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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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General? General? General?

General! General! General!
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fucking kek oridgenilly
Im 30 and currently sleeping with a 21 yo, people think im a freak lmao.

Idk if I could do any younger desu, gotta at least be able to get into a bar.
>trying to figure out how to get into data analysis or cybersecurity
There's countless degrees and courses for data analysis. I've been told if I'm to progress I need to start getting certificates and collage associated courses completed.
t. Data analyst by trade but basic admin bitch by employment recorded
A lot of dentists suck. If you find a good one, stick with him until he retires, even if you have to fly
Fell off the wagon? Get your fat ass back on and lose that weight for a second time.

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why do the people of r9k like to call themselves robots and argue who's a real robot or not? i just wanna be human
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>oh hey where'd you go? everything okay? it is a bit of my fault, should have been able to organise my time better.
no where. and really don't feel bad about it. i don't expect you to change your schedule around me and it's all in the past anyway and you're back so that's good
>Also shit I really need to go. Goodbye internet people till next time.
didn't see this but good night anon! until next time
> :(
don't worry you're here now and that's what matters :)
>hahaha yep they call it down under for a reason. i have heard that the same temperature feels different around the world, so maybe there is something to your theory.
i feel like it's something i heard from school or something when i was really young. it could be a false memory idk
>i will! maybe incorporate it into the meditation routine somehow
meditation is great i'm glad you started doing that
>who are you why are you so invested
i'm not invested and i'm nobody to you. i just don't get the fake compliment. you two have plenty of nice things to say about each other that are genuine, so why resort to flattery?
maybe i'm reading into things too much but you sound a bit upset. and no i am changing my schedule around you, it's too late for that not to happen.
>don't worry you're here now and that's what matters :)
i hope so
>i feel like it's something i heard from school or something when i was really young. it could be a false memory idk
idk much about how the weather works but it could be true. only one way to find out! (well, i could google it i suppose but where's the fun in that)
>meditation is great i'm glad you started doing that
yeah idk if i've experienced the great benefits i've heard but it's nice to be alone with my thoughts for a bit everyday.
we've both made it clear (well i've interpreted the other girl as thinking this) that we don't think too highly of our looks, and it's just nice to hear someone compliment something you're insecure about. why don't you think something nice can be said just to be nice?
right, so it's ritual politeness. Personally, I would feel manipulated if I received an undeserved compliment, even if it's well-intentioned. I'd like to know from others how they see me, not hear what they think i'd like to hear.

Board Game Edition

Previous thread : >>77242739

Ignore annoying moids

>What Board games did you play as a kid?
>Which were the most fun and which made someone the most upset when losing?
>Any stories about someone being angry over losing?
>If you could play board games with any 4 people who would it be? What game would it be?


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god I love a man who can cook
reply unrelated
I'm a twink but I'd thought I'd stop by and say hello
Twinks are women, at least that's what I've been told
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Am I beautiful (am I beautiful)
As I tear you to pieces? (As I tear you to pieces?)
Am I beautiful (am I beautiful)
Even at my ugliest? You always say
You're beautiful (am I beautiful)
As you tear me to pieces? (As you tear me to pieces?)

You are beautiful (you are beautiful)

Even at your ugliest, I always say

You're beautiful and sick like me

Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you?

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these biscuits will be good with butter, milk, and raspberry jelly.

even at your ugliest, i always say you're beautiful, and sick like me

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why havent any school shooters live streamed themselves doing it? most of them do it for fame so wouldnt that help them achieve it?
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See? You're not a nice person. You deserve to die.
>i wanna shoot little kids but some guy on 4chan made me cranky so hes the worse person
youre a bad person, accept it
I already knew that I was a bad person, but it's something that you should accept too if you tell people on the internet that they would "definitely shoot themself." That's not something that a nice person would say. They would mention Jesus or something.
when did i say you should shoot yourself? im saying it sounds like something youd do, you want to hurt people but youre only strong enough to hurt children so obviously you have a weak mind
You didn't say "should," you said "[would] definitely." But you did say it, and it wasn't nice.
The thing is that your behavior of shaming doesn't do anything to de-radicalize anyone.
I would obviously never harm innocent children. But if that weren't the case, you'd have done me no favors in convincing me not to kill children.
In fact, behavior such as yours is exactly why school shooters exist. Because people like you hate and hate and hate and never love, which is the only way to solve the problem.

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>feel nothing
thanks jews, very cool
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Post "it" if you can, freak
>if im gonna masturbate might as well do it to something I enjoy the most
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It was futa/femboys/traps, okay. I keep relapsing.
This isn't me.
Not even that bad. I jerk off to ponies and sonic porn pretty frequently.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but I don't judge because what I look at is probably worse.

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Go to a music festival this year
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Where do you find them? Is this just a German/Cali/NY thing?
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twatter and mostly by just going to the official con rave.
Oh yeah, cons. I dunno if it's really classified as a furry con outside of the name but I'll be hitting dragoncon this year at least.
You have one
I have 0 money, 0 friends, and 0 social skills so It's not going to happen

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>paid a random girl from tinder $100 to have sex with me 3 years ago
>fuck her bareback because shes stupid
>She contacted me saying she got pregnant and has a 2 year old kid
>sends me pics of the kid, he looks exactly like my aunt so i think it probably is mine
>tell her to fuck off and block her, she doesnt know my real name and doesnt know where i live so i dont think shell be able to sue for child support

Is this based or not? I thought my bloodline was going extinct but i guess i managed to reproduce now, but im kind of scared she will find me and sue since shes a trashy whore and i want nothing to do with her
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oh its a son nm, probably still true though
anon creates a future dbdr subscriber
abandoning your child is cringe, no doubt. you are a bad person.
i actually do want to have a kid since im already 29 and getting old, but i want to have it with a nice trad woman whom i like, not some random crack whore from tinder which is why i will never recognize this kid as my own
>blocking her
>not getting a paternity test

OP you are a dumb nigger

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remains a virgin
>prude, why dont women want sex with me?!
has sex
>whore, why is it so hard to find a virgin girl?!

has a crush on an attractive man
>women only want chad!
has a crush on an unattractive man
>women are so disgusting, they have no standards!
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I want to sniff a girl's armpits.
that's an AI cartoon drawing
Sorry I dont have any armpits I've licked saved.
>22 replies
originally speaking of course
>what do moids even want at this point?
we want a virgin girl who will lose her virginity to us. simple

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hehehe, I'll live vicariously through my nephew from now on.

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what's your weirdest sexual fantasy? a one that you can't even recognize where it may come from? for me it's having a cute man sitting on me while i'm holding him down, he really wants to pee but i'm not letting him go, then he's finally losing it and he pees his pants (and all over me), is obviously really humiliated by this whole event. his squirming face and embarrassment would be the main stimuli for me.
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I have posted this exact scenario on here but with a girl or femboy, I don't remember which. pretty cool
I think you nailed it on the head. I think I like the desperation.
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>aaaa it's going to come out~
This made my body want to go to the bathoom, you people are dark wizards I swear.
Giantess vore for me.

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This woman in pic related will be your wife for an entire year.

You have to have sex with her at least once a month.

You will gain a million dollars if you can last a whole year with her.

Would you do it?

Bonus: If you have sex with her on a weekly basis, your pay is upgraded to 10 million dollars. If you somehow do the impossible and fuck her more than twice a week, you will get 30 million dollars.
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this property exists
If she has no stds or anything then yeah fuck it. A year is nothing.
put a bag on her head or do it in the dark. might even be a good
>Live rent free for a year
>Have sex daily
>Get 30 million at the end of it
Yes i don't even care if she's an old hag i'm doing it
is that popcorn in bed?

Where is the pizza? edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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The main difference isn't the taste iirc. They're small and the rinds are very loose somehow, so they're easy to peel and eat.

Sleep well!
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chipi chipi chapa chapa
dubi dubi daba daba
armpits are about to make you cum cum cum
>"I can't find pizza..."
Morning thread
>"Pizza doko?"
I find it very amusing that on top of refusing to put a pizza into the pictures the ai as well gives her these sad-ish faces

Pizza denial
armpit enjoyer?!?!

goa morningoa

poor goa waited a whole night and still couldnt get her pizza

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How to get back at a bitch in high school?
Fucking whore became the head girl in 12th grade and no one can fathom that a mf in 12th grade would complain about others to the teacher but this dyke did. She made the teacher change the seating arrangement of a couple of students including the girl who was her competition in becoming the head girl even tho she doesnt talk a lot. Shes even in my fuckin bus and has made everyones life miserable. There has never been a bigger teachers whore in 12th grade
Steal her shit
these are the best years of your life they should be spent drinking cough syrup not seething about some roastie
Cameras everywhere
School Life was going fucking perfect, I and my friend sat together, this bitch just had to ruin it. We need to get back at her
Anyway, elaborate on the cough syrup plej
Don't listen to this druggie. Last thing you need to do at 18 yo is get involved with anything remotely drug related, in 2024.
Especially if you are female, you are just gonna get raped while you're high or turn into a whore for drugs

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