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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

Are there any Brazilian books that take place in 1970s Sao Paulo?

Please no meme answers.
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Knock yourself out.

He said no meme answers, so fuck off.
Thank you so much anon. I'm so happy to finally get an actual answer for once! What genre is it? And is there an English translation?

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>sitting outside in park after lunch
>enjoying the beautiful day
>digesting the food
>watching the wild life around the duck pond
>reading my book
>feel a dark presence descend upon me
>it gets eerily quiet
>can't hear any nature sounds
>the air feels tense
Not today you Korean fuck. Lol, I didn't even let that fucker start his "HARRO WIRD YOU RIIIKE TO JERN MY KOREAN CHERCH" spiel. I immediatelybstood up when he cleared his throat and told that old faggot I'm not interested and walked away. I didn't even need to look up to know it was him. As soon as I felt the atmosphere change, I knew. Then I heard his fucking annoying retarded throat clearing and got the fuck out of his predatorial grasp.
Get fucked retard, and fuck you for ruining my afternoon in the park.
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OP BTFO you with his reply. If this is the umpteenth time the same guy has approached you and you've told him no each time, the Korean christcuck is in the wrong. OP would be wrong if this was the first time it had happened or if the person was truly a stranger. Hopefully the Korean learned a lesson from OP's reaction, or at least figured out he had approached this guy many times before. I doubt it however. The people who accost you in this fashion to "share the Gospel" are sociopaths.
I still think you're being ridiculous, he's not being a sociopath, he's being a zealot. The intent is still good, but the approach is self centered and forceful.
But yes; if it's constant repeated, that puts a very different spin on it. I concede to that.
>hey /lit/, im self absorbed and self important,"
Not a real issue
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I've only ever been approached once, and it was fine
>riding on bus
>pretty full, but reading Euripides for one of my classes
>middle aged guy sits next to me
>asks what I'm reading
>"a play from Euripides, one of those Greek guys who wrote tragedies"
>seems mildly interested, says he'll have to look into him
>conversation ends, he gets off a few stops later
I've been approached by Evangelicals and Mormons while reading but never BECAUSE I was reading, I normally just give them the shpeel that I'm Catholic (lapsed but they don't need to know) or not interested in finding a new religion and thankfully they fuck off quickly after that
Trying to convince non-Koreans to join a Korean church is extremely sociopathic. The non-Korean would always feel like an outsider even if they decided to join the Korean church. You share nothing in common with those people becaue the majority of their social interactions will revolve around being Korean, speaking Korean, Korean culutre, Korean food, etc. You will always be an outsider to that and they will always view you as an outsider and never truly take you in. The one thing you'll have in common is Christianity, but they will all be thinking, "Why doesn't he go to a white church where he will be more accepted and feel more at home with the white congregation?"
Only a true narcissistic sociopath would try to get non-Koreans to join a Korean church.

Why do pessimistic philosophers have so much to say than optimistic ones?
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I feel it’s a bell curve. Brainlets are optimistic, midwits are pessimistic, true geniuses are optimistic.
lmao niggers are starting to think ?!
Nah. Optimism is another veil.
True geniuses are neutral. That doesn't mean they're happy, and it also doesn't mean they're miserable. They occupy that sweet spot in the middle, accepting of reality. They don't expect more out of it than is reasonable, and they don't dress it up as being worse than it is either.
Acceptance is genius.
They're evolving in real time.
Or perhaps by recognizing that others are human and not what you call them, you're the one evolving

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Trevor was six foot three. He was clean and fit and confident. I’d choose him a million times over the hipster nerds I’d see around town and at the gallery. In college, the art history department had been rife with that specific brand of young male. An “alternative” to the mainstream frat boys and premed straight and narrow guys, these scholarly, charmless, intellectual brats dominated the more creative departments. As an art history major, I couldn’t escape them. “Dudes” reading Nietzsche on the subway, reading Proust, reading David Foster Wallace, jotting down their brilliant thoughts into a black Moleskine pocket notebook. Beer bellies and skinny legs, zip-up hoodies, navy blue peacoats or army green parkas, New Balance sneakers, knit hats, canvas tote bags, small hands, hairy knuckles, maybe a deer head tattooed across a flabby bicep. They rolled their own cigarettes, didn’t brush their teeth enough, spent a hundred dollars a week on coffee. They would come into Ducat, the gallery I ended up working at, with their younger—usually Asian—girlfriends. “An Asian girlfriend means the guy has a small dick,” Reva once said. I’d hear them talk shit about the art. They lamented the success of others. They thought that they wanted to be adored, to be influential, celebrated for their genius, that they deserved to be worshipped. But they could barely look at themselves in the mirror. They were all on Klonopin, was my guess. They lived mostly in Brooklyn, another reaoson I was glad to live on the Upper East Side. Nobody up there listened to the Moldy Peaches. Nobody up there gave a shit about “irony” or Dogme 95 or Klaus Kinski.
“The worst was that those guys tried to pass off their insecurity as “sensitivity,” and it worked. They would be the ones running museums and magazines, and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them. But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me. They were so self-serious and distracted by their conversation with their look-alike companions that you’d think they were wrestling with a decision of such high stakes, the world might explode. They wouldn’t be distracted by “pussy,” they would have me believe. The truth was probably that they were just afraid of vaginas, afraid that they’d fail to understand one as pretty and pink as mine, and they were ashamed of their own sensual inadequacies, afraid of their own dicks, afraid of themselves. So they focused on “abstract ideas” and developed drinking problems to blot out the self-loathing they preferred to call “existential ennui.”"
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womp fucking womp

i hate smug artfags so much it's unreal
Have you read interviews with the author? She is every bit as miserable and negative as her character
Incels can't fathom writing anything other than a thinly veiled diary entry.
like anon said read her actual views >>23330791

she is a vile person who writes vile things.

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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind
high trust edition

previous >>23324263
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Oh they'll be absolute wastrels. But they'll have an automated society to care for them as they atrophy.
In life there is always a balance; you must have a certain amount of water within you to survive, you must have a certain amount of air within you so your body may form ATP, etc. This is also true with the human psyche. If you lack a certain trait, you'll project it onto something else. For example, if a girl lacked a father figure growing up, she may project that onto her husband. If a women lacks enough attention, she'll manifest it through becoming an overbearing mother, always keeping tabs on her children. The same applies to sexuality. If we lack a certain trait, such as authority, strength, etc, I believe most men manifest that through projecting it onto women. This is why tomboys & "muscle mommies" are on the rise.
Wow, It's the biannual call from my aunt to ask me why I don't have a job! You would think a 50 year old with no kids, husband or hobbies would actually grow a brain at some point and realize what a waste of existance she has led. How do these people operate? She's been working as a busy work office drone for over 30 years and lives in a tiny apartment that she could barely afford in a shithole smoggy city. I don't understand.
So why don't you have job?

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What do I read first? The Rig Veda? The Bhagavad-gītā? Upanishads? Sankara?
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Swami Tapasyananda of the Ramakrishna Order has an unabridged translation of the Bhagavata-Purana which is good quality and has great formatting. The translation that comes up first typically when you search online is the Hare Krishna Prabhupada's translation but based on his Bhagavad-Gita translation I would recommend avoiding that one and choosing Tapasyananda's instead if you decide to read it.
>An actually good post on /lit/ for once
Color me schocked. Thanks.
I try
The quality of posts on /lit/ used to be consistently higher. There were many times where I was taken aback by how well-read random posters on here were.
>>23328651 First you need to understand that the word 'Hinduism' was invented by the colonizers.

You'll not be able to understand the Vedas without a proper preparation, but you can read the Gita and the Upanishads.
It depends what you are interested in. If you are interested in very basic "Hindu mysticism" then some small primer on Hindu metaphysical concepts would probably be sufficient, you could even just dive into studying Yoga-Samkhya with a beginner-friendly approach and some standard translation of the Yoga. If you are interested in Hindu metaphysics more rigorously I recommend starting with the first volume of Dasgupta's multi-volume History of Philosophy, or his one-volume abridgment if you can find it but it's out of print. The first volume of the multi-volume series is thick but introduces you to most major currents of thought, including Buddhism, and ends with Advaita if I recall.

You could also just dive right into the Bhagavad Gita, then the Upanishads. If you do this I recommend reading the Brhadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanishads, the first and most difficult two, in chunks, while also reading shorter subsequent Upanishads from the start. This will ensure that you don't get utterly buried in the difficulties of the first two Upanishads and become discouraged or misled about the relative easiness of the others. You could then read commentaries like Shankara's, or read the Brahma Sutras with Shankara's commentaries, etc.

Or some combination of all of the above. There are also shorter helpful summaries of Indian philosophical concepts but these can be quite dense and leave you feeling "why is this important?," as they assume that the entire medievally formalized "scholastic" framework of Indian metaphysics is of equal interest to you, which it may not be.

You could also read Guenon's introductory works on Hindu metaphysics, while taking them somewhat with a grain of salt however.

In general, you should do some combination of the above so that you can familiarize yourself with the basic structure and major reference points of Hindu thought, and then from there you will be able to chart your own path based on what interests you.

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Does the Quran just resonate with people better? Christianity is dying while Islam grows. Does this settle which holy text is does it's job better?
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Most protestants would hate this
why are muslims such spineless bastards that they always pull the "bro i used to be X but then i saw islam and i just KNEW it HAD to be the truth" shit, it's fucking embarrassing. everyone knows you've been a mohammadean your entire life.
koran is a pile of shit
stop spamming your fake ass islam shill
The Quran is the Word of God, like the Vedas.
Ever heard of the secret catacombs pact made by a group of mostly Latin American bishops during VaticanII to push for their vision of the church. Look it up it real. They actually went down there to sign it and discuss all mysteriously.

>Anyone who loves life,energy,joy,freedom, progress,courage,novelty, practicality, and speed.
>Anyone who acts quickly energetically, and does not hesitate out of cowardice
>Anyone who, caught between two possible decisions, prefers the more generous, the bolder one, provided it offers a greater perfection and development of the individual and his people
>Anyone who acts joyously, with his eye always on tomorrow, without remorse, splitting hairs, false modesty, rejecting all mysticisms and melancholy
>Anyone who is flexible enough to move, in a carefree manner, from the most serious matters to the most pleasurable pastimes
>Anyone who loves the open-air life, sport, and gymnastics, and pays close attention to the strength and agility of his own body, every day
>Anyone capable of delivering a punch or a knockout blow, at just the right moment, and who admires the Arditi and emulates them in his actions

>Anyone who cares for the progress of Italy more than for himself
>Anyone who wishes to abolish the papacy, parliamentarianism, the senate, and the bureaucracy
>Anyone who desires the abolition of conscription and the standing army, replacing them with a voluntary force, and the creation of a strong, vigorous, industrious, entirely free democracy, empty of all utopias and senile attitudes, and which is equally capable of staging a war or purging itself through revolution
>Anyone who through the abolition of the present police force wishes to modernize and improve all public-order institutions and encourage citizens to take charge of their own personal defense
>Anyone who wishes to hand over the government of Italy to the young soldiers who secured our tremendous victory

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Anon, the point is that everything the futurists aimed for happened, but what replaced it was corporations and conglomerates.
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wrong pic
in practice, futurism is faggotry
>Of course the polchud must select the most realistic late-futurist aeropittura heldenkitsch as his example
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seethe much?

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"The Jew, who is known to have a God all to himself, first attracts our attention in everyday life through his outward appearance, which, regardless of which European nationality we belong to, has something unpleasantly foreign to that nationality: we involuntarily wish to have nothing in common with a person who looks like that."

"Der Jude, der bekanntlich einen Gott ganz für sich hat, fällt uns im gemeinen Leben zunächst durch seine äußere Erscheinung auf, die, gleichviel welcher europäischen Nationalität wir angehören, etwas dieser Nationalität unangenehm Fremdartiges hat: wir wünschen unwillkürlich mit einem so aussehenden Menschen Nichts gemein zu haben."

This is appalling!
Holy fuck I don't care
>Der Jude
kek can someone write an antisemitic parody of "Hey Jude" by the Beatles? Would love to read some funny lyrics

it's pronounces differently and wouldn't scan
Just anglicize the pronunciation

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Is masturbation actually bad for you? What are some books that will help me decide one way or another?
Simple math: you throw your energy away, it can't be good for you.

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Dilemma: you can support yourself solely from your work as a professional book critic, but you have to live with teeth like this. Would you?
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I would say living with the HIV and “appointments” in Boston would be worse.
Dilemma: you can have an otherwise-unearned sense of superiority over others, but you have to live with caring about dumb shit like other people's teeth like OP. Would you?
are you his doctor?

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Yes, that person was ME!
Good pick. They also have a nice texture to the cover despite being paperbacks, which you can sort of see it in the photo.
My condolences
Every single cover in this thread looks fucking awful.
Post good covers

Is there any reason why we exist as copies according to Plato's theory of forms? Like why the hell are we here? Is there any sense?
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Read the 7th Letter

The official answer is "Don't ask me, ask the One yourself"
Nobody really knows why that is. There's theories and ideas, but nobody knows why we're here. Materialists will tell you it's because of single cell organisms in a soup combined with pressure and time. Spiritualists will tell you its the will of God, or the universe, or the Tao. Nihilists will tell you it doesn't matter. Pessimists will tell you there's no reason.
Knowing why is less important than being and seeing. You'll never know, but the way you see it and the way you be it, you can choose, and reap the consequences.
My suspicion is that humans just don't have the hardware to know. We evolved to think causally but that could just be a completely retarded result of our evolution.
Imagine you're God and you created these amazing creatures with consciousness, will and creative capacities; they can love, hate, build things, destroy things, beautify ugliness, uglify beauty, etc and they spend their time instead constantly asking why you created them.
You'd conclude they're retarded and Flood the World in regret.
if the universe hates itself that much then what the fuck is its problem? just stop being emo

>He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones.

>It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.

wtf Orwell?????
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>and became a fascist later in life, he talked about it quite a bit
Then you will have no difficulty sourcing it
I'm sure that made sense in your muddled mind.
>isn't that just commie
No, the idea of "socialism" was relatively new and there were various strains (look at the differences and similarities between National Socialism under Hitler and Soviet Socialism under Stalin). Orwell's socialism was in reaction to early 20th century England which maintained rigid class distinctions and treated workers as an underclass.
Orwell was able to size up humans in a wholly scientific manner that is only possible with the greatest English minds. He knew quite well that women by all rights are some of the most hive minded individuals this side of the Chinese. Hence why he singled them out as the hall monitors of the most totalitarian of fictional Republics, in which the most insignificant people get a taste of power to inflict on people that should by all rights be their peers and allies.
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We is better in every way.
I loved the love story in this book and I wish it ended with a kiss or display of love in defiance of the party.

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