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More of her?

Remember: All request threads belong on /r/.

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1) When posting something include the artist and character/show name. If it's part of a doujinshi or manga then give the name of that as well.
2) No loli or furry shit.
3) Ecchi, Yuri, and Yaoi Belong on their own boards. (/e/, /u/, and /y/)
4) All images must be of Japanese/"Eastern" origin and style. Images of "Western" origin and style will be removed.
5) If you want to make a request then take it to /r/. This board is for people who wish to contribute. If /r/ does not fill your request it is still not okay to post it here. If you contribute a decent amount of board-related material then feel free to request, but not before.
5.1) "itt [ass/bj/whatever] thread" and only posting one image is a request.

Every global rule applies as well.

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Post pokegirls.
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We have a thread on /e/, you fucking retards that are uploading ecchi content!
ok you asked for it op

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>manga, anime, video games, and other media IP etc. have beautiful strong and powerful female characters
>Said female characters have fans, fan art and of course; porn and doujins made of them
>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission
>Majority of the times it's always the "strong and powerful female character gets easily raped and enslaved by cartoonishly weak, fat out of shape ugly man who somehow through sheer contrivances, bastardization of canon and dumbass "blackmail"

Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this? At least if the strong females who're be subjugated into sex slavery are either OCs or literal random Who's in a one-off or oneshot scenario or original setting. I can understand and not have that much issues with it. But how come Japanese made doujins manage get away with making beloved strong female characters into becoming easily defeated victims in this most vapid ways possible without being criticized or scrutinized for being OOC and badly written!?

Whereas if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written fanfics. Again, why do artists do this and how come Nippon-made doujins get a free pass without being scrutinized and criticized as badly written and OOC fanfics?
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It's a degenerate market by and for degenerates, so obviously most product is degenerate. Just be happy anyone who produces or consumes that type of trash will die virgin and move on to find something good.
What a bunch of faggotry lmao
Incel issues, man. Simply that.
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I've seen some NTR stuff, not proud of it. Some of it was well-drawn, some of it felt outright evil, but a lot of it is just really tacky slop. I guess all genres have slop, but NTR is especially trashy.
>bandwagoning faggots who knew jack shit about the source material
yup, happens a lot
You know any good Taiga ones?

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Hardcore Debut Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>7919851


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

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sure, i've got like 2tb of ukrainian war videos i'd like to host somewhere cheaper than mega

30% uptime? not really a problem
Human stupidity knows no bounds, better be ready for the worst.
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What are your guys thoughts on the new iwara site?

> /1M

what the fuck is this, 1m views? transfers? bytes?
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Don't get excited, this is only to be used by people who actually create stuff. You won't be able to host your pirated MMD content here.


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Previous thread: >>7953176

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates
It’s been two years since we lost 愛枝今日子…

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ291638 is a fun voice work about living with a lazy maid. The highlight of this work is the gap between her laziness and her overwhelming love towards her master, which without Momoka’s stellar performance, I think would’ve been difficult to sell the character. While most of the work is R18 content, my favorite tracks are definitely the first track where she brazenly asks you to order pizza delivery instead of wanting to cook, and the bonus final track in which you get to observe her acting seriously as your caretaker when you’ve gotten sick. As for the circle behind this work, +Dream is actually one of Momoka’s many personal circles (each circle has their own theme/focus). In my experience, the works that she produce tend to be at least somewhat creative/unique or experimental, so if you come across a work by her that seems interesting, you should definitely support her by trying it out.
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What are some of best vanilla English titles for newcomer?
The thing you can recommend to your normie friends who already used to listen to those softcore youtube/pornhub ASMR channels?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by humiliating but in RJ187812 she does baby talk while calling you gross and stuff in a more disappointed voice.
Does anybody have the Korean version of 307977? I'm looking for it so I can copy the script and translate them using opus or omni. Since whisper struggles with proper transcribing with this particular work.
this works, thanks
I'm looking for a voicework where (You) are a loli.

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300 posts in less than 3 months challenge edition

Honey Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R14

AI Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15

HS2 Guide:

AIS Guide:

Latest Patch/Updates

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thats hs2?
i dont have that animations
Does anybody know if there's any FKable items for semen? iirc KoiKatsu has an FKable semen pack but I have no idea how to port it over
Like this? https://www.patreon.com/posts/ai-hs-hs2-kk-set-92281435
Lightning looks good but maybe change skybox to add some stars and shit.

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Rules of the Thread, Please READ THEM
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests" and say what type of content you wouldn't draw.
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Only requested drawings should be posted, ignore and report off topic, drama, trolls
4. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.
5. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.
6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.
7. Wait for page 10 to make a new Drawt/h/read.
8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this.
9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread.
10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads.
11. Do not complain about not getting a delivery, just be patient or edit your request.
12. If you don't like a post, hide or filter the post instead of complaining about it..

Previous Thread: >>7980936

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I'll have to get her design down. What would you have in mind for chris?
That is pretty freaking good. Wish I had your level of detailing
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Anchoring >>7996524

Requesting Galko and her friends, Otako and Ojou, from Oshiete Galko Chan either:

1. Jacking off some guys in their class, with Otako and Ojou happily stroking off boys with small-average sized penises, while Galko nervously handles a much larger (10+ inch) and thicker cock belonging to an athletic, ikemen-type classmate, or

2. Otako and Ojou cheer Galko on as she gets pounded by a classmate with a massive cock.

Preferably with Galko only wearing her socks and shoes to show off her extra-huge tits, while Otako and Ojou can wear their uniforms or anything else.
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Well, any pose is good for me, as long we can see her breasts and nipples. But I can give you some references and poses I like.

-Doing a footjob, with an embarrassed expression https://files.catbox.moe/41gnue.jpg
-A handjob, sitting next to Kazuma and looking to the side because she's too embarassed to look it directly https://files.catbox.moe/8ln3cn.jpg
- A naizuri https://files.catbox.moe/dw332a.jpg (or another naizuri situation, she's binded by the famous spell https://files.catbox.moe/qssbjz.jpg)
-I pretty like this sex position, and the mood too https://files.catbox.moe/64xdh6.jpg

Pick the one you like, but if you like no one, feel free to do anything with her.
So lucky
OR here and that looks good so far, thanks anon!
Nice work, and so detailed too

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Thread of mothers and daughters falling in love and having a threesome/foursome sex with the same man.
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post a link i need to see this
Lol wtf that's funny
Heavy case of mentally americanized
From Amasora Taichi's Special Service at a Roadside Hotel. Link below:

anyone know if this has a dedicated name? like holding dick while pissing?

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Man they really did a number to all Japanese adult storefronts out there
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oh that's alright then
No, they're tokens, like you would buy at an arcade. Just digital. Completely different idea than crypto.
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"Cryptocurrency" isn't a direct synonym with "decentralized ledger" and when you are talking about decentralized ledgers the ""currency" you're dealing with is usually a fungible token.

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Previous Thread: >>7865663

- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Keep your requests to one at a time.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- No trolling/derailing the thread
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.
Requesters, Feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.

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requesting coloring (blonde hair + tanned skin)
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How’s this?
Perfect! Thank you so much!
Woooow more than tanned, she looks dark-skinned. Even the nipples are dark

Would it be possible for it to be a little lighter and not affect the nipples?
Did not notice she is resting her head in a rock till now for some reason. T-Thanks...

>What is Honey Come?
It's produced by illgames which is illusion in disguise. It's pretty much the anime version of Honey Select 2.

Buy it here:https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01000786.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome/

>What is Honey Come Dolce?
It is Honey Come's new upcoming expansion which released on Dec 22. It includes new personalities, clothing, maps, animations, items, and studio. (Yes, studio is not free anymore)

Preorder here: https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01001173.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome_dolce/

English support + available on Steam.

Pirate the game here.

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which one is better for a nice fap, this or koikatsu?
HoneyCome is more simple, looks better, and runs faster.
Koikatsu has more stuff and is superior in pretty much every way. It has a community as well unlike HoneyCome.
With that said, if you want a quick fap go with HoneyCome since it's easier to get started with.
For fuck's sake why doesn't F snap to FK/IK nodes anymore. And where did the axis rotation ball go?
I hate Illusion.
>normal asian height
>it's le child!
dumb westoid
It very much isn't. It's a full 10cm below average. Japan's height averages are only 3cm below America's anyways.

It's not child-sized though, just very short.

Previous: >>7865782

>"And thus, DLSite committed AI suicide" Edition

Check out >>>/aco/ Western 3D Animation General if it's even alive, which rarely is the case anymore.

Check out >>>/h/mmd Sex Dance & MMD General.

DL links shared by Anons:

Multi part free:

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Check last thread
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>Episode 3 released in December 2021
Holy shit, how is it taking so long? Why is it not avaible to buy anymore?
i did, it says "folder is empty"
They reuploaded. Are those down too?
what empty? did you really check the thread? it's the link at the bottom of the thread

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The Eternal Night.
A long time ago, the world was dominated by the forces of evil.
Valorous heroes stood up in the name of Justice, but they were hunted down until few remained.
Vowing to continue the fight, the survivors only escaped annihilation owing to the existence of the last of their refuges, a secret base, a place where they could regroup, recoup, heal and s. But the resistance's endeavor revealed itself to be increasingly futile. Decades passed, waging war had greatly weakened the rebellion, while evil was growing stronger by the day, regardless of what the heroes did. Victory was impossible. Hope was dying.


<Is evil meant to rule forever?>
<No one ever does.>

The Reckoning
It is said that evil contains the seeds of its own destruction. The saying spoke true.
With nobody left to challenge their power, the forces of evil turned against each other. The violence and chaos that followed erupted on such a catastrophic scale that the entire planet fell into lawlessness, an event that shaped the world into what it is today. Infested by crime, mired in corruption, and plunged into bouts of anarchy.

<Behind me stands the proud and tall Gate of Justice, the last rampart against evil. Now that the powers that be have fallen, it is time to show the world the way, it is time to build a true utopia. This very place was a refuge for heroes. Now it will be a refuge for the oppressed. This very place will be the fulcrum of an ideal society. a place of abundance, justice and fairness. A shinning city, a beacon of hope for all eyes to see. By opening the great gate i hereby declare the foundation of Justopian Ward>

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My headcanon
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Yes, the mood is heavier. Kenzen 1 explore what an utopian world of pervert would look like, Kenzen 2 adds some conflit and intrigue with the anti-pervert plotline and the serial rapist, but stays light overall. There's a sense that the world is in harmony, or at least tries to be.

To the contrary, Sacrifice Villains is, from the ground up, all about contest of wills. The world is in a state of chaos, and crime is everywhere outside of Justopian Ward. The protag want to transform the main heroines in heroes of Justice by, in essence, raping them into submission. The villainesses, on their end, are extra dangerous and powerful women who don't give a damn shit about the puny jailor, or each other for that matter, and will start a fight with anybody that looks at them the wrong way.

Rapes are plenty, fight are common (and often lead into the former), but there's some Kenzen's shine her and there. Masked Nympho,basically almost canon grown up Chiyaya, and Creampie are almost always bright, positive and happy, in addition to their sluttyness. And the citizen of Jutopian Ward are often depicted has having happy sex in their daily life.

A word of caution for those who are of the delicate kind. The rapes in Sacrifice Villains can be pretty brutal, violent, gross and perverse, if your hentai level is too low. Don't get me wrong, it's not the strongest drink ever, the campy tone dulls some of the edge, but i wouldn't recommend it as baby's first hentai.
Ah, and one more thing, the game is morally unrepentant. Don't expect all bad deeds to be punished at the end of the story. This world has his own fucked up logic, and run with it all the way to completion, all without a shadow of pussy footing to be found anywhere.

Her name is Sam's name is Russo, Kitty's is Leterrier, and if she had a nationality, that would probably be french.
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Fun fact, the girls names are an homage to various directors of super hero movies. The Russo brothers, Captain America and Avenger movies. Louis Leterrier, The Incredible Hulk. And Zack Snyder, Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Justice League and plenty more.

It's not the first time that Butcha has done it. Names inspired by real individuals also appear in Injuu Kangoku.
I think he picked up that habit from the Metroid games devs. They named some monsters as a homage to movie directors that inspired them.
>probably be french
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Leterrier is a real french name. It translates to "The dugout", as in fox holes, rabbit holes, etc.
It's a really appropriate name considering that she gets so many things stuffed in her fox hole.

Post Azur Lane girls
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Wait when you will look into whole italian, german
and soviet navy
Please do share
I admire your enthusiasm
Me too

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