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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

IT guy who just had their office shut down moving to full remote from now on(we only had an office because the lease wasn't up till next month and had to come in for the Execs). I make about 82~87k/yr and am told I can work anywhere in the 50 states so long as I am online and available per my normal time of 9am PST. Is Hawaii a big meme? It's been kind of a dream to move there and looking at apartments it's not more expensive for a studio than where I currently live on the west coast.

Looking at a 300 sqft studio is 900-1200 or so, and cooking at home I suppose I could save some money. I've traveled there a few times for a week or two each and loved it and my lease is up in July and wondering if I should look to move out there. My concern is that I might run out of shit to do and just be stuck on the island and that if work ever cut my position looking at tech jobs in Hawaii it seems like shit pickings. Has anyone lived there? I like the beach and mountains but worried that after a year of exploring the island I'll either be stuck in a situation where just rich enough to island hop but not rich enough to take long excursions to places like Japan or Asia on those cheap flights.
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I lived in Hawaii for 2 years, just because someone isn't confirming your own bias doesn't mean they're fucking clueless. You want to feel better about your choice and that's fine, but the reality is on 85k you'll be pretty tight.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't move there, just accept the risks of such a decision and figure it out. I moved to Malta with a not so high salary and got a much better paid position now so it's possible. Just do what you want anon no one is here to stop you.
I thought you said you moved from Canada to Malta? In a previous post? You could have mentioned that you lived in Hawaii up front and which part.

When did you live there and what area? right now the costs I am seeing aren't drastically different from what I am getting for SD and the parts of florida that seem decent are right around Hawaii prices in all but food, but I would need a car 100% in FL.

>You want to feel better about your choice and that's fine, but the reality is on 85k you'll be pretty tight.
Okay this is what I am looking for answers to, given the research I am doing 1150/mo is rent. What are other hidden fee's or costs you found living there to be on the lookout on? Could you elaborate on what really pulled out your main cash flow because I have no student loans or CC debt to speak of, so most all my pay goes to my bank. Was internet so ungodly expensive or something? Again I do not plan to own a car so I don't need the higher gas prices, taxes on it, or pay for parking.

What did you do there?
Would you recommend staying outside of Honolulu or ?
Did you normally eat out or at home?
What was your biggest cost sink that you didn't plan for?

Again I am trying to look for the gotcha's of costs and things not accounted for by visiting as a tourist.
1. if you make ~90k/annum Hawaii is not the place for you
2. don't want to be critical but if you look around but it is very unlikely that you'll be working remotely in the future. Fewer companies allowing that every day because study after study shows a significant decline in productivity.
1. How so? Again looking at the cost comparison to San Deigo, which is doable but becoming increasingly shit in this state/area as people bleed from Cali. From what I am seeing, I am looking at a maximum 1500/mo for Rent+utilities+insurance if I were to blow the AC on 68F 24/7 while running a gayming PC all day. Is there something missing here?
2. The execs are going remote our entire IT department has gone remote and was basically remote from before covid other than 'being in the office' once a month or so for team meetings.

Our datacenter has moved to AWS and being the lead SysAdmin in charge of it I doubt I'm going anywhere anytime soon after leading the migration project. Has anyone actually lived there or just Airbnb'd a bit and read hawaii = expensive.
It's not Beverly Hills/Vancouver/Zurich-tier, but it's expensive.

If you had been thinking San Diego, then I guess Hawaii wouldn't be bad.

Where were you thinking?
Wailea is more expensive. but the rest of Maui is Ok-ish.

Okinawa edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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>At this time of year, when Mt. Fuji gets sunny and warm during the day, the snow is soft and easy to climb, but in the afternoon when the sun stops shining or the temperature drops, it can lead to ice burns, so we recommend wearing proper climbing equipment instead of being lightly dressed.

Fuji, which is closed to the public. The climber who rescued them complained about their light equipment, saying, "It's too dangerous.: https://www.j-cast.com/2024/05/14483652.html?p=all
Would it be better to spend one night in Takayama, or put that extra night into a 3rd night in Hiroshima?
I got a headache and back pain, drank water and rested. It got a little better. Took a covid test and unironically got covid. Only in Japan a couple days after avoiding covid for 4 years to just pick it up here probably on the subway.
I would have been more careful but I havent seen a single person mention covid in Japan on any travel forums, trip reports, threads.
I'm thinking about the digital nomad visa. I clear the income barrier and the private insurance part. But not being able to open bank accounts is harsh.
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You want to know how to do Japan (not do as in fuck a local)?

You plan out your trip before you leave. Having sex with the locals is an after thought that happens if you manage hit it off with a local when you are at a bar or some place. Don't plan your trip around the idea that you will pickup a local and get to fuck them, you more than likely don't have the money, charisma, or both to make that happen. If you really want to have sex, save your money a buy a hooker at home. Support your local sex worker.

I'm planning to relocate from Bongistan to Germany in the next couple of years, but I'm struggling to pick a city. Why? Because the national autism culture of ze Germans is very comfortable and welcoming to me, the quality of food and life in general seems better, and the UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.

My situation:

>already have remote job with German employer who can provide my visa
>speak fluent German
>64k GBP salary (but I will get paid in yuro should I move)
>50k in savings
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
>also don't want to get bent over and assfucked for rent

The cities I like the most from previous travel are Cologne, Dresden and Leipzig, Berlin is okay and I have some friends there but I hear the rent market is nightmarish. What's a humble teutaboo to do?

Also, do people buy houses in Germany? I hear it's a rent culture, but I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
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Hike the Alps you don't faggot. Idk look at a map and see which place looks interesting.
>speak fluent German
No offense but i highly doubt that. I've met people who claimed they are fluent and they all sounded like shit.

Be aware that this country is on the decline because the government is pants on head retarded and the taxes kill any momentum. I'd like to leave but have no option to do so right now.
You hate Munich because you're poor. That's it.
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Guys, I will need to visit germanistan this summer for business reasons.
I need to get to Cologne, so I have 3 ways:
1) Fly to Frankfurt, then ride a speed train to Cologne
2) Fly to Amsterdam, then ride a tran to Cologne
3) Fly to Cologne

Which should I pick? I hate travelling, but maybe there is something worth seeing in germanistan.
>You hate Munich because you're poor. That's it.
But the objections are quite right. and.. why would anyone with money choose that overpriced city?

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Im trying to buy tickets for my boyfriend for his birthday. What seems like the better choice for entertainment/museums? New York or Chicago? I visited both places, though I liked New York more. We do currently live in America, he just never has been to those states, the last time I was visiting there was when I was a kid.
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How many deep dish "pizzas" did you eat today, fatty? Chiraq is cursed.
Leave your shitty small town for once.
Kek, Shill-inois exposed
Obviously NY.
But I wouldn't bother visiting NY until it returns to the state it was in when Bloomberg and Guiliani were mayors.
If you go, don't miss the Frick
>For living in, Chicago is easily the best big city in North America.
There are more murders in Chicago in a year than the entire country of Canada.
I'd choose Vancouver but realistically it's for millionaires only.
So Dallas or Toronto - or the middle of nowhere in Montana or Wyoming.

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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I think LA or SD with a motorcycle or Vespa would be a more fun city life than Manhattan tbqh. COL in LA is insane but not NYC levels of insane + it's year round perfect weather + tons of cute girls moving there all the time
Shit, chicks in NYC will ghost you just for living in a different borough. They act like you need a passport to go from Midtown to Harlem
Maybe but I think the vanity and fakeness of LA would wear on me. How many Kardashian wannabes with plastic surgery can you really talk to before you get bored? New York, for all its faults, is real as fuck. People are shallow but they don’t even really try to hide it and they’re shallow in a way that is somehow more down to earth than the obnoxious wannabe LA socialite or TikToker or whoever is running amok over there now.
was yuge*

It’s not the 1990s anymore gramps. The ratio of women to men in New York is like 97 men per 100 , good but not that good, and the median age is 39. Women younger than 35 are about 35% of all the women in New York, and many of them are Hispanic or some other ethnicity. 15% of them are black, only about 50% are white, most of them boomers.

Meanwhile, Washington DC is 90 per 100, the median age is 34, the percentage of women under 35 is higher, and the percentage of white is higher.
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

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thai food vs viet food which is better ???
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You can still go, but just know alot of coomers ruined the white man image in Asia.
Lads it's me the việt guy again. A white girl just gave me a kiss today, and she tastes like alcohol. Does this mean I've succeeded?
Link to this guy's channel? I wanna watch his vids.
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What is it with dorks coming to SEA and acting like hot shit?
What do you guys do about the heat? Theres nice AC in the nice restaurants and malls. Visiting gf's home, they only have AC in the bedrooms.
Do hotels here have 24/7 AC?

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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What are the best brothels and Saunaclubs in Germany/Austria/Swiss?

FKK Samya seems pretty good from online reviews. People always seem to either get good or bad results with the girls at brothels though no middle ground. Wanna make sure if I do go to one it's worth it
>Wants to go hiking
>Do I need a car to get a 20min walk away
Can anyone give me the insider information on Chiansu? Is it just a shitty city as it seems or are there some interesting experiences to be had? I won't be there long so a lot of travelling is out of the question
When the kiddos old enough to remember the trips.
Buddy, you can legally stay in the UK without a visa for up to six months. A single day would be no trouble at all.

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last month i vacationed in italy with my father. we went to verona and milan.

I was scammed by a group of nigger apes outside san siro stadium. The italian "cops" were nowhere to be found.

They were probably in it with the niggers and split the scammed money.

In conclusion, I AM NEVER going back to that shithole of shitaly to deal with those nigger lovers.
pointless thread unless you tell us HOW you were scammed.

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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I love Barcelona.
That is all.
Would you bang a semi-passing?
>but crime has exist since the dawn of civilisation and exists literally everywhere.
Not in my town, not at Barcelona levels, but cope more, surely it's the fault of the person who gets robbed for living in a developed country and expecting people to be civilized.
My experience in barcelona is this:

> Almost got mugged outside my hotel on my first night there
> Place is full of niggers and arabs high on pills
> Locals are your average delusional fucking retards who live off tourism yet hate tourists and are pro refugees, typical globohomo brainwashed mongoloiuds
> The women are easy but they're fucking skanks
> Food was average at best
> Beach was disgusting
> Prices keep going up regardless of the shit quality you get in return
> Crackheads everywhere

Fuck that place, any other city in Spain is better at this point.
i haven't been in 20 years - you're saying it's filled with Indians?? living or visiting, do you think?

>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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Indians come in droves to Canada because they can just land on a visitor visa and apply for a work permit during their stay or just join one of the many diploma mill scams hoping to get a student visa to stay.

In europe you cannot get a work permit while on a visitor visa, you have to be sponsored while you're still abroad and if you have no formal invitation to come they'll tell you to fuck off at the border. That and it's expensive, many spend their entire family's life savings just to come work fucking waiter jobs making minimum wage and paying retarded rent so they basically save nothing and become literal slaves to the system with no way of going back home.

Canada is their easy low cost option for immigration since they dont have to pay thousands of euros to some agency just to apply for a visa, but many discover the dark side of Canada when they arrive and realize its not the paradise their peers have been claiming it is on tiktok.

The chinese stopped coming to Canada the minute they changed gambling and real estate laws and anti money laundering rules became more stringent. These fuckers used to bring cash by boat to Vancouver and laundering it through casinos, to immediately use to buy properties for cash. Billions were washed that way which is why you have condo towers which are ghost towns with 1 chink owning 20 units to himself and not even bothering renting them out. That also explains why even a dog cage costs 3 million dollars now.
>its not the paradise their peers have been claiming it is on tiktok.
those "peers" are paid by recruiting companies from India which make $$$ by sending students to Canadian colleges and unis (easy route to supposedly "temporary" work visa).

Absurd that Canada lets foreign students work in Canada, in place of its own citizens.
Maybe Canada's govt hates leafs, too.
Chinese come here to money launder but they stopped coming.
Europeans crave and desire Canada but the poojeets running the immigration block them, so they're stuck in Europe which is a bigger shithole than Canada.
Indians come here because it's easy and takes no effort to move to Canada. The smart ones will eventually move to the USA.

Quebec is filled with french expats larping to their families back home that Canada is paradise while making 40k year working some shitty customer service job and studying some worthless degree at University of Montreal.

Europeans do come but only the delusional retards stay. Everyone i know that came from europe that isn't french moved the fuck back the minute they finished their degree or their first 6 months of work citing the insane cost of living, shit currency, and overall state of things in the city they lived in.

The french expats actually have a reason to stay because if they come from a smaller city in France it's basically stay back home in a city with zero work, full of niggers and the only prospect for a better life is move to Paris which is hell in itself or stay in Canada.
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>Quebec is filled with french expats
No, it's not.
It's very rare to meet someone from France who lives in Quebec.

Curious as to why you would think this?

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>Work dead end job for 6 months, live at home being miserable as fuck but save money
>Then travel in SE Asia for next 6 months, being happy and fulfilled

This is my life now and I will never stop. I work in a warehouse and live with my mom. I suffer every day but I know that I will soon have 6 months of pure freedom, relaxation and hedonism in Asia that awaits me and where I can be whatever I want to be. Any others living a similar life or thinking of doing so?

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>I can tell are reading the wrong kind of sterile, ratshit literature
Ok then big brain, what sort of "literature" should these babblers read then oh wise one?
If you had a shit life devoid of any meaning before having a family, then sure, it will fix you.
And sure, therr are lots of people like you who never found any meaning in their lives before, but not everyone is like you.
I appreciate the fact that you are the one raising the next generation, but let me tell you, you just sound very narrow minded right now.
>muh genes
Chill, nigger, life stopped being about le genes ever since the beginning of civilization. Biology is neither a moral code nor one of your favorite videosoygames where you have to impress your fellow coomersoys with a hecking high score.
>otherwise wtf am I going to use all my money on
Starting a school? A factory? A farm?
Why the fuck are you people so fucking clueless about everything? Why the fuck is it so hard for you to have ambitions beyond putting penis in vagina?
Henry miller, Charles bukowsk, Marcel Proust, and Celine (but only journey to the end of the night)

Real life, real suffering, what is to be a man, cooming, actionable philosophy that rings true today. They had a hunger for life

My friend found a cheap round trip flight to Dubai in June ($550) and we decided to yolo a 20 day trip.

The thing is, we're both middle class people and I'm having a ton of regret now about spending 20 days in Dubai and how expensive and hot it's going to be - especially since looking into it, Dubai just seems like a worse version of Las Vegas.

It's too late now to back out, I could take the L on the plane ticket (we haven't booked any accommodation) but I don't want to fuck over my friend. Is budget travelling Dubai possible? And is it even worth visiting?
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Why the fuck would you drive? You cluelessly booked this trip. Driving through the desert in countries that have random security checkpoints and a language barrier isn't a good combination, particularly when you're not sure what you're doing. Saudi Arabia gets to over 120 degrees in June and the population density is low to nonexistent between cities. Not worth fucking around with. It'd be cheaper and safer to stay in Dubai a few days, book a trip out to another place in the region, then return to Dubai at the end.
I live in Dubai
Why the fuck would anyone spend 20 days here for tourism. This isn’t Japan the country is barely 50.
Dubai is good for desert tours, sandy beaches, and shopping. That's it.
Whyy? Why would you do that? It's just roads and endless desert in-between.
Look up Salalah if you're so intent on driving, a lot of UAE locals visit there for the nature and activities
Dubai banned 4chan so I know you’re lying nigga
>My friend found a cheap round trip flight to Dubai in June ($550) and we decided to yolo a 20 day trip.
>The thing is, we're both middle class people and I'm having a ton of regret now about spending 20 days in Dubai and how expensive

Who would have thought that you have to pay a hotel for every night you'll spend there.
Book an airbnb, that's what i do when i go to Dubai.

The hotels are a massive scam and they literally charge you 800 euros more on your entire stay just to have breakfast included. With an airbnb i have several cafes nearby where i can go to have a cheap breakfast or i can just go to carrefour and load up the fridge with fresh fruits and other items for breakfast.

Don't listen to the retarded spergs who say Dubai is expensive, there are good options for all budgets there and you don't have to go all the way to Deira to eat something good without spending a fortune.

What's expensive is the private terraces and beach clubs that serve booze. You can eat fresh arabic/turkish food at a good price.

Of course if you intend to go to CE LA VI every night it's going to cost a lot but just chilling at a terrace in the marina on an evening is not going to cost much.

By comparison i found places like Paris or Amsterdam way more expensive in all aspects.

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How do you guys carry your passport when you travel?

I usually keep it in my front pants pocket when I’m in the airport along with any other important IDs, permits, boarding passes, etc. for easy access, but recently I had an incident where I was in a rush to catch a bus and dropped a very important ID card at some point between passport control and customs and would’ve been fucked had an airport security guard not tracked me down to return it. This made me think that it’s time to get a passport holder.

My only concern is that holders are rather bulky and an obvious target for pickpockets when outside the airport. I had a pretty scary incident once when I was stopped by local police in a foreign country when I wasn’t carrying my passport and I almost ended up going to jail, so since then I always make sure it’s on me when I’m outside the hotel.

What about you anons, any suggestions?
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I mean, I obviously do it when travelling internationally too since my only photo ID is a passport.
Congrats, that's retarded as hell if you have the ability to get any other form of ID but you do (you) anon.
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I put it in my man purse
What other photo ID is there? PASS cards barely work in the UK, let alone internationally. I don't own a car and don't plan to, so why would I get my drivers license?
>PASS cards barely work
Anon, if they aren't letting you into the club because they don't like your PASS it's (YOU) are the problem not your card.

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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
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The concept of not injecting your baby with toxic shit is probabaly hard for you to understand as well
I travel to take pretty pictures
>Humans are isolationist on principle
What the fuck am I reading
>Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place
Louder for the pajeets at the back

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