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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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At what point did America's ascendance become impossible to stop?
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1776 baby.
17 mil to 61 mil, alot larger damn
And yes i am not denying the premise which for some reason your dumb ass has forgotten, that i initially proposed. I’m just saying that such a war would unite the American public due to how apparently anti American such a massive coalition would look to the American public, this is no longer a war to free Cuba, but a second war of independence. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
>i’m just saying that such a war would unite the American public due to how apparently anti American such a massive coalition would look to the American public, this is no longer a war to free Cuba, but a second war of independence
The funny thing about this is that you’re implying that the American population is dumb as bricks for thinking a war to seize Cuba would turn into Independence Total War 2.0 and I’m arguing in favour of Americans being somewhat smarter and more even-tempered than that. The possibility of some sort of pan-European alliance to keep cuba is obviously impossible. I’ve ALSO been trying to argue strictly concerning what the US reaction would be to going through a Crimea style slog of a war against the euros. In 1812 they didn’t do what you’re saying they’d do. When the US brushed up against the British empire a million times throughout the 19th century they have no indication of doing what you’re saying they’d do. Dumbass.
After Europe got tired of competing over their nothingburger of a continent and decided to give the reins to the USSR and U.S to manage the the continent, and as a result compete over the rest of the planet. There was no chance the Soviets would survive until the end of the century regardless of how much the U.S could fuck up, so the U.S' rise to hegemon became inevitable after the World Wars.
>The funny thing about this is that you’re implying that the American population is dumb as bricks for thinking a war to seize Cuba would turn into Independence Total War 2.0
You realize this was before mass media and the internet, and that the Monroe Doctrine was cast in steel by that point as America's #1 foreign policy priority for nearly a century, right?

O.J. case expert here, let's look through the lens of history together.
Coming up on the 30th anniversary of the murders.
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Let's not forget the sisters, or as I like to call them DDT

D1 and D2 were sloppy hoes who probably fucked half of the news reporters. Geraldo definitely did some freaky shit with them.

Poor T wasn't much of a looker, but what a bullshitter.
Let me guess, they lured Goldman to the scene? The whole mother's glasses thing always seemed fishy
Goldman was a waiter who liked to party. He also loved having rich friends like Nicole, who had let him drive her Ferrari before. Put 2 and 2 together and you can see why he'd want to go out of his way to deliver a pair of glasses. DD(not T, as she stayed behind at Dana Point to run long-distance "alibi" calls) set the ambience in Nicole's condo. The bath, candles, music, TV. In reality, Goldman wanted to go to a party in Nicole's Ferrari and pick up college girls.
By the way, and here's the big kicker: Goldman was more than likely Plan C (who knows, he could have been D or E.) Point is, and long story short, Faye Resnick's life was spared by her drug addiction, and I'd rather not talk about the one that preceded Goldman because it's really fucked up.
However, KEK ONE was more than likely Plan D, and he probably knows it, and in his sick mind uses it to justify his ghoulish social media presence. Just waiting for his next orange-stealing meltdown.

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It was pretty easy. Why didn't these retards do that instead of blaming the English?
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From this image alone you can tell that Ulster is more civilized.
Ulsterotsk oblast needs to be towed to the Balkans with the rest of the chimping pogromist gypsies where it belongs.
you don't need to build boats you just walk down to the shore and fish and yes there are accessible bays all over the island
>to the Balkans
Fuck off we're full (of gypsies)
Illegal fishing was punishable, and you know damn well how the *nglish are, they'd be all over someone eating without a loicense.

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>Hellenism strong
>judaism destroyed
The perfect timeline..
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>Implying big Alex would have succeeded where both Pyrrhus and Hannibal failed.
This is the hot take of the day I guess.
Yeah I don't think an extra 20 years or whatever is gonna keep this beast together. I heard that Philip and the Macedonians were essentially Persian subjects lead by a usurper to the throne. So even if he lives, Alexander is gonna have the same problem Darius did.
what do you mean

hannibal took carthage innit?

What is the reason to help other people under capitalism? They are all my competitors, which means they are enemies.
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Even in the Soviet Union when the entire population was indoctrinated into the teachings of Karl Marx the law of the jungle reigned. Capitalism is merely more realistic, you may say "the only thing holding it together is base mutual benefit, not fine ideals of saintly altruism", but, it's a start. Isn't it? This is where it begins, this is where people learn to cooperate and develop their principles, which they may then decide to apply universally instead of solely with people they know.

What is "altruism" anyway? Who decides who deserves what? Usually the people preaching out the ass about moral righteousness or social justice turn out to be sociopathic cult-leaders. They don't respect people's rights, they want to violate people's rights and are looking for excuses to do so. Slavery, war, the holocaust, it was all für das deutsche volk or for "the people". I mean look at this old black dude who busted his ass to build a business only for a bunch of your fellow leftist "revolutionaries" to trash it all, and you think he's the bad guy.. because he owns property....

Is this image still “enhanced”?
It's all a bit of this...but taken to extremes.

"We LiVe In a SoCiEtY!"
"They" say "We" a lot, I have witnessed.
They can't think for themselves - but they'll think for you...
>Also what is capitlaism?
how should we know? you invented the word. seems to resemble 'capitalism' but still differs.

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Are there any good books on Japanese collectors of things?
What kind of objects did Japanese collectors covet? I assume early on it was books and Buddhist things but what about during the Edo period?
How important was the age of the object versus its artistic value?
Also if this question is a bit obscure, an alternative question is what were people collecting in 19th century Europe?
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>Are there any good books on Japanese collectors of things?
I don't know but Hyouge Mono is fantastic if you haven't read it already.
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It's basically an entire manga about the sengoku jidai figures' barter and intrigues over masterwork collecting and aesthetics, with the actual wars in the background.
Seems interesting, thanks

Are all of the "Christians" on /his/ actually just LARPers? When in history did Christianity become "I mentally assent to a set of propositions" rather than a religion? Nobody here actually practices Christianity. None of you actually go to Church. None of you have actually read the Bible. None of you actually donate to charity. So why do you pretend to be Christian?
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because to many of them they associate it with being "trad" as part of what ever culture war shit flinging they are part of
>pretend to be Christian
Who are the real Christians again?
4chink is counter culture as in its nature
The current meta is atheist lib
So they have to run the christianity nazi larp
In pre 2010 4chink would call you a cringe edgelord for that
Its all American protestantism. To them all Christianity means is that "I'm right and everyone else is wrong". It has nothing to do with churches or bibles or any of that stuff.
Jewish people are trying to turn them into trannies so pretending to worship a fictional magic rabbi owns the jew or something.

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Why are all North Western Europeans so genetically similar? Despite being seperated for thousands of years and having different origins (celt and german).
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Mufugga! Fuck you mean mayn!? It is us medbvlls who are the TRUE aryans mufugga. They yt boy nords are afraid of us n shit.
We're (the real) God's chosen people.
>Shetland, also called the Shetland Islands, is an archipelago in Scotland lying between Orkney, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. It is the northernmost region of the United Kingdom

>The islands lie about 80 km (50 mi) to the northeast of Orkney, 170 km (110 mi) from mainland Scotland and 220 km (140 mi) west of Norway

>During the 10th to 15th centuries, the islands formed part of the Kingdom of Norway until they were annexed into the Kingdom of Scotland due to a royal dispute involving the payment of a dowry
Pre-Germanic britons were already similar.
Jesus christ you people are so bad at Black English

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TIK unintentionally made a pro Nazi video, made Nazis look like the most pro working people, pro women and pro children regime ever. His smug "critique" was just economic, while their social and welfare programs looked very good. lmao
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itt: socialists tackle world issues as if its the 19th century.
I thought you meant automation, but ok.
yeah automation can eliminate factory work
>he did not expect Britain to literally bankrupt themselves and surrender their independence in a way far more damaging than had Hitler conquered them.
So Britain should have just surrendered their independence to Germany instead and they could have achieved paradise compared to the living hell that is [current year]?
The Soviet Union had all those things and they bankrupted themselves.

Does anyone else find the Portuguese expansion to be truly astonishing? The speed and scale of the whole thing, it would be like colonizing Mars in a decade.
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we lusitan ppl are just built differently
>the Portuguese arrived in Oman and occupied Muscat for a 143-year period, from 1507 to 1650. In need of an outpost to protect their sea lanes, the Portuguese built up and fortified the city
Why was Oman occupied by a tiny country at the other end of the globe for 150 years?
The fact that they were even competing with Omani Arabs over East Africa is insane, not to mention they conquered Muscat first.

Actually, let's just look at Muscat

>The Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque sailed to Muscat in 1507, in an attempt to establish trade relations. As he approached the harbour, his ships were fired on. He then decided to conquer Muscat. Most of the city burned to the ground during and after the fighting.
>The Portuguese maintained a hold on Muscat for over a century, despite challenges from Persia and a bombardment of the town by the Ottoman Turks in 1546. The Turks twice captured Muscat from the Portuguese, in the Capture of Muscat (1552) and 1581–88.
>On August 16, 1648 the Imam dispatched an army to Muscat, which captured and demolished the high towers of the Portuguese, weakening their grip over the town. Decisively, in 1650, a small but determined body of the Imam's troops attacked the port at night, forcing an eventual Portuguese surrender on January 23, 1650.
This is simply insane when you remember where Portugal is located.

(The Portugese garrison in Muscat in 1552? 60 troops.)
t. seething ramdeep
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Not really. They basically just took over profitable ports and called it a day. It wasn't like the Spaniards who had to Europeanize 2 new fucking continents and the Britsharts and their globetrotting Empire, which even took over a huge civilized subcontinent (India)

Barbosas also for some fucking reason failed to convert Macau into a commercial powerhouse trading hub despite 300 years of LITERALLY being just outside the only province in Ming & Qing China that can trade with the outside world. Fucking Manila was more profitable in the West/China trade than Macau.

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How do racial supremacist that are Christian’s deal with the cognitive dissonance of following a religion where main figure is Jewish , folklore is Jewish , the apostles are Jewish, the first pope was Jewish and their book repeatedly telling them that Jews are chosen people.
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are you trying to say sadge?
They can wax poetic how they are liberated from the mental slavery of the West, but at they end of they day they're still good goy sheep. They cannot truly picture a paradigm outside of already existent Western thinking. Many are too ignorant and bigoted to learn from other cultures to the extent that they could gain valuable beliefs that would breathe new life into their societies. It is a shame, really.
Wanting to keep the state small as possible has been conflated with racism.

"White nationalism" - What does skin colour have to do with it?
It's all moot if all states are united under the UN anyway...
Why do people fight in war?
well they are basically insane like the irish

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How would justification not be by faith apart from works. Can some Catholic or Orthodox convince me, preferably using the Bible…sola fide seems irrefutable
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Here, I'll define irony for you. Someone who reads the Bible and calls themselves Christian but doesn't actually practice Christianity.
>We are saved by the things we do in faith, such as baptism, confession of sins, forgiveness, etc
Outsider but you lost me the moment you said that. Because your case it now no longer that those works a part of a living faith, but that those works are what actively save you, that your righteousness isn’t imputed to you, but rather earned by you through your works. Which is wrong.
>We don't, however, merit the initial grace of faith by which we are justified.
justification is the first step and the assurance of salvation. If one is justified as righteous through the imputed righteousness of Christ then one is saved. One cannot be justified and be unsaved that wouldn’t make any sense.
See >>16627646
>Matthew 24:13
>But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Not a refutation of sola fide. Sorry.

>Matthew 19:16-17
>Now someone approached him and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” He answered him, “Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Not a refutation of sola fide, it’s a commentary that only one man is good, for only man kept the commandments.

>Matthew 25:45-46
>He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Not a refutation of sola fide, it’s a call to treat others well. If it’s an objective standard clearly state what it is.

>John 3:36
>Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.

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But it's not the acts themselves. It's God acting through them. God himself came up with the sacraments, not some rando.
At least you're trying to correct each other. The concern of both parts is understandable. Stop clowning around.

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The samurai has given us, judo, jiu jitsu, kendo, kenjutsu, jodo, kyokushin karate.
Which judo, jiu jutsu , karate is a world wide phoemon. Which still practiced and used today. In ufc other national sports and olympics.
What does the knight contribute to the world martial art? Maybe fencing but fencing did not derived from knights.
One usefull thing that the knights contributed to the world?Producing a bunch of fat gamergate nerds with a right wing ideology. Lmao
Neither are true wushi (warrior). Next
Knights and medieval Europe contributed to our modern hunting culture as we know it. Using dogs, specifically different breeds of dogs, for tracking and hunting par force is a medieval European martial tradition. The idea that hunts have to involve endurance, chasing down and tracking prey, and then killing it with a spear or sword instead of simply using bows and arrows from afar is a knightly past time that substituted as military training. Japanese samurai also hunted, but they mostly did so with archery and having servants chase out game from the bushes.
>excellant coverage
Samurai armor unironically has the weirdest coverage. There is a complete void of armor between the do and the tassets, sometimes the voiders only cover the shoulder straps, the arms arent fully enclosed on the most common types of sleeves and the maille is butted despite their next door neighbors using rivetted maille.

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Suppose that I am King of a small country.
What's the cost of running and maintaining a diplomatic kitchen?

As seen below, even the principality of Monaco has one .




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What I'm trying to make is a Micro Monarchy and a City-State.


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No. This is about kitchen diplomacy / Culinary diplomacy


Well in order for this to work you need to have the country founded BEFORE your resturant makes your "culture food"
Read the article, faggot.
OP was asking about the cost in monetary terms of running such a kitchen.

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