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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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I think Knight Games was pretty fun. Summer games was also tip top fun.
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Hyper-Sports was great. the Commodore 64 port of the arcade was superb
Beach-Head II
Raid Over Moscow

loved those military games with multiple sections
What was that one on Mi Speccy that was basically WarioWare?
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Jeff Minters Batalyx
an insane shooter with 6 minigames that you could enter and quit at any time. pretty unique and epilepsy inducing.
Epyx owned this one. California Games as mentioned but all their "Games" series were fantastic, especially Winter Games for me.

If they balanced out the tech tree a little bit more this would have been a classic.
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>One of the mistakes modern imitators make is that they neglect UI and general atmosphere
Add soundtrack to this. MOO2 has an immersive score. I can still play a lot of the cues in my head from memory. Very few games that aren’t Star Wars ip can do that. I haven’t played a single strategy or rts game in years (maybe decades) that had a memorable score.
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I didn't see this version until a different playthrough since Telepathy was so OP.

Its funny, I always end up turning off the music in old games after a while because the compositions and the way it cuts in usually gets obnoxious. They prevent this effect in newer games by various means and I never get annoyed and turn music off, but generally speaking I'd still rather they compose the old way with more memorable and dramatic music that establishes the atmosphere of the game even if I eventually turn it off
So I think they overoptimized for not being annoying, probably because they hear it so many times in development
Well I must be one of those weird people who prefer 1 over 2.

I admit 2 has much more flexibility in builds and techs, but turning it into a Civ like game with tons of buildings and having to micromanage your citizens just bogs it down to a crawl as >>10932135 mentioned.

The slider system in 1 is just much more effective and comfortable for me. And you still get a ton of techs, spionage, tactical battles and so on, so you're not losing too much.
I really need to try the first one again. I first played it after MOO2 so I was turned away by what I thought was a simplified version. You're not the first person I've seen to prefer the first one, either.

>Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Gokuraku CD-ROM for Sega Saturn
>a multimedia disc containing anime clips and production art
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I watched the TV series. It looked good techically, but it's just another harem anime with a "goddess" gimmick. It reminded me of Ai Yori Aoshi because the template is the same.
>dad says "damn, I'd like to give her a good dicking"
>Hur durr filler
You're an idiot. And not only are you an idiot, you're also wrong because for any "filler" universe had the show was always way more constantly entertaining than the OVA's devolution into nothing more than extended family tree wankery where NOTHING fucking happens and the creator would rather spend every waking second introducing SUPER AMAZING RELATIVE WHO DOESN'T MATTER and all the space grannies. Good lord where the later OVAs garbo.
That's why I said the first two OVAs are better anon I wasn't talking about the later ones.
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Which is idiotic. For starters it'd be like if I just selectively pointed at the plot episodes of the TV series to suit my needs and, more importantly, is the dismissive write off of FILLER when the even the first two OVAs were filled with slice of life non plot episodes. Weekly TV animated are made to be weekly TV and entertaining often on an episode to episode basis. That is how television works. It is not filler. It is the show. And if you want to write it off because it doesn't make some massive status quo or plot change every episode you are an idiot. When Universe is being "filler' they're running from space bounty hunters, exploring ghost ships and having galactic bikini contests. Meanwhile the OVA wants to dump novels worth of lore on you but they also don't want to do anything that's not Ryoko sleeping in the rafters or Ayeka sweeping.

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10920310

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun with these.
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One more, this one isn't new but I updated it recently.
Thanks anons. I'll post updates on the FTE project occasionally, but there won't be much of interest beyond textures and aesthetic concepting for a while because I'm more or less starting from scratch when it comes to code (besides a framework for menus, but I may end up ditching it).
>I'll definitely ask you for some help down the line. I intend to finish my 3 dm maps and at least 3 sp maps.
Yeah no problem man. If for some reason I don't reply here when you ask, you can message me on Moddb on the Malice Refined page, or one of the emails in the readmes of Violent Rumble or Malice Refined (which I don't want to post here because last time I got spam botted).
I'm also in the FTE and Trenchbroom discord servers.
I may update it on a whim occasionally, probably with some tricks and optimizations I've learned working on Malice Refined. Nothing significant unless something really motivates me.
A big part of why I became disillusioned with it is that, since it was my first programming experience, there are multiple layers of spaghetti code at different levels of amateurness that are just a pain to work with and embarrassing to look at. Having stuff from both mission packs and Progs Dump 3 doesn't help either, and it took some autism to get them playing nice together.
I also got a bad case of 'magnum opus syndrome' with the maps I was working on for VR2, but that's a whole different story...
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>Pain Elementals do splash damage upon death
You guys are dicks
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Why can I not change compatibility in Woof/Nugget?

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this is just best gta game isnt it? vice city could never
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This. I kinda missed out on it back in the day and recently started playing the PC port, and it's indeed always some kind of race, which in and by itself wouldn't be bad, but the difficulty is so uneven... some missions are piss easy while other make me wanna strangle my son, like that Apu mission where you have to collect shit on a roof. If you miss any jump, it's over.
Apu collecting trash, Bart smashing the stalls, and the final mission, are the trinity of absolute ball breakers in Hit and Run.
>I went into this thinking it was gta for kids only to realize it's more like a racing game that lets you get out of the car.
yeah that's because it's not a gta clone it's a driver clone
Can't you just hire to hooker to play Mario with you? You don't even need to bang her?
The marketing would have you believing otherwise.

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If Mario is from Brooklyn, why does he speak in an Italian accent and not in an American-Italian accent?
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Villains in fiction almost never consider the possibility of permanently crippling their archnemesis once captured. It's always, "haha, I will execute you but not before leaving you in a poorly guarded prison cell for a plot relevant amount of time!"
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>If Mario is from Brooklyn
Mario and Luigi's mexican brother they don't talk about, Pedro
That's definitely not italian accent
what's a realistic accent then?

>gets blown away by a slow moving fan
>falls into liquid cement
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The main thing about energy weapons, explosives and other special guns for me was that most of them absolutely pulped the enemies leaving no stuff to loot from the bodies, so as an item hoarding enjoyer I avoided using them as much as possible.
Abominaiton kinda
Felt like a somewhat underbaked spiritual successor to the OG Syndicate, with its fixed isometric camera.
that and they drained your shield, you had to burn through your stock of batteries and it basically became a second meter that was harder to keep track of

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SF 2 artwork or SF 2 CE artwork?
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Cammy is for me the most sexy female character in street fighter history.
Ryu died during the events of SF2 but Capcom secretly replaced him with a double hoping you wouldn't notice.
always thought these were ridiculous.
Boxer looks silly, dictator looks like a fucking alien now instead of a scary authoritarian, sooo many honda teeth, and everyone is maximum-squarejaw except fei long

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Why are sports games held in such low regard with the retro game community while something like RPGs aren't? They are so undervalued that they are the best value in gaming, if done correctly a hockey, soccer or wave racing game can match up with any other genre
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They can be a bit of fun, but playing through an entire career mode is usually way too repetitive.
That comes down to commitment.
>the community
Who gives a FUCK.
Jesus, stop being such a pissant follower.
What are some retro sports games worth playing if I'm not normally into sports?
>black autistic pharmacist I work with is obsessed with sports and knows every fucking thing there is to know about them
>I don’t know a goddamn thing about sports but I try to at least pretend to be interested out of politeness when he starts rambling about trivia or a match that is going on
It’s funny seeing him talk circles around other guys at work who follow sports.

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i just got it from psn on my ps3 and played arcade mode as ryu and loved it. it uses the d-pad and his specials are so easy. who’s the best character and why?
Capcom Fighters Edge didn't have the bike or anything and they just returned your points when you asked for something they of course didn't have.
Ryu is a top tier in the game however if you want low effort wins, then Ken is the choice top tier character. He has answers for everything, great range, lots of confusion tricks, high damage, and fast meter building. Ken has pure 7:3 character advantage over 2/3 of the roster, and at worst an even matchup against the remainder. As a Vega/M.Bison main, I hate being at a 3:7 disadvantage against these top characters as you can see I had practically no options against a friend: https://youtu.be/bzEVEPzp7n0
>paying real currency for an emulated version of the psx port of alpha 2
>playing the sega shiturn version...

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How is she so powerful? Her magic stats are insanely high compared to Terra who is a born demon.
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Do it, Limit Breaks are stupidly powerful in FF8, even more so than in FF7 because you can access them every turn without mime, thanks to aura and low health mechanics. Squall, Rinoa, Irvine and Zell can dish out insane amounts of damage, and Selphie and Quistis have a lot of variety and versatility.
Because she bust that ass nigga
Jamal is correct. She do, in fact, be "bussin" and/or on fleek.
>women are gross
>just be a normal man
Hello cocksmoker, lord of faggots.
Yeah, if by that you mean she's mid, that's more or less correct. Her Magic stat IS the best in the game, but by the time you get her Terra and possibly Celes will probably be higher if you made sure to boost them properly with Espers. Unlike Terra and Celes, she cannot function as an effective physical fighter, and both Sketch and Control suck ass, so she is 100% reliant on teaching her good Magic to do anything worthwhile. Her best endgame equipment does boost her already high Magic stat even higher, but so does the equipment available to Terra and Celes. She IS capable of reaching 128 MBlock, which in the original game makes her close to invincible, but she sacrifices some Magic power for it and she cannot equip the Gem Box together with such a setup, whereas Terra and Celes can combine 128 MBlock with a Gem Box and whatever else you want for good measure.

tl;dr Relm isn't bad once you teach her good Magic, but she's thoroughly outclassed by the other girls in just about every single way, so there's no real reason to have her on your main team outside of training her so she's not utterly worthless in Kefka's Tower.

Should i play the OG Ocarina of Time or go straight for the 3DS remake?

Same with Majoras Mask.
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it still looks a bit brighter than the original on a real 3ds. last time I played through OoT was the 3ds version. it's not a bad way to play the game, but a first time player should still play through the n64 version first.
What MM3D did to the bosses is a dealbreaker for me. Plus, the original song of double time gets the job done most of the time. on the occasions where waiting is necessary it's just a few minutes. I just grind rupees or walk around and people watch. to each their own.
the parts… so bad the parts…..
Majora's Mask is what made me truly realize for the first time that everyone would ultimately die, no matter what. I was a young teenager when it came out. I had already lost a grandparent, so it's not like I never dealt with death before. MM just managed to really drive it home that everyone would die. Even if you stop the moon from falling, you've only delayed it. Eventually, everyone will die. So what's the point of it all? What's the point of anything? Is all life meaningless then?
BTW, I am not an emo that drowns himself in sorrow over these questions. MM just forced me to confront these very large questions about life. About what really matters in life and finding value in it. MM is truly a special game to me.
I think most people online can't even properly articulate why they like Majora's Mask. It has this reputation as LE DARK Zelda game but that's not even why it's so memorable. It's a melancholy game. People remember that it's kind of sad and introspective, but they lack the vocabulary for that and just say "it's good because it's dark and disturbing"
>can’t articulate what they like about it
I’d have a harder time doing that with OoT I imagine.

MM was great because the world felt vibrant and very much alive. Having to interact with the NPCs and discovering how to build rapport with them was really immersive and interesting. Also the Goron/Zora move sets were pretty neat.

I love games with worlds you can heavily interact with, and that’s what MM felt like. It was much more interesting than OoT in that regard.

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I have a 1.0 Xbox and I'm really surprised that the HDD hasn't shit itself on me yet. I'd like to mod in a new SATA HDD or maybe even an SSD but I'm not looking to fully mod my Xbox
I want to keep it as close as I can to working stock. This means original dash and still popping in my dvds when I want to play
I'm probably going to end up recapping it and cleaning up the dvd tray anyway but I was wondering what the best way to clone a new drive in would be
It would be really nice if I could keep my old profile and saves but I'm willing to lose them if it means the console will work for another 10 years
Also, should I go with an HDD for authenticity or upgrade to an SSD for longevity?
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>I'm really surprised that the HDD hasn't shit itself
Why? I have harddrives ten years older than the Xbox that still work.
Isn't that what desktop grade platters do? They break after some time?
>>Afaik any drive that was used in an Xbox will work in another Xbox with little issue
no they cant, because the xbox locks hdds to that specific console with a 32length key
fucking stupid
>>360 replacements fit perfectly
i believe they look like they fit, but there are some angles that don't work on the controllers
you can order both the og and 360 replacements for pennies on Aliexpress so just get both desu
>no they cant, because the xbox locks hdds to that specific console with a 32length key
That post is talking about did drives, not HDDs
>I'm not looking to fully mod my Xbox
I don't understand why there's who people don't want to mod their Xboxes.

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Favorite Mario enemies? I like plurps.

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