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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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a picture that speaks volumes
28 volumes of "OP sucks dick"
>hide thread
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>a picture that speaks volumes
NCR died
Not an rpg! XD

which alice is your alice, anon?
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Technically, all she does is edit shit, not actually create anything new. It's the Power to Change, after all.
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Why of all convenants would you decide to fuck the gay lizard and get him pregnant? There are so many better options that don't have handicaps.
if it was good enough for the great men of Greece and Rome, it's good enough for me

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After over 20+ years, how is Morrowind still so fucking good? Even though it's obviously inferior to modern day TES games I still feel like it's refreshing to going back to a DnD dice rolling tier combat system. You don't have to worry about actual combat you just swing your weapon at your enemy like a retard, and I love it.
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I tried stealth without and with magic, but it wasn't fun, there's just not much to it. Very rudimentary mechanics, unviable before training/grinding, no patrols, no cone of vision, no taking light or noise to account, no misdirection, no poisoning by weapons or pickpocketing... Just pop invisibility and run to your target, just to do more damage than normal.
Is it weird that even if this were true no one exaggeration, it’d make the game more appealing to me?
I am a zoom zoom (25) and I agree with you, I’ll always love Skyrim for nostalgia but Morrowind is the superior roleplay experience. I even think graphically the art style makes up for it and it’s more visually appealing to me than oblivion lol.
This game is not, nor has it ever been by any measure good. You are suffering under some kind of mass delusion.
>You love an insanely popular rpg from the most normalfag rpg series
Never said it wasn't a normalfag RPG series, retard.

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This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3.
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RIsen is shit. It's nowhere near Gothic, dropped it in the first third.
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Risen absolutely falls apart in the last third, though. It did have a terrific all-encompassing inventory/stats/skill screen, though.
Also, Risen's magic is really bad.
It is a great game in the early parts. But yeah, you can see how unfinished it is after chapter 3. It goes from a 8.5 to a 5. I still can't believe the retard of Bjorn decided to throw everything into the trashcan and change completely the gameplay, graphics and setting with the second game. It should've received the same treatment as Gothic 1 to Gothic 2. With Risen 2 being just an expanded and more polished version of 1, while reusing almost every asset and mechanic they've already designed and created. The entire pre-production wasted in just one single game that wasn't even a big success because they decided to make everything again from scratch for the second one because little whiny bald fuck was "tired of medieval fantasy"
I wonder how much money wasted on that 360 port that ultimately ran like ass and just soured the potential player base on sequels. Hell, making both subsequent games centered around separate islands was probably a move to work around console performance limitations.

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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Lmao what a scrub
I couldn't bring myself to play 9 as someone that's played 1,2, 6, 7, 8, origin, and felghana and loved them all (7 being by far the weakest of those).
Still looking forward to 10 on pc.
The reviews about performance are horrible for the chinese/korean version sk far. I hope they get their shit together.
If you liked the others there's no reason you won't like 9.

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I respect Albedo.

He taught me respect for the balance of conscience and impunity that Death carries, which I began to grasp when I confronted him as a child. Death grants peaceful and glorious death to all righteous people and comfort to those they left behind or ended them, no matter how much they loved or hated each other.

Those who show concern for violent and troubled people only at first are not righteous, but an affront to Death. Humanity's dual arrogance and cowardice are driving God insane.

I learned myself from making this demotivator how to mock someone who thought he could mock me with a 'not' joke. And I finally understood Evangelion, though I probably could have looked it up.
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I forgive you.
Meaning he knows precisely how to make you die peacefully and gloriously or in agony and disgrace, but his mood to do it depends on whatever bipolar state he's in, making you respect people who suffer from mental illness.

Albedo teaches soulless psychiatrists respect. Maybe now clueless millennial parents can stop being so dangerously clueless about their children's need, as Nietzsche wrote, for danger and play.
I just realized danger and play is for testing the safe limits of one's own righteous impunity. I'm going out for a safe drive and seeing if anyone wants *my* trouble.
LOL this fool for deleting my comment again. He posted the video, but it's not his. The splendor that lure a young man's intellect like a heavy cool rain is mine.

Well, see you later. I hope you don't end up in the psych ward pissing yourselves and spouting lines from the game, though if you do, it would serve you right for calling me a schizo. Forgiveness is fickle, like a sunflower.

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>Parliament is about V5 politics, which are impossible to take seriously
>Night Road has the twink
>Book Of Hungry Names makes being an unstoppable killing machine lame
WoD fans are cursed
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>Don't really want to fuck ann
>She is the only one who knows how to hook me up with Jax in order to cure my Grey Death
Damn, on one hand it makes perfect sense to have sex with her in order to get the medical care I need and then ditch her afterwards. But on the other hand I selected his quirk to be a (Romantic) and he desires the high life, so I don't think he would want to have sex with a hooker.
>Night Road has the twink
Tell me more
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>here's the very attractive redhead I was telling you about
FUCK I KNEW IT, my in with the doctor is now hostile towards me.

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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>Oh no, I was not by ALL means implying that this is exclusive to jrpgs.
I wasn't implying that you were
I like Disco (probably because I enjoy VNs) but WRPGs honestly seem to focus more on narrative over gameplay than JRPGs these days. Modern RPGs also have the problem of focusing way too much on romance, but I guess it's popular so it's what sells, like BG3 and Persona 5.

I guess the main problem is that these days RPGs only sell super well when the RPG part is downplayed for something else, like the romance stuff in BG3, Persona 5, or any Bioware game.
What a retarded thing to say. It's a full Wiz 7 clone.
t. Sape
Wizardry started getting good with 6
>I think there's a mobile title coming out now too.
It's a fucking NFT game too.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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Thank you! And happy to hear.
Should be a male character.
>Should be a male character.
Hmmm... noted.
Unless it has porn this thing is pretty cringe

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Is DOS2 an improvement over DOS1? Why does the dialogue make me feel like I'm on Gaia Online? Do summons trivialize the game as bad as they did in the original? Let's find out.
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I'm in the middle of a playthrough with some friends, but we keep running into a recurring issue;
whenever we're in a fight and there's one enemy left with low HP, one of us (let's call him shaggy) refuses to just auto attack him twice and finish the fight, instead taking forever trying to brainstorm his next move, buffs 6 times, uses skin graft, summons something so he gets another turn, barely tickles the guy with his remaining AP, then repeats the process with his summon, turning the whole 5 second interaction into a 5 minute ordeal where we can't leave the fight and go do something else

if we start a fight without him to try and avoid this, eventually he finds out and begs us not to do our turns until he gets there (he's sneaking the whole way over and takes 2 minutes positioning himself)
he's not a new player and creates the most annoyingly busted builds that he uses to waste everyone's time, seemingly not maliciously or on purpose
when asked why he does this, he denies that it actually takes that long and that we're exaggerating (we aren't, and even went so far as to record gameplay to show him, which he denies as "one time")

normally he's pretty cool, but is there realistically any way to avoid falling into this trap? we're toying around with just respeccing to have escapist so we can tp out when its our turn so he has to fight the encounters solo (which he is capable of doing; quickly, even), or casting cryotherapy on him to skip his turn
>magister uses ricochet on an oil barrel, bouncing the shot into me and paladin cork
>oil spills all over the place
>2nd magister throws an oil flask in between the oil slick and a lit torch nearby to bridge the gap
>whole thing explodes and sets me and cork on fire
unironically kino
bump b4 bed
gonna try a hydro mage with a little necro for decaying touch, wish me luck bros
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It's pretty fun, and less underpowered than I thought it'd be, though I'm getting much more mileage out of the water totem I'm able to summon than combo'ing decaying touch with regen. Petrifying touch is honestly a huge help though, never played dorf before and I'm glad I decided to this time.

It's kinda weird though; when an enemy has chilled for 2 turns, I can't freeze him with another application of chilled like I could if he only was chilled for 1 turn. Also, should I dip my water staff into a poison barrel for a little extra damage, or is that gonna fuck me over in the long run? I noticed that if I melee an enemy with a poison staff and they're standing on ice/water, it turns the surface into poison

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It's quite literally Skyrim
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>helicopter spawns
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>fucking up that iconic scene with new VA
That's not a remaster, it's quite literally Skyrim because it's quite literally some dude(s) modding Skyrim to look like VTM: Redemption.

It's obviously gonna be shit, better just replay the original. I've been meaning to try the Age of Redemption mod.
Someone remade MediEvil into Skyrim and it wasn't half bad

Lol. Lmao even.
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>that looks like [thing it obviously doesnt look like]
>youre retarded
smartest slopper
Don't weasel out. I guess you realized it would work on a controller.
Anon, if you're such a newfag that you don't even know what Nethack is or how you play it, then just lol.
Never disappoint to disappoint
Have you played it? I imagine you could've answered the question by now.

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Should Obsidian be trusted with Baldur's Gate 4?
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To be fair you don't end up in the titular city until endgame in BG1. You don't spend even a single second there in BG2. Icewind Dale, Fallout, FIFA 08 and Tongue of the Fatman all could just as well be called Baldur's Gate 2.
>BG is a fucking city
I think everyone knows this, anon.
>blame Bioware for calling their game BG2 instead of SoA + ToB
They did. They titled the sequel and its expansion Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, and Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal.
>you don't end up in the titular city until endgame in BG1
>Icewind Dale, Fallout, FIFA 08 and Tongue of the Fatman all could just as well be called Baldur's Gate 2
The reason it's called Baldur's Gate 2 is because it's a direct sequel to, and continuation of, the game Baldur's Gate, centering on the same protagonist and their story.

I though that this wasn't necessary to explicate, but apparently it is: the reason that there shouldn't have been a Baldur's Gate 3 was that the series focused on a single protagonist and their story, which was decisively concluded, wrapped up, and finished by ToB. Any other game bearing the moniker would've been a completely different game that didn't revolve around the protagonist of the first games, and as such, would have been called "Baldur's Gate 3" solely for marketing and nostalgia purposes, which is equally true of both the canned BG3: Black Hound, and Larian's "BG3".
All that text only to spout gibberish. Your presumption that the now defunct Bioware gets to call dibs on that whole region of the setting, which they don't own and never did, is just incomprehensible.
Even so, BG3 did feature the Dead Three which are the true core of the not so concluded story.
>Your presumption that the now defunct Bioware gets to call dibs on that whole region of the setting, which they don't own and never did, is just incomprehensible
No one has argued this, I certainly haven't. No one is saying "there can't be games set on the Sword Coast" or even "there can't be games that feature the city of Baldur's Gate". The point is that the game series, "Baldur's Gate", was the story of one character, and it's over and done. Move on and make a new series and a new franchise. Everything else has just been riding the coattails of the name for brand recognition and marketing purposes, which is what is objected to.
>BG3 did feature the Dead Three which are the true core of the not so concluded story
Everything about BG3 was monumentally retarded, except for the production values. The story was complete trash.
Legit the only downside was that it was too short.

More enemy variety would have been nice tho.

Dying series that refuses to die
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Alphen punched Dedyme because within 5 minutes he deduced that he was hungry for Shionne pussy. And he was right.
Best scene is jude v alvin imo
Tales of hearts R "teamwork" scene is good too
yeah sorry I'm not into 20 year old games
can you tell that to the guy who keeps making Fallout and Morrowind threads please?

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