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If everything went as originally planned and he went over Rock at Mania, who would've been his other challengers this year?

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Isn't WWE supposed to be the best promotion?
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I accept your concession, Tranny
What is that preference that Gargano did better than Bryan who is the same kind of wrestler except way better in every single way?

Not really, I just know the basics and occasionally see his ratings on here.
Would've been cool if the chop actually looked good
Damn, guess they just have to settle with being profitable.
Metacritic decides which videogame is the best
Rotten Tomatoes decides which movie is the best
for Wrestling we only have Meltzer as far as I know but please tell us about eventual alternatives

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Kenny Omega is turning face with Jim Cornette
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Kenny is a pussy little bitch. He should just say it outright or fuck off.
Simply retarded. They both suck.
Kenny is just softening up Corny for when he jumps ship to WWE.

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Gatos are based ya dog wankin tranny
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Enjoy your parasites
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>Is on 4chan
>complains about Cats
Fucking newfags...
Of course Simp Cuck likes the Jannetty of animals, just like he was the Jannetty in his feuds against Vince, Rock and HHH

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Dinamita fue cancelado
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Me temo que es así

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> Loves Latin sayings
> loves tradition
> likes goth music (see his NXT music playlist)
> loves anything militaristic/biker
> loves using the iron cross
> fan of Nietzsche
What do we think of “The Game”?
he's a facist I'm afraid

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Is this the best match that never happened?
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Does punk just have the shittiest luck ever?
>A look back to a controversial SummerSlam 2011

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kek is this how Punk's 300+ reign ended?
What a shitty way to get the belt off of you
what's so "Summer Slammed" about him?

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What's her appeal?
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it's Liv, not Maxxxine
i thought it was Anna Jay
You're 1-2 steps away from consuming gay porn
for me its the small tits huge ass combo

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Shoot hope she gets injured again at DoN
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>spears kairi
>slaps her for not selling the bump
idk what is worse, that charles knew kairi was concussed and slapped her anyway and then power bombed her or that somehow both asuka and becky were able to realize kairi was concussed but charles wasn't. also don't know why they don't have extra people back stage for main event injuries at pay per views. they could have taken kairi out, had asuka get her ass kicked a little, then had someone else run in to help her
Monketty do be a massive bald fraud indeed
Sounds based
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I shoot thought this was a screenshot of nxt from the thumbnail.

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Next shows
Wrestle Magic 2024
May 4 at Ryogoku Sumo Hall
>Giulia, Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Miyuki Takase, Sakuya, Nagisa Nozaki & Takumi Iroha

Marigold Fields Forever
May 20th (Monday) Korakuen Hall
>Giulia & X vs Sareee & X
>Nanae Takahashi vs Victoria Yuzuki

5/26 Shinkiba day/night
6/1 Osaka
6/2 Hamamatsu
6/11 Korakuen
6/15 Kyoto

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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calico <3 <3 <3
Calico unmasked and is joining Marigold under her real name?
that is the back page you dumbbell
No, but I could bring up how you publicly admitted to drinking your own cum before if you'd like?
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wow, those hair grew fast since yesterday

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Retarded Smark
Haven't been a fan of the brand split since it started.
>Having confidence and not being a self-hating piece of shit is bad
Who hurt you?
>Arrogance and confidence are the same concept
Learn 2 english.

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Next shows
April 29th, [Diana] "Korakuen Hall Tournament", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST
>W.W.W.D Single Championship Match: Haruka Umesaki (DIANA) vs Mei Seira (STARDOM)
>rest of card https://www-diana.com/

April 29th, "STARDOM GoldenWeek Fight Tour 2024 in FUKUYAMA", Fukuyama Industrial Exchange Center, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240429_fukuyama/?mc_id=958

April 30th, "STARDOM GoldenWeek Fight Tour 2024 in KOCHI", Kochi, Cerise Gymnasium, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240430_kochi/?mc_id=959

Previous >>14436435
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Well at least she acknowledges she's ugly
Fine speech.
When's the last time she did anything of relevance, winning the SWA belt?
Just euthanize the fucking unit at this point
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Listen to the crowd for LA GOAT

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gotta love the megastar
How about I show you my gaping asshole and fart on your eyeballs until you get pinkeye?
What does "Thee" mean?
It's the masculine form of Thea

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>has a better draft than RAW and Smackdown…with a broken freakin neck!
You just gotta
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>and on the Pat McAfee show
What happened there?
>good draft
They got a B+ so far. I can't tell ya if that's good or bad. Probably not good, seeing as it was a First Round Pick (needs to be A+ like the Detroit Lions).
Meh. TK deserves more ridicule. He's not a serious man.

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I'm surprised he hasn't started rating matches himself just to spite Meltzer. I want to see someone with actual knowledge of the business rate matches instead of a journo leech.

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