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When you get sent back to spawn
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Back when his art wasn't complete garbage.
Her head is fucking massive in relation to her body and torso

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Unshaven women showing their hairy armpits, pubic hair, hairy legs... etc.
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What, no slimegirls/boys thread? There is now. Slime has no gender so I don't care what's in or on it.
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The same translator also released Volumes 4 and 5.

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I hate phoneposting
>mistype captcha
>lose image
>attempt to post again
>empty bump
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Previous thread: >>10974832

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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I think I've really been infected by some disney granny, it's in all of my genning now, I'm afraid.

>If you're inpainting at similar resolutions to what you're genning at (which you should be), then that's expected - you're basically doing the same mathematical operations, just not with completely random noise as a starting point.

Aaaah, that makes sense. I thought it was a bit weird that editing part of the image took so long but yeah
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looks very cursed
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Hey guys. I decided to upload all the artist LoRAs I've made so far. Some of the LoRAs are redundant, but hopefully there's something there for someone.
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>mega folder
thx for reminding me that i could update my folder too

> Some of the LoRAs are redundant, but hopefully there's something there for someone.
desu i train artists that i like for myself even they already exist as loras.
I feel like if you train it yourself you know better how it that lora works for genning.

there's always some redundancy but the artists in your mega have nice niches
some anon will surely appreciate this

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Thread for damsel in distress, girls in peril and predicament bondage. Kidnapped, defeated and captured heroines. Game overs and bad endings.

Previous thread: >>10963737
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Yes! Damn, now the longer I look at this, the more I see. Previously didn't notice that in addition to tape gagged pump gag her nose is also plugged with what appears to be ear stoppers. I can also see that there's something going on with her arms. It's either some sort of arm binder or restraints or, what I suppose, just fists taped up to prevent her from any attempts to untie knots. Also she looks relatively clean given the amount they did her, if you count all these condoms. Oh and there's bomb as well.
I bet after having fun with her, they now can continue their fun by betting what will happen first. Asphyxiation? Drowning? Freezing to death in cold water? Or just BOOM HEADSHOOT! So ridiculously over the top. Thanks for posting, there's so much going on. Too bad art style isn't that great but whatever.
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Shit, I didn't think that'd be it, happy to help. Guess Makoto's the gift that keeps on giving.

>I bet after having fun with her, they now can continue their fun by betting what will happen first. Asphyxiation? Drowning? Freezing to death in cold water? Or just BOOM HEADSHOOT!
Normally I'd still bet on the bomb, but if she's already being asphyxiated before she's even shoved in then that might be more likely. Freezing is right out, that takes way longer than two and a half minutes.
Unfortunately I think it's moot anyway, because it's not like anybody will be able to tell. What, is a guy gonna swim down there and watch?
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I wish I could read that text in the first one, but I think the setup is clear. That's extreme cruelty, making sure her boyfriend will have a hand in her death.
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This one has some guro, watch it. Those spikes extend and stab her tits, with more on the way.
I'm wondering what is being pumped down that feeding tube, as it's not just for breathing, and what is filling the coffin in final pics.

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Previous Thread: 10831234
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rough google translate.

なんだこれ!?>(Nanda kore! ?)
>what's this! ?
俺の腹がデカく!? >(Ore no hara ga dekaku! ?)
>My belly is big!?
まさかこれ…妊婦!? >(Masaka kore… ninpu! ?)
>No way this is...pregnant woman!?
俺、妊婦になってるのか!? >(Ore, ninpu ni natteru no ka! ?)
>Am I pregnant??
>>No way this is...pregnant woman!?
>>Am I pregnant??

Go to doctor.

>no, you just fat. lose weight.
I don't watch the anime but they both look the same
There are a bunch of repressed homosexuals, the tsf community in general is shit about telling stories that go beyond putting tits and asses because yes, I'm writing a comic where a university communist ideologist swaps bodies with a not very pretty girl who wants to be a doctor but is not good at studyingV
Tell me examples then

Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day. Two this time, pick your favorite
Have you ever convinced someone else to do anal and they ended up loving it?
Do you consider yourself to be an anal only whore? Tell us your motivation.

Previous thread >>10965789

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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Just been practising with an aneros casually while doing other stuff. It's pretty cool, can make myself leak precum with just contractions with it. Also probably giving me a kegel work out doing this. It's neat that you can sit down comfortably with it still in.
oh fuck my first real toys are arriving today, the tracking hadn't updated in a while. i haven't touched my dick in two weeks but i've been cooming with my nipples instead, hope that doesn't matter too much.
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Don't sit on it. I got an ice too and it started cracking slightly after sitting on it for a few hours.
>Oh gee I sure do love brittle plastic that can snap off in my ass
You couldn't be more retarded

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Didn't see a thread.
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Might dump the rest later
I want to explore a giant dragon girl's bowels...
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>oh! sorry honey! I forgot you were coming over today? how are you, my treasure?
Intelligent but feral instincts during mating season

post and discuss
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Left, love the hair over the eyes look. and prefer NEETs busty
Niche questions. If a neet-girl used deodorant, would it be stick or spray-on? In the shower, bar soap or liquid soap? I'm assuming she doesn't shave anywhere.
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whatever's cheapest or most familiar to her
I just use the shampoo for everything when I wash my hair.. don't really use deodorant

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Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>10903333
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File deleted.
My favorite kind of femdom setting is Matriarchal New World of Order where women are naturally taller, stronger and bigger than men with men being small and weak like kids
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does anyone have the image where it was like a matriarchy scenario builder? It was like a chart full of various categories and you would build a fantasy matriarchy world through spending points? It was in one of these threads ages ago if any of you have it plz share
How often does the femdom/matriarchal threads get its OP image deleted? Feels like this and the last two or three times
It's obviously just fake.
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I remember a story on ichizo's website. It was about a 6'3 ft muscle amazon sleeping with her manlet teacher and her friend's manlet father. At the end, she wanted to devour her ultra manlet older brother virginity on her birthday.

Good stuff.
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It's just a coincidence. Don't look into it.
reddit or /Trash/ has the CYOAs.
I really like the massive difference between "harem" and "eusocial". I'm also very much into F(+)/f(+), F(+)/m(+), and F(+)/f(+)m(+). The idea of there being a hierarchy is fun. Imagine being at the bottom of a totem pole where your dommes are basically frustrated slaves themselves.

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Nude > All edition
Previous slap: >>10902864
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https://civitai.com/models/334506 have u seen this
I can't log in from here, I'll check later, but from the link it looks very hopeful, thank you. It must be fairly new being sdxl and pony.
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Did a quick de-censor of this sketch, originally by Catcube.

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Previous thread>>10938834
Post fat bitches as wide as they are tall.
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I used to think like that too but then I played the pirate's fate and it inspired me to work on my own WG VN project, and yeah a lot of 2D assets will be made for this thing
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He is literally using a 3D pre-rendered background. I mean it looks good, but it is a 3D asset. Also one of the Air conditioning units is missing a mesh for the bottom.

Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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123 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
this is essentially ideal, except you didn't mention the many children you would provide me whether you wanted to or not
It won’t matter either way once she’s done, but I doubt it. Her impassioned pleas to her sister are pretty convincing.
What an idiot. She can’t “snap out of it” or “wake up,” that’s not how this works. The parts of her brain that made her who she was are gone, physically destroyed, burned away into nothing. There’s nothing left to “wake up” even if she wanted too. Hell, there’s not enough left to “want” anything.
Oh well, I guess she’ll understand it once she starts getting fried. For however long she’s able to understand anything at all.

>discovering your lobo has been wiping down the same spot in the kitchen for over 16 hours now.
You say that as if it isn’t really cute.
I have zero tolerance for bratting and barely any more for masochists. You get caught intentionally causing trouble so you can be "punished," then said punishment will be fatal, 100% of the time.
Strung up, disposed of, corpse cleaned up by their replacement.
Her lobotomized sister is making better arguments than she is. "You'll be happier" - True, inevitable. "Wake up please" - Impossible, false hope.

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if you can't tell it doesn't matter does it?
pokesuits/beast body suits is a thing that has never really caught on here for whatever reason despite being fairly popular on pixiv
boy howdy does it matter. Anons on that board will scrutinize every aspect of a pic if there is not visible vagina. And even if they are female they'll complain if she has too many tattoos, too many piercings or has any defined curves. Now wonder new content is so freaking rare.
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"that's a suspicious amount of armhair"

they've actually never seen a woman irl.

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