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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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I know this is an incredibly dumb question, but I’m trying to figure out the actual name of this wooden barrier placed on the outside of new construction so I can figure out how best to remove it. This is placed on the exterior of my new home’s backdoor and, now that I’m adding some stairs to the yard, I’m trying to figure out how best to remove it without annihilating my trim. Sadly, ‘wooden barricade exterior new construction’ isn’t the most targeted search term on Youtube.

Thanks for any help!
>the OP
wow. is this what hyper-autism looks like?
or is this just some AI troll botting?
It's a railing, and based on the spindles it looks like the sort of railing usually used on deck stairs but a barrier is a barrier.
If it's screwed in just unscrew it from the wall. If it's nailed in you can pry it off, using something like a thin board or other material between the trim and the pry bar to provide a point of leverage for the bar but better distributing the pressure from the bar across more of the trim, preventing marring/crushing damage.
Alternatively you could tie a rope/strap around one of the horizontal boards and jerk it (giggity) to incrementally pull the nails free from the wall, repeating the process at each corner.
Alternatively alternatively you could approach from the interior and hammer the boards off from the doorway; again to prevent possible damage to the trim don't just sledge the fucker off in one go but tap them loose incrementally.

>it's bait
Almost certainly but it's a chance I'm willing to take for the chance of receiving a (You) of my own.

Oh! Perfect! Thank you so much for at least giving me a jumping off point to research more.

I am an absolute idiot with any type of construction stuff, but now that I am a homeowner I’m trying to become a bit more knowledgable! Ask me any tech, code or art thing and I can give you an answer, but this is one area I have no experience in.
I still dont see the dilemma.
whatever the fuck it is called shouldn't matter.
.if its fastened to the side of the house somehow. its just a matter of finding the mounting/brackets/fixtures and removing the fasteners that are affixing it to the house.

holy fuck what is this nonsense? are you people even real?

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Anyone here have experience with steam cleaners?
Ideally I want something that can do carpet and floor maybe the car .. a lot of the floor ones say they can do area rugs so does that mean they can.do carpet too?
Companty thst starts with bis and ends with sel seems to own the market on these but idk if theyre any good they seem kind of too cheap to be true
I dont know how to make this post seem less like spam
I have a handheld one that's just for spot cleaning, can use it on anything, carpet, upholstery, clothing. It might ruin some delicate fabrics but cotton does fine.

I got 7 cubic yards of soil for my raised beds

Shoveling it is killing me

Is there like a way I could vacuum transfer it? I have an old shop vac and a leaf blower/sucker combo thing. I was thinking maybe if I just don't put the shop vac base on, or the leaf bag, one of those might work to like spray it into the bed. Or maybe that will just destroy them.

Is there something like that? I'd buy one. Otherwise I could rent a loader but I'd also have to get it delivered and picked up, that gets kind of pricey.
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welp. last time I did a project like this. i went to the rock/soils yard and had the put the dirt in the back of my pick up adn hauled it myself. that way when at home on the project, i just backed up the truck to where i was putting the dirt and easily shoveled out what i need, where i need it
thats just one of the infinite things that pick up trucks are meant for. if you dont own a pick up truck or know how to use it for things like this, then you should probably just stay inside the kitchen making sandwichs and doing the dishes
Yeah I think that's what I'll have to do

I still think the vacuum idea sounds cool
yes I need a truck I know
they're just so expensive now
my state has vehicle inspections so it has to be in good enough shape to pass inspection.
>living in a communist state
I think I found the problem
It's New Hampshire
strictest vehicle inspections in the country. Put salt on the roads then fail you for rust. It's a racket.

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Why cant it be at ground level?
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when did it take place?
Because then they get virtue signaling points for having a ramp and being cripple accessible
Whenever is most convenient for whoever is making the claim that it happened.
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no single person who believes in the mudflood has heard of foundations or basements, which were originally for servants and slaves whom rich fuckers didn't want to see, with windows partially exposed via a fucking hole.
I'm new to this schizo theory, what is it about? That the world once had a 2m slab of mud cover it for a while? Seems pretty underwhelming if so.

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How horrible would it be to live under somebody running 4 of these 24/7? I'm trying to imagine what life is like for my neighbor right now.
My open frame 3D printer can't be heard through the wall. A closed frame one like that should be even quieter. Doubt anyone living under you would hear anything at all.
might get interesting if you started printing various hunting calls
Imo noise babies need to find top floor apartment or live in houses
What the hell are you printing 24/7?

this smug bald son of a bitch
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>he don't JB Weld
Oh, but you epoxy.
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diy is a gold top Harvey board
He taught me that if you buy and destroy $1000 of wood with $1000 of epoxy and claim to sell it for 6 gorillion dollars in 20 seconds on etsy, you can make money from youtube from users dumb enough to get clickbaited by this shit.
circumcised kike
I don't hate him, he's simply not on topic for /diy/.
Once you start doing things for profit, you are now a professional/commercial operation.

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Is this OK?
I'm okay with it.

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>acquired a decent set of quality tools by now
>Even own a drill press
>barely get any use because appartement retard and there's no space for anything
What else can I do besides working on my bicycle, disassembling kitchen appliances for scrap metal and do the odd car fix on the fucking street because I don't have a garage either?
I can't move so I considered buying a small plot land and build a shack there but then I will get my tools stolen by a crackhead if I move it there, won't I?
your landlord or maintenance guys are gonna steal the tools from you anyway.
>I can't move

Ever or yet? I suggest doing what I did and do which also prepares you for the future. It's easy to optimize compact shop equipment that's highly mobile by putting your tools,equipment and supplies in/on apartment-friendly industrial plastic carts with non-marring casters and especially medical carts (which sell for thousands new but dirt cheap used) which have features like display arms, backup batteries and space for SFF computers.
>Ever or yet?
Not in the foreseeable future no.
>Jigsaw x2
>Drill x2
>Angle grinder
>Drill press
>Circular saw

Besides the press I have every other tool in their original box, then a bunch tool boxes with hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, spanners, ratchets, etc. a cart will be another thing to occupy space.
Find an affordable 24/7 storage unit place nearby. I know a lot of tradies that live in small apartments but store all their tools in a storage unit. Most have electric outlets.
Why'd you spend all your money on tools you can't use instead of saving it to buy a house?

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What would be the cheapest way to accurately cut this shape out of a 3mm (11 gauge) piece of steel, without access to expensive machinist tools?
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google sendcutsend. Easy and cheap
> garage
Yes, if only the outer diameter is the main tolerance concern. Not all tolerances are equally important.
I assume this is an extrusion plate.
If it’s a shower drain, then make it out of SS.

First, rough-cut the slots undersize with a drill or drill press.
Next, using the slots, you bolt the roughly cut oversize outer diameter to a piece of wood and attach to something that spins at relatively low speed and file down to the exact diameter you need.
It’s better to have the piece this inserts into to check. Beware different metals have different thermal expansion coefficients.
Then dremmel out the peaks in the slots, and use a file to finsh to final dimensions.
I'd just drill holes then connect them with a thin file, since the shape is pretty simple. But if you want to etch it for whatever reason:
Print the negative with a laserprinter, use a hot iron to transfer to the metal, then drop small amounts of HCl or FeCl3 on it
>3mm (11 gauge) piece of steel

That's going to be tough since the material is so thin, it will easily get bent or warped from manual operations.

What I would initially try is glue the sheet metal to a backing material like mdf board. Print out a 1:1 scale drawing of the thing and glue it on top. Cut out the external shape using a manual jig saw. Drill a series of holes along the slots and use the jig saw again to connect the holes and then use a dremel to grind the edges to the right shape.

It's important while cutting to make sure your saw blade cuts only on the down stroke so that it doesn't try to lift the metal sheet off the wood backing. Heat the metal up with a blow torch or similar when it's done to destroy the glue and separate it from the backing.

Or avoid all this shit and find a sign shop with a CNC router.
see >>2792339

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Me, Vodka, Ham Radio and the Boys edition

Previous thread got eaten by a bear on his POTA trip: >>2769487

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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I meant to include this in my earlier reply. An amp I was looking into needs -18 V at 150 mA to key the amp but my transceiver uses positive voltage and only a couple mA.
>people getting together to enjoy their hobby
Wow what awful human beings. You sound like a faggot, go back.
Agreed. It's a great way to pick up WAS on each band, especially on SSB since the hobby has devolved to ft8
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>don't learn the technology
>buy our AI noise filter
>buy our antenna that a computer designed
this hobby is doomed
>this hobby is doomed
Hams have been saying this for fifty years.

these are the dumbest mfers, just gaping at you. fuck off, there is nothing to see.
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All the ones I have worked with are substantially heavier than a 15 amp. Maybe he bought some cheap retail shit, or didn't consider the density/strength/weight, just the looks.

They will 'look' very similar internally. i wasn't talking about that, but if you are mostly concerned with looks, I'm sure the chinese have some second-rate non-UL outlets that look the same, that they'll sell you. Your call.

In the circumstance, that the 20 amp breaker is on a single-outlet convenience circuit, next to the main breaker panel, hung on a wall and run through metal conduit, how I would do it, it should be 'ok'. If there was an overload condition, the wire is so short, that wire heating will be secondary to the breaker tripping. Although it won't be current Code.

> electrician test
They tend to be proud. It's experiences, though, not a test, that sets an electrician apart. That answer was something (((YOU))) can google. Who paid the electrician for his work?
Why didn't you put it in?
somethings in your eye bro
> is on a single-outlet convenience circuit,

Haha, no just one of the two “garage” fuses. I did google it, learned about how even though 14ga is rated at 20 amp or whatever you have to fuse at 80%. Forced him to come back and swap the 20A fuses for 15. I paid him, because his job was to replace the old 15A fuses, which he did. He just thought he was doing me a solid by dropping in the 20A ones.
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Dewalt Toughsystem 2.0 + Milwaukee Packout + All other custom modifications you've made, seen or purchased.
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>Yellow Black and Decker
>Hasn't even cut finger pulls
I'm gonna vomit
Don’t need finger pulls. Never used em.
I hate this shit. It's just another propriratery standard they get you into, sp you have to be loyal to the color.
Same as batteriea where they are all basically the same.
Larp. First time you throw a geasy tool.in that foam, it will disintegrate. But that wont happen because those tools get used to tighten hinges on kitchen cabinets once a year.
>keep tools clean and maintained
>LOL this queer doesn't abuse his tools like I do!
You retards would have a lot more money to buy drugs each month if you treat your tools well.
You're a union swabbie with too much time on their hands and it's painfully obvious when you come rolling in with an ex-stealable ez-rider cripple cart. Of course you have the free time from not actually working to be anxious and anal enough to doll up a fucking toolbox.

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can i replace a 320x240 54 pin lcd with a 640x480 54 pin lcd ?
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>If you're fixing a game gear, look up how to recapp them. The originals leak quicker than most.
already did, also replaced the oroginal diplay cuz it was fucked

problem its a 320x240 and i noticed the pixels sont match 100%, where there is movement the image look weird, i thought it was because of a shitty mod but turns out all the 320x240 GG mods have that problem
why are you fucking around with a gamegear? just get one of those handheld emulators and have a 10x better experience.
Retro gaming on original hardware, albeit modified in this case, is fun. Fond memories of burning through 6 AAA batteries in a couple of hours on the game gear.
its like having sex with a hooker to replace your teenage love.
its just not the same

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I want to collect as many different screwdriver bits as possible to spite anti-right-to-repair manufacturers

Is there anyone doing good compilation work? A private collection, a museum?

I've only found standards for hex drivers yet

Pic related
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I already have the Manta Kit, but it has noticeable gaps such as:
1/16, 5/64, 3/32, and 7/64 hex bits
Among many others

They should release an even larger kit, but I want to avoid duplicates
Ok, yeah, I did think so, drill bit and spanner bit for recessed heads, dremel for accessible heads

But what if you have, say, an M1.0 screw, in a recess? You'd be fucked

That and the manufacturer does not deserve my transparency
Use the one with holes in it for those Allen sizes

The security hex and security Torx will also take off hex and Torx without the security nub

I use my ifixit kit to modify snap-on dual 80 series ratchets

Allow me to clarify: I want to aggressively go to the limits of the law, to solve problems I have not yet come across, to spite all manufacturers, including those I've never heard of.

I want all the data on all the screwdrives, especially those used on consumer products, such as the ones in the image, which is used in Toyota electric car batteries iirc
Look up patents. There will/might be scale drawings in there.

Also there is no "law" to prevent you from owning any type of tool for these. If you want to really become all capable invent a self stopping milling bit capable of eating itself into any fastener head till it stalls to then be used to unthread the fastener and throw it away.

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