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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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> the execs knew about and allowed a convicted pedo on staff before their prison date

THAT IS NOT FUCKING OK! How has this con not burned to the ground yet?
Probably because he is up the chain of command. Did a run of the names of the staff I found on past year's programming guide, got a hit on megan's law list. Probably speedrunning the con to death or get something more out of it.

It's also hilarious they are doing calls for volunteers now and asking for those aged 13 and up. Guess they want to feed the pedo or something.
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Big fucking car trouble only a little over a week before the con. I swear my whole month of May has been plagued with awful shit.
I better see some top tier cosplay ass and titties to counterbalance the bad mojo.
any gulls gonna be in the fashion show?
i'd sooner kill myself. bay area fashion shows are never good.

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Y'all just mad that she is basically the most popular content creator who is also an oldschooler at the moment. You all just seem jealous imo.
Stop talking to yourself.
Content creator is a stretch. Cringe videos that no-one watches beyond checking it out. The blog that is basically just coord pictures with a sprinkling of text.
There are actual old school content creators out there, you are not it.
why does cgl care so much about this bitch, can you stop derailing
she's just selfposting, ignore it

How come they’re never as cute as JP idols?
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non-aussie here, what's the background of that?
was she hoping to find a japanese bf for that sweet sweet residency lmao

ah, i was wondering why he brought his other partner to the melopara graduation concert while marmalade called him her partner on stage when they played together.
Seems like pretty standard rules to me.
A few years ago she said she hated idols because they were fatphobic and racist, and now she's saying she "cringes" when people call her an idol because she thinks what she does makes her "better" than that. No one's forcing her to stay in the idol community, the sooner she's gone the better.

new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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NTA but thats all real solid advice. Thanks clownfag.
That looks like $50 worth of shit tossed together.
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Does anyone have a link to a good pair of jackboots for sale in the EU?
Google isn't being my friend today as it directs me to out of stock items or wish/temu/shein sites..
Specifically something with a rubber sole and not ww1 hobnails

>tfw phase 3 already
the thirties are hitting me hard though xd
Try looking for surplus east German police boots.
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I sold off some gme and made like $1600. Probably just gonna order the chow set and some extras like Pic related

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I have this sintetic wig and i canot for the love of god fix the mes it become i whased it used wig conditioner and a comb for wigs any help or idea is velocome.
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i dunno man, you're the one with a jizzy wig.
hehe'h, now I understand why some people is evil in 4chins, you get keks out of it
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welcome, welcome! you are learning, but this is hardly evil, this is some light hearted jesting, a little trolling if you will, not the totally heartless shit that some anons do.
>not the totally heartless shit that some anons do.
I see, cheers
Where on earth i writed i have jizz on my wig?

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In December last year I bought some blue contact lenses for a convention. I didn't use them because I didn't have time to put them on. I want to cosplay any character (I don't mind cross-dressing) with blue eyes so I can use the blue contact lenses and the money I spent on them does not go to waste.
>the money I spent on them does not go to waste
I mean, the money you spent on those contacts is gone. Cosplaying a blue-eyed character doesn't bring the money back. You might as well just cosplay whatever makes you happy, regardless of the eye color.
There are literally countless blue-eyed characters to choose from and you haven't given any further specifications as to what kind of things you're interested in cosplaying or even described the shade of blue the contacts are, so it's kind of impossible to answer.
A Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh!
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Nice explaining of the sunken cost fallacy, Anon.
That said, I double dog-dare OP to cosplay Aryan Jesus from Ghastly's Ghastly Comic.

Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
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shit i'm amazed it's up after more than an entire year. kind of sad how slow cgl has gotten hah
Preview of my rabbit hole Miku cosplay^^ it’s officially summer!! I have lots more free time to cosplay, and lots of l fun things planned, I’m super excited and very fortunate, I hope everyone enjoys the content random stuff I have planned ^^
I can't tell if you're the real deal or some degen playing pretend, but easy test:

What ribbons were you handing out at Katsu this year?
The cute ones!

But in all seriousness how am I supposed to remember such a small detail like that!?

Those cuc/k/s at /k/ sent me over to talk about canes
I consider heavy objects to be weapons but maybe they're too fat to lift anything heavier than their girlfriends .32 pea shooter.
Inform me on weighted canes /cgl/
I've done a small amount of googling on them but can't find much on that precisely
>An individual is allowed to carry swords, sword canes, and machetes, openly or concealed, as these instruments are not classified as weapons anymore.
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yes but because i'm visually impaired. i carry a blind man's cane or something else. if possible i put a "sheath" over it to disguise it as like a cosplay weapon then just pull off the sheath when i actually want to use it.
Regular of hilariously both /k/ and /cgl/ here.
Local legalities aside, if you live in a place where somehow weapons are not weapons, maaaaaaybe you should consider moving to some place where weapons are weapons, bread is bread, wine is wine and (quoting C. J. Cela) cunt is cunt.
Meanwhile, leave the weighted canes for faggots like... well, like yourself. And stop being a faggot so you don't need one. If you are going to a place where a weighted cane is enough for self-defence, then you don't need it to begin with. Unless you're a half-man whose fists are wea like a 80-old sister of charity's. And if you're going someplace where your fists aren't enough, fucking pack real weapons.

Also note that cosplay cons fall FIRMLY in the first (fist) category.
>Also note that cosplay cons fall FIRMLY in the first (fist) category.
that's Mr. until autsimo's orange tipped assault rifle starts firing live rounds, soon, hopefully
Nice word salad. Are you sure all those words can be actually used in that order?
No, seriously- I need to know. For... science.

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Is this a gesture of kindness or does he actually like me
do you want him to like you?
Don't over think it. He's just being nice.

Don't assume because it makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me"

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ITT: why you couldn't go to a con last-minute, and how that impacted you.
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Both my first and second attempts at a con got cancelled. On the first one, I was building up to it for weeks and then like a week before...my knee dislocated during a workout. Despite a limp, I could walk without a crutch almost immediately so it was honestly a dumb reason to cancel (just look at all the "he / hims" in canes and wheelchairs today). The second time, somebody dropped out and then we all did. Even dumber, but I was also 19 at the time.

The impact is, I didn't actually go to cons till 3 years later because I never thought to check for any in my area. Why? No clue.
I had tickets to Thursday and Sunday for San Diego Comic con then months later my sister booked our Tokyo Japan trip close to that week.

I missed Thursday of the con but i had the time of my life stepping on Japanese soul for the first time. Still enjoyed the sunday of the con, its probably the kind of week ill remember on my deathbed
>spent $600 for con
>couldn't spend a few extra bucks on a taxi or uber
that's on you anon
Fucking 2020, that's why I couldn't go to last one I missed.
Come prepared with a back up plan next time then?

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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nevermind. found a ride. but my ride doesnt want to actually go to the con so i now have one free full weekend ticket i can give away to someone. reply here with a way for me to contact you and i'll give the extra ticket to you
sounds like a cool cosplay! i'll try to keep an eye out for you
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wait a minute.

they're hosting all of the cons on the same floor?

I was under the assumption that they would be taking place in different sections of the building. What the fuck?
Short answer is YES

The main stage at the very top of the map is shared by all of the main events of these 3 cons.

Anime Impulse is basically just vendors mingled with K-Pop vendors. They have very little programming of their own, just a place for fans to gather and create their own fun.
Also 2 dozen Vtuber guests because they take up no space, just a monitor.

The con is also using the rest of the 4th floor, including the outdoor park space. At least weather is decent enough in May that it's likely not incredibly rainy or windy or cold like at Sakura-Con.
it's actually a fairly small event. all of their "road show" versions are like this. that's why they're able to have so many of them across the country.

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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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Idk I only do the Battletech event
there's so many fucking panels and whatnot how do you decide what to attend?
are you a zoomer
most people who have been to cons before forgo panels altogether, it's the same shit every time at every convention
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I've never been to a con before. wdym it's the same shit? I do think that most of it sounds horrible. this is just a random screencap i took:
Easy. I decide not to attend any of them, because all of them are shit.

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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>Anime Expo
>North America's largest anime convention
>Headlined by Vtubers
Not only that:
>The company that fucked up hard and sabotaged their English branch
>Clearly just paying money to try to salvage things
Cheap, appeals to entry level casuals, and don't need a travel visa or interpreter.
>Mad that Vtubers are now the standard at cons
I have not been to one con after covid where it did not feature Vtubers
I'm actually not mad at the vtubers. I went to Hololive Expo in Japan and go to Offkai Expo. NijiEN is just a shitty choice, but it's likely free or near free due to Niji covering costs, and AX is all about not paying for guests.

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Is it ACEN yet? edition

Previous thread >>10910795

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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Well he has a girlfriend currently so...can't see how either of those two things are true.
Where is the best place to park?
Beats me!
I want to get a nice cosplay gf who really puts her heart into her costumes. She will make them in secret - I won't see them until we're off to the con. We would enjoy the con normally. We would head home and I would prepare her some tea just the way she likes it. She would explain to me how she made the costume and all of the details and choices of each frill and what the materials are as I tie her to the chair. She continues to explain while I compliment her and feed her the tea and biscuits. When we run out of tea I brew more. She starts to squirm and fake pleads me, desperately, to be released. I feed her more tea and steer the topic back to her great costume as she shuffles her knees desperately against the restraints. When she finally loses to her own body and soils her nice cosplay with her pee, I untie her and roughly make love to her in it. Then she has a cathartic cry while I massage her and we clean up and rush to the drycleaners to save the outfit.

These are the unholy things I am thinking about at acen while I am being polite and shy to cosplay girls wishing I could be their bf. I'm a madman.
If you aren't a poorfag, the Hyatt has a parking lot attached to their building for easy car unloading. Go around the back oh Hyatt through the ticket gate and get the parking tied to your room for unlimited weekend in/out with your car

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