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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Name five books right now where the first line tells you how old the protagonist is.
tao lin said i scared him last month
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no, seriously. also, it was still this month, mb.
You the one who wanted to be his friend?
sure am. i did apologize later for being a bit forward.

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>Then what is he, exactly?
a signless light beam.

it might be more appropriate to say, you aren't your intentional consciousness. you are the non-intentional stanchion of consciousness = Mind
The practices resemble CBT for ocd as well. As I understand it, CBT for ocd is essentially refusing to engage with the thoughts (allowing them to dissipate), as well as exposure to the trigger. You allow yourself to experience the trigger so that whatever arises, you stay equanimous, and not engage with it. I see neti neti similarily, you understand logically anything which is objective cannot be the subject, so you confront this fact (that this is not me, that is not me), allow yourself to get triggered so to speak, so that whatever arises, your beliefs about "me", "I", "I am", "this is me", you refuse to engage, allowing them to dissipate.
> you are the non-intentional stanchion of consciousness
Does this Stanchion go to something else when a person dies? Wouldn't that contradict Anatta?
And more impostantly, what exactly about that Stanchion is "him" or "me" or a third party if it shares no characteristics with "him" or "me", or a third party? No memories, no body, no values.
it doesn't contradict anatta because it's not any specific content of the mind. it is that which discerns, if not its independence from the aggregates, at least its dependence on them. there is your "middle way" - we are neither talking about some independent substance or just another conditioned aggregate among aggregates.

buddhists kind of waffle around about the ultimate state. is it some kind of signless luminosity or total extinction once the aggregates on which the mind depends no longer have any power to rebuild themselves after death? it's pointless to speculate as a layman.
Any further reading on this?

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>accurately predicts the future

How does he do it?
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i think he'll kill himself if it gets realised. quelle horreur !
Lads, where should I begin with this guy?
Am from muslim background if that matters
They initially said he's good at fucking but I didn't watch the interviews with the participants the released in lieu of the film itself when he started the lawsuit.
By not reading him. Although if you insist, Atomised and Whatever are his only noteworthy works.

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IN A BOOK AKA LITERATURE OF YOUR CHOICE, which world would you want to live in? That was a dick move, jannie. You work for us, if you'll kindly remember
In some hentai light novel about a worlf full of lolis

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I'm an ESL who wants to write English novels. Aside from the obvious need to improve my grammar and such, how important is it learn stuff like Meter, Rhythmic structure, time notation, etc...I'm not writing poetry but are these concepts useful for a novelist? If so where do I start and how much do it need to learn?
so far so good, i'd say being merely interested in these things is a good sign. most likely you would get the most benefit reading the sort of thing you wish to emulate. poetry can hurt, in the sense that it's not always a rigid process. most of the great poems i've seen have meter stumbles or fuzziness, or novel attitudes towards grammar which can sometimes lead to a new cant.
i'd focus on recognizing idiosyncrasy, taking great works, chopping them into quotes, and trying to identify who writes them by their texture or style. this will force you to gather the sort of skills necessary to shape your own voice, which above all, is what you want.
always challenge yourself.
like i said, so far so good, you write better than many rural fellows i know already.
Thanks. By chance, Have you read Mark Doty's The art of description?

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>because *participle*
thoughts on this grammatical feature? I've only seen it in 19th century works.
What the hell is there to say about it?
I copy-edited a philosophy book by a (good) ESL speaker recently and I left this construction unedited, but when my boss checked the proofs he changed it to 'because it Xs'. He knows his stuff, so presumably he thought it too archaic.
is participle the right word for this? participles come from verbs.

Has such a simple argument ever BTFO'd Atheistic Humanism as much as this one?
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Mutatis Mutandis, anon
>If there is no god, what stops me from killing people?
The people who will kill you first.
Not at all, pseud
It's the exact opposite. It is through god which all things can be justified, and his absence where limits come into play.
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Is it weird to sit up at a bar and read?
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>immediately brings up women
is there anything americans do that isn't dictated by the invisible audience of women in their heads
This post is so fucking gay.
And yet, it is you that copes.
All I see is cope... women or not, it's weird and only social retards do such things. It's the same as sitting on your phone at a football game, or having earphones in at the dinner table. I'm sorry you guys are too autistic to realise this.
>Cope, autists.
anon you were the autist all along
>Even if you don't partake in it
i know you're a sperg irl mate stop playing

>tradlarping christoids on this board recommend that I read Brideshead Revisited.
>it is aight
>leave the book laying around my apartment
>my /lit/ gf, who I spent years of self-improving, looksmaxxing, lifting etc. in order to acquire reads it
>she has an "epiphany" and is now in the process of being catechized and will convert to Catholicism
>she told me that the premarital sex has to end, and that she will be moving out
Fuck all of you, and fuck Waugh, that pederast.
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I wish this were real
You have two options: see if she’s being real and if she is then marry her or dump her and find another one. Take her to a serious Catholic church with sermons around 3-4 hours and see if she’s really with it. If she’s not then she’s fucking someone else behind your back and using this as a convenient scapegoat to explain her lack of arousal to you. You haven’t actually lost anything here if she’s lying though. As long as you haven’t let yourself slip back into old habits then you’re in the clear for finding a new gf.
Based. Now you do the same. Come home to the Church. You can both be confirmed together. It'll mean the world to her
I'm looking for books about religious conversion
Any suggestions?
big if true

Any books which expose the Federal Reserve System and central banking in general?
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Your "argument" is that inequality exists therefore doing anything that might interfere with the market in any way is the same as giving an established cartel free money. In reality that is not the case and directly giving specific people free money is different from not directly giving specific people free money.

I don't know what point you're trying to make about oil. Yes, people besides bankers also corruptly benefit from government meddling.
I think the pdf of the book is linked too
>Your "argument" is that inequality exists therefore doing anything that might interfere with the market in any way is the same as giving an established cartel free money
Well "equality" sounds to commie maybe? A word economists like is "equilibrium"... which means everything settling down and desires being "equally" satisfied all around eventually? Anyways if you assume "equilibrium" exists or not maybe cartels are active agents but if such things could or would exist you'd have to think praxeologically of course and lolberts don't like governments but love courts and judicial cosplay and the more deranged don't believe in "indifference" and think man "always" acts therefor I don't know what any of that means

>In reality that is not the case and directly giving specific people free money is different from not directly giving specific people free money.
Functionally someone's capturing free value. I guess you could ask if in aggregate those someone are similar. Is there are always a group composing a caste or class of individuals disproportionately getting something for noting. Lolberts claim there's no such thing as a free lunch but maybe free money (in some sense) always exists and the rich tend to get first dibs.

>I don't know what point you're trying to make about oil. Yes, people besides bankers also corruptly benefit from government meddling.
Something about success or failure of corporate capture. If you want to theorize successful attempts by interest groups than what about the failures.
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>maybe free money (in some sense) always exists and the rich tend to get first dibs

Smack my bitch up edition
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Cringe middle-school tier response
Why should I care?
>Care about what, anon?
Literally anything. I feel like people care way too much. If I get into an argument with someone, I'll get over it in like 10 minutes but they'll hold some sort of negative feeling toward me for the whole day, why do they care so much? I genuinely don't know why people care about shit.
i've officially come to accept that using the word cringe is cringe. henceforth i will never use the word 'cringe', except to call you cringe here and now, and once and forever
So what? So is dressing nicely.
It’s that I want to be a different person. It’s just that I want to look like a different person.

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I don't mean his prose sections, I mean a different metre. For example, I noticed in Brutus' speech before the crowd he uses iambic hexameter:

Romans, countrymen, and lovers! hear me for my
cause, and be silent, that you may hear: believe me
for mine honour, and have respect to mine honour, that
you may believe: censure me in your wisdom, and
awake your senses, that you may the better judge.

What's the reason for this? I can guess, but nothing certain. I was wondering if anyone here knew of other instances of different metres being used by Shakespeare?
If your question is entirely uninteresting, can you answer which philosopher is the most intelligible?
But that passage is in pentameter, and not particularly iambic pentameter at that. Here's my reading of it:

Trochee, dactyl, amphibrach, trochee, spondee
Foot, tertius paeon, iamb, iamb, amphibrach
Tertius paeon, iamb, iamb, iamb, trochee (The 'that' seems to carry to the next line)
Anapest, iamb, dactyl, foot, amphibra ('and' carries to next line)
Dactyl, amphibra, anapest, amphibra, foot
>I don't mean his prose sections
Nigger, Brutus is speaking in prose right now. You can tell because the first letter in each line is lowercase. If it were poetry, they would be capitalized.

I'm going to dnf it again. It feels about twice as long as it should. 20 pages feels like 60.
Its a shit book. Just forget about it. There's no payoff. The prose is ESL garbage.
if you got filtered by heart of darkness of all books you're truly ngmi

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How old were you when you got into reading as a hobby?
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27. I'm starting with the /lit/ top 100's. Filtered by Faulkner. Filtered by Gravity's Rainbow. Filtered by Dostoyevsky. I've been reading Blood Meridian for 3 months. God I wish I was smart.
Age 14, after reading Antigone and Oedipus Rex at a public library.
I'm still not at it yet, despite me buying tons of books over movies or games (which I pirate).
I'm almost 30 and I keep getting distracted eventually after starting a book.
in elementary school school if you're counting stuff like goosebumps and bernstein bears but didn't get into 'real' literature until around 26

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