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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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No. As of 2023 160 million had a passport. Other poster is right, it's closer to half of Americans have one.
Cool man I'm sure your 300 followers on instagram really think your pictures are great and people should halt their lives so you can post for them.
Wow, you've really got a chip on your shoulder. What's wrong with taking pictures of amazing places?
All you have to do is step around. It doesn't cost you a penny.
I have a very successful travel vlog and blog btw, but I won't dox myself. My recent series focused on moonlight in cityscapes. I had to plan the full moons throughout the year and traveled to a different European city for each.
So yeah.
Just stop lol you're digging yourself a bigger hole. No random stranger owes you shit, the world doesn't belong to you.

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I am considering moving to the UK, but whenever I hear anything about the UK from UK citizens in Canada is that Canada is so much better, Canada is great, the UK is horrible etc. Most British say they are much happier in Canada, the standard of living is much better, higher quality of life, the people are nicer etc. Online, the UK seems to be a standard for everything a bad country is. Instead of "at least we're not Mississippi" the expression is "at least we're not the UK". Is the UK really that bad of a country?
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Based on what you've said, I seriously doubt that you are genuinely british. The supposed uproar about st george and the flag just doesn't exist in real life. It seems a lot of your views are based on how people act on twitter.
In my county, much like most other counties/cities besides London or Birmingham, St Georges day is celebrated the same as it always has been, union jacks and st georges crosses are up and down most streets and its a nice time for people to socialise on the streets. You are most likely a terminally online shut-in, and I have serious doubts that you are actually british, let alone live in the UK
Wow,imagine being so isolated you actually accuse me of not being British. Have you ever been to a pub or spoken to somebody outside of your boarding school?

I'm literally 10 generations English. Even before records began,mate.
Listen man, I actually don’t know what you’re getting at. You know what you’re saying isn’t true. This constant deflection of “UR NOT AKTUALLY BRITISH!!” is actually fucking sad.

I’m from the Midlands, I lived around all of the UK (and several places in continental Europe where I currently reside).

I’m not saying there is a constant visceral reaction to St George’s day like you might see on Twitter of people screaming about it, but there’s a general malaise around the whole idea of celebrating English identity in 95% of the country. The average person ranges from indifferent to the idea, to maybe slightly uncomfortable.

English people aren’t proud of their identity, in fact, nobody gives a shit about the state of their communities anymore. Most major cities barely even have a sense of community outside of football anymore.

You said life is easy mode in the UK. Living on a council estate, collecting benefits and having all of your services provided to you by the taxpayer is easy mode, and to the people that live that life they’re probably quite happy with it. How easy your life is, is pretty irrelevant.

Weird samefag post.
I highly doubt you're from the Midlands. Your typing accent is massively off.
It's an objective fact that Brummies are some of the most patriotic people in the UK.
Your view of council estates and the dole reeks of /pol/ and too many movies.
Ah yes, the famous Brummie typing accent. Lmao.

>Brummies are the most patriotic
Half the city aren’t even fucking English hahahaha.

>Your view of council estates and the dole reeks of /pol/ and too many movies.


I'm planning to relocate from Bongistan to Germany in the next couple of years, but I'm struggling to pick a city. Why? Because the national autism culture of ze Germans is very comfortable and welcoming to me, the quality of food and life in general seems better, and the UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.

My situation:

>already have remote job with German employer who can provide my visa
>speak fluent German
>64k GBP salary (but I will get paid in yuro should I move)
>50k in savings
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
>also don't want to get bent over and assfucked for rent

The cities I like the most from previous travel are Cologne, Dresden and Leipzig, Berlin is okay and I have some friends there but I hear the rent market is nightmarish. What's a humble teutaboo to do?

Also, do people buy houses in Germany? I hear it's a rent culture, but I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
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What are the other issues? I previously lived in a small town in Thuringia for a few months which was meant to be some kind of brown shirt hotspot but I never saw shit, maybe the Germans I speak to exaggerate the issue. What are the other issues you think I should be more concerned about?
>What are the other issues you think I should be more concerned about?
The same as in the UK. Drunk retards, or underage faggots acting though and mentally ill poor persons. But way less stabbings. Nazis are just more in the news because of the past, not because it is so prominent. You need to be more concerned of taxes.
If I could move wherever in Germany I'd probably move to some comfy smallish city in Bavaria. Like Regensburg for example. Rent should be a lot cheaper than the big cities.
I lived in Leipzig for a bit and I really enjoyed it. Big university so full of students, tons of history, cultural events all through the year. The job market wasn't great in Leipzig, but if you got that sorted out, you should be good. I only visited Cologne as a tourist for a few days and absolutely hated it, so I'd stick to Leipzig. Dresden felt a bit too touristic, plus Leipzig is better connected to the rest of the country.
bit off topic, but, every single tiktok ive seen of that faggot makes me want to kill him. Its weird. Its like I hold 10,000 years worth of genetic memories that all tell me that this guy is my adversary. If I ever see him in public I think I might genuinely end up killing him.

>Buenos Aires
Which of these 4 cities could I have the most amount of fun with nightlife and women and sightseeing/walking in a 2.5 week period as a 25 yo?
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Bangkok/pattaya, it will change you as a person
>scooping another dudes scuzz out of her vagina with my helmet shaped glans
Absolutely disgusting
>it will change you as a person
Yes I suppose it is very confronting for guys to get boners over ladyboys
It's been a long time since I was in Buenos Aires but it is a great city and great fun for walks, ok nightlife and some p4p scene if that's what you're into. I thought Pattaya was a bit of a dive and apart from the occasional stroll along Beach Rd, I didn't really like it that much. Bangkok was good because it is a complex and interesting city with it's extensive canals, markets, temples, food and red light areas. I liked Bangkok a lot more than Pattaya as it caters well to regular tourists not just sexpats. As for Barcelona and Mexico I've never been to either of them. Right now I'd probably choose Bangkok as my first preference and then either Buenos Aires or Mexico City as a second. The good thing about Bangkok is that if you're curious about Pattaya it is an easy 2 hour bus ride away.
I've been to CDMX and BA before covid. I got laid by JBW in a nightclub with some rando club slut in CMDX. Could imagine something similar in BA. They were both really cool places in general as well. Really want to go to Thailand

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wtf is that big ass island west of Italy? H
The northern one is Corsica, the southern one is Sardinia.
If I were going I would absolutely take you up on this. I imagine staying with a local would make Sicily a million times better
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I was in Sicily in January, we had lovely weather for the whole week. We used Palermo as our base and explored the area a bit (the trains work great, but a car would be better if you can do that). Cefalu and Agrigento are amazing daytrips if you have the time.
For restaurants avoid anything on Via Maqueda, it all seemed too tourist-trap-ey and overpriced. Look for stuff on smaller streets.
One bakeries (pasticceria) I suggest you check out:
>Pasticceria Capello, Via Colonna Rota 68, just a short walk away from the big Cathedral. Everything there is good, but I'm a big cannoli fan so try those.
And if you go to Agrigento, also check this one out:
>Pasticceria Infurna Giuseppe (Via Atenea 96, right on the main walking street). They have the most amazing cannoli, filled on the spot, in front of your eyes.
Also, if you go to the Valley of the Temples, which you should, try to time it so that you are there for sunset and you'll see some amazing sights. Pic related.
Speaking of grandpops, my grandfather visited Sicily a long time ago. He said he got in a fight there. He tried to run away, but his hand got cut off. He was eventually able to get away because a volcano had erupted, which to be fair would concern a lot of people. Just to be safe, he faked his death, and even got married to my grandma while laying low.

But anyway, he got his fucking hand chopped off. Sicily isn't that violent anymore, right?

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I'll be solo traveling through Yurop on September/October and I have to do remote work for two weeks.
I was thinking of going to Poland and stay in either Wrocław or Warsaw, as they seem like nice cities to be a few days, and airbnbs don't look too expensive.

I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay (which cities, hostels/airbnbs), good places to eat and foods to try, and in general things to do after working or on weekends. I'm 25 y/o and never been to Poland fwiw
Two weeks of raging nationalists, SS banderites, american pawns, and sexual immorality

Want real culture try Russia. I say this as an American.
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>Two weeks of raging nationalists, SS banderites, american pawns, and sexual immorality

>Want real culture try Russia. I say this as an American

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Hello, I will be your seat neighbor for the next 7 hours.
What do
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hes not taking the armrest, hes paying for his seat, and he isnt leaking over to my side
seems fine

however my autism requires me mention that no commercial plane two seat wide is going on any seven hour flights
I would contact a flight attendant and make sure I'm on the plane to where ever I'm going, and not to Proxima Centauri 9.
Planes are pretty well spaced for normal people, hence why you only ever see fatties bitching.
Maybe if you’re a poor manlet.
>what is a 2-4-2 layout?
Still miring the seat pitch in the OP pic though.

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sup /trv/irgns. doing 3/4 days in CDMX. gonna try to hit the main stuff, zocalo, chapultepec, roma norte, etc.

any specific recs on what to do/avoid? me and my gf are EXTREMELY white. I speak basic spanish and can read much more but am an obvious gringo.

have you been to russia recently? how was it?
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nice try ivan
buy an ad
This anon, it's rough rn
Entire towns are emptied of men.
Its economy is on life support.
Prospects of an economic or even demographic recovery after the war is nil.
It's a dictatorship, kept in place by foreign interests, that has cancelled elections, closed down churches, and keeps men from leaving the country at gunpoint; where men are kidnapped off the street to be sent to the meat grinder while the President and his wife travel the world, buying real estate in Miami and jewelry in Paris. It's over for Russia.
Oh wait, that's Ukraine.
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russia isn't doing so hot these days. lots of men looking like this
How's the cooking?

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i saved up 20 thousand to blow on my vacations. should i go to dubai or paris?
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Your money will go waaaaaay further in Paris than in that oil plastic shantytown. Some anons shit on Paris but if you have money to spend there are limitless options for great restaurants, bars, clubs and women to enjoy.
If you watch to stretch your money further Spain is also a good option.
Go to SEA. The fuck is the point of visiting shithole europe or some desert shopping mall. They both suck
Not everyone here wants to fuck low tier gooks faggot
>$20k wouldn't even buy you dinner at some places in Dubai.

What a retarded fucking statement hahahahahahahhahaha

I know some people will say “anon it’s never too late!” but I don’t want to be seen as some old creepy fuck wanting to go dancing.

So unless you’re older and have done those things with positive outcomes, how old is too old to travel and have fun with locals?
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I am a massive pussy about that so thank you
so you are an oldcel and get along along with other oldcels... Congrats?
stop caring so much you faggot
>I'm a 31 year old norwood 2 boomer grindcel and I WILL be visiting Europe
yea good luck in europe lmao
age is not relevant only your attractiveness is
people tend to look worse as the age but the range is gigantic
it's better to be 45 and good looking than 25 and balding

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>24yr old
>go to japan for 2nd time
>first time solo, this time with 2 good friends
>start off in tokyo
>roadtrip to nagano nature
>adventures ensues
>sleep in a tent for the first time
>laugh hysterically with friends during trip, never laughed this much in a week
>never had this much fun in a holiday
>roadtrip to kyoto and osaka
>osaka nightclub, close to pulling 9/10 japanese girl but cockblocked by her friend
>flow state ensues, effortlessly making genuine connections everywhere i go
>fuark ... time is going too fast
>9 days are up
>fly back to amsterdam

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your insecurity is showing
>walk around in osaka minami
>american couple
>the very large guy goes HEY WHERE'S GALA GALA??
>no idea sry
be happy you got to have those memories op, it's only going to get downhill from here with the amounts of tourists coming in, especially from the land of the free
When you see such sights, you're unable to ignore the world that is out there. We all get into such a routine that we hardly give a second though to what's across the ocean, much less what's down the street from us. And life is finite - I think traveling, in some ways, reminds us of our mortality, especially when trips are coming to an end. Everyone would love to spend life seeing these wonders and meeting new people, but nothing pushes the hard realities of life in your face more than vacation being over. You have to work. You have to maintain your responsibilities. And that's ok too - but it's tough to ignore the world waiting to be explored.

And as you get older, it's more difficult to break away from those responsibilities. I had a real opportunity to go live in another country for 3-4 years, but ultimately my family and I decided against it because the logistics were just going to be a nightmare when it came to uprooting our current life.
that is awesome anon, glad you had a good time during your travels, yes, post travel sadness is real because you realize how much fun you had on your trip and look back on it fondly, the good news is you did it and have those memories always, the best advice I can offer is start planning your next trip so you can have another great experience.
highs and lows
i do hope you didnt act like one of (((them))) while you were there

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For most of your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is very long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, check to see if there is a relevant thread before asking it here.

Previous thread: >>2549934
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i got 2 weeks off
i am in west europe near Frankfurt
spontaneous road trip worth it/doable? somewhere south
What should you not miss in Vienna?
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I just checked something randomly, and I think flixbus removed the stop I booked to get on a bus at next month and didn't plan on telling me (i can see the bus is still running on their website, just not stopping at the stop i booked)
not a question i just didn't want to make a shit thread to express what is currently generating a lot of rage in my head
well they have the customer service to reply to an email on a saturday evening, didn't expect that at least
but they really did just cancel the bus stopping where i had already got a ticket for without bothering to tell me or cancelling the ticket, so if i wasn't being an autist and checking shit i would have been waiting around for a bus that was never coming
fr fr no cap be bussin' yo dawg 'sup fr fr
You can't just mansplain like that *skull emoji*

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Discuss your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
Philippine travel guides:
Philippines E-Travel requirement before arrival:
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pretty easy from my experience. there's some regions that are muslim so don't go there, make your research before going
Best number one and only one travel tip for manila. Get out of there asap, what a fucking shit hole
I've heard despite being catholic they're all having pre marital sex starting from a young age...
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This is a very inaccurate. This post will eventually be filled with retards who can't think beyond black and white so before that happens let me tell you this

Out of all countries in the world there is no better place to get a wife then the Philippines. It will be very easy to find a girl who has never had sex before and she will have a lot of the qualities you would want in a girl. Plus they are very beautiful.

And Christian
>It will be very easy to find a girl who has never had sex before
Would she hate it if I have?

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