run. this is just like you idiots complaining and DeSantis banning books. complete misrepresentation
Puritans are statistically happier AND have more satisfying sex life than progressives.
The whole sexuality debate really needs a shift from
>muh progress vs muh tradition
>yeah we tried but it clearly doesn't work given how much SSRIs the average """"liberated"""" woman shoves down her throat every morning
>Jobs are there if the unemployed want them, minister insists
>Don't teach children about safe boundaries, love and acceptance
The great cleansing of WW3 is necessary
>Children must not be taught appropriate sexual boundaries
Yeah sounds about right for a tradcon gov
>Puritans are statistically happier AND have more satisfying sex life than progressives.

>“When they left the room, as they were on fire, he hit them and pushed them back into the fire,”
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Don't tarnish the name of Chuds with this.
repping transbians are insane
>how is celebrating nazis being burned to death "anti-jewish genocide"
A bear would never set me on fire :^(
>Lesbian = Terf false equivalency
>Celebrates random lesbians getting burned to death under false assumption that lesbian (woman attracted to women) = terf (trans exclusionary radical feminist)
A better comparison would be setting Germans on fire and calling them nazis

Go lift weights and do cardio ladies. It’s good for your healthy and it’ll help you achieve the body you want.
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Same. My last insert really high so I'm not worried about pullups and stuff. My issue is anytime I do a pushup my shoulders and arms grow waaaaay quicker than they should cuz I used to do so many pushups when I was military coping.

Here's my current workout once I recover from FFS.
All are 2 sets each except calves, which are 3. I workout 3 days a week cycling through four workouts.
A. RDL, Squats + pullups, Side hip raise + calves

B. Hip Thrust, B stance dumbbell RDLs + inverted rows + pull parts, banded clamshells + calves

C. Single leg hip thrust, 45 hyper + pullups, glute medius hip thrust + calves

D. Hip thrust, Bulgarian split squats + inverted row + band pull aparts, cable kickback + calves
lol, yeah, fitness is self selecting like that. I say a year because that's when it's the easiest to make the most positive changes. After a while, it gets harder and you have to commit to the lifestyle.
>Big upside is that at a certain level of fitness, your calorie needs get so high that being fat is never a problem again.
but I NEED to be fat, genius
my skeleton is shit so I need to hide it with fat. i already struggle with gaining weight while laying on bed all day.
I should clarify that you'll never be accidentally fat, which is a problem for some. Personally, I really like being able to run around in a crop top. You can lift and be fat pretty easy desu, it's really common irl.
If you're having issues gaining weight, count calories. You prob aren't eating as much as you expect. I'm starting a bulk and doing a lot of oatmeal, rice, potatoes, ice cream, whole milk, cheap calories. If you don't wanna gain muscle then you can just eat and do booty band shit for a few months to get an inch on your hips.
Here’s mine:

Push Day:
Lat Raises 3x15
Incline Dumbbell Benchpress 1x10, 2x13
Cable Flys 4x13
Katana Extensions 3x15
Cable Lat Raises 2x21
Crossover Tricep Extensions 3x15

Leg Day 1:
Superset, Seated Leg Curls 3x15 and Leg Exstensions 3x15
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10
Superset, Hip Adductions 3x15 and Hip Abductions 3x15

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I wish I was a little girl. People would be protective of me and I could just masturbate all day long with no worries. I wouldn't even need to shave my genitals. I could even have old men give me lots of gifts in exchange for pictures. It would be like living life on easy mode.... Life is unfair.
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>Kill yourself it's all your fault
Kinda cruel when you really think about it.

Good point, I didn't notice. I was distracted by her filming. She even has the tumblr nose. I'm ashamed.
are you an ftm shotamoder? please talk to me I need you
You are going through insane mental gymnastics to justify being a pedophile who gets off to child abuse. You’re trying to accuse me of not caring about victims, when you yourself an incel who believes all women live life on “easy mode”, you wrote earlier that you seem to think abuse victims were just too dumb to escape being abused (??) and you’re a literal rapehon who wants to force women to talk to him by working at fucking women’s shelters, what a joke. Women hate you and will never accept you because you have a huge manly body, and if you try to approach little girls to be their friends their fathers will beat the shit out of you because everyone sees you as a big hulking creepy man. What do you have to lose? Kill yourself and be the adorable little girl you are inside uwwwuuuuuu
can you retarded moralfagging reddit foids shut up you're scaring away my little boywife (female)
Kill yourself you fucking chaser fetishist freak

Place your bets on when she goes nuts. My bet is at least six months before she has a breakdown
she wont go nuts she'll just continue to be an extremist campaigner until she dies of old age
She's sane in an insane world.
the reason she is doing this is because she writes children's books. so this issue ties into her work. most people hear her name and imagine it's like their aunt or something and respond by reflex on twitter
If some anachronistic legacy media outlet tells you to touch grass it's pretty sure that you're doing the right thing.
>noooo stop winning so hard chill out and touch grass

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What the fuck am I doing wrong.
This isn't a post looking for sympathy, I genuinely don't get dating in 2024. Hours upon countless hours going through dating apps, hookup apps, you name it. Not ONE match. No responses, no adds, NOTHING. Not even satans homunculus wants to speak to me.
I'm not ugly, I speak with confidence, I be myself, everything I've ever been told.
What am I missing?
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You must be really ugly if people on grindr won't even fuck you
are you just showing off your legs? how am I to understand you are actually hot just by your legs? face would be a big plus too because trannies don't have the prettiest faces always
for a normal, straight person, typically under 5% of the total opposite gender population matches their criteria, even when being generous, thus the challenge in dating as a normal person is to find someone in that under 5% for whom you also fall into THEIR under 5%. due to the sheer mathematics of it it's hard for even normal people to find a long-term partner
for someone who is a tranny that drops down to ridiculously low numbers, to the point where there's a very good chance you'll never find anyone
the most you can do is cast a wider net
although you say you use hookup apps and no one likes you, so there's probably something horribly wrong with you, since even an incompatible person might want a quick hook up
you are ugly and delusional, sorry

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trannies really think this
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Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
it's time nerdy internet betas got their asses kicked irl, so this is fine
Knowing how half this board is, Corey Sayers is probably Cassandra Sayers now and 2 years on estrogen

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Drowned in trans spam edition

Previous thread: >>35627928

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

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I think it would chap my ass less if it didn't have a fraudulent title. Be honest about your self-indulgent polycule fantasy appealing to fetishist girls and performative allies (who are also fetishist girls).
eh, i'll follow
Last sniff of the night?
It is now night in Australia. Sniff.
jp bump for the silly

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>I'm not passing because my shoulders!
Why does nobody ever recommend clavicle Shortening as a fix?

but also tbf ffs and srs is moneys too so actually idk..
because it gets you like 2cm shorter and makes your clavicle prone to breaking
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Just grow big boobs.
you'd be surprised how much 2-3cm would push a ton of guys into woman range
shoulders are never the thing that stop you from passing, the people saying that are coping hard about their man face

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Does anybody has experience with home laser hair removal devices? Is it worth considering or are they for the most part a waste of money? I have black hair, pale skin and enough saved for an expensive one of these but not for multiple sessions of laser.
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i have the same model (well the flex one) its very good
They are a waste of money, I tried several IPL models and then the tria diode and all barely did anything, and I have very pale skin and near black hair. I ended up getting a large diode laser machine from China and that works.
You can also get some numbing cream to put on your skin before you use an epilator if it's too painful.
lidocaine? does it make much of a difference?
Yep, I get this lidocaine cream called Numit, works good, mostly just feel a strange buzzing and warm sensation instead of the pain.

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The corporate conglomerate ghouls are finally realizing discriminating against transgender people and preventing us from joining the work force is a shot in their own foot. Perhaps the stereotype of trans people living in cartoonish levels of poverty and black mold will finally come to an end…?
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do it, you fucking hippies
mckinsey is a consulting firm, it's not the government
they're literally just saying "some trannies are smart and can be good employees but get discriminated against in hiring"
which is in fact true. And it's not at all impossible to not discriminate against trannies while also not taking money from other people. It doesn't cost anything to not discriminate in hiring.
>It doesn't cost anything to not discriminate in hiring.
besides the business of christians, muslims, and observant jews
then your company should offer insurance that pays for ffs. many companies do
regardless, the billionaire business consultancy firm seems to think that it would be profitable
what do you think 'wage equity' is about? it's about the government getting involved and forcing or incenting companies to pay equally. it's not something they would give a shit about otherwise

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QOTT: How do you guys sleep? Me personally im 19 and my girlfriend is 12
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Not true, don't listen anon
I eat that almost everyday and I look like you lmao
I'm hopelessly in love with one of my friends despite him being in a monogamous relationship. I have also convinced myself that at one point he was in love with me and decided to stop hooking up with me either because I have a bf(we're open and hes also trans)and or he thought the sex we had was bad. For some reason I think he still loves me but that honestly might be me being delusional. It also doesn't help that I'm basically not having sex with my bf anymore since I feel like I'm not sexually attracted to him anymore and so I've been super sexually frustrated for months.

Idk if I just want dick or I want my friend's dick (and his love and attention)
Men give dick not take it from taken men
When i am with my gf we both sleep 20 but otherwise i go for 3
me (cism): 18
wife (cisf): 19/20

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Who are the worst /lgbt/ tripfags
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I like Jennie. Her name is great.
Worst (terrible posts, bad personalities, generally bizarre people):
>The Brazilian MtF with the soulless stare, can often be observed spamming the catalogue
Jennie called me based so she's based. Fuck you, retards.
Leave your trip at the door, this is anon territory

Is the Brazilian one the one that posts all those belly pics and self deprecates constantly

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