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People try to be LGBT on purpose now because it is seen as superior to being straight.
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don't act like conservatives would ever damage a dick they so desperately want to suck in private. Cons would just enslave queers in their basements.
It's not "seen as superior", it just is.
Everyone knows deep down that most cissoids do not have souls.
Okay so
>You can just become bisexual by looking at the right kind of porn
Was it sissy hypno you watched or just straight up gay porn?
It's 2024, we acknowledge the taste and appearance superiority of circumcised dicks.
>and you don't know what life in Rome was like
Not that anon but you should have stopped at no instead of telling on yourself like that lol

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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Alright need to start 3 things
>voice training (got my resources just havent touched them)
>cardio and exersicing(I work a physical job and morning are my enemy so i never have time)
>some form of coding(godot is a winner)
I need to have
>quiet headspace
>normal sleep and wellness
To even attempts those.
Right now I am DESPERATLY seeing all the 3 things as "work" and my free time as just me chilling doing not much.
Generally, I wanna start AT LEAST some light stretching and basic bodyweight exersies every moning but I reallly wake up too late and then to make up for it I spend mroe time after work not sleeping and just stayin on the computer till super tired.
How do I get BOTH free time, away from work on my 'puter doing my thing, enough sleep, enough time to eat and stuff AND to also start all that?
I gotta quit being a little bitch and call the pharmacy finally.
Write down what you have to say, ideally right now, and then call them. The writing down is just so you feel prepared and it has a lower barrier than actually calling.
I called.
Unfortunately it seems like I'll have to play a bit of phone tag because they now require you to leave a voicemail instead of speaking directly to staff.
Ah beans.
>Brainworms with social anxiety are hard. Maybe.. let's start simple. You seem to wanna hide yourself because you dislike aspects of your personality. I feel like that is worth prodding.
Select parts of my personality are not palatable to the general population. Out of a need to not be abrasive or bore people, I put on a filter for people I meet. This is normal, imo. I like being a nerd, but not everyone else is the kind of nerd I enjoy talking to and not everyone cares about my interests. I want my pool of friends to be more diverse. I want people who will push me to go outside my comfort zone a little. Gym friend does this and I appreciate that. And while he has his nerdy side, it's not the only thing about him, which is refreshing. I don't know how to say this, but the people I am friends with now are largely just nerdy types who want to play video games. All fine and dandy, but I'm sick of just being confined to a computer room. I need social interaction and I need more diverse interests. I want to meet people who are erudite or more extroverted and spontaneous.
I've discussed why I have a hard time socializing with people with a therapist, he seems to think my small talk skills are lacking. He said that with some people who walk into his office he can understand why it's hard for them to connect with others. Said he doesn't get that feeling from me, and suspects it's mostly little aspects of social skills and anxiety holding me back. Whatever the reason, I need to find people who have a mutual interest. The problem is finding those people has been arduous, to say the least. I don't know where to look, I've tried a lot of places at school, but my time is also limited with other responsibilities, so getting involved has not really worked out this year. I need to go to places more regularly. I have to enroll in classes next week, so I think I'll try and get a schedule that leaves me time for clubs. Right now I really have time for little else.

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Who groomed you?
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but thats boring, i need a pinkpiller gf
sailor moon

I wanted to look cute dressed like a girl and still feminine dressed like a boy. Like all those crossdressing gender end scenes made me feel something.
Shounen anime I guess? That caused my initial desire to be a boy in my early childhood.

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why don’t u like brown trans girls anon..?
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i’m ngl chief, i aint reading all that.. i’m sorry about that, or happy for u.. whichever works best! <3
it’s not clear to me!!! also what makes one “clearly” built for bwc? :0
jokes on u, i LIKE being hurt!! ahaha! checkmate anon!
idk it has been a while, and it was hard to discern if the anons were fellow troons, or guys… idk it doesn’t matter ultimately!!
ohh r u the anon that wanted to go to the club? :0
based and trispilled
Because I'm GAY & like brown MEN instead
I had a kinda fling/fleeting friendship with one but she was sorta ugly and had genuine schizophrenia. Damn that bitch could out smoke me tho. Also she ashamed of being Indian and would lie about being japanese lol
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is swarthy bad…? asking for a friend.. Dx
good for u anon!! i like white men myself!!
i could probably out smoke u too desu, i’m a huge stoner!
also when i say brown i just mean skin color, not like, indian.. XD
i’m half cuban/black.. picrel is me unfortunately
Yup that’s me. I’ve been taking a break from it recently tho. I’m moving to another apartment complex and just have been busy. What about you? Have you been going?

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>gender roles aren't absurdly strict
ok what percentage of straight men would wear a little red speedo to the beach?
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oh no!
Except fatter and more muscle
Body proportions and features.
hello are you single?
they/them look like this?

previously: >>35455470

quarter century edition!!!

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: It's lesbian visibility weak! Regardless of your letter, when have you been most ~visible~ recently?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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They just don't get it. It's weird to see women talk about lesbian issues while basically acting like lesbian newfags. They aren't familiar with the culture. It's like they've never been to a lesbian club in like, chicago.
>or your personality has some repulsive factor
I'm well aware that I'm repulsive to lesbians, otherwise they would have been dating me already. Unfortunately I like me and who I am so I don't even want to change even if someone had issues with me.
They're just trans, chill. They've been getting the cold shoulder and exclusion from lesbian spaces we all give cis men their entire lives. They are literally lesbian newfags because lesbians are for women but they grew up as guys most of their lives.
*because lesbian spaces are for women
But like it's hard to walk into a lesbian bar in Chicago when you look and dress like a dude from a grunge band.
There’s also the fact that some of us aren’t from the city so there isn’t any lesbian culture to be part of in daily life

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do you love bottom boytummies? I know I do
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the first one is attractive.
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>the result of too much bottoming
am perganant :3
AIDS belly
why are there trans pics in bottom boytummies thread? i'm so confused

because they're attention whores who feel the need to post their disgusting mantits in a boyangels thread

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qott: do you drink? what do you like to drink?
qott2: how important is family in your life? are you content with your involvement in family life?
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good morning bros it is me the mistake man
i am tormented by visions of the chaser i have possibly made of my former gold star lesbian gf
i wish i had never even tried to date again this is torturous
wine only or gins made from fruit
not very but moderately. i suppose i am comtent with that
my birthday was this week but it and this week have just been awful
go away
>it is me the mistake man
i tend to make the wrong decision very often

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Angel Devil Edition

Last time on /bmg/

QOTT: Do you read manga? If so what is one you really enjoyed recently?
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Pirated rimworld yesterday and it's so fucking fun I can't believe I didn't play tuis sooner
I'm v bad at it tho
well, it finally hit me. i actually cried for once. im going to miss him. a lot.
im so sorry mumu.
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I was considering buying it on sale a day or two ago just for the convenience of downloading mods off the workshop but then saw the price of all the good DLC... ill stick to pirating it

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>Qott: Are you a snappy dresser?

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"room temperature" depends on where you are located on the globe.
room temperature changes
and you can keep them in a fridge just fine too.
not really.
omg there were so many FOINE guys at the farmers market, some of them very obviously gay but still cute
too bad they are all out of my league and probably boring normies to boot
back to being a hermit

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Why are trans women so overwhelmingly gamers? Is it because gaming is malebrained?
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Gaming is a hobby for loners, introverts, and all other kinds of people who aren't good at socialising for whatever reason, like, they might be autistic or they might be just ugly. It's an easily accessible form of escapism. Even most, let's say, more serious female gamers aren't particularly pretty, they aren't social butterflies or anything like that. And I'm obv not talking about all those streamers/egirls/etc, many of those actually hate gaming, but do that because the idea of a gamer girl is really alluring to nerds, so it sells well.
>Speaks of trans women
>Posts a guy's image
I don't think parents really care about girls gaming, it's more peer pressure and also natural inclinations. There's basically no world where tons of women enjoy playing Call of Duty (obviously a minority do, I've met them). When women game it's stuff like The Sims, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, games that have a lot of people/character focused content.
I'm predicting detrans arc 6 months after he breaks up with ickky
easy to live in a false reality

Can someone explain to me the actual reasoning behind why a girl would bother to transition to male while deliberately not taking on any of the masculinity that comes with being male? Femboys are dudes that act and look like women or at least very effeminate men. No MTF trans girl transitions to female and thinks "Nah I don't really want to be feminine, I want to be a masculine girl covered in body hair, a full beard, and built like a jock."

Outside of just a change of pronouns, what actual difference does it make to you to be a femboy with a vagina instead of a girl with a vagina?

This isn't a hate thread btw, I genuinely want to understand the reasoning behind the mindset of an FTM femboy to convince me they are valid
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Try just being a woman. Eventually, if you're truly male, you'll snap and commit to the full transition. If you aren't, you'll forget about the whole thing. This is literally how it always goes.
Spiritually it still is though.
I'm better off as male as much as I'm incompetent at being one, I was miserable as a woman
Women are incompetent and constantly miserable, just in case you weren't aware. You might have actually been on the right track!
I'm not trying to convince you to detrans, though. This is just how the whole thing goes, in which anyone who isn't actually going to do it will eventually trend back to women, starting by slowly becoming more feminine until you see shit like the she/her trans men on twitter, or he/him's with bikinis. Anyone who will commit will eventually grow comfortable in looking and acting masculine.
>Outside of just a change of pronouns, what actual difference does it make to you to be a femboy with a vagina instead of a girl with a vagina?
but i don’t want to have a vagina at all. i have cried because I don’t have a penis and pretended as if the rolled up sock in my panties is a dick. i really want a tall male bone structure, not a compressed midget one.

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boymoders, you DO realize you don’t actually have to wear hoodies or anything else right? No one is going to make a big deal out of it other than your parents, chances are they’ll just write it off as gyno.
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So? Man up cupcake.
You’re not stuck you’re just a coward
I do have to because i don't appear fat enough to have manboobs and i am not going to stand out in public or out myself to my family you complete bumbling retard
I am terrified of going outside with fewer than two, ideally three top layers. If people can see the shape of my torso I start to feel like I am literally, physically going to die. And I can tell everyone stares. A sports bra under a tee isn't enough.
I specifically said “no one is going to make a big deal out of it other than your parents” learn to read, bumbling retard.
with rising tranny awareness, i doubt that.

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>What is your favourite vegetable?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Previous thread: >>35531887
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I can't stop thinking about the women from the article, who I have failed
I almost made a post a few days ago asking if anyone here has ever been turned on by a Wikipedia article after coming across this one
>6% racing
>2% sports
guess im a weirdo for playing forza motorsports lol
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Don't get me wrong, I don't like seeing Korean stuff being discussed in places supposed to be about japanese media too but you should give some manhwas a chance because some are really good. Or maybe I just like yuri too much idk I don't mind if the yuri Korean or Japanese or Chinese
There's VR support for that, without mods!

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How long does it take a typical CD guy to transition to mtf?
>How long does it take a typical CD guy to transition to mtf?
2 years from starting HRT is a good allowance, 3 years if you want to take it slow.
It depends on age and genetics a lot I think.
those are some uneven time periods
Thanks, chart with no source on 4chan absolutely believable thank you

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