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i just today stumbled upon 4chan, obviously i heard of it dozens of time, but can anyone give me some advice? for example the whole "who replied to what post" or better said what user is who in the replies really confuses me. does the number behind the anonymus date, time and then No. identify the users? or is it impossible to identify one as long as their name is anonymus, meaning replies are gonne be chaos?
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life ruining speedrun:
b, d, lgbt, pol, r9k, trash, vt, x, y
oh, i've heard of r9k and pol. are users hostile on those boards, towards new users? like attempting to doxx etc. ?
Not every but alot.
You just memorize in what thread you made a post or you create extra tabs. Just do it bro you will learn everything yourself.
Well that's the nature of an anonymous website. How else would you assure anonymity?
Idk never heard of such a feature. You can maybe tweak around with the filters but I'm not sure.
Follow /adv/ if you are genuinely interested in helping people. A certain degree of triage is necessary: There are doofuses who are quite capable of taking obvious steps but maybe too lazy, people in the middle who are stuck and need some skills/mental adjustment, and hopeless basket cases. Concentrate on the middle group and ignore the others for the sake of your own sanity.

Other boards often have "general" threads that are full of interesting resources so look out for them if they are topics you might be interested in.

Stay away from the fap boards because you probably have better ways of spending your time.
Yes 4chan is hostile to new users. The secret is to just pretend you are an old user. Oldfags used to jokingly say that you have to lurk for years before you are allowed to post. But I haven't seen someone writing this in a while.
>like attempting to doxx etc. ?
No this is very rare only happens if you post private info about yourself or a picture. In theory noone can see your IP only Admins, mods etc.
But you can read all this on FAQ and Rules.

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She just got her diagnosis, we are married for less than a year. If I would know about it, I would think twice before marrying her. Should I divorce or should I accept? What can I expect from her? How women with autism behave?

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Previously on ATOGA >>31256271
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women have a very sanitized idea of what nature is like, most of them think camping is singing with the birds until a bunny delivers you a basket of fresh picked greens with a trout filet. Pissing in the woods, drinking liquor from the bottle, and field dressing a squirrel for stew meat aren't what they have in mind.
> t. cargo cult earner
rofl oh man. What's the point then?
Fiiiiine. Bring wet wipes.
No you just pull them below your knees and hopefully find a slight incline to pee down so it doesn't pool right in front of/between your feet
I take the mystery box, "great friends" is kind of presumptive for me

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/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest - Old thread looks full; Here's a New One.
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Fine, i ordered a tiny silver diamond cross necklace he can give her. He has been searching on google for one.
I will pretend i ordered it for my sister and come up with an idea how he can have it without finding out i found out.
Now that explains the hair tie he has been wearing on his wrist since two weeks.
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>have an apartment
>get a new roommate
>he is very sweet
>we start hanging out every day, smoking nightly on his balcony and watching the sunset, just generally shooting the shit
>he mentions problems with addiction but that he is three years sober
>two months pass of this friendship and enjoying eachother's company
>one day he isnt responding to my texts for 12 hours
>i knock on the door to check on him
>i open the door
>he is facedown and purple in his bed
>i touch him
>he is cold
>the detectives say it was a heroin and crack overdose
>i lose the apartment
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Just got fired
and not for any real or legitimate reason
over completely petty absolute bullshit
i am so broken, i forgot how to talk to people, i spend literally every single day walking around town and doing absolutely nothing, i wish i had 1 friend, i wish i wasnt a simpleton, i wish i was someone else, i hate this, i hate this life, i hate who i am, i want out, i want to press the exit button, i just want to sleep and not have bad thoughts 24/7, i wish i could remember something, i wish i could forget everything
You sexually harassed some, didnt you?

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Is there truth to this or is it just a meme?
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Don't they care if their spouse brings back home a sexual disease?
Yes they do, the viral video ”showing that” that was mistranslated
This is a b8 thread so I'm not going to bump it but I do want to point out very few (non-Southeast) Asians are Christian except for the very few crazy Korean Christians and those 0.01% of Japanese that are Catholic
Also that Asian women have just as much of a propensity to be whores as white women. If you don't believe me, visit the American PNW sometime and chat up a few of the FOB transplants to uni

Belief in fictional sky daddy is for the deluded and degenerate.

You have clearly never been around asian women. They aren't like this. Especially from China, Vietnam, Japan or S. Korea.

You cearly don't know what "aryan" means. And have clearly never spent time with a white woman.

Very stupid pic. Nothing to do with reality.
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Like this guy said >>31258533 it's a fetish pic for chronically single permanently online retards, anyone who believes this has never been in a relationship and will never get married

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Any recommendations on apps or services for or keeping up with world events? I want to quit all forms of social media (4chan included). But without them I feel like I’m in the dark about what’s going around the world and in my country.
https://t.me/informationliberation (Telegram) - what hijinx ZOG is up to.
That’s the thing though, that group will clearly have a libertarian bias. I know I can never escape human bias, but I want something more neutral
can't you just read the news? Ap and reuters are unbiased but pretty dry
Not sure which news agencies I can trust,

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>in need of the most amount of cash as fast as possible

>can’t work a second job or do some gig economy shit since it’s an infringement of my office job employment contract and led to me also losing some welfare benefits

>can’t take a loan

>don’t have a family to brownnose for money

I’m looking for a side hustle that can generate a generous amount of money quickly, I don’t care if it’s shady as long as it’s online and can generate profit i’m game.

If anyone of y’all ever been in a sticky situation like this and managed to set up a side hustle it would be awesome to share, and probably life saving
What do you need the money for?
To suck fat dicks

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-

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>meet girl at a club or bar
>hit it off, have a lot in common, make her laugh
>talk to her friends, get them to like me
>make out with her
>make plans to do something in the next few days
>she voluntarily gives me her contact info
>hit her up after
>she ignores me
This has happened a few times, why? These women didn’t seem to be the type for one night stands, but all I can think of is that they lost interest because I didn’t tell them to come back to my place or something, I really don’t know
Also not talking about when women give your their numbers just to get you to leave them alone, they genuinely seemed into me
>This has happened a few times, why?
She is playing the field, has too many options and you just didn't pass the filter. Women are so use to being validated constantly that if you tell them no once and it makes them feel bad they filter you, consider it a mercy and move on. You don't really want to associate with people who won't take your own feelings into account.
There's a high chance she might contact you way later down the road when its "convient" for her, I suggest block and move on, but its up to you.
I meant that this type of situation has happened a few times to me since I started talking to girls in bars/clubs, so I don’t know if it’s something I need to change or if it’s them
That's the hard part, but its most likely them. Women in this era are just out of control.
What should I do TODAY to get a females phone number?

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I’m thinking about leaving my well paid (6000€/mo) systems engineer job to become a medical doctor. My country pays for the education to around 60% so I’ll have 60000€ in debt after 6 years.

I’m 28. Any thoughts? I enjoy chemistry, medicine, physics etc but I’m worried that it’ll be too overwhelming. I have kids too.
I’m trans btw
For real tho, I’m 19 and I’m already a graduated professional pilot and my friend is about to spend another 7 years of university to do engineering on computer or whatever and he’s miserable too. Why is everyone so miserable in engineering? And why do you do it? I cannot phantom looking at codes all day. I had to code for like 2 weeks in college (most basic language) and I was rage quitting. Can you explain to me your job? Do you think I would be able to do your job with direct training with education?

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5’5” and 130lbs. bmi 21.6

I think I look fat still. I’m definitely skinnyfat. Ideal would be 115lbs for me.

I can’t go to the gym because people scare me. Is walking on my treadmill with an incline enough?

I feel like I get bloated easily or whatever, but my stomach is huge. I know you can’t spot reduce fat but surely losing another 15 lbs will help right?
Get a scale and keep your daily weight (same time each day) in a spreadsheet. That is the only way to know if some change of habits is enough to reduce your obesity. Do callisthenics at home (parallel bars, overhead bars, etc.) and road running to improve your overall profile/tone and mental health.
1. core exercises every day, then start introducing weighted versions. can be done at home. do ones with movements and also ones that engage obliques. planks are a meme, don't make them a focus.
2. 15-25 minutes of intense running every day. basically the fastest speed on the treadmill or on land you can maintain. at the start you can walk once in the middle, but remove this after 2 weeks.
3. you can eat the same calories but shift the composition to more protein. reduce cholesterol intake for the first 5-10 lbs lost and then slowly bring it back up to normal.
yes I’m female. Ty for the advice and guidance!

Not sure if I can do running tho. My ankles hurt really bad whenever I’ve tried
I already have a weight log so glad to know I did something right lol. And ty I’ll def do callisthenics.

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She basically had a shitfit telling me I need to wear more light-coloured clothes and hoodies lmao. She says I dress like i'm 50 instead of 23.

It is true that I dress very basic - jeans/ joggers and a t-shirts/ sweaters mostly, but her idea of dressing well is wearing some shitty flashy clothing with big logos. She complimented a t-shirt I got from a friend that was basically just a plain white tee with massive writing saying "ADIDAS" across it and said I should get more like it. She also told me to get skinnier jeans. I wear regular straight fit jeans lol.

If I was to dress better (smarter, not like a fucking 16 year old in rainbow-coloured Adidas hoodies) i'd feel uncomfortable because I don't like standing out.
Should I listen to what she's saying or just continue doing what i'm doing?
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flannel shirts are nice, but i'd feel off even wearing that since i'm not really used to it. I'm just a plain t-shirt/ sweater and blue jeans kinda guy but I don't mind it. I don't care about dressing well beyond just looking 'normal'.
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Dress like this, see what she thinks.
Or double down and wear mob boss suits all the time like Reviewbrah.
Funnily enough she did grow up in a soviet satellite state lol. Yeah, that's kinda how she'd want me to dress except more colourful I guess. So a bright orange adidas tracksuit.
one guy's is red and the other has a blue puffy vest! you just need a ushanka and/or travel pillow worn as a scarf.
oh yeah I didn't notice. Pretty sure that's how my mom would like me to dress.

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I’m trying to stop watching porn and masturbating (religious and mental reasons) but I get super horny all the time. I’m worried about becoming a freak if I can’t “release”.
How do I stop these feelings from affecting me? All I can think about is wanting to kiss women and have sex with them and it’s been driving me crazy over the past few days.
I’ve started daydreaming about women I see irl just passing by, when will it end
It's good to fap every now and then, do it once or twice a week. You don't have to look at porn to do it either, use your imagination
>when will it end
Whenever you want it to, fag.
>I want to stop fapping and watching porn
both of which feel really good and help you regulate your mood and avoid stress (stressed out? who's stressed out? I've got big titties on my monitor)
>oh no I feel uncomfortable because of work, school, friends, job, money, no dopamine
>I don't like feeling this way
>time to take the easy way out and touch my problems away
There's your entire problem. Just interrupt the cycle and be okay with being uncomfortable. Take notice of how many times a porn or sexual related thought appears and what happened before the thought. And if you get a porn or sexual related thought, don't latch on to it. Run away from it and don't eventually lure yourself into doing the thing you "so desperately want to quit". If you want to quit, start making an effort

TL;DR Just binge videos by Trish Leigh on YouTube
TL;DR It's not easy and that's why you haven't stopped yet

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>watch really good amateur and professional femdom porn in early high school
>been into it ever since
>never able to actually meet any girls into it irl
>try and introduce it to girlfriends
>they always seem interested to try but after the novelty wears off they're not into it
>amateur porn (that used to be way more user interactive and free) dries up since everything is monetized on OF, Fansly, or other platforms now
>all femdom is actually findom now
>bitches will say "don't DM unless you pay $25 tribute"
>has made it even harder to find girls genuinely interested in femdom since it's an incredibly easy monetization tool to separate fools from their money

I guess it's time to de-submissive myself because I give up on trying to find a domme, convince partners to try it, and I'm sure as shit not paying OF whores to indulge my kink. How do I make myself like being a dominant man? Basically every girl nowadays wants to be choked and pinned down so it would make things easier anyways
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>findom now
What's that?
Hopefully not for much longer

Financial domination. Offshoot of femdom where part of the play is paying or sending money to your domme. It's not my thing but I don't judge it, the problem is girls who aren't even actually dommes outside of content creation discovered it and so that's their entire conception of what femdom is. I've even seen some OF bitches use them interchangeably. Like I said, it's a really easy way to extract money from idiots because they basically get to say "pay me before I even deign to speak with you" and there are dudes who are into it.
Try some brainwashing techniques on yourself and try to actually believe them. Regularly write essays on why and how you like domming, etc.
>Financial domination. Offshoot of femdom where part of the play is paying or sending money to your domme. It's not my thing but I don't judge it, the problem is girls who aren't even actually dommes outside of content creation discovered it and so that's their entire conception of what femdom is. I've even seen some OF bitches use them interchangeably. Like I said, it's a really easy way to extract money from idiots because they basically get to say "pay me before I even deign to speak with you" and there are dudes who are into it.
I could see this working, I used to meddle with some erotic hypnosis files that were naturally about submission, maybe I could find some for dominance. Or maybe just repeating some daily mantras would change my view. Thanks anon

I'm very much a "if you're into it and it doesn't hurt anyone, knock yourself out" kind of person, but it's so obvious so many of the girls who do it are just exploiting desperate men. So yeah I agree, very gross.

My phone carrier basically charges me $10 for 1GB of data. Am I being ripped off?
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God Dammit
Are you in the Philippines by any chance?
No, USA.

Just over a week ago I asked here how to treat my ED, low libido etc. naturally due to those problems caused by depression and ADHD (also by meds).
Someone suggested Maca and it was a great choice. Less than a week of taking it and I had a steel pipe in my pants, stronger orgasm, etc.

But today as advised by my doctor I took methylphenidate (concerta/etc), for my ADHD and also depression.
It works great for those but again, it made my dick soft again, I don't feel it, I am not aroused in my mind etc. What do I do?
Never tried ritilan but people use stimulants for masturbating all the time. It does make my dick a little less sensitive, but I still get horny and can hold an erection. You could ask for another stimulant Adderall or Vyvanse which are amphetamines.

Are you saying you take an antidepressant also? Those will lower libido and if youre taking a stimulant youre just upping your blood pressure to simulate an erection. Its not really the same as a libido formed erection.
No, I'm not on any antidepressants. Methylphenidate works like an antidepressant for me because my depression is due to fucked up dopamine and norepinephrine levels.
Which is what stimulants work on. And I know it should work well actually on my sex drive and related things but it works the other way around.
From what I read it also works a little bit on the serotonin levels to an extent and this is what causes low sex drive and problems with erection in men, just like with SSRIs. I also have a dry mouth - typical.

I was taking bupropion last year and it actually brought up my sex drive then and worked well on my depression but gave me a lot of stomach cramps and stopped working finally.
So anyways, I guess they all work the worst way possible for me, the serotonin part of ADHD stimulants is what causes the problem.
How long until it wears off completely and maca start working again? (It's an IR variant of this drug)

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