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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

Why does England hate the Irish, historically?

The Germans and the Anglo Saxons referred to the Irish as "white niggers" (and were even seen as more worthless than a black)

Repeated invasions of Ireland over the centuries and attempts to subjugate a foreign people to the English Crown. English people always considered Ireland to be an active threat, and that the Irish Catholics had to be removed or destroyed. The colonization of Ireland was the taking of land away from the Native Irish, forcing them to convert to a new religion or become land tenant slaves for wealthy colonists. The rest were crammed into the least fertile part of the Ilsand (Ulster) so that the rest of the country was free to Upper class colonists.
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disgusting reddit tier low-t take.

Truth is that England loved the irish. We had irish priministers, famous irish poets were massive in victorian england, irish soldiers and generals fought along side english soldiers and irish contributions to the empire were held in high regard.

What we didn't like were catholics - Scotisih catholics, Welsh Catholics, English catholics were all percecuted so it's not a attack on the irish personally and it's not really england fought that ireland was too cucked by the pope to convert to the superior protestant faiths.

We also didn't like republicans. once again Republicans were hated throughout the British isles so it's not an personal hatred of the Irish and it's not England fought that Ireland was full of traitors to the crown, despite the fact they once supported the monarchy against cromwell.

If the Irish had sensibly and reasonably abandoned their backward faith and become enlightened monarchists then there wouldn't be any beef.
What happened after the Irish gained their independence? It basically became west Britain, people were more Irish while under British rule it makes no sense, everyone just gave up on what men laid their lives down for
“England” doesn’t hate the Irish. England doesn’t care about Ireland. Ireland and “Irish Americans” just need to think this is the case to prop up their victimhood mentality.
For over a thousand years, they have always been jealous that Irish are real men with a warrior culture.The other countries of western europe have the personalities of unmanly faggots and that's why they've always felt threatened by our presence. This is proven even today, we can see Irish men riot and fight to kick out illegal while british, french, and german "men" spread their asscheeks wide open for them.

They used to mock us and now their "nations" are mutt filled LGBTQ shitholes with 0 culture. Also,Ireland has highest native fertility rate in europe (numbers are not supplemented by immigrants like france).
>Why does England hate the Irish, historically?
We don't. We barely think about them, and if we do it's along the lines of 'they're a great bunch of lads haha'
I get the impression that many of us don't really think of the Irish as being 'properly' foreign. Some idiots don't even realise that they ARE actually a foreign people.
Some Irish might not like that, but it doesn't seem like they enjoy being treated as 'real' foreigners in England either; see Irish complaining about 'no blacks, no dogs, no Irish' signs in England.

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Not sure if this is the right board for this sort of thing, and unfortunately there isn’t really an /edu/ board to post to. But recently I read ‘Moonwalking with Einstein’ and it’s really fascinating stuff.

What’s /His/ opinion of this and actually implementing it when studying? Has it worked well for you?
I've always thought it was garbage. It has never worked for me, and if your intention is memorizing shit for the sake of repeating it, you might as well take notes, look it up in a book or the internet. The whole idea of learning is not to fill your memory with garbage, which you will end up forgetting when not used, it's to make reasoning and link one concept with the other, having present some parts of it to make a bigger idea that is easier to remember, generalize and extrapolate when needed. This is why when teaching math schools require that people learn to prove instead of memorizing shit.

Yet focusing on proving shit is not the right approach to teaching either. Not everyone will use the proving skills, but when someone needs to analize a unique problem they would benefit more from having a notion of how the concept was discovered, elaborated, or can be derived from other more accessible knowledge.

On the other hand, even though I am a doctor, I can't remember shit about treatments. Whenever someone comes in I know how to diagnose because I systematically think about whatever is malfunctioning, then I look up the treatment. Doctors are pretty much indexes.
If you read moonwalking with Einstein should remember that the author concluded that it was a parlour trick for remembering decks of cards and whatnot but not actually useful for everyday life.

The real takeaaay from the book is that you can train (improve) your memory. I have a very good memory, the kind where I don’t take any notes but ace exams sort, and people have looked at me like it’s a superpower. Well, no, but it’s something you work on. I remember well BECAUSE I don’t take notes. Remember what Socrates said: the invention writing enfeebled the intellect . So just compare writing notes to constructing a memory palace and you see what territory we are venturing into.

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2014 Atheism:
>2024 Atheism:
>G-God isn't real....b-but I will concede morally to 95% of the things he said....
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God will hurt you forever if you do
if you an invisible jewish demon to function in life then you are a loser nigger who should kill xerself.
You do that regardless
I don't want to get into it, I would have to teach you early 20th century history about TE Lawrence and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire and the shameless landgrabs of the British and French followed by decades of military and covert interference. You probably do not know that Saudi Arabia is a puppet state of the US Gov, or that the rise of Fundamentalist Islam began in the 20th century in response to the rise of secular and aligned Arab Nationalist parties which themselves were anticolonial in origin etc.

I am not responsible for your education and see no point debating someone who has done 1% of the reading I have.
>Lord Highmountain is the god of mountain climbing
>atheist climbers are acting irrationally because without Lord Highmountain's commands, there is no objective reason to climb mountains
>the atheist can claim that humans have a natural adventurous and competitive drive, but this is disproven by the fact that most humans don't climb mountains
>atheist climbers clearly deny the existence of Lord Highmountain because they want to take the escalator instead of a stairs when they're shopping, but in reality believe that Lord Highmountain exists

Historical photos that go hard
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That's not from Vietnam.
That's literally the whitest Christian denomination.
Me collecting my nail clippings
Insane that people live like this
They were kicked out of Europe because they were faithless mercantile fools, the personification of "not my problem". I don't consider them as white.

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Was there a direct line of apostolic succession from pagan tradition to cunning women late into medieval/renaissance Europe? How did they pass down the knowledge and get new recruits? Or were they just batty women who went out and lived in the forest and made it up as they went along?
no, you can't speak of "apostolic succession" outside of christianity
No, what you're looking at is rural traditions originally rooted in paganism surviving to the medieval period.
Christianity never rooted all of these out, and some of them were even incorporated into the Church.

Essentially "witches" were targeted because they were women with traditional medicinal practices with an implicit spiritual component outside of the authority of the Church, which made them prime for suspicion and scape-goating.

They however were not keeping whole the traditions of their pagan ancestors, and were Christians.

What happened to the Nahua nobility after they were conquered by the Spanish?
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It's actually quite boring from a macro point of view. Especially if you've already read up on the Old World extensively.

What do they teach about the Aztecs and Incas in Mexican schools
Not that anon, but:

Basically just the events before the Spaniards came to Mexico.

Absolutely nothing
At least 3 presumptive heirs of the Aztek throne were recognized by the Spanish Empire. Their descendants gained various titles, joined knightly orders, collected pensions, the whole nine yards.

The Tlaxcala, because they were very valuable allies during the conquest, became hidalgos, Spanish nobles, albeit minor ones except for a few houses that got fiefs handed to them by the Spanish.

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The logical conclusion of Christianity is that the best life a human can live is to emulate Christ. This means living completely selflessly, spending all your time preaching, praying and caring for the poor, even being willing to give your life for God or other people. Now, it's clear that no human can live like this perfectly, and Christians agree on the point that no one will ever live a life as good as Christ, and that it isn't necessary for salvation, but it is clearly the goal nontheless, and many saints throught history approximate what Christ teaches to a high degree.

This begs the question, would you dear Christian argue that a person who ends up revolutionizing science or improving the world in some mayor way, say Isaac Newton, should instead have dedicated his life to caring for the poor and evangelizing? It seems to be what Christianity teaches. Of course one can be a good Christian and be a scientist or philosopher, or have (almost) any other profession for that matter, but according to Christian doctrine it seems like living a life completely dedicated to God and others is prefered.
>But Newton was Christian
He was a non-trinitarian, but that's also besides the point.
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"Take up your cross and follow Me"
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>his sacrifice was that he did it so we didn't have to.
>have to.
Duty is Honor.

Honor is Death.

Death is Life.

Life is Duty.
I said stop replying.
Jesus was speaking directly to me.

"No matter how good of a person you are they will still kill you so no matter how hard you hit back you are already forgoven for they are objectively evil."

I heard, I listened.

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I can't tell the difference between a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian. Are they all different ethnicities? If so what are their defining physical characteristics.
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"Your gift is too great for me"
they may all look similar (they dont) but all that's necessary is to say something bad about allah. they will all give different responses.
>Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian
they’re the hairy hot tanned homophobic homosexual masc4masc discreet bears on the down low too deep into desert dogma
I will clarify something which might cause confusion. There are ethnic groups and then ethnicities within said groups. For example, Europeans are an ethnic group while the French are an ethnicity within the European group. However one could argue that the French are also an ethnic group while Bretons and Occitans are different ethnicities within the French group.
In your post you mentioned either ethnic groups and ethnicities. I shall now explain which ones are which.

They are an ethnicity which belongs to the Mesopotamian ethnic group and they descend directly from the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians just like some Italians, Greeks and Egyptians descend directly from their ancient namesakes.

They are an ethnic group native to the Arabian peninsula from which they spread throughout North Africa during the Muslim conquests.

>Persians and Kurds
They are both ethnicities which belong to the Iranian group. Iranians are an ethnic group much like the Arabs above and Europeans. Most people tend to assume Iranians and Persians are interchangeable terms because they don't know this little fact.

They are a Turkic ethnic group which is native to Central Asia. They immigrated towards the Mesopotamia and settled in Anatolia (region in modern day Turkey).

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I fucking love Scandinavia.
The natural beauty of fjords and geisers is uncomparable to anywhere on Earth.
Scandinavians have contributed much to human culture and knowledge, wether in physics like Bohr or in music like Grieg.
I fucking love Royal Dansk butter cookies, they're the best cookies in the world ONLY rivaled by France's Le Pétit Écolier.
The people are unfairly stereotyped as autistic or antisocial but in truth they are simply discrete.
Last year I received a Norwegian couple staying at my Airbnb that were very polite and friendly.
I consider Scandinavians my northern cousins, were all part of the European community.
The North vs South shitflinging on /his/ (as well as the "Iberians aren't white/European" threads) are entirely orchestrated by nafris/MENA. At least one of them is a confirmed Syrian incel shitposting from Canada.
Somos Europeos y amamos a nuestros primos Escandinavos.
you've never been around a swede in your life
swedes are norwegians with their brains knocked out

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If the South woulda won, we woulda had it made
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Uh, based.
Except unlike in Haiti Americans had the numbers to enact TND.
You won't do shit thoughever
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The Communist States of America (CSA) would have truly been glorious comrade.
>nigger, make me an atom bomb! I dont got all day!

Say what you want about the catholic church but at least they were able to avoid caesaropapism
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He got baptized on his deathbed so idk what you're moaning about
Putting a low bar on sainthopd are we
>saint dismas
Except when they were the footstool and purse for local Roman nobility, or the HRE emperor, or France for hundreds of years.
>what is the avignon papacy

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Why is the West hiding the true history of the world?
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Which country doesnt have a folk–history stuff? Yeah, some russians think they are was Horde rulers or Horde even doesnt exist, slavo–aryan veds, all languages originate from russian (stuff about that every language originated from russian was very popular on TV during 2000s, it was produced and distribured by stand up comedian Zadornov, but it doesnt was humoristic show, it was started as jokes about consonance of some words, like ruskies and etruscs, so we wuzz etruskies n shiieeed, but by time its become joke that went too far). But its kinda ok, folk–history is worldwide stuff
From my understanding Fomenko was a math man who NOTICED repetitions in history and then go insane
You have a lot to learn about Russia and Russians. This is all completely legit
Are you an idiot? “Folk-history”? This is a museum
it also gave us the Tartarian Empire garbage

what is the absolute most credible explanation for Hitler's thought process when he declared war on the United States? Surely he knew that he was putting an absolutely MASSIVE new burden on his plate when he was doing so?
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I mean, that's if we're assuming that Hitler didn't actually believe what he was peddling to his followers or even that his goal was necessarily winning the war entirely and not just establishing a Banana Republic of retarded Germans.
Yes he was wrong that’s the joke
>For the Aryan Race!!!!
>Why did i lose i had the perfect plan?!!
He was like any conqueror in history:gone wrong edition.
Imagine if Alexander losed to the persians, that's basically what happened.
No plan, don't worry just conquer as much as you can, and hope it works.

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John Ferguson and two accomplices, Marvin Francois and Beauford White, were responsible for a bloody spree of murders around Miami-Dade County, Florida in the 1970s. They killed at least eight persons but the total body count could have been as high as twelve. John Errol Ferguson was born on February 27, 1948, one of eight children of an African-American couple. His father died when he was 13 and his mother raised her large brood by herself. John repeated the 9th grade three times before dropping out of school. His first run-in with the law happened at 13 when he took a neighbor's car for a joyride.

Ferguson's rap sheet continued to expand over the years; at 17 he was convicted of assault during an attempted rape and sentenced to ten years in prison but served less than four. In 1969, shortly after being released, he was pulled over by a Dade County deputy for running a red light. He grabbed his service pistol and told him to get on his knees and beg for mercy. The officer pretended to comply but instead had a backup gun tucked in his boot which he pulled out. Ferguson shot at him but missed and instead was hit by the cop four times, including a shot to the head. He was also convicted in 1971 of a robbery. In 1975, he was examined by a psychiatrist who determined that he was "extremely dangerous" and should never be let loose on the streets. Another psychiatrist said that Ferguson likely could never be straightened out and would continue to lead a life of crime. He called him "explosive...a dangerous person who cannot cope with day to day living." Ferguson himself bragged to friends that he "duped the shrinks" by faking insanity.
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Winter down there is nice. Pleasant temperatures, lower humidity, and dry weather as that time of year is the dry season in Florida.
>be supposed Christian kids who just came from a Bible studies class
>attempt to have sinful extramarital sex
>die horribly
Proof of God or not. You decide.
Wtf, i have the same last name as this guy, hope im not related to this dude
looks like a gorilla

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