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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74106961
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This might be qddot material but if I have moderate scoliosis (45 lumbar left like 52 upper right) will I send myself to snap city trying to squat/dl? I'm only around a plate each on 5x5 right now but I can feel the imbalances. I figured maybe you guys would have enough experience with heavy weight to be potentially informed about a case like this.
>Thanks, it was a hell of a grind but I bursted my capillaries in my face and neck lol. Is there a way to stop this or is it just improper breathing, like pressure in my face.
its impossible. my face has a shitload of red spots for a day or so after a big grind
>Same, arms lookin big here
awww thank you uwu
>I have cheated during this deload week :c
uh yeah i could tell. i think you had more in ya tho. i wouldve gone 4 reds and a yellow but that might be too sovlful for ya
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Wrestling much easier without nicotine. Never going back. Eating more. Strength and weight returning.

Still having trouble getting to the wunderkind's legs. My setup game is shit. But it's just hustle. More fakes, level changes, snaps, circling. As usual, the secret is there's no secret. Still scored all the points. But he scares me. Big strong Aryan lad.

More wrestling tomorrow, squat/bench/row Friday. Depending on soreness either lift or cardio Sunday.
I think that what happens is that, when I grip, I try to get the bar too in my thumb (not thing fingertip) and that fucks up my thumbs. Also, my thumb is demolished from before that shit won't heal up I think I'm just condemned to use straps fuuuuuuuuuuuu
*I try to get the bar deep in my thumb

Alright bros white boy summer is approaching and the cut is doing well. Only question remains when to know when to start maintenance calories?
When you can see your internal organs protruding through your paper-thin skin
she could lose a few pounds
Start eating when you start to feel your gains being eaten into. It’s not worth trying to look unfed and be weak on top of that.
Post her pussy and asshole webm
How is this different from anything that she posts on her IG? I guess her OF is a scam?

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ready to show my gains on the beach!
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She looks like grimace
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Very nice
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Beach body ready.
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HUMINA HUMINA HUMINA! AWOOGA AWOOGA! EE-AW EE-AW! BOIOIOING! picks up jaw. fixes eyes. rolls up tongue. buries face



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Being Fat and should be illegal. Don't you think?

There are millions of 10/10 in America ruined by lard. A lot of Chads as well.
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I guess she wasn't offered the choice to go to the zoo to use their equipment. Truly an outrage.
She is still fat as fuck.
blue on blue
4 and a half meters weighing in at 700kgs has a bmr of 10k kcal. just wanted to show everyone the calculations that this space marine has to use

I'm looking for a decent electrolyte supplement with a reasonable balance of magnesium and potassium, while being low on sodium. I eat enough salt in my diet so I'm not interested in supplementing it all that much.

I started looking into a few of the most widely recommended/popular brands and realized they are all just absurd amounts of salt with barely any potassium and maybe sometimes a bit of magnesium.

What the fuck is this shit, is this just the latest fitness grift? Selling retards saltwater with a tiny hint of potassium and magnesium and calling it an electrolyte blend? I'm guessing magnesium and potassium are more expensive than sodium hence why most of these products are so salt heavy while skimping on the magnesium and potassium. At this point I'm just considering buying the ingredients and formulating it myself.

Anyone know good sources for pure/safe potassium and magnesium?
Except for prolonged fasts, only sodium matters in terms of electrolytes.
When you sweat, you lose pretty much only sodium, that's what you need to replenish.

Put a pinch of salt in your water bottle. That's it.
Supplements are a scam. Do a blood test to see if you're deficient in anything.

Ps: ingesting "too much" sodium is not a problem if you're not fat. Your body will expel it through pee.
I'm not looking to drink this after a hard workout, i just want something to pound in the mornings to get hydrated as quickly as possible
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I drink about 4 cups of skim milk post workout. It has more electrolytes and less sugar than Gatorade, plus the added benefit of protein, all while being cheaper. if you can afford the calories I would recommend it.

picrel is for 4 cups, 333 cals and 33g of protein btw.

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I started wearing my plate carrier while running in my neighborhood and doing calisthenics at the park. This is the third time now that some nosey faggot has called the cops on me.
They ask me what I'm doing and why I'm wearing body armor, and each time I've explained to them that I am using it as a weight vest for my workouts. They then have the nerve to ask why I don't just buy a weight vest for working out instead. As if the Karens could tell the difference. Also why would I waste money on another vest when I already have this one? The plates I have end up being 40 lbs, and I find that to be a great weight for my training.
Should I pin a rainbow fag flag to it or something? What can I do to stop having retarded women and geezers think I'm a mass shooter? I just want to do weighted workouts outside.
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stop thinking about niggers all day
Tell the cops that it's your right to open-carry and wear body armor.
>Stolen valor
Oh no. Anyways.

>impersonate a cop
I am 100% German ancestry. I grew up in Northern VT in the back woods. 98% white. The type of monoculture ethnnostate you cream yourself over.
I bet you have brown eyes like the color of shit.
Kel, cope on the 2nd part of your rant.
On the first part, well, then it's not your problem, it's your neighbour's. He's a fat fuck probably and he hates people who try to better themselves. Ot one point police won't bother anymore ar like previous anon said, they'll charge him/her for fake calls

>moves weight up and down
>I am successful where r wymen ;))
Kek kys

To be included in our fitness discussion:
BJJ gi/ no gi
Muay thai/kickboxing
Any other physical combat sport that is competitive (wood breaking faggots need not apply)
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If youre really strong the 20% debuff wont matter. Prioritize lifting, and watch how much better you are 1 week no lifting. Being at 4pl8 bench 5pl8squat is hw champ levels of strength.
Id rather be a god of boxing unabke to be wrestled, same with kickboxing to boxing.
Meh, someone like george foreman is chill as fuck and strong as shit too. Being able to be calm is a virtue, comes with muscle memory training.

Thats the shit thatll get you kod being reckless. If youre calm it makes shit seem to happen slower, rage is a crutch.
Boxing and BJJ are very effective in the real world as martial arts. Boxing for standup fighting, BJJ for grappling. There is a reason it is taught to cops.

Muay Thai is also effective for standup fighting, while Sambo and Judo takedowns are good for moving from standup fighting to grappling. Boxing and BJJ alone are sufficient, my dad was a boxer and fought in tournaments as a young man, only studied boxing.

I do not study Krav Maga. Once met a woman here in America some years ago who learned Krav Maga from her service in the IDF. I said to her that Krav Maga has no honor or humanity for the opponent.

She became upset and changed the subject before I even mentioned the word Palestine. She tried to sleep with me after that and I spurned her on GP.
If you are just interested in cardio and general fitness then the cheapest gym. If you are interested in self protection then carry pepper spray and a knife (a gun if you can) and learn to use those. You do not want to risk an actual street fight for legal reasons or because its a set up and you will be attacked by numerous people. If you have to fight to get your spray or knife out to use you would need basic strikes - kickboxing for the knees, kicks, and elbow strikes, boxing for the punching and punching combos. You want to learn to "see" your opponent setting up for sucker punch or kick, and block or strike first. You do not want to go to the ground in a street fight - strike and get out.

With summer being mere weeks away it’s time to lock in and remember why we do this
Do NOT listen to fat powerlifter demoralizers
Do NOT eat shit food because “one day won’t hurt”
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Why did he also turn gay
timothee has had 3 seperate facial implants dude, nobody looks like that naturally
Here is Jordan Barrett when not lean
I just keep myself busy after work. I go on a long walk or jog, then clean up my apartment, take a shower and groom, smoke a bowl and watch some stuff. Keep yourself busy until it's time to eat and hopefully you do OMAD so when you do eat it can be a huge meal.
instead of changing what you eat try changing when and how much

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Why do Latinas get so fat? Is it a diet thing or a lack of exercise thing or both?
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Perhaps the gayest post on /fit/ in recent memory and that’s saying a lot
No, it's all true, that man knows his muds. The truth is excrutiating for some (you) but it will always be right.
Because they have a low IQ.
Which translates to low self control.
>Dora is 5'1

How is a 7 year old 5 feet?!

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post stats and advice if you have any. post physique too if you want.


>thread theme
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Short people consume less and need less food to sustain themselves
Anyone below 2 meters is a manlet
I was a chubby boy. I hit puberty super fast, had my baritone by 11, but stopped growing at 5'9 by the time I was 13. Had a brief existential crisis about it but I'm mostly resigned to my fate now.

I try to date tall girls but they always leave me for guys taller than me :(
I'm a manlet and I enjoy the company of almost everyone. I fucking love hanging out bros

not ultra skinny, but certainly not fat. If I have a son I'll be making sure he's eating a lot while he's still growing and probably look into hgh treatment as well
unless by the time I am ready for a family we have gattaca-tier gene shit

my bulk is going alright but it's hard to actually get enough calories in every day. Still, my recovery is way better and I've put on a few pounds. I'm only 125 but I'm aiming for 140+ in maybe a month's time. And then in the summer I might even run a cycle
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I am age 21, 5'6 and 5/10 face. I will literally never be loved or desired by a woman, and subsequently will never be respected by peers or ever have friends. I have zero opportunities in life no matter what I do. I have been living the same day for 5 years, nothing of worth has happened and if anything life has got worse. My only friend group abandoned me for being an Incel, even after reaching out nobody wants to associate with a manlet. I work a shit dead end minimum wage job even though I have decent qualifications with no better job offers. I have no interest in anything, no hobbies, no talent, I have nothing. Why shouldn't I be bitter? Everyone else was handed life

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How do old men retain this level of strength in their old age? Do they use gear or something?
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Be Italian and reserve every ounce of strength you have left for if somebody talks about ya muddah or is a wise guy
Yeah this. Also carrying a bit more weight as you get over 70, not like a fatty, but going to a bf% of like 20%. You'd be surprised how many geezers die because they fall and need to be bedridden for a month and the atrophy from that is something they just can't recover from, where if they had a healthy surplus fat reserve they would have been fine.
I live in a rural farming area and all the farm geezers continue to do daily physical labor and are strong and capable. Slower for sure, but not weak and brittle and broken like the people you see in town that are 20 years younger than them, morbidly obese, and suffering from a host of health complications because of it.
looks staged
You're thinking of American pastaniggers. In actual Italy almost nobody has ever been in a fight and those who have went to prison for it.

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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ngmi. depressive streaks come and go non-stop. had 2 days of not getting out of bed even during these 2 weeks of training again. Would be nice to run a sub 16 5km again tho.
could be a stress fracture too. I‘ll go see the doctor tomorrow
yeah that's crazy
got new shoes finally
saucony ride 16
if they suck then i'll just return them and get brooks launch again
only justifiable if it's only for charity

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My friend wears this under his gym clothes and still claims to be straight. Your thoughts?
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i need a wolf jockstrap to show im a strong dom top
i got a wearwolf one (me) a bear one (to be a bit silly isnt it so ironic haha...) and a fox one (me but im of wolf blood)
I wear a jockstrap when i play hockey. Not sure why your bro is wearing one at the gym though.
what does the front look like
top fag here, the fags who wear these are bony twinks or fatass bears
if he is neither then he is probably straight

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best day of the week tombros, lfg!
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imagine resting your head on her side boob with your face burried in her pit and just falling asleep
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>Based Sarah admirer, here's one of her in a cute pink barbie outfit
she is so cute sarahbro, one of the best ogre-mode tomboys around
>She spills her spaghetti constantly, but she rides like a rattlesnake. Cant wait for her to move in here and reintroduce her to the gym
sounds like she has cute little quirks spilling her sketti tombro, any plans to get a ring on her?
>Gonna be giving birth any day now. Good thing too, she and I both are sick of how shitty it's been making her feel - she's been walking as much as she can but she has to be careful because she's at the point where too much physical activity knocks her out of commission for the rest of the day.
absolutely based and blessed tombro, you are living the dream and a reminder wagmi
>empty space in the cups over pec power-tiddy
absolutely sublime
Can't wait to see her hit that goal, and then go beyond to become the ultimate ogre Venus
How do I get a french tomboy like this?

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