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>At a nice restaurant with friends
>Wait around for food for about an hour
>It's a long time but no big deal
>Get my order and realize it is wrong while everyone else eats
>Flag the waiter and say "Excuse me, my steak was supposed to be very well done. This is medium.
>The waiter starts to grab my plate
>One of my friends goes "I'm sorry for him, he's obviously never waited tables."
>The waiter immediately laughs and says "There's one every night."
>I look around and everyone is grinning maliciously at me
>Get my food back finally about 15 minutes later when everyone is starting to finish eating.
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heh heh heh.
I'm sure I've bedded more pussy than you ever have.
Women aren't worth it anymore, and once you're past 35 they become even LESS attractive.
Go ahead, spend a bunch of time chasing tail. I guarantee it's never going to be as good as you think.
I have better shit to do.
This is exactly what someone would say if they were fundamentally incapable of having sex.
None of this happened.
Ok...So you're either a B0t with a GETscript, or a retard.
And either way a BORING time waster.
Good luck seeking self-validation through others!
go to bed wagie, waking life is not for you

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america created european cuisine
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You forgot the triangle bit of the triangle trade
I'm not going to italy to see some fish dish cunt, I'm questioning why the iconic italian dishes we know on a global scale rarely are related to the seafood I'm sure is prevalent in the country, which is apparently because the italians that made it big were the hicks of the country
meat was a lot cheaper in the americas than in the homecountry so italian immigrants went ham on meat and tomato based dishes that used to be reserved for special occasions in the old country.
that's 100% a shallot or other allium bulb with the stem still partially attached. sorry medfags, nordics still beat you to the americas.
Also because americans and central/northern europeans don't like seafood as much and would have to pay more to get the kinds popular in italy imported.

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What is this food? It looks like twinkies
Looks more like a marmot to me
Looks like milk bun with custard, which in china might be a store bought mass produced Nai Wong Bao.
Interesting, thank you. Why is it cylinder shaped though?
My guess would be that's it's a mass production supermarket item created at a large factory using a similar method to how you might make a bag of bread rolls, then at the end they get an 'injection' of the custard. Or they layer it with a bread layer then custard then cover it with more bread then cook it all at once.
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why is the guy playing with it ebis at the end

What’s your order?
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5 cheesy bean and rice burritos
>1.39 for a chalupa
they are 4.99 now
Anyone remember the Bean Burrito Especial?
>2 chicken chalupas
>grande meal: 4 hard tacos, 4 soft tacos, 2 bean burritos
>apple empanada for dessert
The 7 layer burrito... I miss it so much. :(

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How does this happen?
There's scientific explanations of this on youtube if you need this kind of nerd bullshit in your life... but I'm pretty sure it's trying to tell you something. Did you even bother looking where it's pointing?
freezer goblins
he saw a hot ice cube
Maybe it was too close to the cooling ribbons?

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Can anybody identify these mushrooms. I've looked through my local guides and apparently these guys aren't native to the area. They grow tightly clustered in the ground
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What do they smell like?
They smell like white button mushrooms. You have to break them apart to get the scent. I guess technically they are a type of truffle since they grow underground. They are very similar to this flash yellow truffle but I live in North America and these guys only grow in Europe and austrailia

Read this if you want to understand the pitfalls of posting random blurry images online amd thinking ANYONE can identify your mushroom, let alone say it's safe to eat.
fat shroom
lose some weight fatty
Rest in poison, anon. may you learn poison/spore resistance in your isekai.

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Which one is your favorite? Have you ever tried to make one at home?
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Fucking how? Dickinson's or Dickson's or whatever is a very common brand and you see the little jars down every jam aisle in America that isn't a ghetto store (Save A Lot, Aldi, Lidl etc)
I've made jam, conserve and fruit butters. Conserves are part of my family traditions. My mum used to do pear conserved with rum and brown sugar in the winter and strawberries with lemon and grappa in the summer.
You're thinking of the pith, the white bit below the fruit.

Orange, lemon and lime rind is grated to make zest and makes a wonderful addition to sauces and dressings.
no, I'm pretty certain I'm not thinking of piss, and you really should get that lisp figured out
I tried to make pepper jelly once (because its harder to find in the grocer), I don't think I added enough pectin though as it came out a bit runny. I was surprised how easy it was to do the canning step though.
buy peanut butter and jelly to feed some guests
try out the jelly when i get home
it tastes like purple sugar gel
barely edible
can barely taste the fruit

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who is the most annoying? the funny yellow men gang, the tiktok red meat gang or the soycuck gang? for me its the second one
your buzzwords are shit
no one here accepts you
you will die alone

I know this is a Pizza Hut board, but how do you guys feel about Papa? Papa is my personal favorite
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>ordering chain pizza instead of mom and pop
If there ever was goy behavior this is it
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I don't know what Papa you're talking about.
That don't look like MY Papa.
Papa's went to shit when they cancelled Papa
We had one of those in my city but it closed down because people are literally too lazy to cook their own pizza. They had good shit too and at a good price
>picking up from Papa Murphs once
>welfare qween and her four kids ahead of me
>"wachoo meen you can't cook it? Youz a pizza place"
>"we don't have an oven ma'am. That's why this is so cheap because you get to take it home and use your own oven"
>"whaevuh, I'll just go to the gas station an have dem do it"

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Thoughts on this article?
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>teflon is bad
what's the problem with the article
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>this is what libsharts actually believe
>nobody takes awful bait
>samefag hours later to try and force it
The beauty of cast iron (and spun iron, which I prefer because it is lighter) is that instead of getting worse with each use, it gets better, so long as you re-season it every so often. I know the idea of “seasoning a pan” sounds strange and complicated, but it isn’t. All it really means is heating the pan with a little oil or fat.
You never ever ever ever ever ever ever need to season a pan unless you fuck it up and need to repair it. Reasoning a CI skillet is exactly like the repair shops in Arabia, except you can do it at home without cancer.
Anons should keep this in mind next time they read a WSJ article or consider someone trying to sell them on "spun iron"
>Encourage blm to get sick and die
>Discourage whitey from same
When did liberals get so based

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Do it
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This is not a crime
I often cut up pizza to eat it more slowly
Just not this small
i've got ur dads dick cheese and it's way better than all of vermont
Hard drugs, malnutrition
Ah yes please leave 3rd degree burns on the inside of my mouth mmm yes delicious
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Due to careful animal husbandry jap chicken is 100% salmonella free, they have earned the right to eat raw chicken

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Today is the 14th day I’ve started fermenting these carrots at room temp, and now I shall taste them.

The smell out of the jar is acidic, it reminds me of vinegar, not strong but a little pungent, the water is almost clear and the carrots look good and have a reasonable body (as in they’re not soft and falling apart but they’re hard and crunchy).

No foul smells, no mold or strange things, so I went all in and ate 3: the flavour is of carrot, gentle and sweet, with an acidic profile and a little bit of fizz, it’s not strong but it’s there. Probably this is what you can achieve in 14 days.

Now they’re in the fridge, pic related.

I can’t wait to feel all these probiotics and lactic bacterial in my gut, but so far I only feel my tummy hurting a little.

If I die, you know why.

Also: fermented veggies general thread
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3% is perfect. You can go a little lower than that for carrots if you feel they are a bit too salty.
Thanks anon, will remember.

I will try tasting them again during dinner, when they're fridge cold, however they didn't feel salty but then again I don't know what to expect flavor wise because it's the first time that I make them.

The only thing I'm looking forward right now is surviving the next 24 hours so I can call it a day. I'm anxious and I already feel strange in the stomach/gut. Maybe the bacteria are already doing their thing, who knows.
You'll be fine. I'd like to try doing fermented carrots sometime.
I hope you WIN anon.
If you find you don't like them as much as you thought you would, at least you'll have a healthy recharge for your flora.
You may get some pretty urgent shits in the next few hours, but that's probably because you are going to be adjusting to it.
It should only be a one time thing.
I hope to try making my own soon.
TYVM for this thread
Thanks ferment bros.

Next time I’ll be doing sauerkraut.

i havent had them in years but feel like making them today. got some peppers ofc, beef/pork mix and soaked rice. now I'm just wondering on the spices, sauce and method
refika kitchen on youtube has good stuffed veggie recipes
basically mix in good oil like butter or olive, grated onion, warm spices like allspice, savory spices like cumin & coriander, herbs, simmer in tomato sauce then roast for caramelization
That's easy, cook up some ground beef and seasonings then cook up some peppers, cook them up over a gas grill. Put the ground beef in the peppers and you've made a magical thing that'll get you into into just about any girl's panties.
A chile pepper is also good in those stuffed peppers.

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What do you cook for a romantic dinner?
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I don't see even one man in that picture, tho.
If there's one thing gayer than being gay, it's having opinions on gay people
With that said, any classic but somewhat obscure pasta dish. Small portions, good side salad. Let your creativity out for dessert, easier to impress.
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It's fine to enjoy cooking, but being gay is kinda pushing it honestly
This board isn't for you, homosexual faggot
lol get a load of this homosexual

What extra virgin olive oil brands are legit and not diluted shit?
any of them that are cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. people overblow the filler oil shit a lot on here, usually the brands that are mixed with filler state it quite blatantly. blends are all shit.

Ive been consuming 1-2 TBSP of olive oil a day for almost fifteen years and Ive had all the generic brands and over a dozen expensive boutique ones. The expensive boutiques taste and smell better, but cheapo is servicable, even walmart brand.

where the game really changes are when you get olive oils from specific regions only. check on the bottle for country of origin, and origin of olives, they list this. you want olives from single locations for the best most unique flavors, no a bottle that comes from spain, italy, morocco, greece and turkey, for example. cheap brands use mixed country olives.
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Another thing to consider is that the oil may be pure olive oil, but not extra virgin -- just regular virgin, or sometimes not even virgin at all. The FDA doesn't regulate the classifications of olive oil, so companies are free to call their product whatever they want so long as it is made out of olives and is an oil.

There are a number of organizations that certify olive oil and you can find their stamps on products that went through their certification. Living in the US, I see COOC stamps most often, so I just look for that, but there are several others as well.
Real EVOO is usually not bottled in those shitty transparent plastic bottles but dark, semi-transparent glass or thicker plastic bottles instead, similar to the beer or wine ones. The reason is that non refined oil goes rancid faster when exposed to sunlight and the dark bottle glass is meant to protect it.
imported ones

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