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Movie adaptations you want right now
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He basically said it was shit when it started airing.
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The Camp of the Saints
No, he said he enjoyed it and considered it "another turning of the wheel," which is just a spineless way of excusing Rafe Judkin's rape of the source material and staying in the good graces of people who might adapt his material. I hope the angel Moroni visits him tomorrow night and calls him a pussy.
No he doesn't. It's embarrassing to read most of his stuff if you're over the age of 20. If you're below 20 carry on. It's on the same level as anime.
Damn imagine thinking Sanderslop is less embarrassing than japanimation

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Do you have gaps in your résumé, Mr. Lebowski?
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Security does depend on where you live. I do government security at a site that's behind a farm so nothing ever happens. The two biggest candidates for entry level stuff (in the US) are Chenega Corporation and Triple Canopy. Look them up in your area on indeed if you live in the states.

>1m70, 5'6'' for the uneducated

My friend who works here is 5'5" and 120 pounds. No tats either. He's a fucking skinny red neck with a mullet. Don't worry about your build. At most you'll have to pass a physical test but it's based on height, weight, and age.
Elephant porn. BEC.
I tried neeting during covid but i’ve always found sitting your whole time on front of a computer just consoooming pathetic. Who the fuck wants to waste their lives doing that? At least when i’m working i help other people and keep society running, and get money to spend on all kinds of nice stuff during my free time.
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I don't have any social media. I wonder if this is a positive or a negative when jobhunting. They can't just look me up. I had my brother going through my resume, to 'modernize' it. He did some things with the layout and included a photo of me smiling. I've allowed it, even though I think it's retarded. If they're curious about my resume, they'll invite me. I'm not applying for 'Miss Universe', you know? It's skill based.
lmao they'll do anything to limp the democrats over the finish line even fucking rig online job hunt engines fuck sake.

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80's edition
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Post 80s VHS schlock.
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it was average. now we wait for Sting to see who is the spider king.
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posting sheer terror horror.
let's see whomst has the skills.
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>Classroom scene in American Highschool
>16 year olds failing basic algebra

It can't be this bad can it? Surely things have improved since then
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>your children could be in the hands of a frogposter
Better a frogposter than an overweight enby landwhale with purple hair screaming about killing all white people to her classroom full of like 13 year olds that show up on social media every couple weeks
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Dialectics proved to be the law of the universe yet again, bitches.
How do we reach those keedz?

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Ayyy, aye glip a dem wee a floo na'em up in the SKRRT yaeeerrrd?!
He aite an a do wut it uuuuu.
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She made me dislike black people even more than i already did.
lol whats this from I'm in a waikiki mcdonalds rn
Iirc she got jailed irl for dealing heroin. They just straight up casted hoodrats, kek. Maybe to give them something to do, which can be seen as community service.
The Wire and Apocalypto proved that acting is easy and you can get talent anywhere
what is happening in baltimore

>advertise show as action packed spinoff starring beloved character
>show is ACTUALLY about a neurotic Jew and his boring family who sit around discussing the Holocaust
>central conflict is about said Jew competing in a bowling tournament and it ends with Knuckles accepting the Jewish faith
>supposed main character relegated to the background

What the ACTUAL fuck. I can scarcely comprehend what I just watched.
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Mossad generated meme
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Knuchles Edelstein
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Why couldn't they have been like curb your enthusiasm or seinfeld jew style(AT THE END, eh yeah it's no big deal knuckles you got chops be the guy or man or somethin).

Jerry seinfeld and Garry Shandling are still alive and both contributed writing curb too(they like sega, jerry actually played sonic and knuckles with his kids and jason alexander)...
Most jews are not even jews, they are descended from religious converts. Palestinians are closer to original ethnic jews than what you currently refer to as "jews".
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Why does restaurant-based media always depict a state of constant chaos and misery? Is cooking really that hard? Or are they just trying to make their profession seem more respectable?
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Never realised how many anons worked in the restaurant industry until this post.
I want tweed suits. Burying a body and then having to kill the new guy who disked him up the next year. Stealing water and poisoning wells. Running a weed patch with a paranoid staff member hiding in it with a shotgun while the local school children take a tour. Arson. Local council meetings and a pint at the pub.
yeah they're riled up for sure.
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Yep, they work very very low IQ jobs, they're all cryptogorillionnaires with zero savings, hate "leftists" and "degeneracy" but jerk off to trannies and BLACKED, love capeshit and videogames but will pretend good movies that you love are garbage because their favorite e-celeb didn't review them (yet).
Most live with their parents and/or have never had consensual sex without paying.
These are the people you talk to every day.
>inb4 gigacope
very based post my friend

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Why were they so sniveling and cowardly?
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I am a nazi
>My history professor said Inglorious Bastards his favourite movie because theres nothing better for him than watching nazis die
>My english teacher in high school said she loves Wolfenstein because it lets you kill nazis with machine guns in both hands and makes it so easy for you

They sound incredibly based.
when did you transition?
So was the Holocaust, assuming it happened (it didn't btw)

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summer glau used to look a lot younger
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he's cool with her getting railed
>summer glau used to look a lot younger

Perhaps because she used to be younger, you think?
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The duality of man.
more like autumn glau
>guy just wants to take notice of something for a second

you're worse than he is

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This is what they took from you.
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it seems it's just a short:
is it available anywhere online?
it's the same thing in italy
we've had a murder rate of 3-3.5 during the 70s-90s and now it's constantly under 1 but it feels like people are getting whacked left and right
I just wanna pretend everything is alright and screech at /pol/ for giving me a reality check
I'm sure it's because of all the white racists.
Probably that or didn't vote at all. Right wingers aren't tolerated in any artistic field anyway, this allows the lefties to say they are the only ones who are cultured.

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Joseph "Carl Weathers" Kony has returned...
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You believe Libya was bombed to smithereens and plunged into a civil war that caused hundreds of thousand of deaths because Ghaddafi was a meanie and the good guys liberal club liberated the country from him? And now they're backing up some crackpot generals or other because they're virtuous and moral men in comparison?
I guess they should thank former French Jewish president Sarkozy for their impromptu liberation.
Not an answer whatsoever. What is your native third world language? I'll gladly translate my question for you to more easily understand.
I don't think he is jewish
And that is a good meme
NATO didn't intervene in Libya in 2011 alongside France?
He's a supreme mutt who likes to play up whatever ancestry will provide him more political clout at any given moment?

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Of of the people Austin Butler is in your ugly list? Dude is attractive and ridiculously charismatic
*of all
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Why she did this to herself?
his costume sucked
otherwise he was better than feyd rautha

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Is Freya Allan (Ciri) the new Emma Watson?
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She started smoking as a teen.
white women one millisecond after their 20th birthday
imagine the hairs on her fanny
starting to think there is actual truth to the zoomers are aging like shit meme
Wow, she smokes cigarettes. What a badass.

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Does she ever grow up and start pulling her weight?
I remembered the show as mulder and scully, but on rewatch it's like the mulder show, with mulder having this slow-witted offsider/apprentice who's ngmi
>Hold on Mulder. Let me see if I understand this correctly; the written note left by Jenkins, a former aeronautical engineer whose last contract was with the department of defense and died mysteriously shortly after calling the FBI, which reads what could only be a map code for airbase locations around the country, but for which code there is no corresponding airbase in New Mexico as there's supposed to be, which we found untrue as there is an airbase that we uncovered after travelling there and sneaking past army blockades, and we also found that there is an undergound extension to it with weird crafts and biohazard marked facilities that were impossible to unlock, even with the help of some of the stuff...somehow proves aliens exist and our government knows about it?
>Just entertain that thought for me Scully, will you? Just until the investigation is over.
Reminder this show never named the jew
He was right, she was wrong continually despite repeated evidence.
>Oh it's next week now, guess I don't remember seeing the aliens from last week, Muldahr, please be rationfull!

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It's fucking dogshit
All that production and not a single samurai fight.
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>It's fucking dogshit
>All that production and not a single samurai fight.
Wait..you serious? Not a single fight? You telling me they blew all the money on those ghost of playstation looking posters? Shiet
All that happened in the book
Do you expect a xenophobic culture like Japan to treat foreigners well? If they did then you'd be bitching about that
Obviously a white man is going to be humiliation ritual'd in Japan, it's not his country. If it was a nig getting free wives, titles, swords, fancy clothes, and prostitutes I bet you'd be raging
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How does it compare to Harakiri and picrel?
>how does a low budget TV show from 2024 compare to two of the greatest samurai movies of all time
Great question.
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I was gifted a nice copy of the book and the show is not inspiring me to power these 1000pages, anyone read it ?

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