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look at the main photo for Gwyneth Paltrow's wikipedia page. the page is also locked for editing.
why is it a nude? I've never seen something like this on wikipedia before for an actor's page.

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no we haven't and that's why he used a fake

zoey and natalie have never shown tits
Good. I used to donate to wikipedia, and I really believed in their mission. Then they became captured and became a propaganda platform wearing the skin and credibility of something that was once a great idea. I unironically wish horrific violence on these people, their insanity is creating a hellish world where no single great thing can survive. They deserve to burn in a stack of tires.
Hershlag has paparazzi pics
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Is this somekind of bait thread?

I can't see shit
it got reverted

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the ADR guy fucked up. i've never had a tater tot that crispy in my entire life, let alone ones that were in a fucking pocket for hours.
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This, the perfect breakfast item. The worst type of potato is the baked potato btw.
agreed. baked potato is just loading it up with shit to make it taste good. my dad only puts butter on a baked potato and i think that's insane
Baked potatoes are just flat out underwhelming but twice baked potatoes are where it’s at if properly seasoned
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Did Pedro actually want to give up his tots or did he feel pressure from Napoleon? A corn dog and shitty green beans doesn't seem like enough for a growing boy at lunch time.
You want to add a little oil when you bake them.

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News from the California
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That's gotta hurt!
Which television and film is this?
You'll be seeing it on the local news soon enough
Been a while since I've been genuinely perturbed by a webm

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all of a sudden dr dre is the g thang
but on his old album cover he was a she thang
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Reminder that none of these faggots were actually gang members. Ice Cube and Dre were college kids paying their tuition.
I remember cypress hill calling ice cube out for being from a nice neighbourhood in one of their diss tracks.
>he wasn’t getting his back blown out and pozzed. It was that dastardly Suge Knight!
Biggest cope I’ve seen
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Not entirely true. E was apart of the crips and Snow(/ourguy/ and pic related) served some time.

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Is Galadriel is so smart and shit why does she take a ring?
Average age of an Amazon Prime subscribers is mid 40s and LOTR is a book from the 1950s. The movies came out for people that are now in the elder millennial age groups.
Over half the audience was aged 50+, similar to shows like Reacher - so boomers, basically
Zoomies ain't watching high fantasy
ROP was 45% so higher than Stranger Things, it would be captured over the same timeframe so idk what point you are even trying to make. It's pretty normal for successful shows with high amounts of market. I bet you 100% Shogun had a terrible completion rate despite being highly acclaimed, it's too much of a genre piece for true mass audiences but still a big success.

The rest of your post and the fact that you had this image saved in a dedicated folder just reeks of cope anyway
The comments are mostly negative too...
>the fact that you had this image saved
I googled "stranger things season 1 completion rate" and got https://medium.com/@plumresearch/has-stranger-things-turned-the-streaming-world-upside-down-cc6466a8242a as the top result.

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Korean K-drama thread
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Post the BOTTOM of your list
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nice, here's mine, however those are still completed instead of outright dropped, so they are not *that* bad, just average
Don't remind me. There's a lot in that drama that makes me mad, but I'm still seething over the completely unnecessary last minute villain. Le stronk special forces swat female lead effortlessly beats trained cops, soldiers, multiple zombies at once, but struggles with some random twink. It was funny though reading comments and seeing girls being angrier about the villain being ugly than the fact that he was a serial killer. Really makes you think.
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did i popularize suzy here? no one was posting suzy here until i posted this webm
Maybe, but I'll propose that most suzy posters in here are just baiting the schizo, I know I do sometimes I just can't help it

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I love movies but why does this industry have to be full of creeps? Why can't you make movies while staying professional?
Is he Jewish?
Poor whores who resorts to getting naked for money deserve no more than poop in their mouth treatment like Vince. I support Coppola on this.
films are just soft porn anon. ofc all of these "film-makers" and "actors" are just pervs
whatever fag. if you want to enjoy your faggot culture be as degenerate as you want, but keep it to yourselves.

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Why did Regina have the largest bedroom in her family home?
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Her mom was desperate to be her friend.
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I don't like how Janis didn't suffer any consequences for turning Cady into a mean girl and it wasn't even acknowledged as being bad except for an inconsequential public apology that nobody gave a fuck about.
Yeah and instead of Lacey Chabert you've got some fat indian broad, and instead of Rachel McAdams you have some fat white broad. The main character is a pudgy little shit as well.
fat girls are hot deal with it chud

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With how British shows get adapted for the US, has there ever been the opposite?
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Trans Wendy's
Expecting a generation as culturally and creatively bankrupt as zoomszooms to come up with something original was your first mistake.
>Emo Wendy
>looks like a typical soccer mom
What did they mean by this?
There was this small resurgence of interest during the Covid lockdowns, so much so that it prompted a neo-Vans Warped Tour called When We Were Young fest in Vegas. It gets surprisingly large crowds in for a nostalgia fest.
I like based MURICA FUCK YEAH redditors (reddit just like 4chud and every english website ever is American, you niggas are irrelevant and lazy lmfao) who support independence for cornish,wales,scotchland,manx,irish,etc which makes bongaloids seethe without fail screeching novels about how the bri'ish isle are 100% pure anglo saxon, especially if it includes seetheralds like
>yew schewpid bloody fuarking yankee wanker

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>disgusting dikes
Cave their heads in with a brick.
Guys who hate hot women lezzing out are infinitely gayer than hot girls lezzing out.
The female equivalent of homosexuality is removing themselves as women to men
Chud cringe



>watermarks your kino

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That twist... they never got their happy ending, they both died during the war. THEY BOTH FUCKING DIED.

Holy fuck I'm actually crying right now... what the fuck, what the fuck, man... WHY?? Why did that have to happen to them, FUCK...

They're just forever young now, forever longing for each other.
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Moral of the story: children are evil creatures who will ruin your life
I remember watching this in last 2000s. Shit wrecked me for a few days. The twist is amazing. Brutal
>it's all anti-natalist propaganda
It did Dunkirk better in 5 minutes than Nolan could with 2 hours

Is showing the actual rape of daenerys really important? Couldnt they just made it offscreen?
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If she didn't like it then why didn't she say "no"?
what's the point of that delay time of being "suspended" for 15 minutes before you're actually banned on here? i don't get it. waiting on review from the mods?
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Jannies can't ban, only delete posts, so if you've really pissed them off they have to beg a mod to do it for them. It's pretty sad and pathetic. You just know you've rubbed them wrong if they go out of their way to wake up a mod.
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>is showing it?

it was for shock value alone, along with her nudity. that's it. all there is to it. when it doesn't work, they blame the customers. when it does work, they applaud each other.

Do I still love /ouremilia?
Will I ever watch that dogshit tv show?
Damn. and 100 percent of the time the mod approves it? sounds about right. thanks anon

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advice on how to avoid conscription in a future usa civil war? what has worked historically?

suppose it happens in the next year, and I live in northern california
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(((trudeau))) would definitely be a fag and arrest draft dodgers
Nothing is going to happen. Nothing ever happens.
>advice on how to avoid conscription in a future usa civil war?
By joining the good side. I hope someone brings back the Partisan Rangers
Shoot the draft officer
Cut off your dick

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what did they shoot?
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Eastern Front historians in the West from the 1950s-1980s:
>the soviets only did well during ww2 because of american lend lease that supplied them majority of their equipment
Also Eastern Front historians in the West from the 1950s-1980s:
>the soviets barely had any rifles and bullets and did mass human wave assaults with one man holding the rifle while the other man holding the bullets
So if we use this logic, in other words American lend lease was fucking useless then?…
WW2 Eastern Front history here in the West was really fucking weird before David Giantz came along and fixed everything in the 1990s.
based knower and glantz appreciator
Lend lease was mainly trucks and general materiel but more importantly american style factories (yknow the ones that pumped out all those t34s?) Russia has always had trouble with guns even WW1, too many people (that they throw at the enemy stupidly) and not enough guns.
What did his daughters have to do with it?
> yes, it's very rational to support the people drinking human blood

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More like shakes spears
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I legitimately thought that was a man. Like, that person on the right is just a dude.
the white guy literally looks more feminine
it used to look okay when i was underweight but now i'm average weight it looks terrible
>I'm quietly judging you
At least this one’s attractive

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