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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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in this case it's your anti-gookclicker boy who called the game a clone
at the same time your anti-gookclicker boy hasn't mentioned a single title
how many genres have esports?
Esports killed arcade racing, fuck you.
You can definitely shoot arrows through walls in AOE2.
>They don't work on consoles, and AAA studios need all their games to be multiplat nowadays.
Ironic as most RTS series had console ports/exclusivity in the 90 and 2000s.
A side note: This could be also because ownership of PCs are like lower in general now. Zoomers and even younger Millennials tend to now use the Phone and not the PC (let alone a desktop). Majority of gaming now maybe shifted/-ing on the mobile and console market.

He's kinda right in that Warhammer took over as their main cash cow. Rome 2 had very rocky start and it recovered, but of all the historicals that came after and built-on it only Three Kingdoms kinda came close in sales (as you market to China). Attila, Britannia, and let's not talk about fucking Troy and Pharaoh, they all kinda failed to build on top of their foundation of Rome 2.

Redpill me on a-train.

Is it really the dark souls of economy sims?
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they changed some stuff on steam and now they say it works ONLY win10 and upwards
do you have any recommendations for a-train 9 guides?
Entire series on sale rn.

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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The main thing would be to give them as few tags as possible
Could be that ranches and hunters already produce food and that icon refers to remains.
>Assuming cattle (and I guess deer) also count as food, doesn't this mean in effect that your tanneries are costing you food production? Because it seems like the cow just gets converted entirely into leather and all the meat just disappears.
If that's the case it probably won't be hard to mod in "hides" as a separate good that cattle ranches/deer hunting buildings produce in addition to meat
"Less gameplay" never works for tribals. They need their own mechanics.
Make them unplayable lmao. Even Victoria have the guts to do that, and it's 19th century. At this era you're not fighting humans there but mosquitoes and the mosquitoes are winning

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What's the risk that the recent popularity of Dune due to the movies will lead to someone trying to do a remake/remaster of the old Dune RTSes?
Are there any developers you'd trust to do it right rather than the more likely option that someone will screw it up?
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>I don't know who told you that.
Likely someone with a higher cognitive ability than an average drug addict.
you're stupid if you're confused by the term 4x. idk anything about spice wars but if it has the 4x win conditions then it's a 4x. people misusing a term doesn't make it useless, just look at noir.
Paradox could do it
ok Brian

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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It will come out tomorrow.
I guess since it's so close to release, a tester of a dev gave this thread specifically a sneak peak to increase interest.
They did that before when they released the Byrd DNC question in the previous TCT thread on this board before the reddit and maybe even the discord.
I'm not on the discord so I can't speak to that.
>a tester of a dev gave this thread specifically a sneak peak to increase interest.
Lol I found it on the reddit yesterday and saved the image before the thread got deleted
I think one of the devs said that Byrd starts out with basically no support but starts building momentum after he wins the primary. Hes probably Sharpton tier, where its easy to landslide him, but even in the best case he manages to hold onto at least a few solid states.
I'm guessing whatever path allows you to get Byrd results in Bush getting hit with some issues during the election campaign that hurt his support and make Byrd more viable, at least in the electorial college.
Which candidate are you gonna go for first in W+?

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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NTA, but this is La Plata, a city in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. A centrally planned city that also doesn't suck. Well, no, it does suck but it's because the country as a whole sucks.
they both look weird to me, but my city is more than 2000 years old so grids aren't really possible
How thick does a wall need to be to hold a regiment?
The thing I like the most of the game is what a challenge it is to keep your towns fed after a while. Just the sheer amount of food you need to bring in either through trade or growing. Most city builders food is such an afterthought, an early game "challenge" that you quickly overcome.
>5k knowledge for a temple
Nigga that's nuts. I didn't actually realize until like 16ish hours in but shrines can be upsized with the QE keys but I'm kind of nervous just making huge temples of one religion in case it pisses people off again.

Anyways progress I keep meaning to post. I finally worked up the courage north for better fertility and centralization of the city. It was a lot of pain and suffering but it's accomplished and I'll probably just leave the old village around for the coal+labs village. Been busying barter like mad hell recently to get stuff I need and get more labs up. Was rotting away at 392 and down to 350s after the transition, I usually had no problem keeping it above 80 before I wanted to move. I haven't decided on an industry to specialize in just yet.

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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finally did it, i swear losing some spires is scripted shit thats 100% unavoidable at first
>went for gold mines asap(north of spawn and other at south spire and eventually naga bases east of spawn)
>took the losses as they came
>6-8 ziggs at every point/base to buy time
>built 5 vaults this time to load myself with orbs
>6 or so gargs to defend points/bases only to target the siege units
>used scarabs to distract/buy time. attack illidan and run the fuck away
>said fuck strategy and mass produced gargs with 6 fucking crypts
>2 squads of gargs targeting female naga because of their ice armor
>arthas healed self eating scarabs or gargs
>once initial wave at a base died just capped the point, threw down a blight item and built zigs on it
You aren't supposed to blitz the mission it's literally impossible
That's what we all said man
Take one obelisk then hard turtle till you can constantly clear the spires
>he's not using them to nuke enemies
They really only suck in 1v1 where they're too slow and expensive to come out. They are supreme in any other mode when used correctly.
>train 4 shades
>surround illidan when he's at an obelisk so he can't movie
>naga ai breaks and now you have unlimited time to clear out kael's and vashj's bases

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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I do. I like that one quite a bit even if it filtered me out for a while trying to figure it out.
Does the tranny roguetech modder still force people to apply on xer's private discord for admission?
They can't make metal miniatures because Ral Partha has the exclusive lifetime rights to that and they're a dead company
Well they can't sue you if they're dead.

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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Oh boy now I can PLAY META whoopie
are you guys going to buy the new DLC?
I fly the Jolly Roger and you should too
Only after 2 months when all the inevitable bugs get fixed
Guys what the fuck is Stellaris: Season 08??

>mfw when i realize that there's a group of people that uses burgundian as an adjective irl
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I'm going to rape your bussy
I know, I still have his thesis saved somewhere. I still like it.
TNO made it mainstream
Why did it copy like like 12 posts from an archived /gsg/ thread?
Delete this thread and ban the raiders please mods

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unironically a skill issue, kid
yeah it's an issue he can do that with skills of a metal league zerg
keep coping, sister
idk about Brood War but destroying protoss as zerg in SC2 is easy as fuck. Open 12 pool, this stops pylon blocks/cannon rush etc. 12 pool can also straight up win the game in the beginning if he fucks up. Scout with your overlord later. If he is going to air, mass hydra ling off 3 bases and go kill him. If he is going ground, mass roach/rav/ling off 3 bases and go kill him. I love seeing toss pop up on the loading screen
>Open 12 pool
Giving such an advice is just mean, frankly.

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How do I make the midgame less tedious? I keep losing interest and starting a new game.
Assuming this is vanilla without too much DLC, you can fasten your progress by just spamming artworks to sell, and getting more researchers. Provided that you can survive the raid increase due to the amount of silvers you accumulated (which can be exciting on it own). The thing about this game is that it will try to slow you down by tying economic increase with difficulty of combat + negative random events if Cassandra. Switching Randy or Phoebe does give a better experience for some people (albeit easier).

You can also just skip base building directly to go to the ship itself and defend it for 15 days.
You don't have any medium-term goals to work on.
The early game is intuitive because your immediate survival is pressing and the consequences evident and visceral.
The late game has a goal marked at the end of your first trimester (build the rocket) and again, the incentives here are very well detailed (you win the game).
The midgame is very open and requires you to set your own conditions for victory and defeat. Without a goal to work on, your brain will lose touch with the game and begin to wander; progress will be intangible, since any measure of progress requires a variable to maximize; you may end up quitting the game completely, bored out of your mind floating in that nebulous, unfeeling lagoon that is the midgame.

Some people like to roleplay a specific ideological current and interpret everything that happens in their colony under that lens. The whole of Ideology DLC is this. Others pick a rule or two and funnel their experience through it, technological limitations and material restrictions play like this, imagine "I'm going wood only, no steel for buildings allowed!" or "Revolver only challenge". These are not always restrictive, sometimes you can add things to keep your interest, think of those Medieval playthroughs with 18 different types of crops to cook with, and those awfully long times to produce anything worth a penny - the point is to try them all in the new, glacially slow timeframe the mod sets for you. Maybe try one of the combat storytellers (the centurion and the junkyard guy, I forget their names) and set economic difficulty to something lenient so you can focus on what you like. This is a singleplayer game and enforcing a metagame in a singleplayer game is one of those things that can cause immense damage to the human spirit and give you nothing back, literally just 'be yourself'.

Just pick a goal for yourself and stick to it, that's the point of these colony builder games.
>spamming artworks
Drugs are better, as they weight less and every trader buys them.
Also OP is giga faggot and should fuck off to /vg/ instead of remaking this shit thread.

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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
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A mixture of both?
It has more in depth logistics than transport tycoon that requires depots and distribution. The production chains are relatively simple with cars and other vehicles being the most complex, I've never gotten to cars but can attest that its as deep as you want it to be.

Its ironically the most complex city builder while also providing a good quality logistical sim that can feel rewarding once you overcome the UI and slightly ugly visuals (especially AA looks bad).
Is it related to Tropico in any way? The UI looks like it is straight out of Tropico.
This is the only hooded horse game that actually is anything close to a game, mostly because it was pretty far along its release journey by the time that shovelware publisher got anywhere near it
They both use commie aesthetic
One is american tropical islands
One is slavic frozen hellholes in eastern Europe

Any bros played this?
Turn based strategy with squad compositions and perma death. Story is generic and rubbish, but gameplay is good.
I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Game is a bit easy even on hard though, clearing most missions with S rank and no casualties.

A lot of cool units, although its weird how much dragons suck ass. Foot archers, Samurai, Light Infantry(Other than Swordsmasters) also all seem like traps.
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is this your mom?
its kind of like beating gades in lufia 2. you win the fight, but then just just goes "fuck you" out of the fight and lightning nukes you. you still "lose", but you win the real fight presented to you.
Do I really have to move to be able to attack? why should I have to move out of an advantageous position to attack an enemy that's right in front of me? was the shitty UI and controls also part of paying homage to classical tactical jrpgs?
no? its been a while, but im certain that you can stay put. maybe you just have to select the same spot with your move? i dont know, but im certain that you arent forced to vacate your position/formation. you must be missing something.
Cleared it on the hardest difficulty on release and had a lot of fun even with the generic story. Gameplay really carried it, I enjoyed it more than unicorn overlord recently maybe.
Slowly working my way up to a full lysander alpha strike musket line was fun.

Have the expansion in steam and it has all these extra missions, characters, and harder difficulty, maybe I'll do another playthrough soon and try and actually beat that 'unwinnable' fort defense mission this time

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