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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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post your work, and how how long you've been drawing ??
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My first attempt at painting.
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Five years and still a permaprebeg.
Yeah I guess holding a magnifying lens in the other hand is pretty uncomfortable
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Just started after 5 year break, how we doing?

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10 years, 1028 pages inked (not including single illustrations like pic related).
Those are my stats up until my first professional manga was published.
To anons who want to become a pro author, keep this in mind. Maybe others could do it faster, but it's always going to takes hundreds and hundreds of pages, thousands of hours of work, to gain the skill to go pro, most of which will be uncompensated. I don't say this to discourage you — quite the opposite, I'm saying this because if you're seeing this it means you could probably be working harder. Please don't slack off, draw draw draw! It CAN be done, but you won't get there if you aren't willing to make sacrifices.
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I want to draw my manga, do I have enough level or should I improve?
The guns. Did you go for that "bulpup revolver "(it actually exists snd is weird af) look intentionally or accidentally.
Depending on the timeperiod/ context. You could try and go for a s&w model 10 look for a cop like feel,
mateba for a sci fi/ bladerunner vibes
or an opentop revolver like colt navy for a more cowboy feel.
Do 1 full inked page first and post that instead of an unfinished sketch.
Yes, you can become the next junji Ito. Without problem.
That drawing scared me to death
>Any tips for a new manga artist? I have no idea how mangakas decide their paneling. Right now I'm just doing quick copies of manga panels that I like, just to get a feel for it
Make. Stuff.
I don't think there's any clever trick to paneling. It's just something you have to agonize over again and again and again. The right choice is highly context based so general advice is of limited use. You just have to do it, and yes it is this hard for everybody.

Are you asking for permission? Drawing manga IS improving.

I don't remember exactly what I was going for, it was years ago. But I do remember struggling with the guns. Not an ideal subject for something drawn quickly, especially since people are quick to point out mistakes when drawing them, lol.

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What does a paypal invoice look like to clients in 2024?

Can they see your address and name?

Do you use a business name?

If you do, what's the point of that? They can easily look up where your business was registered and the name of the owner
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Is there any benefit to forming an llc as an artist?
get taxed more depending on your state
you don't need an llc, you need a dba, which you can get as a sole proprietorship
an llc would only have a point if you're employing people and/or making shitloads of money
This has already been talked about before
The only way to be 100% sure you stay anonymous, private and secure is by using crypto, specifically Monero(xmr).
Depending on what u draw and where you live you may even want to always use a VPN and even also draw in a Linux PC (tailsOS) or use some encryptee drives with Veracrypt.
Maybe even only use open source apps (and portable) for everything as to not leave any traces if you aren't using tailOS or the like
So they still softdoxx ya

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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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If you know how to run command line programs, I found this: https://github.com/joanroig/swatches-to-ase

If not, open the .JSON file in notepad. If it comes out as garbled characters, first extract the file like you would a .ZIP file. Look for something like "hue" : 0.1234567890, "saturation" : 0.1234567890, "brightness" : 0.1234567890. This is a color in the HSB model. But it is non-standard for the values to be decimals between 0 and 1. So you may need to do some math first so your program will accept them. Multiply "hue" by 360, "saturation" by 100, and "brightness" by 100. Then you can input them into your program's color selector.
I've got into drawing a week ago, having tons of fun, but there's an issue of approach I'm wondering about
>i often start drawing with no clear idea in my head
>if i have an idea, i often modify it as I go, kind of "hey this is not what i wanted at all but it looks cool so let's go with that"
>tried drawing various characters based on other art, sometimes i just end up with a completely different character because i give up on trying to accurately capture original character's feel whenever I see something nice popping up under my hand

Do you guys think this is a mortal sin and I should abandon it immediately in favor of fighting hard to get idea down as accurately as I can, or is there a value in aimless doodling and basically RNGing a somewhat visually appealing result?
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I'm a clean man now and I'm going to start posting Sfw art and animations to try to get freelance jobs and maybe some commissions.
What are the better social media pages to use?
I only have an instagram is twitter still good what about tumblr?
drawing from imagination is the same as drawing from reference, except the image is in your head instead of anywhere external

you need strong visualization skills. Its usually better to spend a while building the mental image before starting. Thumbnailing is particularly useful when trying to create a composition

you can also just throw ideas at the canvas and see what sticks, but that's more of a chaotic, improvisational approach
Just post wherever, it's all gone to shit apart pixiv

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Video Course General v.27

No one made a new one in a couple weeks edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

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Does anyone have David Finch Videos?
Would anyone happen to know where I can send Chinese/Korean painting/fundamental courses to be translated? I have tons of them which are much better than those dogshit western courses (excluding steve huston and vilppu)
OCC does
hate that place
NMA stuff on composition is good but a little basic. Vilpu's short course is probably the most advanced.

Honestly composition is a lot more simple than you think I don't think there is such thing as "advanced composition" techniques.

Why does this board hate Western art so much?

I always thought cowboys were really cool.
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>Post at least 10 threads where /ic/ hate Western art or cowboy art
We don't spoonfeed new fags here.
The Comics Code Authority is gone now, so is it time for a revival for horror and lewd comics? I would love to draw that kind of shit
I think the industry is too fucked for that to happen. Maybe if DC and Marvel died.
I hate this so much
we love cowboys and cowboys loved each other

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>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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>no follow up
What if the follow up is lewd, anon
hmm ok. i dont think ill bother for that amount just yet.
God damn I hate rendering, bros.

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Yeah, yeah, another AI thread. Some actual content and consequences of its use this time though. DC has pulled multiple covers from artist accused of AI art use. I'll post the art upclose with some side by sides of his 'real' art and pencils, etc in subsequent posts.

How are artists going to prove they draw anythign anymore? How can they pull art like this while having habitual tracers like Greg Land, Mike Deodato, David Mack, etc, etc employed and selling their tracings as real art? For manga, they trace all the time and some manga are tim buckly tier with cut and paste eyes and noses on 3d models basically. Why do people care if its AI if it looks like artgerm or other digital rendered copycats?
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>heres a method I use for a rough sketch but I dont like to trace it though
Emad go away
>How are artists going to prove they draw anythign anymore?
Ask for
>PSD file
>Timelapse video of the whole process
>Pics of each part of the process
>Livestream the whole thing to editors & readers
It's not hard to ask for proof and it's even easier to spot AI art because they tend to crop body parts like the legs and mess up hands.
Just look at your picrel, all the 3 pics cut at the legs just like most AI art.
If he traced the form or used it as a reference that's normal, I use live models, and use them as the pose for my drawings, if I use ai and then trace the full thing it's completely different, come on man, you should know the difference
>I don't think these are AI.
Well your thinking is wrong. 100% guarantee it's AI. You don't have much experience with ai do you? I have genned over 10,000 images across all Current AI systems(for memes and curiosity, not using AI in my work), these have AI patterns all over, not just the circled areas. For an instant tell it's AI beyond intuition, Look at any gold armor detail close and tell me why the lines melt into goop instead of showing an intricate hand made pattern?
Can you actually focus on your own work you drama seeking fag? Keep this shit on /co/

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don't think so much you forget to have fun and turn into a soulless copy machine but don't stop thinking so much that you're just randomly scribbling
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trying to draw without erasing is like trying to speedrun a game you haven't even beaten before. don't erase neurotically though
erasing should feel like correcting a mistake. shouldn't feel like a nervous stutter
/ic/ taught me that fun doesn't exist in art.
the fun of drawing is whatever the first thing that attracted you to it is
and if the answer to that question is "getting positive attention from others" you might not make it

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Take the copy pill anon. All the artists you love learned by copying. That’s how they all learned before the internet. Sometimes they literally traced. Whether they admit it or not,

The permabegs that only draw boxes don’t improve because they don’t copy. Trying to learn anime by doing “much realism”and “much boxes” is like trying to learn to speak Chinese without listening or reading actual Chinese. Anime is already done you are not going to be remaking the wheeñ by studying realism to “create your anime style. Just copy. That’s the secret of all fast learners. Do you really think hoarding books or buying this super secret Korean course is going to make you improve? Of course not. You need to copy. Everyone learns by copying.

And no. I am not your mom so, no I am not going try to “convince you”.Take it or leave it. It’s up to you anon if you want to improve or not.
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To improve in art, there should be a balance in both. People who start by grinding perspective and then copy anime say they should have copied anime all along, people who start by copying anime and then practice perspective say they should have practiced perspective all along. Copying and fundies are both important and there should be a balance, one is not better than the other.
Before weebs rebranded it, it was known as master copies, and yes it's a great way to improve at art, not just animu. However it must be backed up by actually learning how to fucking draw. Copying a Gordon Ramsay recipe won't help for shit if you can't even cook your meat without charring it/leaving the inside raw. Learn your fucking basics, then copy masters to develop application.
>food analogy
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This is true, but it takes time. You can copy, even as someone who never picked up a pencil like me like this pic related.

But if you try to draw anything original after that that doesn't resemble the picture you tried to copy perfectly for hours (this took me 4 hours as gigabeg last year) You end up failing miserably. I would advice to learn basics like perspective, construction and THEN copying.
>That’s the secret of all fast learners.
I noticed from reading books, interviews and articles by pro artists from all over the world that they all copy from
This is more common the older the artist is so I believe in you OP

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This might be a retarded question but I'll ask it anyway. When you're drawing from imagination, are you thinking while you're in the act of drawing? Or is it just kind of coming out of you? Obviously you start drawing with a bit of a gameplan of what you want to draw, but during the process are you thinking about anything, other than "oh shit that looks fucked lemme fix it" or whatever?
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Do you think when you take a shit?

Do you think when you have to breathe?

Do you think when you pleasure your lover?

If you have to think while you draw, you won't make it.
Depends on skill level/confidence. as a beg you'll be constantly questioning or stopping to find some refs to help you with anatomy/pose/details/etc. The more you grind the less you'll need to though, only for shit you aren't used to drawing or are struggling with.
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This really depends on what I am drawing. If I am drawing something I consider "easy" like a headshot or simple cartoons I typically don't need to think too much.

However when I am drawing a more complicated pose or something that requires perspective I definitely have to think about it a lot harder. I personally like to draw out a thumbnail of the image first to get an overall picture of what I am going for. I find it gives me a bit less mental load and allows me to focus on specifics like how long the toes should be or other things like that.

>when one is painting, one does not think
Yeah, drawing from imagination is a mental process. Even people who know all of their fundamentals will get mindless garbage trying to draw without thinking unless they're drawing things they've already drawn.

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You ARE aware that your need to "git gud" stems from a deeper, generalized lack of self-worth, right?
Nah I want to get good enough to charge thousands for something I do in eight hours from the comfort of my home because I'm too good for the third world dampened work market.
It depends on how you go about it. The motivation doesn't have to come from a place of negativity. It's fun and rewarding to pursue improving your skills. Putting in effort into something and seeing the returns is something that brings great joy.
being content in mediocrity is cuck behaviour, life's purpose is striving to be the best version of yourself.
That's something that a bad artist would say. I recommend you to git good
This thread didn't go how you wanted, huh?

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

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oldschool JK korea 05-06
try checking the trapezoid shape that's formed between the waistline and the bottom of the crotch
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Fleshy parts are hard to get right
You guy's need to stop copying. You will never improve by mindlessly copying. You should only copy once if you don't understand.
post your art if you're so good then

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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I think it's supposed to fall around the "X" I drew in blue. I hope you understand.
Dong Chang went to Japan on a visa and applied for in studio jobs, and now he makes a living as an animator in Japan.. I hear you can't make a living with freelance animation, but maybe the studio route could work for you
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the OP post is pretty straight forwrds no?

-first we get the initial positioning via the camera revolving around the main subject
-then a close up of the expression + wind up for the punch (with a the blurred shaking lines bg to convey force)
-then the crunchy impact frames ( i counted around 3 might be more idk)
-followed by th traditional paralax shot with dust fx in the bg and the flexing of the belly flaps
-followed by the finale impact into the wall with dust/ debris flying out

the OPM clip is pretty formulaic and doesn't pull any cheapo tricks that i can think of

last incomprehensible choreography i recall is the climax fight from ep 3 of kizumonogatari
it took me like 3 watches before i could follow the flow but i'd call it anything but terrible

idk what you mean specifically when you say "incomprehensible anime fight choregraphy"

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yea i wasnt really thinking about perspective when i first tried lol. thanks for the line tho this is how ill mentally project it in the future
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Hi just wanted to post this little animation I did of Marcille. It's not a perfect loop because I'm stupid struggle with simple math.
Anybody got any tips to make good animated loops?

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