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>be me
>move in gf to my place
>I say: "Honey, what do you mean you don't want to live with me together in this sweet 2-room apartment?"
What do?
is this terrible AI post? 4chan do better please. Upgrade your AI at least. fuck I will pay for your AI upgrade if its going to be this bad
Shut the fuck up and answer my question please
your post makes no sense

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Whenever you feel like you're struggling to succeed in life as a good example of your gender, just remember that the Opposite Gender can easily replace you and can provide a much better performance of your gender than you can. Don't believe me? Try the May Pick-of-the-Month for /atoga/ Book Club.

Previous ATOGA:
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You just have feelings for him. It's a spectrum, it is possible that you are in love with him and denying it to yourself, but that doesn't have to be the case, it is also possible to have less strong feelings that still make you feel possessive.

However as you state yourself, you seem stuck in a limbo where you don't really-really want to go in deep with him, but you also don't want anyone else to have him. That is not a good option and something to work through for yourself.
I'm a card holder and would love this.
fixing it in your own life first
waiting for this country to collapse and become something new
You should go for at least two, the sibling dynamic is really special

t. has three
>captcha MAN NW
Genuinely, yes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't spend most days considering killing myself. I won't, but the thought's always there. Throughout my entire life, I can't think of a time where I've had a full month go by without there being some sort of looming, catastrophic issue. I am the least lucky person I know, I actively dislike luck-based games.

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What face shape do I have and what kind of haircuts would suit it
a haircut won't fix you
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try to smile like mr.hank from south park
A different type of haircut not that one

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i know i'm wrong, but the guy has 200 thousand dollars and he has never used it, as a family, we have never gone out to a restaurant, or to the movies, or received any gifts for our birthdays (i have a younger brother of 15). also our house is falling down, it has cracks and the walls with humidity, when it rains, the closets fill with water and the clothes get wet. my father is 53 years old and i don't think he will ever have the will to change the way he is, he lives on fried cake and coffee, he always promised us to have a room of our own, since i was little, he never did, i never had my own space without sharing. i never felt he loved me, my mother confessed to me that when i was little she found him plane tickets to go on vacation with another woman. then he lent another one of his “girl friends” 20 thousand dollars to start a business and it took her more than a decade to pay him back. i don't feel resentment for what i do, but i don't know what to do or how to act when the time comes when she realizes what i did. it all started with stealing money to go to the gym, then for some clothes, then to go out to eat, and the money accumulated. i don't know if it justifies anything but it has also filled me with traumas, he was absent most of my life, when i talk to him he doesn't usually answer me, once i told my mother that i feel that he doesn't love me and she told me that he started to cry.

>i robbed my dad because he doesnt use any of his money it started with tiny amounts now it has accumulated, he also is kind of a shitty dad
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i wouldn't even be mad if he used the money on making our lives easier, fixing the house or buying a new car if he wants to, but he never does it, he never does anything with his money, my mom asked for dog food and he started shouting like it was the end of the world kek
And this is exactly why men like this should not get granted access to a womb. It leads to nothing but misery. Too late now i guess. Make his selfish pockets hurt however you can. He deserves it.
i mean, yeah, my mom cheated on him several times because of this i guess, too, he works from morning to night (because he wants to, really) and treats her like shit most of times, then cries and asks why does she cheat on him
>granted access to a womb
LOL at seething cunt.
>robbing your own father

How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
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Great bait
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Talk to younger females. Take what you want. Steal someone's gf. Grab their hands and tell them you want them and talk sexual things. Talk sexual stories. That's the main thing. Talk sexual stories and then after you've fucked they get addicted to your dick. Tell them necropedophile stories/jokes if you dare.
We all know what these guys really need but every one here is too much of a pussy retard to say it. Without proper therapy and/or counseling these people won’t land partners let alone friends. They NEED a professional who will brainwash them into normie culture. Women are normies by nature, ie they don’t think along the same lines as your average autist here. If you aren’t of that mindset, completely and utterly programmed into the matrix, then your odds of mating here are slim to none. It is what it is but you retards would rather sit here and ponder trivial shit rather than learn to play the game. It’s either that or become part of the LGBTQBLAblabla

As for me? The life of a happy chad-lite voluntary celibate who will be pumping and dumping well into his 80s while you tards are still on here whining about trivial bs. Thanks!
but how do you know a 25 year old will be the same when she's 30? get a wholesome introverted submissive 18 year old and she'll stay the same
>deal with dating
That should be the least of your concern right now.
I hate to break it to you, but we don't live in a world where common interests/values exist anymore.
We live in a world of limited resources and opportunities, and that applies to dating as well.
You seek self-interest only, keeping in mind that dating has become more or less a zero-sum game. Someone always wins at the cost of the loser. Some games are longer, some games are shorter, some games have higher stakes (marriage), some games have lower stakes (no strings attached, no buy-ins).
All the fat as fuck or insane leftovers you speak of? They are no different to the losers with a gambling problem.
I really hate to put it in those terms, but they are based on my observations as well as that of countless others.
If you want to test my hypothesis, do it at your own peril.
I am only telling this, because I don't want you to be a loser like me who lost everything gambling.

how do you deal with the fact that you love somebody so much but they can't reciprocate, it just hurts so much. It's even worse when you love someone, they love you but then they their love fades while yours is stronger than ever. Then you wonder if they ever loved you at all. Of course you can't force anyone to love you, but how do you convince yourself to stop loving them so that you don't hurt anymore.
Read up on limerance, that's what some anon on a site that won't be named told me.

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What is the honeymoon phase like? When does the honeymoon phase end in a relationship?
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>everyone knows
They don't. And I guess the irritation remains regardless.
FWIW, if there's an actual pregnancy involved, the break up rate is much lower, so the theory is that the purpose of the "honeymoon period" is just to make babies, and by not doing that we're basically doing relationships wrong.
Either you feel nothing for them, you enjoy closeness with them in a manner a best friend provides but with sex (successful long term relationship will be this), or you get upset at them. Normally the outcome is determined on if you actually are compatible and actually enjoy each other's company, but many people rush in because they're horny or hormonal without thinking about what the person is like.
I said the same thing about me and my wife at the 5 year mark. Now we're in year 26 and ... well ... i still say the same thing. Life can be very good indeed with the right person to share it with.
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>so the theory is that the purpose of the "honeymoon period" is just to make babies, and by not doing that we're basically doing relationships wrong.
afaik you can see hormones being secreted differently before, during, and after the honeymoon period
really good description

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How have the Chads you've known in elementary school or even from highschool turned out?
I've had the coolest friend back then but now I don't even know where he lives or anything else about him, for that matter.
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Why donyou think teenagers are like that? So spiteful and mean, I mean
Sadge. What was his ethnicity?
Yeah it was drugs but he was sober when he killed them. Got very fucked up, but didn't show any signs, just perfectly normal with his family and one day we all found out he murdered them.
So for no reason at all and while he was sober, he murdered his family?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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You faggots told me checking the day of a date to make sure it was still on was beta and now I got no call no showed. Fuck you.
Caring if something is "Beta" is an indication that you're thinking wrong.
The whole Alpha/Beta thing is a misunderstood theory largely discounted anyway.
You want to be confident and not be insecure. Is avoiding contacting a girl because you don't want to screw things up being confident or being insecure?

Regarding calling or messaging in between making the date and the date itself, I've seen it both ways. In general, if you're just looking to get your dick wet and you aren't that skilled at messaging, maybe leave it be. Otherwise message or call as much as you want to talk to them.
Again, don't be insecure.

But for dates, friends, acquaintances, and strangers, I usually give at least one message beforehand to make sure it is still on. Communication is always good.
>been on a "fixing myself" grind since the pandemic
>got fit in shape with decent muscles
>hairtransplant has been over a year ago so full hair at this point
>religious DOGMATICALLY watching my hygiene to not smell like shit
>learned and practiced how to socialize to not sound like a complete autist
>got nothing but rejections to show off so far
what can i fucking do at this point. like what's the top tier tactic? where do you meet girls you want to settle down with? cold approach? if not what then? i couldn't even score a date yet
Also women do tend to like messaging a lot, if you look online they often post about being confused when a guy shows interest but doesn't message them frequently. I think the "only message to set up a date" can be good for the first but is really a crutch for guys who aren't good at texting
The other anon is completely correct. I failed to lose my virginity for a decade and I was never hung up about it. I had enough other real impediments to overcome. Once I was mildly improved at social interaction, I started saying when it came up "I'm a a virgin, but I'm non-practicing."
This was a humorous way of saying that I didn't care about my virginity at all. I was kissing girls at house parties and I was *not* kissing like a virgin. But that's about it. It just hadn't happened yet.

There's literally no difference before or after losing your virginity as a guy. It's just a mindset that you can change beforehand.

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i cant keep living alone
i need connection
And what is the purpose of your so-called improvement in English skills?
>be me, 25 male, sub 5
My ten years of alcoholism started to show up and my parents finance me because I'm still at a free uni. I never had a job and only stick to two classes so I don't lose access to the university's restaurant which is cheap.
I see no reason to try and reach for the global powers that be and yet believe no other pursuit in life would be worth it, which is a cope and a delusion so I stay the same as I was for the past ten years. I want to move to europe so badly but do nothing to further that goal as well, yes I am a third worlder.
I'll probably kill myself in the following two or three years since something I don't or can't prevent or act against keeps me on the same set of behaviors. Life is a terror in its meta and though I see beauty I choose that it isn't for me since I don't want to deal with its horrors, so I should be at peace since it is my choice but I ain't.
What the fuck is going on with me?
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Maybe off-topic but I'm not the type to make my own thread
I'm on day 8 of varenicline (chantix)
Last night was the first nightmare and it was perhaps the most vivid of my life
The setting was something like a high school gym during prom but a bit nicer, no basketball hoops and plenty of wood furniture. The place was packed and everyone was getting sloshed. Someone asked me about the dining options and I told them we only had non-perishables like trailmix (it was extremely dry and salty) then these mexican guys informed us they had a giant spread of fresh food but it was just pico de gallo arranged 30 different ways (sandwich, salad etc.). Someone asked if there was anything fresh besides mexican food and I pointed to a caprese salad sandwich but then there was some problem and the food was all whisked away.
There was suddenly more commotion. I was holding a large shot glass at some point when I got crushed by the crowd a bit and then the glass broke and sliced my thumb open. I think this is the only time I have ever bled in a dream. It really hurt.
I rushed over to some trophy case to grab something for my hand when I remembered someone telling me there was a black widow spider inside the display. Then it sort of devolved into a macrophotography spider nightmare I'd rather not detail.
I don't think I'll continue taking varenicline.
what’s the deal with all the GIOYC splitting

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Real talk /adv/ what's the cleanest way to kill myself. I tried blades but I pussy out from the pain, guns are hard to get here, none of my script meds are toxic enough to kill me, and I don't have a garage so car exhaust is not an option. Feel like a heroin/fent would be ideal but I don't have a plug and everyone I know is a mostly sober loser.
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My life is already hell so idc but thanks for the input, I'm mostly just looking for that old image of how to use respirators and some chemical to asphyxiate myself
jerk yourself off until your heart gives out from exhaustion
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Old age
>I tried blades but I pussy out from the pain
Take a razor (the disposable kind you buy at a store or something) and take off the actual 'head' of the razor. Then you should be able to break it open using two small holes on either ends, or metal rings on the side. It depends on the kind but you should be able to open it up and get two blades out. They're very thin and seem flimsy, but will cut through your skin like butter. Take some kind of aid for the pain (alcohol, drugs, anything really) and swipe down your arm vertically. DO IT LIGHTLY but swift and you shouldn't have that much pain. You'll have to get down to the subcutaneous tissue or muscle to die from blood loss. Just keep swiping until you feel like you're gonna pass out and take deep breaths, try to relax, you don't want to freak out and kick in your survival instinct and call 911 or something. Maybe think about how much you want to die if it starts hurting, but it shouldn't be too bad if they're new blades. Good luck anon.
I wanted to kill myself a few years ago but I didn't want for leave a mess. Turns out there's really no way to not leave a mess. All the methods are painful or unreliable. Someone I went to college with tried to kill herself but she took too much of the poison and just vomited most of it up before it did any damage lmao.

My advice is to talk to a real therapist. They're not going to commit you unless they think you're really about to do it that day.

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I’m constantly clouded by the judgement of others. These weird paranoid ideas where everyone will judge me for every decision I make and every self expression.

The thing is those judgements are absolutely retarded too when they actually happen. Which is probably why I’m so annoyed, secluded and always assuming someone will judge me with some very low IQ or emotional comment that has no real substance.

Like I can’t even post things on 4chan because I think someone in my life will somehow triangulate it to me based on the most vague things possible. And then they will laugh at me for being a loser for posting something, even if it’s just a passionate thing about hobbies.

I can’t even go to the psychiatrist, because I fear someone close to me will find out and then they will blow it out of proportion. Then they will share it with all they’re retarded relatives and friends and then everyone will spew all this stereotypical nonsense behind my back of how I should be handled. They talk as if they know anything when most of them are just talking to entertain themselves.

Even the psychiatrist will be wrong. How could they possibly know my experiences better than myself. I know I’m not insane yet, but they sure as hell will try to spew some bullshit on why I should take their unsafe drugs anyway to prevent insanity.

Why can’t I have privacy? Why can’t I be myself without someone constantly commenting good, neutral or bad on it. Why can’t you just let me do things on my own. Why can’t I be left alone? Why do you need to lecture me on how to live my life even on the simplest of things a fucking elephant can figure out.
It will stop when you get over yourself. You’re a side character in most peoples lives.. an unnoticed extra but you seem to have a lot of thoughts that just swirl endlessly about and they’re all about you. I.. I.. I.. I.. Stop thinking about yourself like you’re the center of the world and you might have less discomfort
No I don’t think so. These thoughts feel uncontrollable and involuntary. I’ve never allowed myself to do things for myself. I always had to do things the way people told me to. But I wasn’t born for that. I subconsciously suboordinate myself to others so they do not notice me stand out. And I isolate myself from everyone so I can express myself in some privacy. Maybe I am selfish. Maybe I only think about myself. I don’t even know what the fuck I’m trying to express here. I just want to do decisions regarding my own career, goals etc. without someone making them a big deal. I want to be unnoticed
I guess I just want to do things my own way. And there’s probably nothing wrong with that. I guess the stuff that prevents me are these paranoid thoughts about people constantly talking behind my back or perceiving me as an individual

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What is my faceshape?
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>you look like you just discovered mongolia
What does this reffer to?

Why the hell would my dad "offer" me a job as a manual worker at a store(which I can get myself) when I have the necessary qualifications to be an electrician?
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he wants labor he can exploit in ways that he won't be able to with a stranger
He is a welder, he doesn't own a shop nor knows anyone which owns one.
He wants me to forego my electrician job in place of working as a simple store worker.
So you just forced yoursf onto him as a leech and now dictating the rule of law to him? Then why would you care what anyone thinks, just continue to be a sack of shit

Normally people get into electrician trades to make money and live alone
Oh, idk. Why don’t you ask him?
>Why don’t you ask him?
I did, read >>31135096

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Why do women prefer older men?
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That is because females don't like people per se.
They like what value people can offer.
This is same for between female friends, between females and their siblings and their family, between females and their children.
Generally, older men have greater value they can extract, but younger men of equivalent value with all else being equal are about as appealing to women as the older men.
Hope this helps.
Do you ever read your own writing and try to understand what you just wrote?
I don't mean this in a sarcastic way. You have made indisputable points, but they all start with "if he has..."
It stands to reason that women seek what men have, not what men ARE.
What someone has can be valued rather easily just by one's basic senses, but someone's ideals, moral/ethical values is something that must be tested.
I figure what makes humans unique from other animals and from each other are their abstract qualities, but they are extremely difficult even for men to value.
For females, it means nothing, because I just don't think they are able to value those qualities at all, because if they could, it would be impossible for the divorce rate could go as high as what we see in some countries where due to welfare money, physique, personality and social status don't exactly pose an existential threat to marriage and family life
Can you imagine dating a millennial man or gen z male OP?
Fit 60 with a jawline or flabby 60

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