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if you're reading this I love you

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
i love him and i think i know him from somewhere i think i should talk to him
good thing I can read
haha yeah me too have you ever had sex before
girls rly avoid cashing in

Your fortune: Good Luck

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post songs you listen to while being alone in the middle of night during weekends
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Im often alone in the night
You may larp as lonely or sad,whatever is your preference


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dubs names my boyfriend
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fuck you 3ds I got your number now
imma try again with Testicles, wish me luck
he can shorten it to niggerfaggot or gaylord
i feel like his name is gaylord especially i feel this way because there is a general thread about him
when night time comes ya gonna sleeptight ...

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Pls don’t remove taco and so on

I ordered 5 of those Cuban collared shirts today

Not gonna lie

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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I couldn't name one racer besides Danica Patrick who I fucked by the way
Das nice bby
Let me introduce you to two racecar drivers in my photo

The one in the black shirt is 3 times World Champion Max Verstappen from Holland

And next to him is his teammate at RedBull, Checo Perez from Mexico

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>Run out of wine
>It's 1 am
What do?
I'm qouting myself btw
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>run out of wine
Good, you didn't need to run those proprietary programs anyhow.
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brave web boser

(rate my drawing)

Your fortune: Average Luck
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Your fortune: Outlook good
did you use that linux guy reaction image because wine is also a linux program?
don't worry dear ya are not running out of cock busters today

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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It's Saturday and my favourite socks
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he spin

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
i want to take cute pictures too :< i haven't showered in months
would love to huff your intoxicating fumes
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It's Sunday and my most comfy favourite pants

alright i know theres teenage girls here and they all know where to find me if they need something (sex) especially shutins and teenage girls where i can live in their house
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to clarify i don't mean it just happens; i make it happen . do you like men who can make things happen?
next question do you ever go outside?
i can be your friend anyway as long as you dont mind when i cum myself (i'm just kidding + maybe it would be funny if you did care a little?)
wait dont go yet you dont even know which posts are me i'll tell you
i'm literally bleeding out of my vagina right now i'm about to stick a tampon up there i'm about to go to the bathroom and fetch my pads i'm going shopping

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fuck u in particular
>>11471444 trippies
because you said ‘oxycontin’, i shall link a sketch from the comedy troupe ‘Whitest Kids U’ Know’ that contains the said word ‘oxycontin’.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>11471444 /white noise(
I rly don't think blacks pee themselves
they habb nanas dmbfck

so I have this theory, that a lot of funny "Indian" video and memes depicting weird things are not from India, but actually they're from Bangladesh
Indians being funny? Lol
Only new yorkers are funny

Oh and that one Canadian who I miss dearly
East Pakistanis are pretty funny, calling themselves Bangers and all

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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>Wee funni, saaar

Kiss bby
Get higher bby
White lines
And ask the time I think of you
Don’t do it

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Draw thread?
draw whatever u like as long as u like it and drew it with passion
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kewl, nice stuff
Are you the anon who drew Cream before? If so, it's good to see you still drawing. Can you link the Venice draw?
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thank you!
yes that was me. i wasn't drawing for a while but i'm trying to get backj into it again. this is the venice >>11470054
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i like drawing my oc but damn watercolor is a pain in the ass

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>record scratch
>freeze frame
Yep... that's me.... you're probably wondering how I got here...
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We're get the monkeys?
i'm not jealous and i'm not even happy for him. look at him they are too large for him.
You paid them $75 each
they look very nice but i dunno why he thought he was breaking new ground with the photo

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Pls no bully bby
He’s having interracial sex bby
Get with the program innit

Your fortune: Outlook good

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I can do it. I can wake up early. Even if I only sleep for 1 hour and 30 minutes, I'll stay up until the time I want to go to bed. I'll be productive again. I'll start writing and drawing again. I'll start exercising again. I won't feel the brainfog and my motivation won't be gone. If I don't, I'll have lied to everyone who read this.
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
try something a little less radical and a little more gradual, it's more likely to work. especially where sleep is concerned.
dumb sleepy animeposter

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
me, i care
I am out of sleep
might be a bit dif.
If I sleep now I can get 2 hours. I'm just worried I'll fall asleep at noon and get an even worse schedule. The reason I'm so eager is because I've been trying for months now.

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Nice album cover

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Onpu posting cause I love my wife Onpu!
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
(it works that if you dont have sex your imaginary girlfriend does not can dress up as her and so you already have it)
how would that work? your gf is an adult right?
why does he have a female lower half?
op is ftm (gay to swag)
I don't think that's true, but I'd like to be OP's friend

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