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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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Seriously why tf are people like this on the LT and AT. I tell people my legitimate name and they always surprised when it’s my real name.
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Trowel pot pie
I think it's a big AT thing.
Thats an organic nickname, and a darn fine one i'd say, despite being kinda generic. I'd wager that half the people ive know with nicknames, the names are negative, like "dribbles" for a friend who got a little piss on his pants one time. or "beandip" for a chubby kid who got beandipped(someone flicked one of his nipples, idk why it was called that)
>your trail name is now the last tool you used coupled with the last meal you ate
Knife Salad
>last tool you used coupled with the last meal you ate

UCM meatballs
we called my best friend Sonshine growing up because when he moved pack from New York he had hair like that kid in remember the titans

#502- “Hands Off My Soft Plastics!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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from the rocks
Sometimes I can see them at a lake. But depends if it rained recently.
Get a pair of polarized sunglasses. They aren't necessary but help a lot.
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>I've read that it's really good for getting PRs
I'm in Iowa and my experience has been anything from October-ish to April-ish has been either skunk or 1 decently sized fish, usually a PB. I caught an absolute unit of a freshwater drum in November, but I had probably 10 other times I went for an hour or two and caught absolutely nothing, which is very frustrating.
>he doesn't make scallop penis goji chang soup
Massive loss ameribros.

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What is required to do activities like: rucking, climbing and swimming? I want to do physical activites /out/ but I usually dont do more than jogging
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>exercise is idiodic
Exercise is fine, but you have to be smart about it to avoid ruining your body.
Lifting weights isn't stupid, lifting weights like someone doing crossfit is stupid.
I don't know how to exercise properly, therefore nobody else does either
>fucked up my greentext
Well that's what I get for pre-coffee posting
Kek. I understand the sentiment but I just want to be sure that Im not putting myself at unnecessary risk
Im not sure that other poster is genuine about their belief, if they are then they overestimate how destructive walking with weight is

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And what do they do to protect the woods from weekend warrior citidiots?
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They are cousins and stuff not immediate family. I don't hear from them unless they want a favor. I hunt ocassionally but generally I'm sort of down on it tbqh. Not once has one ever said "hey can I go dig up a x seedling." "Can I go take some pictures etc." If they texted and said hey let's go look for a Magnolia seedling or a Willow Oak seedling not only would I let them but I go with them. Anyways, what pesters me the most about it is they have land of their own kek.

I have non family members/neighbors that have free reign because they are friends and don't always have their hand out.
Nah, fuck that, some family are freeloaders. I have an uncle that tried to cause a big stink because I told him he couldn't park in my driveway to trespass and poach deer off my neighbors property.
I'm just letting you know, I'm a photographer and you missed a once in a lifetime photo right there by getting your finger right up on the lens
A lot of places I've see that sort of crap is only accessible via ATV after a long car drive. A lot of adults never grow up and continue to use the world as their personal trash bin until the day they die.
You think people travel from out of town to chuck an old toilet off the side of the road or to dump a truck bed full of trash in the forest?

Beer cans and bonfires, sure. But they’re still locals. And the household and construction debris isn’t teenagers, it’s “adults.”

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I am thinking of ditching my tent and matress and sleeping bag for a tarp and a hammock.
Any experiences on this?
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yeah I've spent enough time tinkering with hammock setup that I would never want to deal with rigging that thing after a long day.


use skins/sleeves and you can usually get away with just wrapping your suspension up a bit on the outside. I've never had a problem anyway.
i use a tensionless anchor and attach to that with prussiks. easy and adjustable.

If you have it set up correctly there is very little tension in the system and load on the anchors is minimal. I'd trust >>2724841 in high winds more than I'd trust most tents. In a normal tent the mode of failure is that it falls over on you. In a hammock the first thing to fail in extreme winds is one tarp anchor. the hennessy tarp I have has simple plastic o-ring and hook tarpline tensioners which will just pop loose before there can be any damage to the lines, the tarp, or the stakes. if that happens you groggily make some random adjustments until shit stops flapping around and go back to sleep.

the way things get really bad with a setup of this type is when your anchors aren't trustworthy for whatever reason. anchoring strategy is different for every scenario, every soil, every situation and the only way to git gud is to git gud.
I don't know how much loft the Costco down has, but at the rate you're doing all this rigging and sewing you could make Apex underquilt and have sufficient insulation by choosing the right thickness. At 30F you've also entered the territory where drafts are problematic so you'd have to take that into consideration in designing. Personally I would try this at a warmer trip where you can get some data on whatever system you end up building. It's one thing to push something you know to the limit, its another to discover if something works.

I never understand this idea that hammocks are so complicated. There's maybe a little more fiddling once everything is up but it's not like I didn't spend time looking and cleaning an area for the tent. Whatever extra time is a very minor trade-off for getting a nice tarp and hammock in camp.

All my tarp and hammock rigging just goes in an external pocket on the bag right as it comes of the tree.
>trees spaced perfectly apart
This has to be the same person saying this in every hammock thread, right? I mean I’m pretty sure 99.99% of the people who would comment about hammocks know they have an adjustable suspension and tree distance can vary but a lot, so it has to be just one retard who keeps saying this… right?

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2710237

Spring is here.
Hope you got to enjoy the eclipse.
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Looking good
A sheet of plastic or mesh over the entire property. Aircraft or drones could still see even if you somehow convinced every satellite company and government in the world to not show anyone.
double kek
Rip it out with chunk of the roots that reverted to thorny state.
After any part of a periclinal chimera like blackberry turns thorny it will never be thornless again, don't let it grow.
thanks for the advice. I potted that plant before watching a significant amount of videos on the subject so I feel like I have a much better understanding than I did at the time. However the current pot has the benefit of allowing for faster growth in the short term which I think is good considering how small the plant is right now. It also doesn't have enough fine roots at this point to survive a shallow pot with bonsai soil. In a year or two I'll consider repotting it in something more appropriate.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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I sincerely hope it serves you as well as mine did me.
That's a whopping 5 grams lighter than the Widesea pot. I will not be ordering the Widesea at risk of herniating my back and not being able to walk the last 100 meters back home due to exhaustion from a too heavy pack. You have truly saved my life anon. For serious though I really appreciate it and I am autismally shaving grams.

Adding to the rest of your conversation: Aegismax indeed seems like a solid brand. But for sleeping bags, I'm looking at Cumulus, which have stupidly light and warm bags if their ratings are to be trusted, which I suspect they are. They are anything but budget chinese stuff, but this is an area where I think that you cannot save money unless the Aegismax offerings fit your exact needs.
Oh, hey, look. Cumulus. Hehe.
I have a shitty, heavy, super cheap synthetic bag. It SUCKS. At least I didn't spend more than I did. If I did it again I would get a sus chinese noname goose or duck down bag. It would cost about twice as much as this did but not cost a ton, be about as stupidly heavy, but I'd at least be warm. The CW400 others have mentioned is less heavy than the nonames I mention, so it is probably a safe bet. The main thing you want to figure out is if you're actually going to stick with this. If you are, then consider paying more for something better rather than buying something intermediate and paying even more for another bag later down the line.
one more recommendation, lookup /read up the standard used for the temp rating. it's gotten better but the temperature rating used to be extremely misleading. rated for 5°c meant SURVIVAL aka you dont die at 5 from hypothermia... and not for comfort at 5°c . Sleeping rating meant sleep possible but not comfortable/restful with for example curled up fetus position
> the upper limit is the highest temperature at which a 'standard' adult man can have a comfortable night's sleep without excess sweating.
> the comfort rating is based on a 'standard' adult woman having a comfortable night's sleep.
> the lower limit is based on the lowest temperature at which a 'standard' adult man is deemed to be able to have a comfortable night's sleep.
> the extreme rating is a survival-only rating for a 'standard' adult man. This is an extreme survival rating only and it is not advisable to rely on this rating for general use.
NTA but god I wish. Bog standard /26\ with spike bayonet.
In the market for a headlamp. You like those two? Which would you recommend if I'm only getting one? Ideally I'd like to use it bike commuting and ski touring as well as backpacking so I'm fine with paying more but I'd like it bright and I'd like good battery life on at least one setting.

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Virginia is beautiful, but some of this shit is annoying.

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Doing a camping trip in the next month or so and have been roped in as the camp cook. It's a three day trip, what would be good foods to bring given we're going to be camping out on public land in the western US? Was thinking eggs and corn beef hash for breakfast, something light for lunch, but drawing a blank on dinners. It'll be a three day trip, so will need foods that will stay well in a cooler. Have a double propane burner, and a single butane one.
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Based moka pot.
Enough meal suggestions already so my 2c is just to keep it simple and less packaging the better - none at all is ideal. There's a Spanish documentary maker Eugenio Monesma. The videos where you see the workers making their meals while out remote on the job is the best. Stews over fire are common. But the way they prepare is couldn't be more straightforward. Cutting the vegetables in hand straight into the pot without fucking around with a chopping board. Leg of linen-wrapped leg of goes straight in - no cooler required.
>leg of
>doesn't pass around a hip flask at the summit
Love this guy. The reason I got back into cast iron when car camping.

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Does /out/ ever have those mancamp threads anymore?
It always seemed so comfy the idea of a bunch of us living in tiny houses in the woods .
Seems like now with starlink we could all have internet as well
Or would that ruin the whole idea?
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>i hope in real life you have some compassion for your /out/ brothers
I don't have compassion for bitter incels who want to live on a homosexual colony with only men and dogs.
why are you here?
4chan is great place to abuse awful people, and because they choose to lean into the abuse rather than leaving or developing into better people, there are no ethical concerns.
Fine, we'll get rid of the dogs then

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Topics include:
>soakers and how to avoid them, dude
>non-slip grips, kid
>clearance sales, chief
>cleaning and treatments, boss
>wellies, chauncy
>vintage gear, toots
>stay-aways and ripoffs, jack
>liners or wool socks, professor
>hunting boots and camo options, rambo
>handmade leather and bespoke examples, fabio
>ropers, riders, and cowboys, huck
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>go caming
>wear gore-tex boots
>get caught in heavy rain
>water gets in the top and boots stay wet for the rest of the trip

They're great boots otherwise, but damn I should have listened to the anons who said gore-tex doesn't dry well.
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What sort of insoles do you guys buy when yours get worn down? I bought these alpine ranger boots, and while the insoles it came with are fine, they are replaceable and i figure it'd be a good idea to get new ones eventually
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mi choice is
>hike and not tecnical spikes
<salomon gtx 4
>speleo and tropical hikes
<us amy green boot whit panama sole

for me is the only 2 boots i use
Felt, the synthetic sort is the most common.
>Horrible blisters
Two pairs of wool socks.

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I've been browing these boards for a while and I've never seen mention of blackout tents. You know where you can put a torch inside but he completely hidden from the outside at night?

Seems like a cosy idea for stealth camping, what do you guys think?
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I'd get something like this if I have to stealth camp
>my definition is the only one in the universe!
nobody needs to cope, grandpa, lol!
theyre not for like alaskan summers?
that's what they are made for, but OP wants them for spoiled manchild hobo LARP
>cope seethe fax no cap etc.
Go outside, maybe try stealth camping! :^)

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your professors lied to you, YWNBAW.
It's true guys. A Loch Ness Monster just blurred over my house.
(You) said yourself that christ is a judean. And what does "jude" mean, my dear bible boy?
It is always quite amusing watching these sorts desperately trying to separate their precious kike on a pike from the long nose goblins that cause all their problems.
It's clearly a dog

Go back to plebbit and stop shitting up this board with your anti-white politics.

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I don't know how to use a compass. I cannot read a paper map. I only use my phone.
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That's not something you should be bragging about anon. It's a flaw, not a feature. Go learn a useful skill you dumb fucking faggot.
phone navigation is a skill
its 2024 grandpa
What are you going to do when your cellphone dies, you never learned to use a paper map so didn't bother packing one, and you have to find your way back to your vehicle?
Let me guess, that'll never happen to you. You're careful. You've never broken a cellphone in your life and you packed a spare battery pack. Well, you're throwing the dice on dying of exposure a quarter mile from your car because you never learned how to navigate properly.
Throw the dice all you'd like, just don't brag about it like you're some sort of badass because you take stupid risks that could be easily avoided.
plug it into the backup battery
Murphy law is a bich anon

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