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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Help me choose an MCU that allows me to create a portable music player that allows me to use DAC with i2s and listen to the most used audio files: MP3, AAC, ALAC, AIFF, APE, FLAC, MP, APE, WAV, OGG and OPUS
Why? Literally just buy some cheap mp3 player off Amazon or ebay. Or use your phone like every normal person.
I'd like to do some weekend projects, just for fun
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Almost any MCU would do, what you want is a decoding chip and flashmemory.
Spamming /diy/ with your retarded questions isn't fun enough?
this, I'd say go with a board and pick one with SD card support done already, this way the plrocess of getting files onto the device is going to be way easier and you can just focus on getting sounds out of it

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Do my shingles look right where the gable ties in with the rest of the roof? Roof was done less than a year ago and I dont know shit about roofing.
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Looks like a straightforward roof. Also looks OK.
Those gulleys could use some flashing. My old roof didn’t have it and all the shingles went really bad in that area. New one does though.
How much did yours cost? Mine looks to be your size and was $16k.
Cost $7k with certainteed shingles. House is about 1700sqft single level. Just hoping it was installed right in case I ever need to use warranty.
>Demand they come back and fix all that shit
>There is nothing wrong with it
I hope these replies were made by two different people

It's still not clear whether there's a problem or not, and if so, what the problem is.
Put some mastic on the heads and she'll be good for 30 years.
Yes, you have to finish the ridge cap somewhere. They should have clear caulking on it. Sometimes they will cut a ridge cap shingle and put a small piece with the sealant strip over the nails, but that will just fall off in a year or two. Did they put ice and water shield in the valleys, or did you get niggers by your roofer?
Woven valleys are a bitch. We do "California cut" only
Lol at your "warranty". If you ever have an issue, it's in the manufacturer to make it right. The manufacturer will also 100% try and find a way out of it through improper installation. OC does that shit all the time. The only warranties that actually matter in the roofing industry are single ply NDL's, and that's because they have an inspection by the technical rep from the manufacturer to verify it's been applied to whatever minimum installation specs the NDL requires, and the warranty is an insurance policy through someone like Factory Mutual and not some manufacturer "let's hope they cover it" bullshit.

I've wanted to make a slide-out game controller for phones for a while. I have a software background, so I'm comfortable learning new technologies, but I'm not sure where to begin. My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept. What's the legitimate approach?
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ok nvm you're not him, sorry. he's very insecure and gets angry when people make fun of him. sorry for bothering you.
You find a board manufacturer, buy a P&P and reflow oven, and piece it together with parts you find off digikey, or go on JLC and overpay for them to assemble it for you, then you contract with local materials science or plastics company (every town I've lived in there's always one within a 30 minute drive) and have them make the cases, or if you're dirt cheap bite the bullet and order them from China and accept the company is gonna reuse the molds themselves or sell them off to someone who will, then again If it's a small run they'll make em out of aluminum so it won't last long anyway, then you piece the whole thing together with threadforming screws. If your line actually takes off, same story, but you're gonna wanna drop a ton of cash on water-cooled steel molds and etch the PCBs yourself, the price per unit will drop on components on their own.
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Here we go, already found a Bluetooth transceiver for ya, look for the PDIP equivalent if there even is one, grab whatever microcontroller you'll be building it off of, some joysticks and buttons, whatever other components you'll need and a chinese eBay power supply and get to prototyping on a breadboard (or copper perfboard like a manly man).
It's ok, I know a lot of people talk shit with ideas they can't deliver on. Hopefully I at least get a prototype working.

Thank you fren.

Exactly the kind of direction I needed. TYVM
>My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept.
not a terrible idea so long as you think you'll be able to get from there to where you want the project to end without having to backtrack. remember - changing the guts will likely require you to make a new case anyway, so it's ebetter to start with something that will let you develop from the start or something you'll be fine not being able to develop much further.

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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neat, also checked
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This is a nice book about this topic. It has a chapter on building a digital computer with a schematic (using 7400 series logic chips) and an in-depth explanation of how it works.
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Was about to suggest that, that dude is doing god's job.
depends on what it is you want to learn about computers. 6502 will give you the basics for data flowing between components. IF you want to learn about inner workings of data proesing you're better off learning assembly, and 6502 is also a great starting point there.
That being said making a computer from scratch when you don't actually even know where to start indicates that what you're looking to do wpould be tillting at the proverbial windmills. You should probably start with something simpler, like re-creating what's already out there, and trust me DIY kits do exist, as do replacement chips for what's no longer available. Apple-1 should be entirely doable one way or another tho.

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What tools do my euro bros buy?
In my country unior is considered the best, but I am from ee so maybe you have other brands in the west, like the american ones.
Also is Parkside better than green Bosch?
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No idea if Parkside would beat green Bosch in quality, but it does beat it in price by a good margin, all the rare-use tools I tend to buy Parkside.
Then Makita for higher quality tools, because Makita is the same quality as any other high-end brand, but in Europe, it's the cheapest.
what about wrenches and pliers and stuff like that
Parkside is what they sell at lidl in the USA and it's all junk
Parkside is good enough for /diy/, if you're a professional, Knipex or whatever expensive brands. There's a middle ground of "high quality" Aliexpress brands, if you explicitly look for brand stores and avoid the cheapest tool in the given category. I needed some not dogshit crimp tools for electrical connectors, and IWISS had good ones with EDM machined inserts for less than half of the cost of global brands.

Yes, but it's cheap junk. You can buy a Makita impact hammer for $500, or a Parkside for $150, the Parkside will survive the few odd jobs just fine. In Europe there are much worse deals on big brand cordless tools as well, in the US the big chains often have effective 30% off combo deals, while in Europe, brand name combo deals are buy more - pay more. So Parkside is usually 30% of the real price of Makita, 25% of Milwaukee.
Gedore, Knipex, PB Swisstools, Wiha and Wera are considered top brands for hand tools in my country. For generic battery tools at companies Makita, and more and more Dewalt lately. Specialty tools for woodworking Festool, Hikoki, Hilti or Bosch blue for hammer drills. Metabo and Hitachi are generally appreciated

Bahco and Stanley are ‘good enough’ tier for random stuff like tape measures. Parkside is disposable Lidl electrical tools like in the US.

ITT: Scam companies.

Just sat through a 3 hour appointment with a (very friendly) sales agent only for them to try to pressure me into replacing my windows at an average of $1500 apiece, and I know they're just going to subcontract out to the cheapest local labor they can.
That would be impossible because they all are scams. Try making a list that are legit companies.
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this is /do it yourself/ not /pay some faggot and complain about it/.
Literally just go find a new construction subdivision and ask the sub crews if they do windows. 150-300 bucks per window is the going rate for install, with windows going between 150 and 600 bucks depending on material and size. 1500 isn't actually all that terrible for a real business. Operating costs probably bring the margin around 35-40%. That being said, of your getting shitty vinyl windows, and you can tell Mexicans what to do, you can do them way cheaper yourself.

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In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
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You might be able to DIY for other people to help bring your monthly bills down. Something like moving gravel around or gardening if you're good with a hedge trimmer. I think there's groups of people who do this sort of thing and then after they're done DIYing someone's lawn they get a bit of cash for their good work.
I hate this hydro meme. Hydroponics is a solution looking for a problem just put the plants in dirt.
i wish i could make more money but i unfortunately have to report everything i make to the government otherwise i will pay fines and have to move back in with my mom because i will have no money. i could probably build a good reputation in the apartment complex if i did that anyway without accepting payment, cause most of the other tenants are gonna be 55 and up
So let me get this straight, you fucked something up and now owe the government a lot of money, so you're moving into (what I assume) is section 8 housing and want to DIY as a way to make side cash to supplement the handouts you are getting? Your DIY hobby should be finding some latina and pumping exactly 3 kids into her. I cannot stress enough that you have exactly 3, as any more does not give any more money from the government. Also, no one is going to give a shit about your "Reputation" in the apartment because all section 8 people rotate through endlessly and don't give a shit, don't try to "DIY" fix shit either or the city maintenance department will evict you.

You're a slave.
i didnt fuck anything up (yet) but alright. i'm no praying man but i'll pray for you. happy trails.

I want to make my own electronic cig that dosent look fucking gay. I also want to smoke custom nicotine that synthesize myself. how would i go about building an e-cig that looks good and isnt full of random chemicals (tar and shit). I also dont want the nicotine amount to be absurdly high compared to an average cigarette
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forgot, you'll need a 15k resistor

attached is a picture of the BS I used to make.
>I want to synthesize my own nicotine juice and smoke it through my homemade rig
That is the most cyberpunk way to die before 30 I have ever heard to date.
> If you used 100% water it would just evaporate
that's what i figured. whats the downside of just dripping nic water on my skin for absorption? besides staining skin and potential overdose symptoms.
>whats the downside of just dripping nic water on my skin for absorption
Man isn't it just easier to buy a vape for 2 dollars?
Frying your dopamine receptors with strange nootropics and overdosing on heroin is a close second

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should I just keep buying red wings? might try some georgia boots or some thorogoods for the first time.

press f to show respect
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Yup. Thats why I went with Franks. They make the least "fancy lad" boots out of any of the PNW boot makers.

So as far as I know Whites was the original Spokane boot maker. Nicks was spun off in the 60's from the foreman of Whites. Then, years later, Franks was created by the foreman of Nicks. White's quality has gone down a bit since they're now owned by a huge Japanese shoe conglomerate.

Wesco is good too down in Oregon.

Yeaaaaaaaaa. I work in mining. Those would be destroyed in a month.

Obenaufs LP is the shit.
>rubber boots
>socks are wet with sweat halfway through the day
Do they still come with a lifetime warranty? I thought redwings would replace or repair them if they got fucked up like that.
I'm a field biologist.
I spend about 75-80 hours a month bushwhacking through deadfall, through swamps, kicking branches out of the way, hiking over boulders.
Going on a year with a pair of Danners and they look as good as new. They're more durable than you would think. Maybe not the best boot if you're in knee-deep mud all day I guess but otherwise surprisingly good.
Super comfortable too.
Concrete is what kills boots

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Prev thread at bump limit. I don't often hangout here, forgive me if this isn't perfect.
Prev thread: >>2794153

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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They're still listed among other in the last link. They'd be worth recommending specifically too because how can you not recommend building up orders to get free delivery and have stockpiles of basic components because you added 20 bridge rectifiers and 100 1n4001 etc. that one time.
>I don't often hangout here, forgive me if this isn't perfect
Did you read the part at the bottom of the OP that you avoided copy-pasting that said "bake at page 10, post in old thread"???
They're included in Octopart. Octopart is an aggregator for the big vendors like Digi-Key and Mouser, and a lot of smaller vendors as well. They also generally have a better parametric search function, allowing you to set a minimum value for the maximum input voltage, for example. Though can get a bit strange when different vendors have different data formats.

The reason I included LCSC separately is because Octopart doesn't scrape all the unique parts on LCSC, it only shows the western parts that LCSC shares with the other vendors. LCSC has a lot of interesting cromulent ICs that you can't get anywhere else, like linear high voltage LED drivers, TP4056s, along with chinky copies of western parts that go under different names, like the GD32F103. Their passives and jellybeans are also generally cheaper, though there is no free shipping threshold. They ship worldwide regardless of location, so if like me you're in a country where Farnell and RS are the only vendors available, you can see why it would be worth not paying $10 each for one of two available SMA connectors. Keep in mind the shipping thresholds though, more expensive part prices might be offset by free shipping.

In no way am I recommending using AliExpress or whatever as a replacement for proper vendors for anything but the most bog-standard parts. Or maybe surplus parts for a game console or laptop. I got out-of-spec TL072s once, and IR2148s that were dead on arrival. Stick to the proper vendors for things that matter.
30V is kinda high for electrochem, but sure. An instrumentation amplifier is the sort of thing you want for amplifying a weak signal without incurring offset, but such an amplifier can only provide so much current. Electrochemistry can easily get over 1A, which at 30V is 30W. That's a lot of power for a linear precision amplifier to dissipate. For that kind of power, what you'd end up doing is designing a DC-capable audio-style amplifier stage that runs off a split-rail supply (e.g. ±32V), and using the instrumentation amplifier (or similar op-amp circuit) in a feedback loop in order to make the output perfectly follow the input. It's also an option to go for a switching solution, though with a bipolar supply that can sink and source current I'd advise against it unless you really need high power.

Also the feedback loop of the existing equipment may interfere with this circuit. When it sets 0.1A through an electrochemical cell, it's constantly changing its voltage while measuring current in order to keep it at 0.1A. If it won't measure anything above 0.5A, then outputting 1A wouldn't work, even if your amplifier could take it. You may need to augment the measurement ability of the existing equipment, or even use your own circuit to set the voltage and current independently with a CC/CV amplifier combination.

I'd write down some specs. Maximum voltage, maximum current, accuracy of voltage, accuracy of current, that sort of thing.
Max voltage is 30V. It is that high so I can dabble in electrochemical synthesis if I want, might happen and I want to future proof this project. Max current is around 100mA, that should be plenty. Commercial electrochemical reactors have an accuracy of around 0.01mV and 0.1mA, so that's what I'm sort of aiming for.
Sometimes in those processes the voltage isn't the variable controlled, but instead the current. So you set it to something like 4mA per mole and the device gives it as much voltage as it needs to hold that current. My little potentiometer can do that, but at much lower power, I'm not sure how to amplify that. It can reach the currents I need but the problem comes when I start doing synthesis at larger than analytical scales and need higher voltages to maintain that current.

the great debate
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What lol
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>american houses are trash
picel where anon lives
shouldn't you be using a fucking grinder or band saw instead of a fucking sawzall with carbide teeth?
So you work in a plumbing shop, not on jobsites, huh?

>extent of anon’s knowledge is one Youtube vid with limited tests
Go try using them
>lol if you like battery tools so much why aren't there battery powered threaders, benders, core drills, excavators, sawmills, cranes, or trenchers? Checkmate, batteryfags.
Please, anon, you're embarrassing yourself. Nobody is saying that all tools are better with a battery. Just most handheld portable power tools.

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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>TCI Blackbird NextGen HF Detection, Intercept and Direction Finding
everything between 2 and 30 Mhz, fuck
Did you really believe that frequency hopping (even with spread spectrum) is enough to evade RDF in the year 2024??
>idk about military planes but I heard passanger jets have direction finders to prevent spoofing
Not sure what this means. DF is used to find teh bearing to known radio beacons as a way of navigation, an alternative to using GPS. I have never heard they use DF to locater jammers.
And it would be easier to place the GPS antenna at the top of the aircraft so that emitters on the ground cannot reach the antenna.
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>the suv with a rooftop luggage concealment of the antenna
>seven threes

these are the dumbest mfers, just gaping at you. fuck off, there is nothing to see.
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I draw one on every new house I work on.
Various builders have complained from time to time.
> electrons vibrate in place.
AC is more like a push and pull DC current does exhibit electron drift.
Everything else “vibrates in place”
Sounds like a ... stretch
If I pull a vacuum cleaner out of the box and see that plug that shit's going straight back to the store

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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more of a swanson man myself, i like indetions over laser marks.

this how i feel about those 50+ taijima or cox caulk guns are they really worth it? I mean atleast with ryobi I aint cocking the plunger to move.
i was looking for new hack saw my undestanding is that bahco is good, but they got a higher version, but then I saw klien released a new hackasaw and that seems better buy. I fucking hate klien.
you got scammed on the bit set. like really scammed.
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sandvik bahco #225. time tested and proven no gimmick bullshit that gets the blades guitar string tight
When you get bored of em, go with the Catspaws

Trips confirms. I didn’t notice how expensive that was. I got those Hercules 3” power security bits with a coupon because I refused to pay full price, and they don’t seem shitty, on par with DeWalt and such. But that $25 set anon got with his drill, those kits are on sale for ~$10 all day on some random endcap at Home Depot or Lowe’s from any of the good brands. You can find the 100pc DeWalt sets with 4 boxes like picrel for about the same money

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