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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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jap website now tho
Thread violates US federal legal statutes.
It absolutely does not.
I violate your little sister
If only I had one :(
A little sister would be so amazing...

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Previous: >>100436530
What are you working on, /g/?
Where's your daily fizzbuzz?
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>hardcoded CRC values as proof you know the algorithm
should have showed me a function called CalcCRC16() or something instead
>cyclic redundancy check
>in network connections
did you like not read my post? do you want me to spoonfeed you everything? Did you just wake up so you got angry at your mental capabilities being impaired to the point of my post being incomprehensible to you?
Get off 4chan and finish your coffee dopamine addicted fag
meds lil bro, take em
So that you can copy it? Thanks, but no thanks.
desu i wouldnt understand the code even if i saw it
thats why you need to explain it to me in simple terms

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Just report it and go on.
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can you actually point to something in the video that is "hysterical" or are you just mouthing off about things you don't understand?

If you don't know about the "blue energy weapons" nonsense that he exposes as the fraud that it is, here's an example of a "report" about this topic in the "alternative media" aimed at Qtards:
This is insane
They're too busy banning people who call their shit posts out as goalpost moving retardation. That was literally what my last ban was. It was hilarious.

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100477771 & >>100472694

>(05/14) PaliGemma, Gemma 2, and LLM Comparator: https://developers.googleblog.com/gemma-family-and-toolkit-expansion-io-2024
>(05/12) Yi-1.5 Released with Improved Coding, Math, and Reasoning Capabilities: https://hf.co/collections/01-ai/yi-15-2024-05-663f3ecab5f815a3eaca7ca8
>(05/11) Japanese 13B model trained on CPU supercomputer: https://hf.co/Fugaku-LLM/Fugaku-LLM-13B
>(05/11) OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit LLMs: https://github.com/xuyuzhuang11/OneBit
>(05/10) Gemma 2B - 10M Context: https://hf.co/mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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i have run out of pci-e slots on my old z390 motherboard and 3x 3090s is not enough, i need a fourth
pls recommend a board with enough slots/lanes for four cards. physical space is not an issue
I'm too lazy to look up your mobo, but do you have a spare nvme slot?
bro your risers???
>profound changes in the output with just a r=64 LoRA
You don't even need r=64 for that, 8 can be plenty enough.
Anybody got a good example of a prompt or system to make a model do CoT before it's actual reply?
I'd like to have it think through shit inside a hidden block in silly, I think that could work better than the "inner thoughts" prefil I'm trying, even if >>100485163 is working really well. That model is really surprising me with its smarts, even if it's kind of shit at ERP.
Off topic, but a bat file I use to launch llama.cpp server with a file selection window so that I can choose a different model every time without having to edit the text file. copy the path manually, etc :
That environment.bat that's being called is a bat file that adds shit to the context's PATH (env) so that I don't have shit like python and java on my global window's PATH.

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let's lock this thread with simple logic. imagine you are bob and would like to send a private message to alice.

>use TOR
not certain how secure/private it is
could be compromised
>use clearnet
not secure/private
certainly compromised

why WOULDN'T you use TOR to send a private message?
>Point is you aren’t entitled to privacy
But it is though it's literally in my country's constitution
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I use Tor but I do not download anything, I do not post anything and I certainly do not put my credentials into anything. I know it's likely still not entirely safe but it's not like I view anything THAT bad, so...
Shush. Knowing what kind of people get arrested and what kind of content they downloaded, don't tell them, let them get caught.
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You're not entitled to exist in my society

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Zenfone 10 edition.

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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Xperia 10 VI when it's out soon
Recommended Chinese phones are from 2022. What is the updated version of the list / Poco F3 for May 2024?

Thanks bitches
iPhone 15 Pro Max
Xperia 10 VI
Poco F5
Moto G84
any of these in the $250 USD range?

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What's better
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>What's better
My own engine.
And you should too.

C with Raylib is all you need

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Why does 7-Zip on Windows still look like this?
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System Notification
>Windows Defender has quarantined multiple files
Really? It verifies the archive (or a single file within). Doesn't eat system temp space or RAM.
More than a HUNDRED of replies, but then why literally NOBODY reminds all of us that a new version of 7-Zip (version 24.05) is available since yesterday (2024-05-14)?

Go upgrade, y'all!
When will you all retards learn to use CLI based 7zip than whining about its GUI?

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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid installation to generate a permanent legitimate license.

>Which version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 yrs support, EoL 2032
-5 yrs on non-IoT LTSC
-No feature updates
-Comes with Win32 system utils
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-Basically Windows: Classic 9x/XP/7 Edition, 10 years support and you decide when you want to update/upgrade

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10 never really had Firewire support to begin with, so you might as well just use a 7 install. Install Enterprise so you can use KMS_VL_ALL to activate it.
Yes, it is using it. I wish there was a simple way of doing it, but somewhat hard to circumvent.
You can always just turn off DoH, then DNS blocking through hosts will work. Though you'll end up losing some net privacy from your ISP's eyes.
Thanks, but it's not really worth it. I'll try to find something else. Thanks again!
The task bar is just another window btw. You can even alt+space it and see its window menu.

The internet isnt dying, but the shift is because it is becoming on reading monetized and overrun with commercial application. The internet itself is structurally better than it was then — faster, more redundancies, more reaching. The problem is in the way that we’re collectively using it.

The reason the Internet was so awesome in the 90s and even early 00s was because everything on it was put there by people who cared enough about the content to want to put it up. There was very little monetization, esp in the 90s. Also inter-connection was prioritized — we were all waypoints, little islands, on someones journey. We didnt try to maximize the users time staying on our site.

If you want to make the Internet a tiny bit better, create your own content, on your own domain, and dont monetize it. Just write, create, share. Dont worry about traffic, or anything like that. Be a small voice in a big void that is true to itself. Use no advertisements. Generously link to sites that you feel are relevant to the content, particularly if its contextual, in the document.

Set your users free.

Wikipedia might be one of the few things that feels “old internet”, still.
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The main difference is that the amount of users skyrocketed, actually. I think that the small communities from the past still exist but are much elss visible now since they're hidden by the mass of casual Internet users that actually drives websites and content.
Moreover, we're now facing the problem of A.I.-generated content, which is going to worsen this situation. Traditional communities won't completely die out, hopefully, but they may be swallowed by the bigger beast.
>The main difference is that the amount of users skyrocketed, actually. I think that the small communities from the past still exist but are much elss visible now since they're hidden by the mass of casual Internet users that actually drives websites and content.
>Moreover, we're now facing the problem of A.I.-generated content, which is going to worsen this situation. Traditional communities won't completely die out, hopefully, but they may be swallowed by the bigger beast.
yap more lilbroski
why haven't Freenet or I2P taken off yet?
The problem with the modern internet is:
>reliance on a centralized service (Cloudflare) to stop DDOS attacks
>centralized search engines won't properly index unprofitable sites anymore
The Cloudflare mafia determines if your website has a right to exist.
And if you're not commercializing and making slop, you won't ever be discovered.
Lately I've been noticing that even Wikipedia is getting downranked to page 2 on Google.
DDOS is a technical/scaling problem, so you are incorrect, the internet is not structurally better than it was.
And nobody has found a technical solution to DDOS, the only solution is to pay bigger fish to defend you.

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Duolingo leak thread #6
Previous: >>100478826
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>it's just twitter bro. everyone on 4chan is totally straight n shieet
>femdom fascist blm
hes cute
why is it ALWAYS Brazilian
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Let's have a C thread. Post what you're working on!

Seen any C23 in the wild yet? What features pique your interest?

WIKI: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki//chad/

IRC: #/g/chad at irc.rizon.net
TG: https://t.me/+itOpQDA2Nbk3ZDZh

Don't know how to write C? Start here:
K&R: https://files.catbox.moe/rfhegv.pdf
KING: https://files.catbox.moe/a875c2.pdf
Modern C: https://files.catbox.moe/xeb93p.pdf
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Sepples fag here, just wondering, how do you deal with not having generics? Surely you don't implement a linked list or a hash map by hand for the 1000th time right?
unironically void* is your generic data, downside is - only you can tell what type it is, compiler can't.
>if you want distributable binaries
I don't for this, but this is true of course

Thanks for the critique! Appreciate it
Would you care to elaborate on why
Bonus points if you can say anything other than "it's old"
it teaches you how to write an archaic form of c that's so different from modern c that your compiler will give you errors out the ass for attempting it. you can add -ansi to tell your compiler you're gonna be coding in an ancient language but what's the point? you either choose ancient c or modern c, and if you want to learn modern c that book is next to useless.

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It all comes down to these two distros. I'm on the fence and cannot make a choice after copiously hopping between them.
For what sound reason should someone pick one over the other?
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Every Linux distro has its imperfections. It's just a matter of figuring out whether the rest of the system works well enough for you that you'd be willing to accept and live with said imperfections.
>The AUR is a time bomb
Please explain
>It is not a source-based distro.
not only are you faggot, but you might actually be homosexual
I win.

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Why does powershell have to use such long ass commands?
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i want to get content not adopt kittens
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yeah, memorization is the tool of the iqlet

Where truthfully memorization is useless to create technologies, while understanding is what is necessary, but education does not focus on understanding

Funny thing is, once you understand something, you memorize it in a different and superior way in the brain. There are no downsides to create education based on understanding, yet we don't do it.

A clear way to achieve this process would be something like this:

1+1 = 2

Give anon a test that he is not scored at officially. "Anon, how much is 1+1"?

Then, teach anon equations. Give anon a test he is not scored officially for equations, to see how he is performing.

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I assume that Powershell is made for scripting rather than interactive use.

The problem with using Powershell anywhere else than Windows is that on Linux it's case-sensitive, so you actually have to press shift all the time.
>doing stuff in practice teaches you more than not doing stuff in practice
>dont do stuff in practice with students
>students get worse results
why is the education system like this
>why is the education system like this

IQlets are the majority and they feel more comfortable with memorization than understanding. So the world is shaped to their tastes

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