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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>2024... I am forgotten
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>Implying the OP of that thread isn't the OP of this thread and is just trying to bait engagement through negativity
I am forgotten... until schizos bring it up again.
Honestly, a lot people say this was hyped, but was it? I go search for Paradox sometimes, but I genuinely don't remember this shit being advertised. In fact only heard about it in this place.
>but I genuinely don't remember this shit being advertised
That's just your dementia. The main problem this had was right at the announcement. It had a huge marketing campaign and build up from paradox where each of paradox's studios would publish a tweet about it and some cryptic image and everyone was discussion what it could possibly be. Eventually it got leaked that it was a civ competitor and that made people more hyped. Then it got announced and everyone had a very negative reaction because it's a very very low budget and very ugly indie title that Paradox picked up and tried to market as a big title. The game itself is fine and has some great ideas, but that negative initial reaction has stopped so many people trying it so it's dead in the water.
Okay I don't go there as much, but it was literally just a half-a-year before release? Devs must of been rushed.
It's not that it was a rush I don't think, but possible. I think it's more a game PDX picked up while the devs were late in development. Happens all the time with publishers. See something promising, throw a bit of money their way and publish the game with the hope that it makes a great return.

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What is vst's opinion of this e-celeb? Remember what Wilde said: "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
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To be honest he's a faggot. He talks for a living but still can't manage to talk like an actual human, he's not funny, he's a leftoid, watch any review of a game you actually know a lot about and you'll realize he's a larper. (for me it was planetside 2, everything he said and did in the review made it obvious he had 0 experience with the game or fps in general despite pretending he does, then he interviews some garbage tier zergfit leader who stopped playing years ago)
This sounds personal for you.
You seem like a faggot too.
Were you seething about that review for seven years?

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Have you played any country in the Lake Federation in Anbennar?
If so which and what path did you go?
Recently Sunjalla, the monarchical splinter and the incipient Kalsyto(standard unifier) MT have been added to the BB. The latter is far from done but some of the mechanics are there already AFAIK.
The Steam update is releasing in mid June, so for the next month incomplete content will be fleshed out but little new will be added.
Also why the fuck do Triunics dislike mages? so unrealistic baka
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Gawed has literally always been an England expy.
The quantity shit was always stupid because they were always supposed to be less populated than Lorent
Dunno why you are over-dramatizing it, it makes it seem like you don't care.

>Gawedi also aren't human supremacists anymore. Basically their two most well-defined and easily recognizable traits have been gutted, all because one guy decided to make Gawed into an England-expy. Now, they are bland, soulless 'All the Gawedi are a wholesome family, smile :))' with a touch of 'I-it's n-not like I h-hate you!! I'm just s-slow to trust outsiders!!'
On one side I understand, because it makes no sense for Gawedi to just interpret thing through a racial lense when the only people they have a conflict with is Elves and maybe Halflings, not Dwarves or Gnomes.
On the other this take of "lol they only care about outsiders, ayneone of any race can be accepted" is such rose glasses bullshit that is on the level of "there is no racism within Bulwar"
>Wex butchered (Lothane never used a sword lol, Wex is partitioned by 1450 lol),
I hate Silmuna fans so much, it's such blatant childish writing when they try to insert their trashy lore in the setting making it even worse than it already was.
People that see the world in black and white despite pretending otherwise should have no place in writing pre-modern fiction
I'm not sure how you can make Maldorian a big deal... wouldn't Gawed just crush him if that's the case?
Id wager 1500

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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Naval invade New England, fighting from Canada is always annoying
>OMG xisters the new Ireland™ Foocus Tree™ Tooser™ from Kaiserreich™ just dropped!
>I can't wait to play through all these exciting, new, routes filled with engaging gameplay, such as:
>maybe... the pink path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>or maybe... the RED path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>or maybe even... the reddish pink path, where I kill the chuds who misgender me!
>it's just like that oldfag game which came out when I was a kid even doe I am an oldfag who came here in 2006 but anyway it's an oldschool game that I never played called Mass Effect 3 where I get to see all the pretty colors while nothing actually changes or even happens but all the manbaby chuds got upset so it's based lol kek lmao!
>wow such exciting gameplay, nothing happens, just like my life. It's just like how I took the cool IRL national focus called "Take Estradiol" which also had k00l cyberpunk colors but nothing also happened but I felt so validated!
>I love strategy games so much xisters!
I've never been able to get naval supremacy. I'm retarded.
>focus on micro on a small section of the map
>constant supply lines issues
>AI encircles you elsewhere or naval invades behind you
How does anyone say this game is easy?
build more ports along the coastline

So... what's it like?
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They gonna add Assyria, Babylon, the rest of western Anatolia, and Greece
>That said, apparently they're committed to steadily improving Pharaoh over the next year, including a huge update to the map sometime soon.
They said the same thing about 3K and ending up abandoning it
3k happened during the pinnacle of warham.
They don't have warham to fall back on now, nobody else is licensing their ip for a total war game, pharaoh is all they have.
>They don't have warham to fall back on now
they just released dlc for it
Mechanically its the nest nu total war game but still not worth the full price imo.
It will get a free update that adds Assyria, Babylon and Greece later this year though, could be good but should have been in the game since the start.

Will you finally buy it?

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All they need to do is just keep adding story and lore to stuff. It doesn't need to be a story campaign or anything. I think they did fine with the story in the first game. Basically the themes and mechanics of the DLC inform the continuing narrative of the setting.
>Ugh why do AAA games focus on graphics so much, I'm a STRATEGY gamer, the gameplay is what matters

I mean it's something other dimension probably like Unbidden from Stellaris.

It started at Vasari experimental transportation lab so that gives a vague idea of what it could be.
>they plan to comply eventually
haha i'll believe that only when i'm literally playing it and not a nanosecond before then
>we made that ourselves in the basement of a house we rented

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the time has come
and so have i
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I'm pretty sure I heard the same voicelines in MoW2 from 20 years ago
why can't they just simply make a realistic CoH-clone?

they always have to include some weird shit like an FPS-mode, convoluted deck-building and non-ww2 tanks in a ww2 game
Why are you talking about gates of hell in a MoW2 thread?
Sorry, troon, but I've played it already and it's way better than that glorified mod.
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> Why are you talking about gates of hell in a MoW2 thread?
am I?

the only thing missing is a FPS mode but previous MoW had one so why shouldn't this one get one too?

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>Get into RTS games
>Think how lucky I am because now I can go back and replay all the amazing RTS titles
>There's like 20-ish decent RTS games in the past 30 years
Shocking actually. And I'm talking about a decent singleplayer experience/campaigns.
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This is the list of 20 still-good RTS (including some RTTish) games in no particular order.

If your game is not on the list, your frustration is noted

1. Age of Empires 2
2. Starcraft
3. Red Alert 2
4. Starcraft 2
5. Warcraft 3
6. (Total war game of your choice, for me it's Shogun 2)
7. Homeworld
8. Supreme commander
9. Company of heroes
10. Wargame red dragon
11. World in conflict

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Brother we're talking about RTS in this thread
I am half asleep and this is the strategy games board i will not apologise, but bad dumb threads get bad dumb replies
>"Way too many good strategy games"
>Can't even list the requested 20
>base-building RTS about sending groups of soldiers to kill enemy base
That's what RTS is, I hope you're not one of the retards who thinks TW or WiC are RTS.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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those hamlets with 10 guys and 150k denaris of cash in hand are being propped up right? Just the 5% independence tax would make it difficult for a small settlement to accumulate that much cash without converting to gold
I'll send a guy up where do you guys hang out these days?
Now that I'm grand master of the order of merit again I can finally buy 420 chickens
still in greggswick https://www.landsoflords.com/map/06638E25299N
I've left greggswick a couple of days ago and am now unable to get back in as our dear mayor seems to be never online when I am.
How unfortunate.

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Black & White 3 NEVER EVER

Which Black and White was your favorite? Favorite Island? Share fond memories, I miss these games anons, I wish they were still around.
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You don't need GoG to sell it, you can play them on your modern PC right now. I've got my copies installed and working fine.
You taught it to launch fireballs into the ocean and that's what it did. Based AI.
Creature training in 1 is hilarious. Loved seeing them in multiplayer as well. My creature was a really smart horse while my brother's was a retarded tiger who kept shooting fireballs at his temple. Didn't like how 2 streamlined aspects of the game but it's also one of the few true 3d city builders out there.

Why though? The games are free. You can download them and all their patches right now if you want.
Anons, Mountain Song or Nut Oil Song?



Personally I like the Nut Oil, but HoMM did a orchestra version recently which ios the best IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPZfXG5fEok
Thanks you, microsoft!

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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gals are superior is still the most fun, peasant revolution is still the strongest.
what even is the point of gunwagons if i cant get guns for it?
No? If anything it's faster than usual because angry bird is now useful and there's early game traffic and more missions to do.
The assault cannon you start with can be used in it but I've never been able to shoot down any vehicles with it. LMGs and HMGs can also be used if you loot them from highwayman hoverpods
>if you loot them from highwayman hoverpods
dont you need to shoot them first?

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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Question to any map maker for Tiberian sun/Red alert: Do you start by making a sketch in Paint or how else do you start up your project?
Just remember anon, in the remaster it's the medium difficulty that's the equivalent of the original's difficulty.
Back when I did some Red Alert maps I just started making map shapes to make some kind of a landmass that looks plesant to look at and 'natural', then start forming it in ways that make it better suited for gameplay like ensuring start areas have enough room to build, resource fields, maybe areas that can be contested, villages etc. Don't overthink things, especially with Red Alert.
capture helo, fly engineer + commando + rockets in to pierce the left wall of the top base. Capture powerplant, place down obelisk, build hand of nod, build sandbags to prevent rebuilding. AI can no longer use airstrikes, you get safe access to the best tiberium fields on the map, and you can build mammoths.
As opposed to doing it "normally" which is just pure pain because of the 3 enemy command centers rebuilding entire bases instantly, pitiful starting fields, and constant airstrikes.
I'm aware, and I find it funny that RA1 hard is still easier than Nod medium purely because of the wonky starts.
Yeah in Tiberian Dawn that sounds like your average way to actually beat a mission. If you don't play dirty then you just get ground down in most maps because a lot of maps have finite tiberium fields so if you take too long the map becomes unwinnable and the mechanics of the game are not super well suited to microing units through the 'commando' missions. Besides which NOD playstyle canonically is playing dirty like that, the subterranean APCs and how the A.I uses them alone are alone proof.

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Pausing every second to close 100 pop-ups simulator.
What's that, you want to watch your cool space battle unfold?
Too bad, we found an ameoba on an asteroid in buttfuck nowhere - what's the plan boss?!
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No because virtual pops are still pops as far as the game's databasing is concerned. They limit how much load a virtual empire can put on the game by giving them a huge penalty that stacks for every planet occupied, so on average a virtual empire is only ever going to have 4 or 5 planet's worth of filled jobs.
Planetary Diversity or Real Space - New Frontiers?
Planetary Diversity broke my savegame when he removed some mods from the list. So I'd say Real Space right now DESU
>Paradox finally adds new portraits.
>They are the ugliest, least-fitting, different-artstyle pieces of shit they could've done.
Why do they do it. I get they are doing that Star Trek game, but Stellaris aliens don't need to look like they are guys with rubber masks on.
They even added a THIRD human portrait set, which is even uglier and less varied than the other two just because they didn't want to add the old two portraits with the new Ascencion graphics.

I cannot figure out how they thought those ugly-as-sin portraits would fir with the rest of them.
Small company, pls no bully
At least the machine ones look pretty nice. The organics though...

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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>le rts is dead
Then why are the C&C remasters making the top sellling list in multiplayer regions?
Just make a fun game with a good single player campaign and a good story, and modern AI
>What really caused the fall of RTS?
it's way more stimulating for the average man, who is now a zoomie that can't keep his attention focused for more than 5 seconds at a time
>just do what even the biggest studios don't do these days
also, as you've noticed, remasters. that's part of the issue. nobody's doing anything new. it's either remasters or blatant rip-offs. creativity is dead.
AI was dumb and had to cheat (like rebuild buildings detached from base in exact spot) in order to be challenging. Everything in missions was basically scripted, even movement paths for attacking groups.

In the original game, AI could be walled off with sandbags and stuck there.

Then again, it was somewhat pioneer in RTS genre and a huge improvement from Dune 2 <yes I'm a dinosaur>
>Dawn of War was "Starcraft but things get produced faster" (I think that was the gimmick there? I remember something was done faster, can't remember if it was buildings getting built instantly or you getting resources instantly or something, I need to replay it), Company of Heroes was "Starcraft but in WWII",
You have no idea what you're talking about

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