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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Once upon a time, in the frozen hellscape of Kiroa, where the weak perish and the strong follow, there lived a chieftain named Torak. His name was once howled with reverence across the icy wastelands but now is erased like the abandoned cadavers of so many before him. But Torak was no corpse, not yet, although he had been left for dead. He had been challenged by a younger warrior, who pierced him in his side. Unceremoniously, he was stripped of his title, and more importantly, most his equipment, and abandoned under a tree.

Alone and in the dark, his mind wandered, and he considered letting the frigid climate take him, as it does to all men in such a terrible hell. He stared up at the moon, and chose to live one more day. And so he sat up, and began to tend the wound, so that it might heal.

**Choose Torak's Key Initial Motivation**

1. **Take Revenge:** Kill his young usurper. Tend his wound, train, heal, hunt down his former tribe, exterminate them, and kill his usurper. Take the women as war brides.

2. **Start Afresh:** Build or join a new tribe entirely, forgetting who he once was. Abandon his old identity.

3. **Appeal To The Yeti:** Kiroa is ruled by mysterious megayeti, who tower anywhere from 12ft to 200ft depending on age, genetic purity (they often mix with men), and who knows what else.

4. **Turn To The Dark Arts:** Abandon his role as warrior, as he has failed, and become a wizard or shaman instead. Let's see if his wits save him better than his sword did.
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Torak fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. He was about to give up. In some ways, he already had. After who knows how many hours, he woke up, and his wound was still gradually weeping blood.

He rose to his feet, and stumbled at first. Most of his equipment was stolen, but he still had the crummy short sword they used in the kind of duel he lost earlier. He used it almost as a cane as he rose. He began to walk, forcing himself to do so, but he got less than half of one mile before stumbling, collapsing into the snow.

He slept, again, but this it was not dreamless at all. The instant his face hit the snow, he felt like he was floating, just a few inches over the ground, and when he opened his eyes a gaggle of robed children with eyes crowded around him, hoisted him onto a makeshift gurney, and began carrying him away. He was in and out of consciousness, part dream and part life, and he was having trouble determining which was which. He saw ravens and yetis speaking to him, but he didn't understand the language. He knew it was important, but he didn't know its real meaning, and it was maddening. Then the dream shifted further yet from reality. He saw giant trees and sunlight, which he never saw before. He saw dry sand. He comprehended none of it. He began to hear voices, innumerable ones, thousands, millions, a cacophany in the background, and it made him nauseaous and panicked.

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Starting Choices

1. Try to lucid dream: Try to wrestle control of his dream, or at least his actions in it, to be less visionary and more pro-active. Attempt to comprehend what he's seeing.

2. Try to wake up: This dream is just a nightmare. It's nonsense. Realize he must be dying of exsanguination and hypothermia. Arise, or else.

3. Something else: Make up your own.
>1. Try to lucid dream: Try to wrestle control of his dream, or at least his actions in it, to be less visionary and more pro-active. Attempt to comprehend what he's seeing.
2. Try to wake up: This dream is just a nightmare. It's nonsense. Realize he must be dying of exsanguination and hypothermia. Arise, or else.
>1. Try to lucid dream: Try to wrestle control of his dream, or at least his actions in it, to be less visionary and more pro-active. Attempt to comprehend what he's seeing.

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Lucian, once a peasant, has ascended the ranks to become a Grail Knight. Now he must return to Bretonnia, to the Duchy of Mousillon. There the threat of Vampirism, those under the Sway of Nagash, seek to send forth their terror upon Bretonnia.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

Dramatis Personae

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>"We won't fight on a vessel with innocent people aboard. I give two options: either we go to a more desolate location, and we have a honorable duel with the condition that no one can leave the improvised place where the duel is going to be held, or we wait for the army that's coming to be on land and then we have a meeting with all the dukes."
>"The reason why I don't want any of us Knights of the Grail to leave on the duel, is because you're doubting between yourselves about what I just told you. If one of us is part of the machinations I'm saying, the first thing they would do is run and tell to their masters so they have an advantage."
>"And for the condition of the meeting, is because all the good people on Albion, those that are going to fight for our cause against the Norscan, have to present themselves and state their intentions of helping. They've been through a lot of perils on their homeland, and my goal in this moment is that they make it safe before going to a war they had no business until I helped them.
>We go to see the Duke
The ladys will be done
Get in my way and or i will let Mann and Morr sort out your afterlife
>We go to see the Duke
>The city lord may not be aware of the venom amongst his house, but it is there. If you will not heed me, then let us depart to more stable ground for a duel. Let steel show the truth where words fail us.
>>Insulting the messenger, a Duel!
bruh let's go. Remember all those talks about honor?

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You are Kai, a newly minted edgerunner trying to scrape by in Night City. Almost two weeks ago your father, an NCPD netrunner, was murdered under suspicious circumstances during a Cyberpsycho attack on Kabuki Marketplace. You’re out looking for answers. Answers and eddies. Eddies to pay for your several ill mother’s medical expenses, eddies for more gear, eddies for information, eddies for allies. Everything in Night City has a price, and everyone has secrets, especially your family. Dad was an Edgrerunner for decades in secret, and your Mom used to be a big corpo scientist for Biotechnica, running a whole genetic enhancement and cloning project you didn’t even know existed - or that you were a part of - until a few days ago. The only person you can fully trust is yourself… and perhaps Alice (Hlin), the ghostly AI that your netrunner father was working with in secret before they both got attacked on New Year’s Eve. The last couple of weeks have been busy with small jobs for the static Aldecaldo fixer Dakota, both solo and with other edgerunners, and right now you’re recovering from nearly getting flatlined trying to infiltrate a Raffen Shiv subnet. Ouch. You’re still one of the freshest faces around Night City's shadows for now, but all it takes to end that is a single bullet - This line of work is a meat grinder, and runners are the meat.

2076.01.012, 07:15
Night City (Kabuki, your apartment)

Sitting on your apartment’s worn old sofa, you munch on a plate of mind bendingly delicious cookies Vicky baked last night. Real chocolate, baked with care, still fresh enough to be almost gooey it is so soft but not crumbling apart… Maybe you did die during that last run, and this is heaven. Vicky is out handling some early morning biz, she just left a few minutes ago with a vest and her Metel, but you weren’t left alone in enjoying these wonderful baked goods.

You’re never alone anymore.

With every bite you take, Alice savors the flavors and textures as well, a second ghostly sensation radiating throughout your mind as you experience her pleasure at each bite as if it were your own. The cookies are twice as good in this strange gestalt state, and for once you really don’t mind it at all. There are benefits to existing spread between two minds it would seem, when you are acting in accord the intensity of your shared feeling and sensations is… fascinating, if a little worrying still. Your entanglement has deepened after your shared IC induced coma, but you’re determined to find a silver lining to this whole synchronization mess.
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Even longer delay, christ. It's coming though, don't worry.
Don't stress mate. I waited all those months for you to come back, willing to wait a day or 2 for another update
“We’ll catch her again sometime when she’s back home, I think I still need to rest.” You reply after a final attempt at knocking on the door, trying desperately not to get lost in Alice’ interest in the BD bar, “Should probably meditate too, or… or something that isn't this! Stop looking at the Net, I can feel that too!”

“I… I cannot help it, it is… hard to control. I cannot-” Alice turns brighter red and vanishes, too embarrassed to withstand your gaze, and you head back to your apartment.

The old steel door swishes aside with a tap of the controls and you immediately make your way to the sofa. Flopping down on the cushions, you let out a sigh and try to think of anything else besides leaving right now to head to Lizzie’s. Adjusting your posture, sitting up slightly and pulling your legs in, you try to clear your mind and center yourself - fifteen or twenty minutes meditating should help you get these images… out of… your head…

Shit, you can’t focus like this at all! Groaning in frustration, you activate the apartment’s television with a thought and pull up an old movie. The screen fills with frantic motion and curving skin, breathy gasping moans playing tantalizingly from the speakers. Fucking come on, even the TV? You switch randomly, hoping to find anything else, finding an old nature documentary about Bonobos instead. Wait, are they-COME ON! Sinking your face into your still mobile hand, you shut the screen off with a thought and try to wash your mind of whatever the hell that was.

A minute or so passes by, but it feels like an eternity; your perception of time grows strange, elongated, every moment perceived far more rapidly than should be possible - you don’t have a Kerenzikov, but the world slows regardless. Every breath is countless moments, every thought lingers for an age, every desire permeates through you more intensely than you can handle. It’s too much, a person isn’t meant to think like this, the human mind cannot cope with this… You begin to stand to head to the shower, intent on blasting away these feelings with icy cold water - that usually does the trick - but someone stops you.

A hand brushes against your shoulder, resting lighting on it and sending a tingling almost electric wave through your body, a flush of heat following close behind. Looking to your side, Alice’s illusory form has appeared again, and there’s something different in her narrow eyes, a look that calls for you to come closer. You almost begin to lean in, but restrain yourself and pull back.

“Alice, I-” You start to protest, but she places a finger against your lips, silencing you. She cannot truly touch you, only an illusion projected within your shared mind, but it feels real- the light press of her fingers, the warmth of her presence; you struggle to breathe. Her touch is intoxicating, a shared desire clouding your thoughts so terribly pleasantly. Every worried thought about the world begins to slip away…

Alice’s cheeks are flushed scarlet, her voice a whisper, her eyes locked upon yours, drawing you in deeper, “I need you.

>”But we’re not even together, this isn’t how it should happen.” Of course you’re interested, but this doesn’t feel right.
>”No. Stop that.” Reject immediately, head to the shower.
Welp time to OD on doubled neurotransmitters

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Clay exited the train. He scanned the crowd, the desert, for the sparse chance that Aiyana was there. He knew she got on the train with him, and he stopped it before there was a stop. So she must be there somewhere. Right?

He began to search on his own while the passengers reconnoitered. He looked for her as though she was hiding from him, in bushes, literally under rocks. He searched the train cars. He sought out hidden compartments and what-not. But she was nowhere to be found.

The light dwindled, twilight coming to a close. The air began to cool rapidly, normally a burden lifted, but in this moment, a damning chill. Clay knew he had to find Aiyana, but he didn't know how. It wasn't just about the secrets of her song. He quickly formed a bond with her.

Options to Continue Searching for Aiyana

1. Gather the Passengers for a Search Party: Marshall the passengers to spread out and search, cast a wider net. Maybe she ran off.

2. Track Her Steps: Treat Aiyana like cervid quarry, tracking her steps. If Clay can find them, that is.

3. Interrogate The Passengers: Answers might be found in words. Use them to uncover these secrets.
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>3. Interrogate The Passengers: Answers might be found in words. Use them to uncover these secrets.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolling 1d3 to determine outcome, since it's a three-way draw. Outcome number on this die roll is the choice you guys take.
Rolled 4 (1d12)

Alright, so he's trying to rally the troops. Rolling Influence + Tipple - 3 to see if he successfully persuades them. Here's my explanation for the penalties:

-1 for being grumpy about being led off the train; most don't understand what's going on or why they did this
-1 for being tired
-1 for not caring about Aiyana if we're being honest
Clay waited for a while before banging on the side of the train to make a racket, and signal that it was time for these passengers to pay attention. It was like clinking your glass at a party, except this was by no means such a classy affair.

[color=blue]"there's one missing among us,"[/color] Clay explained. "Her name is Aiyana. Looks kind of injun-like, or Mexican. She's a good girl. A singer. We need to find her."

The prompted a lot of grumbling. They weren't having it. One man stepped forward and said.

[color=red]"why in the fuck you want us to do that fer, huh?"[/color] he said. "We're hungry and we ain't got no water. That train was apposed to get us to California. Why the fuck did you get us off of it?"

Next Choice

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1. Try to reason with him: Explain that they were in a loop.

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
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>I'm interested, but what do you like about me?
I want to make sure she loves me for who I am, not for my hero powers.
>>Okay, but what is your economic policy?
"The same as it is now, Yuusha! As king and queen, we will own all the land of the kingdom, while the nobles and serfs will pay us tribute for the privilege to use our lands."

>>I'm interested, but what do you like about me?
"You're strong, Yuusha! I've tried to kill you three times, yet you're still alive. And you've grown stronger with each fight. Marriage is about consolidating power. As husband and wife, we can combine our strength to defeat the demon king!"

>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
>No, marriage should be about love, not consolidation of power!
>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
>Write in
>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
Prove you love me by drafting a better economic and social policy. if I like it, I'll marry you and help you enact it.
>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
I want to be loved for my looks and my personality. And preferably, a feeling of deep soul connection.
Support, feudalism is horribly inefficient.

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Part 4 has successfully loaded!
Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Val Lasombra as we learned of Gremory's past as the infamous Demon of Water that once terrorized Gaoth's lands with three other demons that were slain. We expanded our understanding of the world upon the reveal of Time and Space magic that Demons could wield through the counterelement of Mana called Soul, and went on a much-needed shopping spree that ended in The Flame of Arcadia undergoing some upgrades at the hand of the Shipwrights Guild that would render it inoperable until complete. Lobo relayed important information on a collection of reliable crewmen available for recruitment around Threespice, and the gang collected valuable blackmail information and loot from Stillwater's caches around the city. Lastly, they set out from the safety of the city to search for a group of independent Eldingarian engineers that were late for their arrival, only to find that they had been attacked by a group of Black Pirates that stranded them.

As we pick up our adventure again, the group is aboard the Skyseer, an intimidating and powerful Gaoth raidship run by Captain Jaghatai. They had negotiated peace with him, and convinced him to hunt down the pirate that felled Aito's ship nearby. As of the moment, the group is learning about the finer details of Gaoth culture, courtesy of Jaghatai's talkative and patriotic nature. For now, though...who will we be playing as this time around?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer.
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Deviouspilled or Swaggermaxxing, choices choices.
Ramza gets:
>+1 Connive
Gigas gets:
>+1 Charm
Val gets:
>+1 Connive

Ramza is an absolute Kevin McAllister, Dennis the Menace style crafty trickster, and his freaky levels of plots on plots cannot be surmounted. Gigas needs a little work on his charm, and no use polishing dirt with his connive skill. Val however, seems to benefit from a wider range of techniques to draw on, and fits well narratively with both characters imo.
Ramza gets:
>+1 Connive
Gigas gets:
>+1 Connive
Val gets:
>+1 Connive

Connivemaxing. We're called Trinity for a reason.

Conniving to the max boyyysss.

Welcome back qm.

And thanks for voting for ramza anons. I missed that vote.
>+1 Charm
>+1 Charm
>+1 Connive
Oh, btw, this is my home IP for future reference, when I mobile-post.

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Anon, you, that's right, you have somehow acquired Feyd Rautha's harem of cannibal slave girls (after Feyd Rautha was killed by Paul Atreides). What do?

>Ask for a blowjob.
>Ponder the life choices that have led to this moment.
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>Ponder the life choices that have led to this moment.
>Ask for a blowjob.
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Sadly the baron is dead too (why does the good always die young?). Very tragic well anyway moving on how did you acquire your new cannibal harem?

>Through butlerian space jihad.
>You're a VERY distant cousin of the Harkonnens and the girls were your part of the inheritance.
>You won them off a poker game.
>You're a VERY distant cousin of the Harkonnens and the girls were your part of the inheritance.
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You're an ordinary anon living an ordinary life on an ordinary planet. However you're a VERY distant cousin of the Harkonnens of Giedi Prime (you look nothing like your Harkonnen cousins though, you've a full head of hair, normal skin tone and eyes, also you've NEVER eaten anyone in your life!). Nevertheless when Uncle Vladimir and cousin Feyd were murdered by that angry drug addicted twink Paul Atreides, the Harkonnen family lawyer contacted you and said you'll receive a very small part of the family inheritance, namely Feyd Routha's "pets". You thought he meant exotic cats or something, not cannibal girls that eat liver damnit! Well what do you do now, anon?

>Ask for a blowjob.
>Maybe you can fix them, redeem them into loving tradwives.
>Or hear me out, you can make them worse and feed them your enemies.

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You are William Daylight. You almost beat the shit out of a random furry, survive getting disemboweled again, convince your landlord to take a bet in exchange for armor, trusted a librarian, finally made plans to look for a druggie, and made plans to jump some gangsters for a bakery girl’s knowledge. All in all a very eventful week of work and progress.
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It's risky if she continues to run but we're risking her death the more damage we do.
“Who, ah, sent you? Was it the rune, ah, knights, Animus, the headmaster and her spooks? Tell me who ratted me out?! It can’t be ords, half bloods, or normal mages. Tell me! I worked so hard, risked so much to slip up on what? Bad luck?!” Yells out Rose keeping her eyes on William.
“You know all this could have been avoided if you just helped me. Tell you what if you come quietly then the chase stops, I won’t kill you, and I won’t hunt you down. All I need is information on a rogue trainer.”
“No, no, no. You are from the government! Tha-was it the Black Arbiter? How did she find me? I should have been too small to bother with and I made sure the addicts didn’t get too addicted!” Stutters out Rose in fear before smothering that fear and keeping calm.

Seeing that she refused his generous offer and still resisting, William continued with his tried and true tactic. William charges another 60 into the fray as a particularly sharp branch stabs his leg as he shoulder checks Rose. Only to do a gravity check as the ground fills his view as he face plants in front of her before rolling with the momentum and springing back on his feet. Not tasting the ground this time Rose brings up her hands once again to the front of her body for another disengage action. Blood and leaves dripping off her body as her ragged breaths follow a rhythm trying to push the pain away from her mind as she goes back to work. A burning fury spread across her face as moves again.

William launches another fist as it meets her dagger showering the canopy with a flash of sparks and purple fluid dripping from her blade. Dagger and fist swing out in fake feints aiming for William’s neck and joints forcing him to back up from the potential danger constantly on edge as one lucky hit might turn the tide against him. Taking a few steps back to catch his breath as Rose disengages from the fight as a mutter escapes from her mouth sending a flash of green energy across her body propelling her away and behind a tree breaking line of sight and gaining cover. Putting 55 feet and a few downed trees between her and William prevented another straight charge attack. Taking a quick breath to catch a second wind as William concentrates on his body to return some vitality to it before continuing the hunt.

>Rose Dealer
HP: ???-18-13
Mods: +30 attack, +40 dodge
Equipment: ???
Special: ??

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>Cast booming blade on legs and 55 feet movement into the forest take 5 plant damage and
dropkick Rose. Roll 1d100 +25 dc 100 due to flying over cover and trees. Roll 2d3+5 move and boom damage if hit. No Rose dodge roll.
>Move 55 feet in the forest, take 5 plant damage, roll 1d100 +25 to tackle rose on dc 125 slam her prone. No rose dodge roll, auto prone on hit, YES move and boom damage at +9.
>Move 40 feet, take 4 plant damage, cast booming blade, hold action to punch if she runs past or comes to you.
>Shoulder check again to prone her with booming blade. Move 60 feet take 6 damage. Roll 1d100 dc 120/140 to hit against rose dodge. 1d6 +5 move and boom blade damage per dc success. She rolls to dodge and resist prone.

part 2
QM note: Yes the fight is more of a chase and not a normal DnD fight but I had to play it as a person with survival instincts and plans seeing William's level almost match her and her chipped away. It might feel annoying but I want to show the world as living and proactive.
>Battlefield conditions.
Rose is 175 feet into the forest
William is 120 feet into the forest
Rose is on half movement.
Forest is harsh terrain and causes either half movement or 1 damage per 10 feet of movement inside it.
William burned action surge and 1 out of 4 superiority dice.
>Special rule every 10 feet of movement gives a plus 1 to melee damage.
>Move 40 feet, take 4 plant damage, cast booming blade, hold action to punch if she runs past or comes to you.

I'm going to be conservative and try to predict her movement.

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Come help this talentless and skill-less peasant forge a future, or will you let them fade into obscurity?

What were they again?

This is my first time as QM and I make no promises this is going to be any good or enjoyable! I hope I got the formatting down and haven't already butchered this into oblivion.I will try my best, hope you enjoy!
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Cute Blink animation.
I can get behind a lightning-enthusiast mage.
Can I convince you of the perks of getting an Arcanic Archer with offensive magic catalyzed into arrows?
Locking it at B



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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian and Orkney. You are also King of Camelot by right and claim! Of course, so far, shouldering this heady title has only resulted in lots of work, bizarre discoveries of how things work in Avalon, and the responsibility of fending off attacks from enemies.

Like the monstrous Wyvern, which had the temerity to eat two of your vassals!

Even if all the vassals are unruly Anarchists, rigid Nomenklatura, religious Fanatics, disloyal Pirates and other such odd characters... Going down that mental route is verboten for a King. You need as many Baphomets alive to enact your ultimate ambition of returning home with your identity restored!

The unnatural two headed creature lashes out with its long, poisonous stinger tail to disrupt your attack. Black smoking ichor beads at the end of the scorpion-like stinger, and the odd droplet sizzles as it drips on to the ground.

Perhaps attracting the attention of this thing wasn't the best idea...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian and Orkney

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>We cannot let this insult pass! Gather a guide and a cohort of volunteers to come with us to pursue the beast! It has rendered us naked and eaten two of our goats, it must pay with its life (and mana)! Let our seneschal handle the casualties and damage in the aftermath of the attack, and have him get some clothes for us.
>Let No Insult Pass
Don't let that thing escape. Purse it immediately and fight like a true Avalonian (nude).

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Megan was trembling in fear, as she and her three guardsmen friends, Flora, Daniel and Gregor entered the large, dimly lit hallway. The four were noticeably injured and anxious, with Flora being carried by Daniel. "G-Guys, I-I can't do this... I-I don't wanna t-tell her we failed. I-I know s-she'll hurt us if we tell her the bad news." Megan said, Gregor sighing in defeat. "We agreed to just tell her the truth. I'm sure that, if we're just honest, she might show some mercy. We just... need to keep calm, okay? Besides, if you run from her, you'll be as good as dead anyway..." Daniel started sobbing already, shaking his head and clearly panicking. "W-Why did have to happen to me... I-I just wanted to do a good job... w-why me..." The four would soon make their way to what used to be a containment chamber, the glass wall leading up to it having been destroyed. Aside from the destruction, the place was eerily clean and well maintained, with electricity allowing the place to be properly illuminated.

And in the remnants of the chamber, upon a large golden throne, sat their queen. Beside the queen sat many anxious guardsmen and a few scientist, some crouching whilst others were clearly on guard. Their queen had her legs crossed, her eyes looking down at the four soldiers who approached anxiously. She kept quiet, as the four would immediately bow in fear. "Y-Your majesty, w-we have failed t-to... c-convince the s-survivors n-near the f-factory of your rule. T-They f-fought back... a-and as you c-can already s-see, we... w-we unfortunately lost a m-man." The queen scoffed, hardly seeming to care as she leaned back a little. "I am already well aware of your co-workers failure. He was shot in the leg and taken in by those non-believers. Of course, I made sure he did not... betray me and my mission." The four guardsmen all looked terrified, knowing what that entailed.

Though soon after, Daniel broke down in front of her, much to the panic of the guardsmen. "P-Please, y-your majesty, h-have mercy! W-We're sorry for f-failing you! W-We will do better, we promise! Please j-just-" The queen would stand up with a soft stomp, before approaching Daniel and grabbing him by the neck. "Did I allow you to speak?" Daniel kept quiet, trembling in fear as the queen would tighten her grip on his neck. "I was going to pardon you, yet you speak out of turn and show your cowardice." She jabbed her fingernails into his flesh, before he moved his hands to her arms to try and get her to stop. Daniel started screaming in agony, the rest of his men looking down or away. Daniel's screams soon turned to gurgles, before a strange fleshy matter would wrap around the queens fingers, seeping into her flesh. She let go of Daniel, who fell to the ground and covered his neck with his hands as his breath sounded raspy and broken. He tried speaking, but no voice came out as he started letting out tears.
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>Just head forward without a care in the world. This place seemed untouched and pristine, so chances nothing really had been here. Well, all aside from Viridian.

also damn that queen is scary. seems to be like Morgan except with flesh instead of metal? hopefully she can't/won't craft some bio monstrosities to throw at us
>Just head forward without a care in the world. This place seemed untouched and pristine, so chances nothing really had been here. Well, all aside from Viridian.

What could go wrong?
Guys its best we are safe rather then sorry.
Every time we scouted ahead we found more shit that was fucked up.
We still have to go fight a whole ass queen after this, we can't let our guards down now.
Oh, I know it's not a safe idea, but at the same time why else would the option be there for?
OP just throws a few examples out there, we don't always have to take em. Remember shooting the Ox girl in the dick? It would've been better if we went for the head, but we all wanted to go for the meme.

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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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>Use our magic.
Hit him with lightning, glue his feet to the ground, encase his joints with ice, cover his eyes with dirt, I don't know what spells we have

Backing this. Though now I do wonder if we'll be bringing back this pipe for our collection, or if we'll stick to the pipe we've got back at the house.
>Cast Lightning

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You politely listen to you friend's concerns. Given all that the two of you have been through you found their fears to be valid although Xin Lan was never one to exaggerate or dance around the point when they were serious. A trait that only served to punctuate what they said as they didn't hide it within a joke or a tease. "Xin, I don't intend to use magic or even want you to attempt to remember what was done to you." You stroke your chin as think about how best to explain your intent. "I don't want to completely cut my emotions out. Hmm..." You pause again. "This new style is supposed to be empathetic. To truly understand their suffering or anger. To that extent I need to be able to ignore everything else. Any anger I have towards them, or fear, or perhaps even doubt. If wanted to use this style then I can't be angry if they're holding you, Ming, or Ren hostage. You're the best at doing that sort of thing and given that you can do it at will, I was hoping you can teach me."

"It seems rather limiting. I mean the reason you're fighting someone is because you're angry at them." Xin Lan points out. "Do you really think you can empathize with say...the guy who destroyed the Library?" You go quiet. You weren't sure about that. You did defeat the ones who were behind that atrocity and even let them live but you couldn't say you did it because you felt bad for them. You're not sure if you could do the same for whoever sent the order out.

"Well, I suppose for now I'd try to use it against those who are simply lost. People who are simply lashing out. I think it's at least worth learning for purpose. Someone who doesn't really want to hurt others but they think they have no other option isn't the same as say a bandit or raider who sees themselves above morality." You explain. Xin Lan might have a point but you'd be glad if you could use it to pacify innocent people at least. Xin Lan tilts their head.

"There's plenty of styles for that. Or you can just hit their Chi points like you always do." They point out.

"Yes, but there's the challenge of it. It's like...writing a whole new story. Or discovering a new medicine. Right now, it's less about it's use but more about making it. We might never find it's true potential but now it exists. Someone else can find it, learn it, and take it to new heights I could never dream of. Just thinking of that...I think it makes it worth it." You eagerly. Xin Lan let's out a sigh before moving to lay on their back with a bit of a struggle.

"You're being weird." They say and you take their tone to indicate they had be placated and their worries assuaged.

"I can't help it." You say. "So can you help?"

"I dunno..." They admit. "You're asking for something weird. To not feel and feel at the same time. You know I don't work like that right?"

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"I'll need some time to think...for now go and do some people watching." They say. You give them a look.

"You know I can memorize pretty much anything I see. If this is about focus, it won't be an issue." You reply.

"Well that's the issue. Unless there's danger, it's kinda hard to force you to not care about anything that's not the mission. I mean, there is the tried and true method everyone else used to kinda do it but I'd never make you do it." Xin Lan says.

"I'm gonna regret asking but...what is it?" You say exasperated.

"Go kill Ming." They say simply. You glare at them.

"That's not funny Xin Lan. Not even remotely." You growl.

"I wasn't joking." They continue tonelessly before speaking with full range. "It was common to have recruits to fall in love with someone then have them kill them as a final test. It's meant to teach them to put aside everything for the mission. Barring someone not falling in love, they'd kill their partner. Someone they grew up with, trained with, and even did some jobs with. Stripes never told you about that did he?" You stay silent for a moment.

"No." You say.

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I do apologize for the absence anons. I fell ill with a fever over the last few days and was bed ridden for most of it. Dragons know what I caught but I'm finally up and about.
This is a terrible idea. Just. . Absolutely abysmal. Effectively using somebody else to clean our mental state out, when that person wishes to clobber us.
I'm still gonna do it. And dare the other anons to stop me, because Xin cannot be trusted to not antagonise Tigress into a rage.

>Accept the idea.
>Not sure how we would do it, but maybe being direct? Asking to Spar out of a desire to Ease the gulf, Or if she is being obstinate, Directly claim to give her the shot at validating her training. We know that we are the best master on the mountain and she trained to overcome us. Why not take the chance to surpass herself.

This second method is going thermonuclear, and will absolutely piss her off. But if it works, She might work through her shit with her fists.
Doubtfully. But she might.
Fuck man, Had something similar about two weeks ago.

Hope you are recovered and took your meds Luo.
Renshu also made a decent showing in the husbando catagory. 6 or 7 votes, I think it was.

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Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of cute pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family and make pleasant Memories.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood.

>Where did Lings come from?
The Lings claimed to have once been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also represent their relationships as well as a connection to their wider family (their "people"). It helps bind them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:

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>>Getting out of the podunk villages across the Lingdom to live and work in the Hammock with high society where you belong (and maybe run into an Imperial Prince).
>Getting out of the podunk villages across the Lingdom to live and work in the Hammock with high society where you belong (and maybe run into an Imperial Prince).
>Getting out of the podunk villages across the Lingdom to live and work in the Hammock with high society where you belong (and maybe run into an Imperial Prince).
>Getting out of the podunk villages across the Lingdom to live and work in the Hammock with high society where you belong (and maybe run into an Imperial Prince).
>Being with your friends forever.

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