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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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who are the more annoying gun owners: boomers or zoomers?
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i’m gen z but on the older end
i graduated highschool and immediately got a high paying heavy industry job that works in remote areas in a certain state i won’t name
i’ve been at this job for 8 years now and for more than the last decade been pursuing the /out/ lifestyle
ive dealt with around 100 brown bears, several hundred black bears, and several thousand moose. most of then are pissed and duressed when i get to them because of my job and while i do carry big gun and have drawn it a few times, i know how to act around them and have never had to shoot. i’ve killed them, but not with firearms
i built a cabin myself off the road system in an area where not even people in the neighboring town know the name of my community, even though it is bigger than half of the states

i have guns for every purpose, big and small that i mostly get from friends and gunshows.

i’ve bought three guns from the cabelas boomers in the big city in my state and every single time they show me a three ring binder of bullshit
i mostly skim over the binder but the gist of it is if you don’t carry 500 s&w or a 45 70 you will die because grizzlies are bulletproof. lma fucking. we theoretically kill every bear we see in my cdp

it doesn’t matter what gun i am trying to buy. it doesn’t matter what guns i tell these boomers i already carry for these xboxhuge animals, they tell me they have more experience than me and know what to do. they don’t live in the woods, they’ve never chased brown bears up their driveway on sixwheelers, they’ve never come back to their house to find a bear ate all the food they could find.

pardon me if i’m the annoying zoomer in this case, but when the guy reluctantly selling me somewhere around my 20th gun foams at the mouth at a reproduction mauser and mutters “that’s a fine rifle” in a faux southern accent even though he lives above the 60th parallel i hate it.
boomers are worse because by their age they should be smarter than they are. I've noticed that most people just stop getting 'better' around 30, which is why you can have 60yr old people who are still idiots.
What industry do you work in? Are you an industrial technician?
Boomers in general are a bunch of tards. I'm not sure what went wrong but the vast majority of them are incredibly stupid. You know how boomers can't figure out a phone or a remote? They like to chalk it up to being old or not growing up with technology or whatever. It's fucking bullshit. They lived through the eras in which that technology developed and had literally decades to get accustomed to it. The truth is that they are just severely retarded most of the time. There are a few exceptions and those boomers tend to be the cool ones.
>zommer boommer dommmerz? boom boom zoom zoom?! u a zomm no u a boommm!! hahaha zooom in the boom boom zoom boom
Shut the FUCK up already. God FUCKING damn.

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>Benelli M4
The best to ever do it. Nothing comes close.
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>you will never

funny how these arguments always come from the mouths of shotgun users. do you also make threads talking about how shotguns are great for anti-drone purposes?
i agree
shotguns are good but they should be either the only gun you own or the third or fourth one
they could never replace an ar or really any rifle
yeah if you can only have one gun or if you're mega broke and a need a do-it-all gun then a 300 dollar pump shotgun cant be beat
These people are deranged, especially whenever there's a shotgun general and you have people claiming they can hit targets 70 yards away with buckshot
There is no competition, there is just different uses as these two operate better in different environments with some overlap

They're both effective in close quarters scenarios like home defense but you do have people claiming they can engage assailants at 100yds equally with a shotgun. Yes slugs are a thing, but you're crippled on ammo cap and penetration vs a rifle
You should take your own advice faggot. I wish you a merry barrel rupture from your turkroach gun

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Tomahawks, a long time ago.
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JASSM has its roots in a missile called TSSAM. TSSAM was to be the stealthy CM that the GD/MDD A-12 Avenger II carried internally. But, GD/MDD couldn't know what the TSSAM looked like, and NG couldn't know what the Avenger II looked like. They had very basic size constraints to go by and that was it. Which is hilarious, and was bound to fail from the start. Good thing the high price killed both before that fuck up was seen. But, TSSAM was a very good CM with excellent accuracy and maneuverability. This should give us an idea of JASSMs maneuverability and accuracy.

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Anyone have any to share?
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I saw an ATF agent at a gun show once. He gave me a stare and yelled "hey you ATF faggot, what are you looking at?". The bitch replied "Nothing, sir". Later when I went to the men's room I caught him blowing an obese homeless man with a shirt that said "/k/ Janitor" on the back. Fucking homos.
Last one
>Last year, asked to assist FBI in raiding a Bandito hang out
>Goes down without a hitch, during search find a still. Like, a BIG one, plus bottled liquor in cases, packaging, etc
>Definitely an illegal distillery
>lmao why
>I actually ask one of the banditos, dude just shrugs and doesn't answer
>So what do we do
>Let's call the Bureau of ALCOHOL, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. Seems like they might be interested
>They say they'll send someone, it'll be an hour or so
>We don't want to wait, have a county patrol deputy sit on it
>See deputy the following week, he's crusty as fuck
>Took 5 hours for ATF agent to show up, he looked around for 5 minutes, and told deputy they're not interested, call state liquor agent
>State liquor agent took 2 hours

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I do be like that all the time

I’m a DOD cop. Three agents tried to come on base to make inquiries on a servicemember’s firearm purchases, but they didn’t call ahead or anything. The stupid ass gate guards were going to just let them on because they had badges but one had the bright idea to run it by dispatch first. Myself and another unit went out to talk to them, and later my supervisor came out too. Basically told them to get a warrant and coordinate their visit with MPI or CID, or fuck off. They were seriously pissed and I was impossibly smug about it for weeks.

Not ATF but another time, a similar incident occurred involving an FBI agent. Guards stopped him because he flashed his badge, but clearly wasn’t on the job because his wife and kids were in the car. So they told him to go to the visitor center and get guest passes and he didn’t like that. I roll up and why he needs to come on the post and he tells me they’re going to a birthday party for one of his daughters school friends, then relayed his interaction with the guards and how dissatisfied he was with it. I asked if he was armed and he says “of course, I’m a fucking FBI agent”. So I’m like, “cool, but if you’re not cleared by the provost marshal and garrison commander to carry on post and are not here for official business you can’t have it”. This sends the feeb seething. Goes off about how they’d driven almost an hour to get here and I was ruining a little girls day, and it took all of my willpower not to get snarky and tell him how much I gave a shit or to simply remind him that the rules are for everyone. I told him he’d have to deposit the weapon somewhere then go to the visitor center, and contact the friend so they could sponsor their guest passes. He said “fuck you” and opted to just leave. I told him to have a nice day as he left and went went so red I thiought his eyes would pop out or he’d have a stroke or something.

Feebs are mega Karen’s. Fuck em’.
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Can anyone explain for those of us too young to remember that shit? I get invading Afghanistan, but was Iraq actually thought to be related to 9/11 at all, or was it a "finish the job" Gulf-War holdover type thing?

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Ukrainians went for the BREN2. Grot must've been a real turd given how many were donated and weren't seen in Frontline rotation.
I use grot, and its not that bad, but i have a feeling it was built for special forces. Accurate, easy to use, cleaning is easy, but shit start to jam hard even in small rain. In mud its expected, but at this stage it should not be a gun for the front line forces. If you do range shooting, its ok i guess.
Have hands on use of one, as a m4a1 chad, AMA.
What do you think about it overall?

Reformers eating good today
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>I remembered my Warthunder training and knew exactly what to do
Is this real?
I didn't see any head-to-head ramming in the webm
this kills the whole war movie industry, i mean nobody gives a shit when its drones against drones

>t. reincarnated spirit of the luftwaffe pilot

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tell me again why seaplanes were eventually left behind in the tech race? you don't need a carrier to lift off or land, and they can be easily transported by almost any ship.
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A shot of the Nord in port over the stern in 1903. There appears to have been another packet of the class named "Bologne-sur-Mare" which was never converted.
Seaplanes are actually much more difficult to operate than regular planes, jet engines don't work well with seaplane operations, WW2 saw a massive amount of infrastructure built to facilitate air transport and combat operations that removed the need for seaplanes, and increasing efficiency and fuel economy meant it was easier to reach land-based facilities.
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And RMS Victoria pulling into port alongsaide Pas-De-Calais. Again, they're pretty trim little ships aside from the wheels, I'd be fascinated to know what exact modifications were made.

Also I've been balls deep in the French naval archives for almost three hours looking for more references to the ships, and found a whole bunch of issues of "Les Flottes Des Combat", an early French competitor to Jane's All The World's Fighting Ships. Interesting disparities of information between them. Especially because the French apparently straight-up told Jane to fuck directly back to Blighty until 1919.

Relevant link:
They have shitloads of issues of it, too.
The old American symbol was so good
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They are still quite useful for getting supplies to where they need to be in shitty waters. Not quite as useful as a submarine, or a littoral combat ship, but if cheap is your criteria you can get something like pic related to drop 2,000 pounds off wherever you need it.

“Why by God girl, that’s a Colt’s Dragoon!”
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Because structurally and thematically they're the same movies. One just has swords instead of guns (and even then they still sometimes have guns).
cowboys are cool as fuck
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Its a cold steel frontier bowie.
You find it useful?
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It is essentially a short sword. Its it too large to do some knife stuff. I typically carry a smaller knife. It is good as a short machete for clearing brush and chopping things. I think its supposed to be a "fighting" knife aka cutting up pigs and cutting the toes off of boots like in the cold steel videos.
Pic related is the knife I typically use compared to the bowie.

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there will be a joint company composed of KNDS Germany (ex-KMW), KNDS France (ex-Nexter), Rheinmetall and Thales
project will be divided into 8 pillars:

>chassis and automated navigation - German-lead
>cannon, turret and ammo - Franco-German lead
>secondary armament with e.g. guided missiles - French-lead
>communications and battle management system - Franco-German lead
>simulator environment - Franco-German lead
>sensors - French-lead
>protection and drone defense - German-lead
>support and logistical infrastructure - Franco-German lead

for the cannon both the French 140mm and German 130mm are to be tested and then one is to be decided on after evaluations

motor will be a diesel-electric hybrid, quiet electric motor may be used to approach the combat zone undected

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Leclerc is shit compared to the Leo and Abrams
When your losses are from goatfuckers, yes.
yeah sure, a Leclerc parked on a hilltop would've survived the ATGM attack no problem. Please be quiet now, this site is 18+.
Idk mate, this isn't a competition ... for me, that is.
All I am doing is pointing out is that the French MIC is superior to the German MIC, which is an objective reality when you simply compare the size of each.
the only objective reality here is that you're an annoying faggot. The French MIC is overall superior, because it has advantages in important fields, yes. This does NOT translate to all fields, especially not the ones discussed ITT, i.e. tanks.
so PLEASE, finally shut the fuck up now.

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Previous thread >>61489264
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my lets me do that with same look if i feed her
Apologies for the late reply, never knew these threads move this fast.

>So basically if you do it for free and post on anonymous basket weaving forums they cant do shit? Cool
Well that is, or has been the way it always been isn't it? If a vanilla sfw artist DOES NOT like his/her OCs being lewded or r34, one can make, request or commission porn of the artist's OC. But just simply do not show it to the artist or their followers or in mainstream/surface level social media for the artist and their followers to encounter it. And only post and share it in 4chan porn boards for fellow men of culture and like minded anons to enjoy.
I’m going on a dry dock tour in a couple of weeks

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Is this the copest badge offered by the U.S. military?
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>If you're under 25 you're definitely a total fucking loser
What? I got mine when I was in highschool JROTC... Was an E-3 in Basic because of 4 years JROTC, and had that Air Assault badge. It was literally 2 days at Camp Bullius (I gotta be misspelling that, it's just outside of San Antonio) during a 3 week JROTC summer camp.. Just rappelling and then going over a helicopter skid up on a big scaffold and then out of a Huey. This was back in 1989.. Just go or no go on it all. Drill Sergeant freaked out when he saw it on me.. Freaked out even more because it was the first year of split options and I was barely 17, an E-3 and sporting that on my BDU's and Class A and B.. But there it was, already in my service record and legit. Yeah, relaxin' Jackson in the summer of 1990.. God I'm fucking old..
Would be DLI if they had their own separate badge from the rest of intel.
Nah, if I could go back in time 20 years I would just be a 5 jump chump instead. Cool badge AND my knees don't sound like dry rotted rubber? Sign me the fuck up.
It includes training to inspect sling loads, but it’s like high school compared to getting a masters in Pahfinder School. Sling load inspector course is also good for inspections

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Weekend Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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Aho dot dot dot
Who makes Laid Back Camp patches? New series out called Harem Camp in similar title layout. Nice patch idea to go with your Laid Back Camp patches
i really hope this is the psyop whore herself, how are you losers so obsessed?
> live in a state that doesn't have Buc-ees
>go on a road trip last week
>start seeing their signs after a few days of driving
>they are silly and we get a giggle out of them
>stop in out of curiosity
>everyone is really nice
>food is excellent compared to most gas station food we had during the trip
>Some obese redneck retard is walking around wearing a edited MAGA hat that says "make pedophiles scared again"
>a bunch of tacky John Wayne merch for sale
>get a chuckle that besides gas and decent food they just stick their logo on things and that's basically the business
>dig the vibe
>get some stuff to take home because we don't have them where I live

Why do you hate it so much? Is it the Instagram retards?
>New series
Like a porn parody?

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interview with Bradley gunner that took out T-90M
>after that had a call with Americans that trained him on Bradley but can't talk about it
>Bradleys destroyed more than 40 vehicles near Berdychi, none even counted killed infantry
>tanked Kornet two times in single day, first time to turret, second time to side, no casualties and vehicle was still on the move in both cases
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well i does a good job of internalizing the "hose the weak points or do 0 damage" strategy. and you learn the internal layout/vitals better than a boring military powerpoint

I can never be understated how lucky Israel is to fight such an incompetent enemy. it would have been a troop graveyard if they had any proper weapons/skill
Oooooh, that one's a bit spicy. That's a specialised recon BMP-1 with a ground surveillance radar. Those weren't built in particularily large numbers by the Soviets, and I imagine they're quite rare nowadays.
Why would you add an extra -na in there
50/50 the Russians were using it as a standard IFV
This interview finally answers the question many people had, about why Yuri didn't fire his TOW missile.

He did raise the launcher, but he also didn't want to stop moving, which he would need to do during missile guidance. He chose to keep moving above all else.

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