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154 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ta gueule schizo
I'm thinking about reading Céline and I find this in the introduction
>Céline, écrivait Bernanos en 1932, a été fait par Dieu pour scandaliser
>Comment cette œuvre peut-elle apparaître si forte et donner tant de plaisir à ceux de ses lecteurs, la majorité il faut l’espérer, qui sommes le plus opposés aux « idées » et aux passions de Céline
Céline sounds based, I hope as a convictionless edgelord I will feel a brethren spirit with him
>le nom du dinosaure vert ami de Mario hier
Il s'appelait Yoshi.
C'est prévu depuis hier
J'ai peur qu'il m'annonce un cancer tellement développé que le nombre du stage est à 2 chiffres, mais il faut bien s'y confronter
Merde, je buvais beaucoup de café au cours de la dernière année, est ce que ça vient de là ?
on a dit qu'on essayait d'être enthousiaste et positif aujourd'hui

How do hindus tolerate islamists slaughtering every kind of hoofed animal they can get their hands on such that the streets run red with blood for pleasure?

What's worse, why dont any of the "animal cruelty" places give a shit? Are they all cowards afraid of mudslides chimping out? I read about this from PETA of India, of all places
I have heard people complaining about Halal slaughter practises for a very long time
In Australia there was a massive story about it a few years ago
Perhaps it's just not an issue that's brought up where you live?
>Are they all cowards afraid of mudslides chimping out?
Yes, same with leftist cocksuckers
>feeding the crocodile hoping it will eat you last
its a farm of iconoclasm, mosaic distinction for muslims since hindus prohibit cow slaughter, muslims slaughter it
No one likes "Halal" slaughter, but we dont see it in civilized places because it's not infested with mudslimes

The false equivalency these "animal cruelty" places come up with like it's "only as bad as regular slighter" has got to be the biggest mental gymnastics Ive seen out of these moral cowards
... mixed with Christian iconoclasm and violence, e.g. going into other peoples' homes and homelands and shedding blood in them in an effort to demoralize and outrage non-believers.

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Uncircumcised dicks are unaesthetic and look very gross
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I dont think that's normal anon
You’re a man so your opinion doesn’t matter
Foreskin makes for an easier penetration and sex and makes the cock fuller, it also makes your gland feel more pleasure. It's there for a reason, who thought mutilating your penis is a bad idea

White people on twitter are upset over this
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Nice of this guy to give permission to consider his people less than human
Against animals
>Tortures them, eats them alive, STRONK
Against humans
>I soo sawwy white daddy, ret me make it up to you <3
Timmies seething
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you already eat ze bugs, that's why they love you at the WEF chuy
imagine getting upset about the animals, yet, castration of the children is absolutely fine. this is the lunacy at its finest.

foreign federal government in Canbera will favour the business and popular interests of the larger population centres lying to the east of this state.
No more illegal occupation of Canbera.
no more cinderella state.
Referendum has been done.
I bet the Chinese glowies start pushing this psyop harder in the next decade
It'll work too Australians are retarded as fuck

Honest thoughts about Jeetland and suggestions on how Jeetland can be improved.
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>>Stop asking the government to meddle into everything
we are socialist for libertarian
caste is never going away
the savarnas (high castes) hate anyone below and the dalits
there is a reason india is still such a shithole while china developed despite both having high population
right after independence, the savarnas took over the country and fucked it over several times instead of focusing on development
they ensured india remained a shithole and the people remained uneducated and impoverished
it's mighty funny to see them all crying about reservations right now
why? what are they going to achieve now when they couldnt achieve anything while they were the overwhelming majority in every sector for several decades after independence?
why didnt they turn india into superpower back then?
>Honest thoughts about Jeetland
shit because it's full of jeets
>how Jeetland can be improved.
get rid of the jeets.

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176 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
Wirst dich schnell wieder daran gewöhnen, das verlernt man nicht.
hensch mir urlaubgenomen
29.-30. april
und 10.-14. mai
>das verlernt man nicht.
Ich hab's ja verlernt wie gesagt hab zwischendurch kurz probiert als ich die Gelegenheit hatte, und bin kläglich gescheitert.
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Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird wird Widerstand zur Pflicht!
der deutsche hausi IST ein animespasti
gibt auch einen deutschen /int/ mod, der benutzt auch anime bildchen als avatar
sind beides transen und anti-deutsch, von der Sorte halbdeutsch/türke
darum wirst hier sofot weggebannt wenn du "musel" sagst

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gaylord silly edition
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Does anyone have the webm where that fat blading curly haired tranny in a pink dress is getting filmed and looks like its about to charge exactly like a Rhino
haha baited into wasting your post timer
>Fire service bosses in Shropshire talked about wanting to 'kill' and harm female colleagues.

>Leaked messages we’ve obtained refer to women as “lazy cow”, “feckin bint” and “useless”.

>“I could still kill her buddy”, said the Chief about one woman.
trooncord raid underway
currently sat above a quite horrendous smelling poo

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Wild India edition
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>using the same arguements that whitoids use to call indians subhumans
Yo what up with all that India shyt on this board... What you Indian guys cooking?
yes, you are one
not him but I dislike how south Indians serve their dishes (using no bowls) and eat (using fingers and palm)
Superiority breeds controversy

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>hey anon, I heard you bully italians online and call them shitalian and wog
How do you respond?
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Someone needs to keep them in check.
I literally say that, look like that and piss myself like that in a room with a sign that explicitly states that.
Eyy I'm walking ere
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Yes. Wanna see what I put into pizza?
Vghh.. brown princess... delicate desert flower... J2 queen...

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/asean/ dood wat nou
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oh wow God answered my request.
its actually raining.
fuck you i was drenched in rain riding my motobike
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your troubled young life had made you turn
to needle of death
>it's true
lol, I fucking hate luhut so much bros. Total cinak and cinak cock suckers death. Fuck you all

krl, just google it.

read the weather report before starting your day.

Brazil > europe
then go back delivery macaco
It's insane how you guys shill mediocre att behaving like att who have lost much of their femininity and innocence

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>I suffer in the Native Reservation
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Future MMIW rockstar/pornstar
don't reservations have the highest alcoholism levels in the country?
Sign that they enjoy life the most
Rez girls don't look like that they're all fat. She's an urban native

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wtf Korean alcohol is better than German beer
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you have shit taste dude
Try Makkoli. I prefer that.
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Everything is better then beer

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