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>draw a character with brown skin and caucasian features
>Call it Korean

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Her mom is dead.
She can still be alive in a flashback or seen in a photo...
There were a lot of Koreans who worked on the show. A lot of people would have been projecting onto her. With Diana Huh being the best bet for who did the most self-inserting.
I still call that BS. Just because people of the same race as a character worked on something doesn't make the character a self insert.
If that's true then every white guy hero in movies and cartoons are self inserts of their white guy creators.
Or every Japanese guy in games and animation are the self inserts of the Japanese guys who created them.
Asians women can be pretty tan if they grow up in America and don't bleach their skin

Well, it's even worse than Wish.
Wanna elaborate just a tiny bit OP?
But was it woke?
Even though that Wish it's so desperately mediocre and visually ugly and poorly done, at least it's not that PAINFUL to sit trough like this one.
>request to elaborate
>doesn't elaborate

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Chapter 94: Page 2

Mystery solved.

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I, for one, like AI Annie. She's cute!
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>>>143362750(You) who use it as a shortcut need to be told that they will never become real artists that way. Still doesn't really hurt anyone else, but he does hurt himself. It's not even like using steroids, it's like using that synthol stuff or whatever it's called to pump in your muscles to make them look bigger.
Dude, stfu with this "real artist" shit. You act like I or anyone else gives a fuck what people think about "real artistry." Real artists get shit done, and AI makes you far more productive.

I'm the one who drew over that AI. I already do it when I do edits of Gunner. There's no difference. I don't have to prove shit to you or anyone else. AI speeds up the process tremendously, and I don't have time for fags like you parading the "it's tracing" when it's literally a computerized output and not someone else's hands.

Cringe ass criticisms.
>AI ART is theft. All of the models for AI art that work are based on the intellectual property of hundreds of thousands of real people.
Firstly, once your art is on the internet, anyone and everyone has access to it. There's no "theft" in the digital space.

Second, if you want to play up the whole AI uses stolen assets, nothing stops an person from consuming their own pieces to have AI make stuff from their own. If Kasai from deviantart threw all his pieces into an AI, he could use it to make far more work faster than before.

So no matter what argument you choose, it doesn't hold up to reality.
You have no clue how intellectual property works or how ai works.
Oh, I'm so glad you revealed yourself to be a little bitch because it'll make criticizing your art so much easier.

You had AI do a majority of the work for you and you're still fucking up.

You somehow made the eyes even more sloppy, incorrectly shaded the shape of her nose, couldn't figure out how to draw highlights, replaced the AI lines with shaky lines that lack any sort of confidence, you clearly don't understand the folding of clothes as evident by the improper shape of the veil at the bottom, can't even make a decent drawing of a cross which should've been as simple as drawing a box, and most abhorrent of all, you actually made the hands WORSE.

A "tool" is meant to help you achieve something. But we can't even call this a "crutch," because a crutch would still accomplish what it set out to do. I don't care about the arguments of AI and its ethics or what a "real artist" is or whatever. I'm telling you, you're stunting your growth like this.

You're not learning like this. You're actively making yourself worse.

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Can anyone help me figure out the name of this comic:

It’s a 90s black and white comic that is crudely drawn featuring an insane, mute boy locked in an asylum. Each story is a few pages and in one story he befriends a rat and is so excited to have company only for one of the nurses to immediately smash it and it up.

The name of the comic is the child’s name like “Stewart” or “Harold” or something it’s a dark comedy.

Art style is similar to picrel

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Why are there no ecchi cartoons?
Why is erotica so absent in western animation?
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America literally has the largest porn market on the planet.
You can try Les Kassos and peepodoo but that's comedyporn mostly.
There are tons of sexy comics from America and Europe, but cartoons are tougher since it takes much more to make one than a comic and big money doesn't like to take risks anymore

But you can check out Ralph Bakshi's animations, or indie stuff to find Western-styled sexy cartoons
even if every Japanese person was a massive coomer, that would still be less than the total population of the US.
it's mostly owned by jews, so they barely pay the actors, and live action porn is in no way expensive to produce.

Without Googling, tell me 5 things about Amity Blight.
And don't mention Luz or her relationship with her.
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True. If she disappeared after season one, would it have changed the plot?
Not a lot of things but it would've made it less enjoyable
I like these early designs, even if they weren't the ones we ended up with.
>part of what made season one suck was that it felt like they stretched out the plot to 19 episodes when it could have easily just been condensed down to like 10 eps
Some of that is probably the result of the desire to make it a lore show, where everything is revealed slowly to make it feel grander.
> (Eda's curse being aging instead of the owl beast)
They do allude to the accelerated aging aspect of the curse even in the final show, but as best I recall they never explicitly state "the curse makes her look and sound like she's in her 60s, even though she's actually in her late 30s"
>Some of that is probably the result of the desire to make it a lore show, where everything is revealed slowly to make it feel grander.
Adventure Time ruined lore shows in the same way that Last Airbender ruined cartoons in general. People keep trying to do what they did without really understanding why what they did worked. Not even the people behind those shows fully understand what they did.

>1st ep: Introductory episode, a bit centered on cyclops
>2nd: magneto's episode
>3rd: the inferno episode, focused on Madelyne cyclops and Jean
>4rd: the splited episode, sunspot,jubilee/storm
>5th: magneto, rogue and gambit, with extra focus on gambit
>6th: storm and xavier
>7th: plotpoint ep, extra focus on rogue

So 3 episodes left and no Wolverine past episode yet and the 3 last one are going to be the season end so i doubt it
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It's bad for the brand when you have dozens of characters and you only put your focus on one. Besides, Wolverine is getting a movie soon. Nobody is starving for Logan content.
He will get a sabretooth fight filler episode at some point maybe next season ?

I wish they adapted Daken/Romulus story tho
A Wolverine episode = Coming-out of Wolverine and marriage proposal to Morph
casual cope
Wolverine is just a comic relief character
and when you get his episode, it will be about gay sex with Morph

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>How do you actually measure that?
I have seen more jews on TV that I have IRL. There are almost no jews where I'm from (Spain). I have never meet one IRL. The closest jewish sinagoge I know is in the other side of the city and nobody I know has ever been near it. Yet I constantly see references to judaism in cartoons and movies.
>that I have IRL.
Well first off most of your cartoons are probably from America and from America in places with high Jewish concentrations of people and number two people who are Jewish don't have a sign that says I'm a Jew or will identifying clothing that's been made illegal to force upon people.Not to mention your country is known to have forcibly converted many Jews in the past with I'll take all your property or your be executed
Proof that there's only 20 or so Hanukkah cartoons? You can look it up yourself and see how many you find.
>Peg + Cat
>Ghost and Molly McGee
>Hey Arnold
>Muppet Babies
>Elena of Avalor
>Blues Clues
>Nina's World
>Harvey Girls
>Puppy Dog Pals
>Clifford the Big Red Dog
>8 crazy nights
>American Dad

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I don't want those faggots to include us

Are you glad she won the Craigbowl or should he have gotten with someone else? To me he was better off on his own.
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Can you rip them?
Just ain't the same, anon. Went to the trouble of making kid-friendly gun nuts and don't have the balls to find a better workaround.
Sex with Eileen
Heh poor Kelsey she broke from jobbing so much, also I mean it's a fun idea. It's like tomboy feminization or I guess princessification. kek poor kelsey never wins even in her dreams, Maya and sparkle cadet idea was def my fave as poor kelsey was getting it from two sides. Also don't we all anon don't we all, but yeah that explains a lot.

Yeah, I know I've seen it before but Idk how sadly hoped you did. but yeah do need the time off lowkey kind of poo'd, did so much in one thread sad no other artist came this time. First one Ac120 didn't pop up. Thanks bro happy you think so think it will help us stay honest and maybe do polls on which thing people prefer.

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Nta but Bumblebee was boring slop
I kinda like it.
I miss the era of the franchise when different series would have wildly different designs for characters.
Whats your guys obsession with trannies?

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>tfw no Pomni gf
So episode 2 aired in Japan and nobody has leaked it? Sad

The original pilot is no longer lost, the creator just uploaded the boards publicly
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>haha what if thing but spoopy
was played out over a decade ago.
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>this cartoon looks like it was designed by the JIDF and Mossad
Thats a new one holy kek
well there were characters like fred flintstone and scooby doo gang, but they were pretty much all characters that have been on cartoon network
No fucking way
If that's the kind of shit that was going to go down it would been hilarious to watch
its your classic cringe hate mob, people who cant enjoy cringe and so they get really overly mad an want to see it destroyed.

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Post the absolute worst comic art.
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I have you all beat
Sam Kieth can sometimes do really nice art, but this must have been done right before a deadline, dayum.
I hate this fucker's art with a passion
>remember getting rejection letters from Marvel's submissions editor because he said my backgrounds were not good enough for a Marvel book
>see this
He didn’t even get the three rocks right.

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She is the best Teen Titans girl, there is no debate.
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Basically every single incarnation of Starfire is a huge freak in bed once she becomes an adult so it follows that TT03's Starfire would be the same.
What sort of psychopath stores baking soda in the fridge?
It's commonly used as an odor eliminator and has been used in electric refrigerators for as long as they've both existed. The better question is how have (You) not heard of this before?
I have literally never heard of a single human being ever doing that. I guess we just don't make our fridges smell in my country.

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Albo "retired" Jucika. In her place is Charlie.
>communist gets angry when the communist disdain for private transportation is mentioned
Fuck, I deleted the TXT file where I listed all those characters. Here are the few I remember:
>Lolita (Chile and Venezuela)
>La Yuleizi (Venezuela)
>Lilli AKA The Original Barbie (Germany)
>Sexilia (Chile)
>Palomita (Chile)
>Clara de Noche (Spain)
There was a really old one from the USA, but I can't remember her name. Then you have characters like Wicked Wanda and Cherry Poptart.
>good thing there are now now so many hungarian cars.

If you own a german car, there's a big chance it was built in Hungary, and also chinese electric cars have their batteries built here (poisoning our top grade arable land and also the local living areas... oh and they are using east asian migrants to work there, the government is bringing them in by the hundred thousands to replace local labor, this is the same government who just a few years ago ran a gigantic anti-immigrant campaign...).
>There was a really old one from the USA
Do you have an idea what decade I ran in? That could narrow it down, I've never heard of a comic strip like Jucika in the US.

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